Jhat Pat/Mine in a blink of an eye (Part 9)

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Story copyright MehweenGr. Pictures belong to their rightful owners.

Another chapter written in great distress. Please excuse for any shortcoming in story. But I dont want to let my loyal readers down by taking a long break. Your love and support via votes and comments motivates me to write further. So keep them coming. 

Happy Reading !

Islam is perfect, muslims are not.

Couple is Nikahfied, expect mature content inbetween multiple times, in terms of discussion/act.


With Hyderabad only being 48 minutes away, Hatim felt more relaxed and hopeful to reach Shah Warehouse on time. Hatim offered Ifrah to take a nap, since she had woken up way too early in the morning, but she refused, saying:

"I know that when I'll be in Amsterdam, I will be recalling each and every conversation and moment we shared. I want to gather as many memories as possible till than.... so tell me more about your friends, your hobbies". She looked up to his side profile.


Each time I look at him, I notice a new detail of him, another detail to save in my memory. Right now my focus was on his ears, they were perfect to brush my lips over them and slowly nibble at the earlobes. Hatim's side face profile especially his ears, I have noticed so many times in past, but back than I averted my eyes. Also when he laughed about something with Inayah. But now I could look at him to my hearts content and I was making full use of it. My gaze slowly wandered from his face to his beard covered cheeks than to his lips which were moving away, telling me about his best friends.

" I have 2 close friends; Shakeel and Asgar. Shakeel is a tailor master and 3 years elder than me, married with family. Asgar is 29, he is a local bus driver. 

Shakeel is like an elder brother, when elder men; truck drivers tried to teach me about s*xuality and all; Shakeel aswell as papa thaught me right from wrong. I have lost quite alot of my innocent mind on road, my ears and eyes have heared and seen way too much. No wonder my father was initially not too thrilled of me going out in the "wide" world where all sort of people especially men (much) elder than me teaching, introducing a hardly 20/21 year old boy s*xuality in wrong way. 

But Papa and a good elder than myself best friend helped me see right from wrong and how a woman should be viewed, the real definition of a real man etc. Mama believed that constant good upbringing and prayers would keep me on straight path. And that being on road would broaden my vision and self confidence.

My other close friend; Asgar and I mostly talk about our works, given we meet which is every few months, but our friendship is still intact. His mother is in a wheelchair whilst his father has multiple chronic illnesses-" I nodded my head and thought about Nisha, with whom since several weeks I hadnt properly spoken to. The last I heard from her, was that her daughter had started to reject gatherings, closed places, places which required rules following and etiquettes. Her daughter was neither making any speech progress, her interest in mobile phones especially youtube was increasing day-by day and once she sees a phone she demands to have it and cries until she doesnt get it. For her daughter's sake, Nisha drastically reduced her own usage of phone and other screen devices.

It was only natural of me and Inayah to tell her to go by flow and that she can get in contact with us whenever it suited her; be it weeks or months, in worse case even years, Friendships doesnt mean regular contact, meeting up. Rather allowing the opposite person to maintain friendship as per their convenience.

I came out from my thoughts when Hatim was talking about his hobbies.

"Hobbies- flying kites, enjoying rain, time spent with family and friends. I also cherish spending time in mosque after prayer. Its so peaceful. When I am home and something has gotten me very angry from work or anything else, I try to pray next prayer in mosque and spend some time there. I reflect on the issue there, I come up with a decent solution there and let go of the anger. If going mosque is not possible, than I just go silent, avoid interacting with anyone (unless necassary talk) and go to sleep. And when I dont eat (at home), my family too dont eat properly, which makes me feel very guilty later on. 

Would you help me that I dont crawl in a shell when I am angry? I would love to surround myself with my family even if something else is getting me angry. Family time is so limited and precious to seclude myself because something has gotten me angry"

I stared at him for a long moment, my gaze fixed on his lips, which he caught and gave me a brief glance but the wide smile he gave me reminded me of the moment when he unveiled my face post Nikah. I still remember our families were sort of scattered around us, yet I took notice of his serene smile.

A smile which reached his eyes.

A smile which came from the core of his heart.

A smile that reflected his inner happiness.

And right now more or less over nothing very paticular, he gave me that dazzling smile.

