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Part 5

The ladies room was a tiny four-stall affair with graffiti on walls & the dingy linolium floor that always seemed wet.Someone sniffled & sobbed from the far stall,visible only by black leather boots underneath the stall door.The drums of the band thudded through the walls,the muffled & distant throbbing like heartbeat.Swara stepped into the stall next to sniffler & drew in a deep breath to slow her racing pulse.Her physical reation to the sudden appearance of the happy couple irritated her.Afterall they were bound to run into each other eventually.Maybe this had been a bad idea.Maybe she should have stayed home until the wound was a little less raw.

She used the bathroom then washed her hands.Sanskar's phone number stood out in bold releif against her fair skin.She smiled at his arrogance & shook her head,amused.His empty flattery gave her flagging ego a well-needed boost even though she knew better than to take his pretty words to heart.

When she was done.She considered going straight out the front door & as far away from the backstabbing pair as she could get.That would be admitting defeat,however,& she was too to do any such thing.After all,she'd done nothing wrong & damned if she would validate their behaviour by running.They were the ones who should be embarressed.They were the ones who should slink away in shame.Instead of leaving,lifted her chin,reclaimed her barstool,& set about the task of getting shit-faced drunk.

Miss.Ponytail had taken up residence in Sanskar's Seat of Shame.

The girl had one hand on Sanskar's arm,rubbing the swell of his tatooed bicep with a sly smile on her crimson red lips.Upon seeing Swara,Sanskar deserted the new girl,grabbed two short glasses & a bottle of Sanskar Daniels from behind the bar,& took up the empty barstool next to her.

Sanskar-That's some crazy shit,them showing up here like that.

He said as he filled both glassed & pushed one towards her.

Sanskar-I admire ur control.I probably would've punched one of them in the mouth.

For the millionth time that day,she withered with embarrassment.She decided to pretend indifference to cover her shame.

Swara-I don't have any idea what you're talking about.

Sanskar-That.Over there.

He jerked his head in the direction of the happy couple.

Sanskar-They're having a bit of a disagreement over wheather to leave or stay.Seems ur presence has shaken them up a little.Wanna know what they said?

The question gave birth to a dozen more emotions that she didn't want to face.A flush crept up her neck & into her face.The heat of it burnt her cheeks.

Swara-Didn't ur mother ever tell u that eavesdropping is impolite?

Sanskar-She did.

He admitted with a flash of dimples.

Sanskar continued-But I learn the most interesting things that way.

She considered crowling inside her peep-toe pumps & never coming out.It was bad enough to be at the center of a devastating breakup but to rehash with Captain Varun-a perfect stranger-was beyond demeaning.Sanskar stared at her with a half smile curving his full lips,ark eyes serious & watchfull like a cat stalking a mouse hole.

This was some kind of twisted game to him,a test to see if she measured up to whatever standard he had set for her.

Swara-Thanks for the concern but I'm fine.

She tossed back the shot & slammed the glass down on the bar in one smooth motion.

Sanskar-I thought I was cut off.

He grinned & refilled both their glasses.

Sanskar-Seems like I misjudged u,Popsicle (an icy lolly).You've got a higher tolerance than I thought.

Swara-Don't call me that.Why did u call me that?I hate it.😬

Sanskar-Call u what?


She glared at him.😕

He grinned again,mischief flashing in his dark eyes.

Sanskar-U remind me of Popsicle--sweet & cool--with a stick up ur a*s😉😝

If anyone else had said that to her,she would have been offended but the way he said it with such obvious delight over his own cleverness--well it was adorable.She bit her lip to hold back a smile.

How did he do that?How did he make her want to laugh when everything had gone so horribly wrong?Even more troubling was the sweet pang of attraction she felt for him when her former fiance stood a few feet away.

Swara-Shouldn't u be working?

Maybe he would take the hint & go away.

She had so many wayward thoughts to work through & his tempting presence only distract her.

Sanskar-Probably,but this is way more fun.

