Highschool OC #6: Countney Levesque

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(December 22nd, 2016)

Name: Courtney Levesque

Nickname: Horse Girl, Coco,

Age: 16

Grade: 11th

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Kind, caring, sweet, compassionate, passionate, helping, sensible, mature, brave, courageous, friendly, intelligent, witty, caring, daring, risk taker,

Appearance: Amandla Stenberg

Strengths: People believing in her, people standing by her side, being took seriously,

Weakness: Her brain like freezes when something unexpected happens that bad, she, getting distracted by others around her and judging her.

Likes: Her horse, spending time with her family, being outdoors, reading books, archery, swordsmanship, running, doing optical courses, making friends, helping people, singing, the night

Dislikes: Sudden noises, being bullied, being demeaned,

Fears: People hurting her family because of her, being found in a situation from which there is no escape and never falling in love with someone, dying alone, losing the people she loves, people being hurt for no reason, being pushed around, not being cared about, being used,

*Family: Katie Levesque, she never knew her father and her little brother, Nick and and older sister, Rebecca.

*Backstory: She lived with her family in an old run down house in not a very good part of her town. She doesn't have that name friends, and the ones she does she makes sure never to lose them. She has a little bit of a trust issue with people, no fault of the persons, just a past experience that almost got her killed from trusting. She has a big heart for those who are less fortunate than her. She can be intimidated very easily with people who have a much bigger social status than her. When she was a few years younger she got into a lots of trouble, you couldn't blame her with her familiar situation, yes she made wrong choices, but she fixed them and learned from them.

-She has a horse named Lightning who never leaves her side and will follower everywhere
- she lived her family and friends unconditionally and will do anything in her power to protect those she loves.
- she works at a Horse Riding Camp director (summer)
- she is a horse trainer (in her free time for her own horse)

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