Chapter Thirty Four: The Other Montague

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Shots were heard from outside as Romeo and the guards held their guns, carefully approaching the old run down building. The building was very familiar. It was the same place where Matteo would smuggle his drugs.

Romeo prayed that his dear friend was still alive.

Juliet wanted to come, but he forbid her from following.

Romeo's phone pinged a message and he took a quick glimpse on what the message had said. A smile formed on his face when his father texted him saying that he and Jose will be having a little brother or sister. He couldn't wait to tell Jose the good news, but first they need to save him.

Sebastian quietly unlocked the door while the other guards smoothly knocked out and arrested the ones who stood watch.

Sebastian and Romeo quickly made their way inside looking from left to right and hiding themselves in plain sight.

Another shot was heard and they followed the sound together with some muffled cries of a man.

As they got closer to the sound, there stood a lifeless Jose. He was hanging on the ceiling with a pool of blood below. Romeo's eyes were filled with terror as he sees his best friend and brother dangling in the ceiling. He was too late.

He looks around for someone to blame until he sees a familiar man, Tybalt. He was all by himself in the room. "What... I thought you loved him!" Romeo yelled as he ferociously approached Tybalt with a high intent to kill. He grabs Tybalt by the collar and pushes him hard on the wall. "Why?!"

"Because he killed my mother!" Tybalt yelled.

Romeo looked at him as if he were stupid. "You are the most stupid piece of shit ever living in this earth! Your good for nothing grandfather, Lord Alessandro Capulet is the one who killed your mother! She was the only Capulet I trusted two years ago and she helped me investigated my parent's death."

"Your parents? Wait. The prince is..." Tybalt couldn't believe his ears. He believed his grandfather and killed his lover, and the man his lover protected and loved dearly was Romeo Montague.

Romeo laughed at seeing the fear in his eyes. "Yes Tybalt. I am alive. And you won't be."

Tybalt cries out. "No, wait!" Bang! Romeo shoots him right in the head with no mercy. Tybalt's now lifeless body falls on the floor. Romeo continues to stare at nothingness, not knowing what to feel. His family is dead. Mercutio is dead. Now, Jose is dead. It felt as if everyone he is close to and loved are all dying before him.

"My Prince. I will send a clean up team. It's best if you go back home." Sebastian says as he approaches Romeo and squeezes his shoulder. He felt the young prince's pain. He saw both of them grow together. Sebastian looks at the corpse of Jose and frowns, but later smiles. He was proud of the boy. He was headstrong and protected everything he cared about. He prays that the boy will find peace in heaven.

Romeo slowly gets up, swaying like a drunk not knowing where to go. The Capulets always take everything away from me!

He leaves the rundown building and into his vehicle. He drove with an unopened mind as his thoughts were focused on killing... killing those who hurt him. He was unaware of where he took himself until he stops in front of a mansion that did not belong to him. On the gates said "House Capulet."

Two guards held their guns out and saw Romeo exiting his car. "Who is it and what business do you have here at this late hour?" One guard said.

Romeo didn't answer. He acted as if he couldn't see them. His eyes held no more life in them. He slowly approaches them. Both guards held their gun. "Hold it right there! Don't mo-" Romeo was quick as he pulls out his own gun, shooting the both of them right in the head. Luckily his gun had a silencer so the noise didn't echo around the property. He opens the gates and drives inside. He parked his car in a secluded area and walks towards the giant doors of the Capulet mansion.

Romeo chuckles to himself realizing that his hard work finally paid off. He made sure that the Capulets lost a large amount of their riches to the point where they couldn't financially afford guards. It was sad that they could only afford those two men at the front gate, but knew very well that their paychecks always bounced at the bank. But he can't underestimate Alessandro. He knew very well of a highly trained guard named Peter, but he cannot waste time of searching him to kill first. He will just stick to his suicidal last minute plan and kill everyone that comes in their path.

He opens the doors of the mansion and was met by Juliet's father, Rodrigo Capulet. "Looks like we've encountered some sort of pest in our own home. What are you doing here, my prince? Or rather, Romeo Montague." The man grins at Romeo.

Romeo pulls out his gun, pointing it directly at Rodrigo. "You should've killed when as a child when you had a chance."

"That, we should have. But who would've thought that a rat like you would be this successful."

"Yet here you are, having the guts to go against the crown?"

Rodrigo scoffs. "Oh, please. You are not even a real royal. I'm only after you, not the king. But on second thought, it is possible. I can get rid of the king and the Capulets will be the next in line to rule Verona."

"With what money and power? I made sure that your family won't have a single penny left in your name just as how you did to me." He gives the man a knowing grin. "And once I am done with you and your family, there will be nothing left for the Capulet name. I will make sure of it." And with one smooth pull to the trigger, the bullet pierces through Rodrigo's leg, causing him to fall on the floor.

Rodrigo screams in agony as he holds his wound, pushing it down to stop the bleeding. Romeo chuckles at the pathetic sight before him. "You know what?" Rodrigo was unable to look at him as he was more focused on the pain on his upper thigh. He tries to breath calmly, showing he wasn't as affected as Romeo would hope. But it only angered Romeo being ignored so he smacks him right across the face with his gun. "Listen to me when I'm talking to you, you dumb fuck!"

Blood trickled down the man's face with a hint of stinging sensation. His eyes bore straight into Romeo's own filled with burning rage. He wanted to kill the boy, but he knew that he didnt have a chance. "You are just so fucking annoying. You know that, old man?" He points the gun right at Rodrigo's temple. "Where's your pathetic father and son?" He licks his smiling lips.

"Fuck... you." Rodrigo grunts before being shot right in his temple, letting him fall to his death.

"One less Capulet to worry about." Romeo shrugs as he explores the mansion for his next victim.

He walks up the stares. His back is against the wall as he tries to observe each room careful and with ease. He enters one room and as he was about to exit, he quickly draws his gun nearly about to shoot the one person who would help him. "Man, what the fuck Sebastian!"

Sebastian lowers his gun. "Master, this is pure suicide! You cannot just step into enemy territory like this! What if you actually got killed?! How will I face your father?! The man will have my head!"

"Dying is the least of my worries, Sebastian." Romeo responds coldly as he walks pass him and exits the room.

"Master. I understand your hatred towards the Capulets, but this is not the way it should be! Let the law handle them!" Sebastian tries to reason with him.

Romeo quickly turns to him. Their faces are just a mere inch apart. Anger raging in the young man's eyes at the words of Sebastian. "Where... was... the law when my own family was killed?" He growls.

"What happened to the Montagues was a tragedy, but I know that Sofia would not want to see what you had grew up to become! And you are not the only Montague alive today, boy!" Romeo was confused with his words. His eyebrows sketched together as he looked at the man before him. Romeo steps back and asks what he meant. Sebastian takes a few deep breaths. "I am your grandfather's bastard."

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