6.You Are My Love

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Hey guys I am back with another one shot. This one is a little serious one with a sensitive plot. Hope you all will like it


It was around 4 in the morning, the lavish Maheshwari Mansion which looked quite from outside was actually not as quite as it appeared. There were sounds coming from room on the right on the first floor. A young man of around 26 was twisting and turning on bed drenched in sweat and blabbering something.

Man: No...Please stop.Dont do that to her. She is a kid.

Listening to his shouts a middle aged couple ran upto him trying to calm him down

Lady: Sanskar.. Keep calm.. No one is doing anything to anyone.

But sanskar was unaffected and continued his blabberings

Ram: Sujata hold him tight

Sujata held him and Ram injected a sleeping injection in his system making him quite and slipping into deep sleep.

They covered him properly and came out worried. Listening to sounds Sujata's sister Janki who came to stay with them for few days came running worriedly. Sujata answered her unasked question.

Sujata: Again that nightmare. Oh god why that incident happened with my son. He was in 12th grade only and witnessed such a heartless thing. He changed from then. He totally changed. Ramji janki please do something. Bring my old sanskar back (crying) 

Janki: Sujata. I have an idea. Make him married. Trust me only his wife can bring him out from his past

Sujata: but who will agree to marry him?

Janki: Any unknown family. Till when will this injection be effective? 

Sujata: Till tomorrow morning after that he will normal like nothing has happened. Next night again he will get these attacks. 

Janki : Good.. this injection will help us. Don't tell them about attacks. I know about a family who has shifted here few years back. They have a daughter. Her name is Swara. She is doctor. She will help us in his treatment and will be perfect wife for him.

Sujata: But how can we lie to them? 

Janki: I will handle that. 

Next day they went to Swara's house. She was sweet and simple girl. Sujata got impressed. They didn't tell Shekhar and Sharmishtha about Sanskar's attack thats why they happily agreed for this proposal. They fixed the date of next week for their wedding.  Sanskar stared Swara and he felt an unknown attraction towards her while she blushed under his gaze. She appeared to be someone known to him but he brushed away his thoughts.  Sanskar took Shekhar's permission and took Swara for a long drive. 

In Car

Sanskar: Music? 

Swara: yeah sure😃😃

He switched on the radio filling the car with a sweet melody. 

Sanskar was continuously starring her and she was blushing. They had a constant smile on their faces imagining their future together. 

Sanskar was happy since the day she entered his life. His nightmares were reduced making sujata and Ram relieved. 

SwaSan started spending time together. Their courtship period was blissful. Both had fallen in love with each other but were shy to confess. 

They were in park walking hand in hand. 

Sanskar: You are not talkative. 

Swara: Sometimes some incidents leave their bitter effects on your life changing you completely. (sighs) 

Sanskar: I too have a bad past Swara. 

Swara held his hand in hers

Swara: I hope our past wont affect our present and future.

Sanskar: It wont swara. Trust me we will be healing each others pain. 

Swara saw genuineness in his eyes and hugged him. He too wrapped his arms around her. 

Swara: I trust you Sanskar. I wanted to tell you everything on the day we first met. 

Sanskar: Shh. We will talk about our pasts after marriage. 

Breaking the hug he pecked her forehead and then dropped her home. Both were feeling a relief at heart to get someone so understanding.

It was swasan's wedding day. Gadodia mansion was decorated like a bride. In evening baraat arrived and Shomi did arti of Sanskar and welcomed him inside along with the other Maheshwaris. 

 Some pre wedding rituals were going on when a lady approached Shomi

Lady: Shomi ji you used to live in barsaat na?

Shomi: Ji. But that was long back. 

Lady: Oh! Hows your other daughter who got raped at a very young age? 

Shomi's face turned pale listening her

Shomi: Yes. She was Swara only

Lady : Oh! You told this to the groom and his family? 

Shomi: No but Swara told she had a word with Sanskar regarding this. 

Lady: Oh thats nice. I am really happy for her. After having such a bad past she is stepping in beautiful future... My blessings are with her. 

Shomi thanked her and got busy in her work but there were three pairs of ears who were terror stricken. Those were of Sujata, Ram and Sanskar. RamTa looked towards sanskar and found him frozen to his spot. They tried to go near him but he stood up and ran from there.

Swara was just then descending down the stairs and was shocked seeing the scene.

Shekhar: Ram ji.. Where has Sanskar gone?

Ram: Just give me an hour Shekhar ji. I assure u he will marry Swara only.

