@IWriteTheLight 's Selection: Princess Valencia Lillian Daniels

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Name: Valencia Lillian Daniels

Age: 17

Position: Princess

FC: Bailee Maddison

Personality: She is just the sweetest girl in all the world, she is so caring and compassionate for everything. She never judges people, and tries to find the good in everyone. She is very naïve at times especially to romantic love, she had never had a crush or anything. She is down-to-earth and modest, she doesn't take credit for anything. She like most of her siblings is always helping others, no matter who they are. She is always trying to do the right thing, even of it means "taddle-tailing" on them. She is always wearing a smile, and is always looking for the silver lining.

Fears: Rebels, she doesn't like the idea of them coming in her home, killing, harming and kidnapping people just to prove a point to the royals. Death, she hates the idea she could be no more, that soon people would forget her.

Flaws: Forgiveness, as much as it is a plus, it tends to be a flaw when that comes between her judgment. She doesn't hold grudges and can never stay mad at someone for very long.

Likes: Sweet things, second chances, having fun, spending time with her siblings, reading books, drawing, writing poems, cats, making friends, the lake, swimming, horseback riding,

Dislikes: rebels, the selected "invading" her home, reckless people, girls who want the crown, two faced people, extravagant jewelry, creepy crawlies, whining fussing girls,

Other: She has a dappled gray Arabian mare named Mystic Silver or Silvie (as Valencia calls her)

Password 1: Green

Password 2:@Offic_MayaEficent @Offic_Dovellfangirl_

IWriteTheLight here is my princess (if you need me to post it in the comments I can)

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