My world is complete- I thought to myself.

However I was surprised that he didnt mention sleep as his hobby, so I asked him and his reply was worth framing.

" Sleep- a large part of it better be reserved for grave, because thats what we will be doing till day of judgement. For now sacrifice atleast some of it and serve Allah's mankind especially family. A single yes or if sacrifice of my sleep can help anyone in need of a help or favour, is worth sacrificing."

I closed my eyes, memorising the depht of his statement.



Arriving at Shah Warehouse I killed the engine. Just as I was about to get off the truck, Ifrah too reached out for the handle saying she wants to stretch her back and walk a little. But before she could open the door and step down, I stopped her.

Warning: slightly mature

"Ifrah! listen- " I gently touched her elbow turning her more towards me. Her hijab was in double layer dangling between the hollow of her bosom. I held the edge of both the hijab ends, just than Ifrah curiously looked down at my hand movement.

For a split second my hands paused in the act. I could clearly see her chest rise and fall. My eyes landed on her globes and I took sneaking glances. The sneaking glances turned into staring. Everything about her assets screamed youth, freshness, attraction, a feast to a man's eyes. 

The last fact however made the disgusting remarks and all by the various men I meet or come across whilst on duty or even off duty, went off in my head "oye what could her size be" (when a woman pass by them, look at a magazine, watch videos...)/ guess her age by her breast shape / masturbation stories involving images and thoughts of female breast/ things they would love to do involving her breast and most of all try to get a peak of it and if the dupatta moved saliva collected in their mouth, their eyes almost widening to floor level.

Anger started to form inside me, thinking how little respect many of my gender folks had for women; regardless how she dresses. However I wanted to protect my wife, my izzat from pervert, lecher and the likes gazes and dirty intentions. So I continued barely audible:

"..... your so beautiful and attractive. But the Gheerah inside me  dont want no other man to view my wife the way only I can-" saying this I unfolded the hijab layer and spread it out over her bosom, covering her mounds.

I looked up to her face and her luscious pink glossed lips caught my attention. Because I kissed them earlier on, I knew that they tasted of strawberry. Once again I couldnt help and demand another favour, though I had a feeling I was shooting myself in the leg.

" I know I am making myself very unpopular and this is probably not how the 21st century functions, but way too many men surrounding my work field; pure male work fields are female-starved humans or better said animals or worse. The glimpse of a woman is enough for them to salivate (mildly said) and when shes beautiful/beautified, young and attractive its like all festive ocassions in one day. Your lips.. your captivating lips... could you please wipe this lipgloss- ?" 

Before I could give my puzzled looking wife an explanation a man stood by my door and finally announced that they will start unloading the truck and that I dont have to help unload.



I consider myself a modern Hijabi and believe that once  my hair is covered, its an enough big sign for men that I dont wish to be seen in se*xual light by non-mehrams. Everything else I do is for myself, part of my styling etc. I know that my Hijab is not the proper hijab as pescribed in Islam,  but I am not a perfect muslimah or humanbeing. However one of the reason for marrying Hatim was to increase my Imaan. 

So here was sort of my first encounter in this direction. After we got off from the truck to head to the nearby shopping center (Hatim saw a sign board on the way to warehouse), within seconds Hatim's words became reality.

 Like ants attracted to honey or sugar, one by one the unloaders came around the truck to have a look at me , or rather scan me from head to toe in slowmotion with their eyes wide open as if they were undressing me with mere looks. One of them even had the audacity to wink at me whilst another one drove his tongue over his lips in a very sleazy manner.

Hatim was still by his door side involved in discussion with the consignee. Yes I have recently joined a social media group for trucker's family members, in which I come across many facts, terminologies and more surrounding this profession. One thing is for sure in this field; you and your spouse lead a complete different lifestyle.

Anyhow right now I was glad, that I had removed the lipgloss and although Hatim had spread out my Hijab over my bosom, yet I did a double check wether the covering was still in place. For a moment I wished I had Inayah's loose Abayah to fully cover me. 

Living in Pakistan (or any south asian country) one is sort of aware (unfortunatly) that compulsive se*ual behaviour are largely seen in the men here. But somehow I have never encountered in this manner before; group of men gawking at me like a zoo animal.

