Camp Davenport Oc: Edwin James Montgomery

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(Here he is)

Name: Edwin James Montgomery

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Face Claim:  Levi Miller

Personality: He sometimes can be to smart for his own good, which gets him into trouble a whole lot. He is always going off on educational rants, but gets toned back by his mother or sister. He has a since of humor and slight sarcasm at times, although it's hard to tell if it is sarcasm or him being serious. He is very serious at times, hence the serious look on his face. He likes to joke around and annoy his sister sometimes. He loves everyone, and is always looking to make a friend. He is such an extrovert, he talks and talks so much. He, like his sister, but much more, has that detective personality, always looking for clues and trying to connect the dots.

Likes: taking pictures, sports, kids, being out on the open water, having fun, reading sometimes, riding horses, eating food, his family, dogs,

Dislikes: Barbie doll girls, most vegetables, yelling, arguing and fighting,  getting hurt, occasional bullying, his sister telling him what to do,

Fears: his camera breaking, not being able to help someone, dying, never finding love, never having a  girlfriend or getting kissed, getting used by others (like girls) getting his heart broken

Strengths: His need to always make sure everyone is happy, seeing small details and remembering mostly everything he sees and hears.

Role: Camper

Cabin: Beaver

Backstory: Edwin grew up in a middle class family, his father had passed away when he was very young, leaving him, his mother and sister alone and heartbroken. His mom soon remarried a old friend, who had three kids of his own. His family is now a interracial family and he doesn't mind, he finds it very cool. He has a very close relationship with his older and younger stepbrother. His always got good grades in school, he is the valedictorian for as long as they have been doing it. He is in almost every club that interests him at school. He is more outgoing​ and has many friends.

Other: He is the twin to Victoria. He is allergic highly to all poisonous plants. He tends to show off around others to prove that he isn't just a geek or nerd by bullies.

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