Jhat pat/Mine in a blink of an eye (Part 8)

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Story copyright by MehweenGR. Picture credit to its rightful owners.

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The highway route between Karachi and Hyderabad was smooth. The sun had risen bathing everything in yellow orange colour. Ifrah wanting to feel the freshness of morning air, pulled her window down only to roll it up again due to the polluted air; exhaust emissions, fuel and lubrication system leakages amongst several other things.

When she coughed, Hatim with his eyes fixed on the road, patted her back and told her to take the mineral water bottle and drink some from it. Once she settled, soon her smile returned as she watched the happenings on road,  viewing the scenary passing by.

After driving some more Hatim announced to her, " lets take a short breakfast break at next service station. Mama packed aloo paratha, suji halwa (our regional style) and some more items. I was thinking that we save the homemade food for you and I will buy something from dhaba.

(Dhaba: roadside restaurant)"

Immidiately Ifrah protested, " theres no difference between me and you. I will eat what you will eat. But because Maa made everything with so much love and effort, you will eat with me."

Hatim's lips curved up into a smile, hearing his dearest wife refer to his mother as "Maa". It sounded even more beautiful than his name coming from her mouth.

Her mouth; her words sweet as Misri (rock candy). Hatim thought to himself as he followed the sign of next service station. 

With a horn he changed the lane and finalised her nickname; Ifri- Misri. He smirked not sure how she will perceive this pet name for her. Naturally he thought of the nickname she could give him and the first option which came to his mind made him burst out laughing.

This made Ifrah ask him the reason for his sudden outburst of laughter, but before that let she him park the truck in a quite corner. Instead of giving her an immidiate reply he told her to wait for few more minutes.

Pulling the truck plate below the headlights, there was a thin tray type which some trucks had, on which drivers sometimes slept (very uncomfortably). Quickly wiping it clean, he laid a few newspapers on it and opened the tiffins and put a spoon in the halwa. Atlast he placed the mineral water bottle and chai thermos flask. Wiping his hand on the cloth with which he cleaned the repurposed table, he plucked a few yellow flowers from the grass nearby and opened Ifrah's side of door.

He kept his free hand stretched out for her to take as she slowly stepped down. She was slightly fearful to climb down facing the front, but he stepped on the last step and clutched her hand tightly saying:

"Dont look down, look ahead or at me. I am holding your hand tightly... Ifrah, I wont let you fall down. Trust me-" he spoke in soothing tone.

Within seconds she was down, but instead of letting go of her, he gave her the tiny flower bouquet made in two second by himself. The truck's height was shielding them from almost everyone or making them appear as miniatures. Luckily no truck or other vehicle was parked close enough. 

Ifrah with teary eyes took the flowers from his hand and in low tone responded:

" Thank you! You really make me feel special". 

Smiling at her, Hatim held her hand and brought her to the improvised table. His gaze fixed on her face to witness her first reaction. The minute her eyes spotted the set up, her hand flew to her mouth as she cooed:

"This is so adorable and romantic. The most unique breakfast date idea ever-", Hatim brushing the compliment off, "its nothing spetacular, but thank you for passing it as date. C'mon lets eat before our eating time gets short".

Just before she sat down, he put his shawl on the stone for her. He first offered her the food before digging in himself. Scanning the surrounding and with noone still nearby, he feed the triangular paratha slice using his hand to her. 

With his hand nearing her mouth, she placed her hand over his and guided their hand to her mouth. Although the food had gone cold, yet a moan in delight escaped her mouth and Hatim out of the blue spoke:

"I hope you dont mind me feeding you directly with hand!" 

His statement rised Ifrah's cheek colour as she mumbled, "No it feels quite good and..... ummm sensual. By the way, thank you for this lovely first breakfast date. People in foreign countries, actually plan such getaways on pick-up truck once in a while to get away from the modern lifestyle and instead experience some back-to-roots feel. So if someone in Pakistan's lifestyle includes such things than this too is worth mentioning and appreciating."

Ifrah finished her acknowledgement with zeal and passion. And not just that, but also discreetly pressed his right hand below the improvised table and continued it for a while, until he blushed and said:

" I think you should stop doing that, although I love it. But I am afraid of the reaction of my body in certain way. Call me from 1920 or even older generation, but whenever we see each other, come close to each other; each and every touch, contact of it feels like a firework inside me. Its like this must be the height of ultimate joy. Its a wonderful feeling".