I immidiately turned my face away from them, covering my mouth and tip of nose with one end of my hijab. Feeling slightly safe, I couldnt help thinking how my heartbeat increased positively as my husband; the only one who has a right over me, over my body looked at my assets in admiration. I felt wanted and desired.

However it did feel strange to me, that he actually covered my breast and also wanted me to remove the lipgloss. I was sure, no man really looks at a hijabi's breast closely and make up I do for myself or in happiness. 

But it seems my intention are not perceived likewise by female-starved men, as seen here at the warehouse. The consignee, who was dressed in shirt and tie and appeared educated, gave me an equal dirty scan from head-to-toe. As soon as Hatim noticed his disgusting intention, he stood before me as a protective shield and his tone became firm and he ended their conversation moments later but before that telling him in angry tone "... and one should think of ones own female family members alongside be aware that Allah is all-seeing".

Hatim than placed his hand lightly on my back and we walked out of the warehouse gate to spend 2 hours roaming in shopping places and nearby.



I knew that we had alot to discuss after the last few minutes in truck before getting out at warehouse. On our way out  towards main road to hunt for a riksha, I picked up the topic again:

"Please say something about my action and demand. Ifrah, I know that I made you kind of cover up, I made you remove your lipgloss. I am aware that Islam is not a religion of force and its ones own journey to strenghten Imaan more and more (by the will and guidance of Allah). But even for safety reason, I didnt want any man looking at you cheaply. These sleazy men say, when a woman herself puts herself on display why not look, why not have a feast.

Remember I said today that my ears (and eyes) have witnessed way too much over the years on the deepest of se*xualized thoughts etc of such men  on women. Its "maal...maal...maal. Mast item, Lazzat ka samaan" and many many more degrading terms which they use on women. 

(tharki/lust language- Maal: high quality female in terms of lust. Mast item: great female for lust purpose. lazzat ka samaan: item/ideal female for se*ual pleasure. )

As for the lips, they say " if you want to know her private lips, check her upper lips (on face), study her mouth and lips as she talks as that gives away her mouthwork on you-" my hands fisted into a ball in anger over their remarks as I revealed to my wife the filthy thoughts of such men. I felt disgusted, yet I wanted to explain my "demand/act".

In my upbringing I have been thaught that regardless how a woman is dressed, shes to be treated with respect and gaze should be lowered.

Finally Ifrah spoke on this issue, " as a hijabi I have no intention to attract non-mehrams. Make- up I do as part of my dressing and to express happiness. Today all this made up was out of joy and pride. I wanted to show how happy I am to be seen with you. Nothing else. I will be honest, at first it did feel unusual that you personally covered me up etc, but after we got off the truck I was glad.

And yes as I was taking my lipgloss off or after you covered me, I wasnt angry at you, Afterall I feel a sense of completeness with you and such small things dont affect the feeling of love. If anything than every minute in which I was a step closer to real hijab, a sin less was written by the angel on my left shoulder.

My heart soared and I gave a gratitude prayer to Allah and promised Ifrah:

" Ifrah, just because you (would) block out all ways to appear attractive etc to non-mehrams, it doesnt mean that I wont make up for it. I am aware, that especially hijabi, niqabis crave equally attention and validation etc from their husband. And I promise, I will make up for the entire worlds compliments etc towards you. 

I wont be a husband who wants his wife to preserve all her beauty for her husband but not give her anything in return. 

Should the world bring your beauty down, because for Allah's sake you cover yourself, know that when you will come before me, every part of me will be praising your beauty, your attraction and most of all your heart and soul.

And yes, just because I dont want any non-mehram to view my wifes beauty and attraction, I will never keep you grounded within four walls. 

Also your taqwa journey is still your own thing, my only little wish is that my wife doesnt become the source of sleazy etc men "dawat e aam/khuli tijory". Surely they dont spare modest women either, but atleast the woman feels safe that theres nothing interesting for them to look when they let their dirty gazes wander".

