Camp Davenport Oc: Victoria Danielle Montgomery

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(Here she is)

Name: Victoriana Danielle Montgomery

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Face Claim: Bailee Madison

Personality: She is very polite, always respecting others. She mostly is a very calm patience person, but sometimes she

gets annoyed very easily, which is strange when she does thing that may annoy others. She is sometimes very paranoid about shadows, sudden movements and bugs, she will either run it mostly scream our is terror. She is very curious and to that she asks a lot of questions and will be persistent until she gets them. She is very sweet and caring about others, always wanting to help. She has a huge heart and is always giving love to everyone.

She sometimes can do and say cute things without even thinking. She is the type of person people like to use and only have for when they need to have someone like her. She is also very sensitive and will cry at any little thing. She is very quite and shy at times, she doesn't like being the center of attention.

Likes: Reading, marshmallows, singing and playing piano and guitar, horses, cats and dogs, making jokes and puns, being by herself, nature, animals, making friends,

Dislikes: Ghost stories, a pretty nice amount size of blood, large bodies of water, the dark forest, people scaring her, bullying, being put down, people calling her weak and a cry baby, attention,

Fears: Drowning, not being able to help someone, dying, never finding love, never having a boyfriend or getting kissed, being forgotten,

Strengths: Her patience, she has a lot of patience and it takes a lot for her to get annoyed. Her will to survive, learn and help, following rules to a T she will always do the right thing no matter what else happens.

Role: Camper

Cabin: Wolf

Backstory: Victoria grew up in a middle class family, her father had passed away when she was very young, leaving her, her mother and brother alone and heartbroken. Her mom soon remarried a old friend, who had three kids of his own. Her family is now a interracial family and she doesn't mind, although some kids at her school tease her about her "dark skinned" stepfather and siblings. She was a good student in school, As and Bs were what she ways got. She was devoted to her school work. She often got bullied and used by others who she thought were her friends. She was a wallflower who is easily forgotten by others since she is mostly very quite and keeps to herself.

Other: She can't swim she never wanted to learn after a very traumatizing event happened to her. She is dyslexic and has a hard time reading out loud and so forth.

Password One: Dapple Gray Arabian Mare

Password Two:FutureWritterLA Heidi_the_butterfly

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