Saying this he and Sujata ran after Sanskar. People started gossiping. Swara was teary eyed thinking that he also left her after knowing her past.

But deep down she had a belief that he would come to her. She had trust on him. She sat in mandap closing her eyes, waiting fr him while listening the taunts.

Here Sanskar was running aimlessly on road with tears continuously flowing down his eyes... Some flashes of a girl were revolving infront of his eyes shouting for help. 

RamTa were trying to stop him but he was not listening.. Suddenly a car came infront of him and he fall down getting injured minorly.  RamTa came and carried him to a nearby hospital for his dressing. He got slight injuries in head and hand. 

Sujata: What are you doing Sanskar? Dont tell me because of her past you will leave her? I dont think you have such mentality. 

Sanskar: Jis ateet se itne din bhagta raha.Wo aaj samne aa kr khada ho gaya hai. (The past from which i was running away these days has come infront of me today) 

Ramta were shocked.

Ram: You mean Swara is that...

Sanskar: Yes dad she is only the one.


Sanskar and his four friends visited his grandmother's place when they were in class 12th. Sanskar had always been an obedient and shy kind of boy with lots and lots of values. But his friends were opposite to him. 

One night they were returning from a village bar all were drunk but sanskar was in his senses. He had only one glass. Suddenly they spotted a girl going.

Ravi: Come guys lets hav some fun.

All laughed and agreed but Sanskar protested

Sanskar: This is not right. Dont do this

Mohit: If you dont want to do then dont.  But dare not interfere.

He showed his gun to him. He was son of a politician and was a spoilt brat. 

Mohit: You know very well what I can do.

Sanskar got afraid and sealed his mouth.

Four of them went towards the girl and she was none other than Swara.. She was already afraid and was taking big steps but now she was trapped as all four surrounded her.

Ravi: Come baby.. Lets enjoy.

Swara: n.. No... Please leave me.. I m getting late.

Mohit: Give us pleasure darling and we will surely leave you.

Sanskar was watching all this with helplessness.

They caught her, ripping her clothes off her body took away her dignity making her life hell.

She kept on shouting for help but there was no one and sanskar.. Well he was really helpless and was cursing himself for making such friends. He then too tried searching someone for help but as soon as mohit caught him moving. He showed his gun to him making him helpless. 

***flashback ends***

Sujata(crying) : Forgive me son.. Its all my mistake.. I only forced u to do this marriage.

Ram: There is no use of crying now.

Sanskar: How will I face her? (hiding his face in his palms) I am living in that guilt since years of not able to save her. Those nightmares still kill me. 

Ram: No more crying now.. You had no fault then. You were helpless. But not now.  Now come and save her from further defamation. She needs u right now. 

Sanskar (wiping his tears): Yes dad.  I will marry her. I love her.  I will give her all the happiness which she deserves. 

He got up and they all moved towards the Gadodia mansion.  On reaching there they heard the ladies were taunting Swara. 

1st: No one can accept this type of girl  See he also left. Afterall he also has some reputation.

2nd: And I know they will never come back. 

"Can we please proceed with the wedding? I am here. " says sanskar standing on entrance while all looked at him in shock. Shomi Shekhar took a sigh of relief while tears of happiness rolled down swara's eyes on seeing her belief coming true. 

Sanskar came near swara and held her hand wiping her tears. 

Sanskar: I'm sorry swara. I left but now I promise I will never leave you. Now no more tears in your life. 

Swara with a smile hugged him. They sat in mandap following all the rituals. They took seven rounds of the pious fire promising to be together in every up and down of their lives. Then sanskar filler her hair partition with holy vermillion and made her wear the nuptial chain. The priest announced them as Husband and Wife. 

Sanskar(whispering): Welcome to the family Mrs.Maheshwari.

Swara blushed listening to him. 

After a teary bidai they headed towards Maheshwari Mansion. After some post wedding rituals Sujata dropped her to Sanskar's room which was now hers as well.  She sat on the middle of the bed with a long viel waiting for him. After some time he entered inside. He sat before her on bed and removed her viel taking a clear view of his beautiful newly wedded wife. He held her hand and said

Sanskar: Swara before we take this relationship ahead, I want to tell you my past.

Swara looked at him squeezing his hand in order to encourage him to further say

Sanskar: I got to know about your past today swara and never in my dream had i imagined that my past would be linked to you. 

Swara(confused): Means? 

Sanskar(taking a deep breath): Swara I was the part of the gang who raped you.

Swara felt sky fell on her head.

She went lifeless.. Sanskar was standing bowing his head down. 

Swara(blabbering) : ra.. Rape.. Rapist..