(dawat e aam: open party invitation for men to objectify female to hearts content. Khukli tijori: open locker/juwelry box)



Right now we were on our way back to Karachi. It was 4 pm. After our conversation, we went to Hyderabad shopping area, where Hatim constantly insisted me to select things to buy for me. But I politely denied. The prices were too expensive. However at food court, I finally said yes, but added:

"Would you mind buying two burgers and giving one to a needy outside? Now that your my husband I will confess, that sometimes I take our maid and her young children to a nice eating place and give them treat. I believe that these people would love to have a change in taste too or for once not eat someones left over/cold food etc. My parents dont see the point of such outings with them, saying that its enough to give them basic grocery. But I want them to experience a proper dining out too. So yes, it would make me happy to see my spouse, my partner for life being part of the things which are close to my heart (only if he feels like it)".

Hatim and I were fully in high spirits again as we drove back. We were talking about when we realised our feelings for each other. I blushed before giving my answer.

" Few years ago, Maa rang Ifrah to enquire about your whereabout, since you were meant to come home 3 hours earlier. Hearing this, all sort of negative thoughts went through my head. Out of concern I secretly rang up all hospitals, police stations in Karachi to find out wether an unknown person or a person named Hatim Aziz was admitted/reported.

 I had never taken such a drastic step before. My stomach churned and I was crying hysterically. To calm myself I told myself that your not related to me in any manner, but these thoughts didnt provide comfort to me. And this is when I realised that I felt more than admiration for you. Back than it was enough for my mind to know that your ok, your fine even if our marriage would never take place"

Even today re-calling the countless "Hatim-is-not-home-yet" bring back the same panicked feeling. Hearing my story, Hatim placed his hand over mine affectionately and said,

"I am truly blessed to be loved by you. 

For me it was no one paticular moment only. Countless small and big moments turned into the feeling of SHES the ONE and somehow whenever the discussion of ideal girl was on, only you came to my mind.

When I first started to like you, I didnt know what to do about this feeling. I told a friend back than and he said to ask you out. Papa sensed my liking too and he strictly told me that your reputation etc should be my first priority and that I should watch my feelings. I should first learn deen and dunya, make myself worthy of you. And in case if in several years, the feelings increased and not mere crush or infactuation than we will take matter to proposal level.

I thought of proposing when Inayah first time revealed that proposals have started to come for you". 

Our conversation was intrupted by the crackling sound coming from the CB radio, the man on the other line said " Brake Check". Immidiately I blurted traffic congestion ahead and Hatim gave me a thumbs up, " your learning fast, I still cant remember all codes and Lingo from head".

So at next opportunity Hatim stopped the truck at a truck station, which luckily so far was less occupied and parked the truck in a secluded corner. The compartment was now a little more than half filled with National food cartons which we picked from Nooriabad. We decided to stretch our backs, but due to heat in compartment, we left the door for a while open, to let the cool afternoon wind come in. ( No room available- thats what they were told)

We laid down on the light blanket which Hatim had brought along from home, the snacks bought from Hyderabad between us. The freight compartment was full of scratches and not glamorous at all, yet it all blurred out as Hatim intertwined our hands and looked at me with such tenderness as if he was holding the world in his hand. He too looked around the compartment and said: " I wish there was a free room where I could take you for rest. I am sorry for the rough life". His face tensed and dissapointed in himself.

I placed my hand on his bearded cheek and whispered to him, "lock/close the compartment  door". He than switched the small light on and lay down beside me. I immidiately held his hand in mine and we fed each other snacks in teasing manner. The truck compartment was soon filled with our giggles and laughter. Feeling elated I spoke my mind:

"Hatim, if I wanted luxury and comfort I would have said so or wouldnt have voiced to accompany you on this trip. Hati, my Hati with crown, I want to experience your life on road, spend as much time as possible in/with truck so that I get some feeling of what you go through. I dont want to lead my seperate little luxury life which is the far truth from yours and claim to understand your life without walking in your shoes. I want to merge with your soul in every way. Hatim Ifrah Aziz wants to dive in your world. Dont seperate me from you, let me breath the air which you breath. Let me experience your world". 

Before I could speak further, he put his arm around the side of my body and pulled me closer to him. Our breaths mingled, nose tips touching. With a smile he lifted my chin and spoke in low tone:

" I love you. I wanted to kiss you for earlier on (about the warehouse scenario). By the way you can use some none or light shade of lip make up in a better environment, if it makes you happy. Afterall marriage is about compromise". 