Hearing his words, Ifrah was reminded of one of the lectures she had once heard in Inayah's saturday islamic classes; that men who keep their gazes lowered and dont deliberately look at women, are easily aroused by even the mildest of contact with their wives. In todays times, where men need constant and various change in stimulation, such (pious) husbands are rare diamonds to get. After all which wife doesnt prefer, that every little part and ways of her are enough for her husband to be physically attracted to her.

Smiling dreamily at him, she responded to him, " take it as a hand massage, your hand and fingers must be stiff from keeping them in same position on steering wheel for hours".



Breakfast was soon over and Ifrah's nature call kicked in, so she assumed that the highway's service station had clean toilets, since Hatim had mentioned in beginning of their journey about hygiene toilet. So when she announced to go, Hatim stopped her saying:

"I never said that the service station are meant for you, I have a portable one (Porta Potty). Probably my most expensive purchase in regards to my profession. But its worth it and I feel proud to use it instead of doing my business in open; on roads, bushes etc and making my country dirty. I dont even feel well doing it in water- or soft drink bottle and throwing it out from the window. Many truck drivers say, who has the time and money to invest in these "chonchle". Forget this expensive one, they dont even want to use simple urine bag. Saying that its all embarassing. However I believe its more shameful and ill-mannered act to relieve yourself without caring its impact on others.

The ones who live nearby or have to clean it are humans too. Surely it would be great if the road maintainers or whoever would maintain public toilets especially where truck drivers frequent alot, but until the responsible parties dont do their task, I guess the common man should do their own environment friendly arrangement. 

Although my voice and pocket doesnt have the power, yet I too would love to make a positive contribution for my country, for the society. I guess by taking up the hurdle of maintaining etc this portable toilet, I am hopefully doing something meaningful and more truck drivers might get inspired to use one too.

Anyway if you dont want us to share the portable one, I can use the special bag. I have cleaned your one thoroughly with its special cleaners, in sha Allah you wont catch any illnesses." 

After briefing her, he left her alone, closing the truck door behind him. Using the time he too used the urine bag, which was a clean affair, since it immidiately turned the liquid into a gel inside the bag, which was odourless and discreet to dispose.

Once they both sat in their seats in the truck, there wa a split second of awkward silence which Hatim eventually broke by saying, "sorry for the unglamorous trip". Ifrah in respond, placed her (sanitized) hand over his (sanitized) hand and replied:

"Its ok and I think you shouldnt constantly call yourself less-educated. You are more educated than so many others. Sometimes there are public toilets etc nearby yet many men dont use it". Ifrah shuddered when an incident of many years ago crossed her mind again related to this topic.


To change the topic, Hatim told her about the next approaching city, " we are soon passing by Taiser town; many ethnic groups including my own reside here. Unfortunatly its a poor city with severe wastewater (sewerage) issues amongst many other issues, such as garbage, drinking water etc. Nevertheless its always nice meeting your own people out of city.

Anyway talking of meeting people, do you still remember the first time we saw each other; you taking notice of me? How did you find out about me?

Ifrah chuckled at his questions, but of course she still remembered the first time she took proper notice of him. Adverting her eyes from the happenings on road, where ocassionally donkey carts, rikshaws passed by, alongside many trucks and quite a few coaches but also expensive cars. Instead she gave a side glance to Hatim and replied with a wide yet shy smile:

"No romantic story awaits, dear husband... umm by the way, whats your petname?-" When Hatim didnt immidiately respond she carried on with her own answer:

" ok, so Nisha, Inayah and I were made to sit in same row in school and thats how our contact started, we spent time together during breaks etc and so our friendship grew, we would do homework together, slowly go to each others house during weekends too. Naturally we spoke about our family, origin etc. So I knew that Inayah had a brother. Ocassionally you would pick her up with bike too before you got a car.

 I dont remember seeing your face during that time, I had no opinion of you. 

The first time I properly saw your face (without being aware that its you), was when I accompanied Inayah to her home and there was funeral prayer going on inside the entrance of your gated community and you were the only young adult boy who was praying along. 

Other boys around your age or even slightly elder than you were just standing nearby on the other side watching the funeral prayer instead of joining the congregational prayer. And I thought to myself, this boy must have been raised so well to attend funeral prayer. Even in my own community, unless its immidiate family members death, young male adults dont attend funerals, funeral prayers saying the elders in family will do all that. I dont know wether they stay behind in mosque for unknown funeral prayer but atleast the known ones (date/time) almost none of the young male adults join.

And obviously as time passed I found out that it was you; Inayah's brother whom I had seen praying funeral prayer for a person from the gated community. Than obviously over the years I got more glimpses of your personality either in your home or when me and Inayah were travelling together in your car, you both dropping me off to home because my driver didnt make it on time or was required elsewhere by my family".