He tossed back his own shot.

Sanskar continued-I consider this part of my job.U know--customer interaction.

The focus of his gaze left her face,slid down to her pink polished toes,& lingered for an indecent amount of time on her cleavage.The sinful look violtaed every prim & proper notion she had ever had about herself.Infact,it turned her on in no.of ways,most of which God & ex-Marine father would never condon.Thank goodness she wasn't religious & her dad was on a trip to the America.

A quick glance on Sanskar's shoulder revealed Sameer staring with shock & disapproval...or was that jealousy?

Sameer had never looked at her that way--not even in the beginning when their relationship had been fresh & new.(Kyuki Ye haq sirf Sanskar ka hai😂😜😉😂)

Maybe it was alcohol talking,but a sudden desire for revenge swept over her like a rogue wave.Sameer didn't like Sanskar & never had.It would bruise his considerable ego to see that his spurned fiancee had moved on to someone else so quickly,that she had replaced him with someone like Sanskar.She straightened to her barstool.If Sameer expected her to sit at home,bawling her eyes out,he was sadly mistaken.

She turned to Sanskar.

Swara-I suppose u think u can solve all my problems.

She kept her tone light & flirtatious,the way she'd heard Avni talk to guys.

Sanskar-I'd like to try.U want to make that cheating bastard jealous?Maybe we need to remind him of what he's lost.

Once again he was in her head,anticipating her thoughts.He grinned & bit his lower lip.The gesture drew her gaze to his wide mouth.Full,sensuous & slightly pink those lips looked as if they'd just finished kissing someone😗😍😘.The thought sent a pangs of desire shooting through her womb.She pressed her thighs together to stave them off.

Sanskar-I'm there for u,Sweety.Whatever u need.

Swara-I didn't think one-on-one was ur thing.

Sanskar-Well,ur friends can come,too.

The dark eyes gleamed.

Swara-If u pardon the pun.

Sanskar-It's a generous offer,but I wouldn't want to get lost in the crowd.

She attempted to toss her head,wobbled drunkenly,& grip the bar to stabilize.

Swara-Maybe u should go ask Miss.Ponytail over there.She seems to have a thing for u.

She nodded in the direction of Sanskar's Seat of Shame,to the somewhat wilted blond who watched them with disappointment in her eyes.

Sanskar-Yeah,she's willing...but girls like her are a dime a dozen.

He shrugged & leaned down to her.

Sanskar continued-U on the other hand...

With his mouth lingering millimeters away,his breath washed warm & soft over her ear.

Sanskar-U take my breath away & always have.Say the word & I'll ditch her.We can take of ur mind off those problems you're having.Consider it a birthday gift from me to u.

They stared at each other.Sammer-Avni were forgotten.Sanskar's boldness shocked her & sent her wavering b/w amused disbelief & turned on.A lifetime of experience taught her that guys like Sanskar weren't interested in girls like her.They went for long-legged beauties with easy smiles & short skirts,not shy curvaceous girls with eating issues.

With sigh,she ran a finger around the edge of her shot glass.This had to be some sort of prank.The endlesa parade of girls through his Seat of Shame suggested that he could have any girl he wanted--so why her?

A glance over his shoulder at Sameer-Avni steeled her nerve.The hell with her insecurities.The promise revenge tasted so much sweeter.

Swara-Maybe we can go somewhere & talk about it.

Her words shock her but she took the leap,her confidence buoyed by the disapproving glares of Sammer-Avni.

Sanskar's dark eyes narrowed as he weighted her sincerity.Her breath caught at the saultry stare.She might be the tiniest bit over her head.Guys like Sanskar took no prisoners & she could be his next-albeit-willing casualty.He jerked his head toward the back hallway.

There was only one reason Sanskar took girls into the back & everyone knew it😉😎.Throwing causion to the wind,she abandoned her barstool & followed a few seconds behind him,noting with satisfaction Sameer's open-mouthed surprise & Avni's tight -lipped frown.

How was the part?😀

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