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Part 4

Sanskar took Swara's purse & stowed it behind the bar for safekeeping until she returned,tried & failed to resist the temptation to snoop through it.He rooted through a half dozen tubes of lipstick,slender leather,billfold filled with credit cards,City Corporation security ID,2 large chocolate bars & a cell phone.Nothing much of interest.Certainly nothing to give insight into her enigmatic life or dampen the flames of his ever-growing curiosity.

Something was different about her tonight.He couldn't put his finger on exactly what had changed...the tilt of her head or the squared posture of her shoulders?Maybe it was a hint of rebellion that sparked in her eyes or the way she watched him when she thought he wasn't looking.Whatever it was...the subtle difference in demeanor sent a jolt of attraction straight into his groin.

Felony house scored of pretty faces in Felony,but it was Swara who caught & held his attention.An air of reserve set her apart from the cheap girls with their heavy makeup & too-tight clothing.There was nothing aloof about Swara's big black eyes,however.Their clear depths sparkles with intelligence as they took I the room,& he had no doubt thatshe saw & heard much more than she let on.Tonight those eyes were turbulen & willful,a combination that fanned the flames of his lust.

Prithvi-You're crazy if u think you're going to tap that.

Prithvi,an imposing giant of a man with dark black hair & stormy brown eyes,stepped upto the cash register & rang in an order with quiet efficiency.

Prithvi-Chick's way out of your league,my friend.😉

Sanskar-Maybe.Maybe not.

Sanskar continued to polish the glass in his hand,absorbed in thought.

Prithvi--best friend,wingman,& head of bar security-knew him better than anyone & read his thoughts with a perception that he found irritating at times like these.

Prithvi shook his head as he poured 4 beers from the tap & set them onto the waitress's tray.

Prithvi-She's not the kind of girl to fall for your bullshit,bro.I hear she's some kind of girl-wonder,works for Rishab Khurana, practically runs the place.Girls like her don't date guys like us.

Sanskar-Hmmph.Seems the s*x gods are smiling down on me.She caught her ex & best friend in bed last week.

He jerked his head towarsmd the couple at the end of the bar engaged in an embarrassing display of affection.

Prithvi-Oh,yeah.I know that guy.He's a d*ck.(He said with his usual blunt honesty)

Prithvi-I'd do that girl he's with though.

Sanskar-Is there anyone you wouldn't do?

Sanskar shook his head & opened a new bottle of tequila for the well.

Prithvi-Said the pot to the kettle.

Prithvi looked away from the couple,his attention caught by a pair of rough looking men near exit.As he turned his head,tousled hair brushed an angry red scar visible above the collor of his t-shirt.The slash ran from ear to collarbone & gave him a dangerous air.

Sanskar-Not everyone has your luck with women,dude.U sweep through this place like tornado every weekend.Some of us have to work to get laid.

Sansksr smirked at Prithvi then returned his gaze to Sameer & Avni.They seemed oblivious to anyone & anything outside of their own intimate bubble,laughing as if they hadn't a care in the world.He'd seen the hurt in Swara's eyes as she scurried of to the ladies room.

Jaded as he was,it seemed callous to flaunt your infidelity uder the nose of your ex.That kind of exploitation was very thing he abhorred.Right from the start,he made damn sure that woman who slept with him had no expectations beyond a mind-blowing orgasm & coffee the next morning.If they had any delusion of feelings on his part,then that was their own damn fault & not his.

Prithvi-Rs.50 says u can't get past 1st base.

He said pulling a wasd of bills from his front pocket & Sanskar from his Introspection.

Sanskar-You're on.

How was the part?😀

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