Before responding to her narration, Hatim lovingly cupped her chin and joshed:

"You talk so cute my Ifri-misri and I am surprised Inayah didnt mention my petname to you. Ok..... so within our family my parents lovingly call me 'Hati' and my dearest sister cant resist making Hati one-liners". 

(Hati: in urdu means elephant)

Ifrah let out a belly laughter saying: " how did I not guess this petname?! Shall I call you Hati or something else? Although the Disney elephants are so cute. Plus the one-liner 'Hati mere saathi fits perfect for me to call you".

Hatim's instant respond was a no, saying, "please anything except Hati".

"Tim? Timmie? Hat?" Ifrah immidiately started giving options and he whinned playfully:

"Nooooo, something nice. Something romantic. Something which only you can refer me"

Ifrah continuing her teasing, "so the husband dearest wants something romantic?! How about sartaj?" her tone suddenly turning serious, " I would love to call you sartaj and alongside have a cute elephant image in my mind. You know theres a very famous and good wheat flour brand. The logo has an elephant with a crown. To me this symbol in reference to you now means, that you give me strenght, you are my pillar, you are quality (the best husband material), your a keeper (once tried, you dont want noone else), your expensive (in terms of rare personality). So yes if I ever call you Hati, know that I have such reference for you in my mind. But if you dont wish for me to  call you infront of your family Hati, because it might appear disrespectful, than I am more than ok to call you by your name- Nothing comes before your Izzat. But yes, I think I would feel shy to call you sartaj infront of everyone. So I guess it will be Hatim; and in my mind sartaj Hati.

Jumping on her teasing bandwagon, whilst holding her hand, he asked:

"And what will you call me when we are completely alone?"

Ifrah blushed as the few close enough moments so far shared appeared before her eyes and also potential future scenes; scenes which included them rolling around under bedsheet; his lips, hands and more deactivating her capability to think in a positive way. However right now she was feeling a little too shy to reveal the possible future scenarios to him, although they included noone else but him. Yet she decided to play safe and also really believed in it:

"when the time will come, it will come out spontaneously".

For a moment there was a brief silence with Gaddap town passing by and Hatim gave a quick statement:

"Gaddap town; one wont believe its part of Karachi too. Lots of greenery, mountains, water ponds. Mini honeymoon kind of place-". 

The word honeymoon reminded him about something else he wanted to discuss with Ifrah, especially because just a few moments ago she was in high spirit and he wanted to discuss this with her before she went to Amsterdam even. Hatim's playful mood from earlier on was replaced with nervousness. So far he had never heard of a woman reacting cool about it, yet he felt that he should discuss in time and if needed be, have enough time to go about it as per his wife's wish. Cautiously he touched the fragile subject.

"... talking of honeymoon, Ifrah, what is your take on moonh dikhai?.... listen, your my wife now and soon you will find out everything about my personal financial status anyway-". Hatim paused and took a deep breath before coming to the point.

"Ifrah, through my sister I found out (post Nikah) that the only thing your kind of fussed about is the need for an english toilet and that you cant or dont use desi toilets. And as you know we dont have any english toilet in our house. And our living arrangement wont be changing anytime soon, so I have decided to invest the moonh-dekhai juwelry amount into get an english toilet fitted in our room and perhaps an AC too. The fan by far is not enough on hot days. Me and my family have only known ceiling fan, but in your house so far I have seen AC in many rooms".

He than quickly chipped in, "of course my parents will give you a juwelry set at wedding time, but that will be from them. And I dont take false credit. Also generally I stay in my financial limit, I dont spend more than my affordibility and neither in favour of taking loan, not even from my own family members. But if you will insist of wanting a juwelry or similar as moonh-dikhai or because the society will ask you about it and you want something to show, than I will borrow money, because under all circumstance I want to get the english toilet fitted for you. 

I wonder how you previously managed to use washroom in our home or that this wasnt a reason for you to reject the proposal. After all one cant compromise on toilet type. Even at proposal time you didnt even mention and thats why all the more, I want to give you this most needed basic thing".

In response, Ifrah mumbled, "I rarely drank and if I did need to use toilet, I would take trouser and everything off and than use all the while hoping I dont loose balance etc". She than spoke further in loud enough tone:

"Thank you for your plan! As for society's sake; well people shouldnt ask such questions, besides that  the world should know that perhaps the husband gave a very personal girft which cant be shown to public-" Sensing his earlier tension, she wanted to bring his smile back, therefore in amusing tone she spoke:

"But Hatim, I still want moonh-dekhai THAT night". 

