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The skinny brown she-cat kept her head down as the rain fell heavily all around her. The little brown and white kit hanging limply from her jaws seemed to get heavier and heavier.

When she finally reached the Moorclan camp, she placed the kit down and yowled loudly to announce her arrival. A drenched ginger and white she-cat stepped out from the shadows, followed closely by a grey and black tom.

"Spring! What are you doing here at this time? You look exhausted, come into Camp, and bring that poor thing with you." The ginger cat gestured towards the scruffy kit curled up, shivering, on the ground.
"Thank you so much Rosestar. Good to see you Dusksnout." Spring dipped her head in respect of the black deputy, then followed Rosestar into the camp, the kit once again in her aching jaws.

Rosestar led her in to the Medicine Den, where Pidgeonwing stood, awaiting their arrival. The scruffy grey and white medicine cat sat Spring down, and inspected her for injuries.

"I'm not worried about me, I am worried about my kit." Spring said sadly. "I cannot care for him, his sisters already died, and I thought maybe he could stay here, where he could be safe. Is there a queen willing to take him in?" Spring looked up at Rosestar, eyes wide with fear and hope for the little brown and white kit. Rosestar thought for a moment, then said "I'm sure Flowervine wouldn't mind taking another kit, she already has three, but one is growing weak, and probably won't make it. I could ask for you."
"That would be wonderful."
Rosestar backed out of the medicine den and Dusksnout followed behind her. Spring groomed the kit as she waited for them to come back.

"Good news!" Rosestar reappeared, grinning happily. "Flowervine said she would be happy to have him." Spring, relieved, followed Rosestar over to the Nursery. Spring entered nervously, hoping that Flowervine wouldn't change her mind. 'Please, please take him.'

"Oh, he's beautiful. I would be glad to take him in. I'm guessing my brother Goosetail is the father, right?" Spring looked at Flowervine awkwardly.
"Yes, Goosetail is the father. He doesn't know though. You can be the one to tell him, I'm sure he will be happier to hear it from you."
"If you wish for me to tell him, then I will."
"My kit doesn't yet have a name. You can name him. I haven't had time to think of anything." Spring turned to leave.
"Of course. Bye Spring."
"Goodbye. Goodbye son." Spring nuzzled her kit one last time before exiting the nursery and walking out of the camp.

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