Sanskar: No Swara No. Listen (tried touching her)

Swara(going back) : No. Dont come near me. You are a rapist. A heartless creature.

She slapped him hard across his face.

Swara: I was shouting like hell sanskar. Shouting for help. Pleading to leave me. But you all were animals.. You dont know how much I struggled throughout my life. My parents had to listen so much. My case was also shut because you all stuffed the court with money. And now when I thought I got a true life partner then no. Destiny again joked with me(holding his collar) why you did this haan? God bless that person. I dont remember him but he was the one who covered me and dropped me home.. But you. Chiii

Sanskar: I am sorry swara but please listen to me once. I was not part of it.

Swara: Is it?  Then too you didnt save me? No no no.. I cant trust you
I want to go from here now. I can't stay with u.

She leaves from room and finds RamTa standing there.

Swara: Mom.. Dad.. I am sorry but I cant stay here...

Sujata: I can understand your situation swara. I support you. Do watever suits you. But dont go at this time. Its already very late. Stay in my room today. You can go tomorrow.

Swara nodded and the next day she left the house without saying anything. Nobody stopped her as they knew she would not listen to anyone. It was hard to make her believe that sanskar was helpless. Shemish also didnt opposed her and gave her time to think.

Like this 3-4 days passed. Sanskar was drowned in guilty thinking about the destiny's plan. His love was the victim of a shameless thing and he couldn't save her and now she hated him the most. 

On the other hand Swara was equally in deep pain. She had started feeling for him seeing his care and nature. She had seen so many dreams about her post married life but then her life turned upside down. Her love was his rapist. She locked herself in room and only cried. Sanskar tried calling her but she switched off her phone. 

 After one week she was reading the newspaper when she came across the news of four rapists getting caught by police with the help of Sanskar Maheshwari. Those were the same people who raped swara. They were roaming around freely and still molested innocent girls.

Swara thought that there is something more to the story which she doesnt knows. She decides to meet him. She goes to MM and everyone gets happy to see her back.

Sanskar: Swara

Swara: Sanskar What is all this? Is there something I dont know? I want to know the truth.

Sanskar tells her the whole story and then reveals that he was the only one who wrapped her in his coat, made her drink water and dropped her home.

Sanskar: Swara Please believe me. I wanted to stop all that but that time I was not that much mature and seeing the gun I got afraid. But now I dont fear anyone. Thats why I reopened your case and got them caught. Please forgive me swara. Please forgive me. I love u. I can't live without u..(teary eyes) 

Swara was in tears listening to him. She ran to him and hugged him tightly.

Swara: I am sorry too sanskar. I should have listened to your part of story but I was so much lost in my past that I couldn't think of anything else.

Sanskar: Shh... Let it be.

Swara: I love you sanskar... I cant live without you

Sanskar was on cloud 9 listening to her confession. He pulled her and twirled around in happiness making swara squeal.

Putting her down he looked at her luscious lips and then towards her. She closed her eyes parting her lips giving him permission. He gently cupped her face and placed his lips on hers kissing her gently. It was a slow, soft yet passionate kiss. Swara knotted her fingers in his hairs responding to the kiss with equal fervour. Breaking the kiss breathing heavily they joined their foreheads smiling.

Next day Swara properly took over her duties like a perfect DIL and wife.

Everything was smooth and happy. Sanskar gave swara time to adjust as she was not comfortable to take the relationship forward.

After 3 months

Sanskar came back from office. RamTa were out of town to meet some relatives. Swara opened the door and hugged him. They shared a kiss and sanskar went to room to freshen up.

WHEN he came out he finds the room decorated with all candles and roses.

He was awstruck seeing his wife in red saree with no makeup.

Sanskar: Swara.. What is this?

Swara: Sanskar.. I want something today

Sanskar: Yeah say na

Swara: I want to be yours in every aspect(blush)

Sanskar: Are you sure swara? You really want this? I dont have any problem in waiting

Swara: No Sanskar. I cannot wait more.

She said shyly and hugged him hiding her face in his chest..

He smiled seeing her and carried her to bed... Discarding their clothes, intertwining their fingers.. He reduced the gap between them marking her as his... The night had no end. The moon and stars blessed the love birds who slept as soon as the first sun ray hit them. They were united as a single soul.

After an year they were blessed with twin girls SWATI SANSKAR MAHESHWARI and SHAGUN SANSKAR MAHESHWARI. They lived happily ever after.

****The End ****

Sorry guys this was on a serious plot. Sorry if you got bored 😶😶😶

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