Hatim's eyes squinted and he opened his mouth to ask her what she wants. But before he could utter a word, his darling dearest wife spoke, leaving him mesmerized of her beautiful soul.

"Hatim, on that night, I want you to fall so hard for me, that I am sufficient for you in every way. My heart, mind, soul and body gets so engraved in your being that you can love me through anything in life. I want you to promise me respect, love, support, cherishing, kindness and more on that night and in case if life becomes hard, you would recall your words and promises and still abide by them, just because on our wedding night you had promised me all that. As for material gift, YOU are my gift. As my moonh- dekhai, you pray to Allah to give you a long, happy, healthy life. Theres no greater gift than Allah giving barkat in your life.

And yes dont even stress for elaborated honeymoon. I'll be ok with accompanying you somewhere to your work semi-long distance route in truck as our honeymoon outing". She completed her opinion and as soon she stopped talking she saw him stop the truck on side lane. Before she could ask him the reason, she felt his arm around her shoulder pulling her a little closer to him without Ifrah falling in the gap between their seat or Hatim loosing control on the steering wheel with his other hand, he quickly yet deeply gave her a kiss on her mouth. The tongue only making its presence felt after her tongue lightly nudged him.

The journey continued alongside their conversations. Ifrah at one point asked him, wether he will go on longer trips whilst shes gone abroad. His reply reminded her again, why no other man appealed to her the way her now husband, Hatim did. 

In his deep voice he replied, "No. I have never been on long journey (OTR- over the road), which requires me to be away from home for weeks atleast. We live in a gated community with almost everyone from my ethnicity, yet when women are alone or theres only an elderly man looking out for his family, some men still take advantage of  the situation. Also with me coming home atleast every 24 hours, I can participate in home responsibilities; outdoor errands, taking mum, dad and Inu wherever they need to go.

 Besides that in our gated community, there are many old widows or generally elderly people whose children dont live close  by or too busy etc, so I take up their responsibility too. I believe, despite having been a weak student in education, yet I managed to get a driving license (and later on truck license) is a big gift from Allah. And than having my own personal car, I believe I should put it to good use. Unfortunatly many other young men in our "neighbourhood" are not willing to do any favours for the elderly and these poor souls experience so much difficulty and dependency. So since several years I have made it a routine, that keep your shopping lists ready and I will do your grocery too when I will go for our home. Giving them lift, I do if I am available.

This helping neighbours out, has started when I was 12. The elders especially elderly widow ladies daily need rotis from outside, so my dad made it a routine that whenever I go out to buy yogurt or roti for home, I  had to call out or knock on their windows and ask them if they need it too. And than it became a habit and as I grew older, my help expanded too. In return I would receive duas or little treats from them.

I dont know, if you know, but my parents since several years now are in charge of taking care of our gated community's internal matters such as organizing funerals, transportations for attending weddings, managing finances of our community, settling disagreements between two families but also often are included between married couples problems where elders are involved".

Ifrah interjected, "yes Ifrah has mentioned this few years ago. I think your parents took this position, because noone else voluntered". Hatim than corrected her, "No some of them would have taken this duty, but their sons didnt want their parents to take up community's responsibility, constantly attending to people's needs which meant that theres always someone ringing on door. But I believe, this help is a contribution and help for the people  too. A single yes of going out of the way for others earns us many prayers.

After paying toll on M9, they soon passed Edhi village and for a while they both discussed Edhi Sahab (May Allah grant him jannat ul firdous) greatness. With the topic of charity work, joining good causes and doing something positiv for society being discussed by the couple, Hatim suddenly touched another subject.

"Do you want to know, what is one of the most amazing thing I noticed about you in all these years? I have always admired how you carry few extra small bottles of mineral water or sandwiches with you. And whenever a needy person approaches you or you spot one you give it to them". He sported a wide smile as he lovingly kissed her finger one by one, with Ifrah holding  her breath to control her wildly beating heart.

Her gaze flicked over to him as he brought her hand to his chest and placed it there. With his hand over hers, he stroked her hand, making her feel desire coursing through her vein. To gently end his act, she gave him a similar compliment.

"And do you know which is one of my most favourite memory about you? Remember several years ago, you and Inayah were dropping me home and in traffic a rikshaw hit your car. The driver was so guilty for the caused damage and was on the verge to cry, perhaps too scared of the charges you would demand. When he was constantly apologising you simply said; its ok and let him go. No police involved, no demand to pay for your damage. 

This was so noble of you, Hatim. Otherwise nearly everyone cause a scene." Thinking about Hatim's reaction that day, a sudden affection for him overcame her and she reached over, placing a tight lipped kiss to the cheek nearest to her.


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