And with this he leaned over and pressed his lips at the corner of my mouth and trailing them slowly over my lips. I was filled with desire and firmly held onto his shoulder, allowing him to take me whereever he wanted. My body responded to his touch by pressing my body to his. 

A sense of heavy protective blanket engulfing me kicked in. There was nothing but warmth and protectiveness in his embrace. 

With his mouth and lips telling me a lovestory without words, his hand making a beeline from my arms till my waist, where he found the daaman of my tunic shirt and slipped two fingers in the small space and drew tiny circles on the bare waist. I held my breath at the new unfamiliar yet delicious sensations washing over me.

(Daaman: shirttail).

Warning: (slightly) Mature

A moan escaped my lips, which made him spread his palm below my slim fit shirt and move further on my spine. Drowning in the pleasure of the havoc his touch was creating in my body in various regions, with my eyes squeezed shut, I threw my head back and bit on my lower lip to control from gasping aloud.

My hand sensually running down the side of his sweaty neck all the way to the collarbone. My exploration was stopped as he clutched my hand and kissed every inch of it, making my heart lurch in my stomach, my toes curling. 

Suddenly Asr Azaan echoed from the city's loudspeakers. With a jerk I pulled away and sat up reaching  for my hijab, which my husband dearest had slipped off with a single tug of the hijab pin earlier on. Within seconds desire evaporated and I was reminded that Hatim still had to deliver and we still had considerable amount of driving left to do, alongside not the best environment to consummate our marriage.

Once Azaan was over, the oblivious me of certain male issues, turned to my husband who was shifting a little uncomfortably at his spot and told him, 

" happiness and romance doesnt require glamour. Love and care doesnt need  or have to be luxury".

 The mini picnic in this compartment will be etched as a very special sweet memory of ours together from early nikahfied days in my mind in the years to come."


My wife's heartwarming words couldnt have come at a more suiteable moment. It served as a great distraction from the awakened boner in my shalwar, caused by our passionate kissing and some fondling. Its unbelieveable how some men claim, that its hard to be turned by one woman only (on long term) let alone wife or extra ordinary things are required to be aroused (including limit crossing)

How sad that they have polluted their eyes and minds with filth, that they are deprived of the gratifying feeling which can even occur from mild contact itself with wife.

Amidst of the pleasant enjoyment, calming the hardness was not an easy task. In order to divert my attention from it, I paid attention to the ones words who was amusingly also responsible for the silent yet prominent reaction in my lower body. 

Through breathing technique and slowly changing position alongside not thinking too much about my body's need, I tried to reverse my condition. Technically there was no harm even if my wife found out the state I am in, but the wise say, that a girl who has never been with a man before, she needs to mentally adjust herself before she can bear the sight of his erected manhood. 

Keeping this in mind, I have uptil now never disclosed to Ifrah, how her nearness effects me in regards to arousal. 



"...... he made you use WHAT ?" I looked at my daughter horrified. Before Ifrah could repeat or explain again her husband's so-called good intention or that she only felt a split second of awkwardness but thought of people who didnt even have this much facility, I gave her a stop hand sign.

".... I dont even want to pronounce it again let alone get in its detail (portable toilet), and you used it without blowing the hell out of this jhanglee janwar husband of yours. He wanted to marry a princess, but doesnt even know the basic. Anyhow, he wont be spared" and with this I took my phone and dialled his number and curtly said: " Son of  a b****d, come over RIGHT NOW!! Let me show you what a real washroom is".

Shraddhakim, this was dedicated to you! :D

The useless man aka my son-in-law soon arrived and the minute my eyes landed on his sorry excuse of a face, dripping of no class, grace or sharpness, all my pent up anger unleashed on his face- My flat palm with manicured nails met his cheek with a smooth sharp sound which left my palm tingling but my mother heart in satisfaction.


Thank you for reading this long chapter! How was it? Were you expecting such events to take place?

Hatim made a "demand" to Ifrah. Was it ok for him to do so?

What should a woman do when she is being objectified?

Ifrah's definition of happiness and love- Do you agree or should she raise her demands?

Finally the slap by Ghazalah- justified or overreacting? Most of all how will this slap affect Ifrah and Hatim's marriage (its a known fact that no [desi] man bears a slap by a woman) ?

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