Chapter One

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"Cloverpaw, get over here."
"But Ashpaw is-"
"I don't care what Ashpaw is doing, he's not my apprentice. Now get over here, you need to sort out your pelt. It's a mess!" Dusksnout ordered. Cloverpaw sighed and walked over to where Dusksnout was waiting. He was always treated differently to the others. He knew why though, his mother had been a rogue, and not everyone liked her, meaning they didn't like him either. 'At least Flowervine likes me. And my father, Goosetail is so nice to me.' Cloverpaw thought.

Dusksnout called for Flowervine, who then started grooming his pelt. "I can clean my own pelt you know Flowervine!" Cloverpaw complained.
"Yes but it has to be extra neat, your Warrior Ceremony is any second now. I'm so proud of you Cloverpaw. Ashpaw and Smokepaw can't wait!"
Flowervine's eyes lit up at the thought of her precious kits. Cloverpaw sighed. It was always 'Ashpaw this, Smokepaw that.' Why didn't Flowervine look at him that way. She just looked at him like he was still a kit. Not like he was about to become a warrior!
"All cat's old enough to catch the flying birds, gather around the Fallentree for a clan meeting!"
'It's time, It's time, It's time!'

"Do you, Cloverpaw, promise to uphold the warrior code, and to protect and defend this clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do."
"Then, by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. Cloverpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Cloverclaw."
Cloverclaw dipped his head respectfully towards Rosestar, then turned to all the cats who were watching. He went to stand beside Ashwing and Smokefall as all the clan started chanting their names.
"Ashwing! Smokefall! Cloverclaw! Ashwing! Smokefall! Cloverclaw!"

That night the three new warriors had to sit gaurd in silence. It had started to rain, and the wind ruffled their fur. When dawn finally arrived, Cloverclaw felt like he was frozen to the ground. He stood up stiffly and shook out his brown fur, which was still damp and was sticking out all over the place scruffily. Ashwing was grooming himself and Smokefall was shivering, his tail wrapped around his soft white paws. Ashwing glared at Cloverclaw, his yellow eyes narrowed against the strong wind. 

Dusksnout appeared from out of the Warriors Den.
"Well done you three. You can rest today. I would get into your nice warm nests, the warriors got them ready for you. Dusksnout walked away, and Cloverclaw got up, heading for the Warriors den. As he reached the entrance, Ashwing jumped in front of him and hissed angrily.

"Half-clan rogues go last." His amber eyes were staring straight into Cloverclaw's green ones. Smokefall bounded over to where Ashwing stood. Cloverclaw, still staring directly into Ashwing's eyes, took a step forward. "I am not a rogue, let me past Ashwing." Ashwing's pupils turned into slits and with a low growl, slashed his claws across Cloverclaw's face, then turned away, into the den. Cloverclaw cried out as the claw's cut through his sensitive nose and mouth. He started bleeding, se he decided to go and see Pidgeonwing in the medicine den.

"Oh, Cloverclaw that looks like it stings." Cloverclaw nodded. Pidgeonwing sat Cloverclaw down and as he treated his wounds, he asked what happened.
"Ashwing did it." Cloverclaw replied simply. Pidgeonwing just nodded, understanding.

Finally Cloverclaw went into the warriors den, and settled down in his nest. Almost immediately he felt himself drifting into sleep.

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