Chapter Thirty Five

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Juliet waited patiently for Romeo to come home, but as she looked at the time, nearly four hours went by. She fiddled her fingers nervously. She knew the king hated her family, and she wonders if the king hated her as much. She remained in the guest room nearly all night wondering if saving Jose was a success.

Anger began to rage in her body. She couldn't believe that her family was capable of murder. Now here is Jose at the verge of death because of her stupid family's decision. She wished that if only she were with Romeo right now. She was willing to help. After all, she knew how to fight.

Her thoughts were interrupted when her phone started to ring. She looks at the caller ID and saw that it was her brother. She answers it. "What do you want, Matteo?"

"So it is true. You know everything." He says silently growling in the  background.

"Yes. I do. I can't believe you all are murderers! How could you do this to Romeo and his family? Most especially, your own fiance! She loved you, Matteo! She trusted you!"

"It wasn't my fault! It was grandfather's idea!"

"Regardless what he tells you to do, you do not betray the person you love! Did you even loved her?! Or was that all just a plot as well?!"

Matteo remained silent on the phone. He let's out a frustrating sigh. "Yes. Everything was a plot, but my dumbass fell in love with her. And I still do love her."

"Matteo." Juliet whispers.

"But I cannot let my feelings get in the way of my family! Rosa and I are a family now and I will protect what is mine. Neither you or your fucking boyfriend will get in the way of it!" With that, Matteo ends their call and Juliet couldn't help but have some sort of bad feeling that something will happen very soon.

Romeo was still stunned with Sebastian's revelation. He was a Montague! He was his own uncle! "But how is that even possible?" Romeo asks.

"Meh. One night stand pregnancies tend to happen." He shrugs his shoulders as if it were a normal thing.

"But why has grandfather never mentioned you before?"

Sebastian thought carefully. "When my mother found out she was pregnant with me, she went to visit Lord Lorenzo Montague. But it was too late. She arrived at their home finding father at the altar with some woman. As much as she wanted to tell him, she wasn't willing to break a marriage so my mother raised me herself and she did a very amazing job, don't you think?" He smirks.

After carefully observing Sebastian, he truly did have those same powerful emerald eyes. "So if you're grandfather's child, then you're next in line to the Montague estate."

"No, thank you. I prefer being the king's loyal guard and butler." He gives him a sincere smile. "But I think it is best if we talk after this." Sebastian pulls out his gun and pulls the trigger, nearly killing the last guard. The man quickly dodges the kill and comes out from hiding, shooting at Sebastian and Romeo making them hide inside a room.

With a quick glance, they knew who was shooting at them. It was Peter. Romeo knew that he would have to encounter him some time soon. He has to get rid of him first before killing Alejandro.

Sebastian places his hand firmly on his shoulder. "You need to get out of here before you get killed."

"No. I am not leaving. I'm gonna fucking kill that son of a bitch!"

"Romeo, Romeo! Where are you, little Romeo?" Peter calls out from the hall. His footstep draws near. Both Sebastian and Romeo takes cover, waiting for Peter to come closer to finally kill him.

As Peter enters the room they were in, Sebastian lunges his entire body at the man, causing him to fall. Sebastian punches him on the face to make him lose conscious, but Peter pulls out a knife that hid in his pocket and stabs him right on the side. Sebastian hisses in pain, but remains strong as he holds down the knife that is on Peter's hand and slams it down until he let's go.

As soon as he let's go of the knife, Sebastian grabs it and stabs Peter directly on his eye. Peter wails at the pain, but Sebastain doesn't stop as he twists the knife further and further into his skull until the sounds of his cries dies down.

Sebastian gets off the man and leans on the wall still holding on to his side. "I'm getting too old for this job." He chuckles.

Both of them laugh until suddenly Sebastian gets shot in the head. His lifeless body sinks to the floor. "No!" Romeo cries out.

In came Matteo with a gun in his hand. His eyes held mischief in them as he decides if he should just end little Romeo right here, right now. "Long time no see, Romeo." He gives an evil smirk.

"Matteo." He hisses the name he long despises.

"You've grown to such a fine young man." He scoffs. "It was no wonder why we've never seen what this "Prince Dante" looked like. And it looks like the king played along with your little scheme." He points his gun right at Romeo. "Oh, but don't you worry boy. The faster we get this over with the better."

Romeo grins. "Why don't we settle this in a more... manly matter?" He throws his gun at the side knowing that the decision he just made may be the most stupid one yet. What if Matteo shot him at that certain chance he got? Luckily, Matteo agrees. He throws his gun on the side.

"Very well. I should've ended your life since my wedding night." Romeo lunges at Matteo pushing him right at the wall creating a crack on the dry wall. Matteo hisses and starts punching and hitting Romeo with his elbow.

They push each other right off. Matteo swings a punch right at Romeo's cheek, but the young man manage to get back on his feet punching Matteo right across his nose. The sound of his now broken nose brought satisfaction to his ears. Romeo did not stop there as he lunges forward causing the both of them to fall to the hardwood floor. He punches Matteo left and right continuously, violently. He let's out all his frustrations from the past.

The sudden memory of Sofia's innocent smile appeared in his mind making Romeo lose control. He did not stop and no matter how much Matteo tried to fight back, the impact from the young man's knuckles made a huge blow right across his face causing him to lose conscious. Romeo lifts Matteo's head and smashes it continuously on the floor until the sounds of his skull crack and the sounds of bloody mush comes to play. He stops and looks at the lifeless body below him. He smiles in satisfaction and that smile withers to sadness as he screams to the ceiling all the frustrations that bubbled up inside him. He screams and begins to cry. All the memories of his late family, even his own uncle whom he's recently learned about was too much for him.

That's when he knew that he is the last Montague alive.

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