Chef di Angelo/Artist di Angelo

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I put on the clothes Will gave me still kinda big but very comfortable it's a black shirt and grey skinny jeans which were baggy on me just a bit

Kinda smell like him

No bad Nico remember what your Dad called you it's not okay to like boys it's how you ended up in this situation

I walk out the kitchen and see Will waiting patiently I wave at him and he grins

That smile...

Nico no.

I walk to the fridge and scan the contents of vegetables and fruits and other healthy stuff and head to the cabinets seeing health stuff again

Health freak okay I can work with that

I start grabbing vegetable broth and rice and put it on the counter and go to the fridge grabbing the mushroom and see a pretty much-dethawed chicken. I look at Will

"Where you gonna use this chicken," I ask and he shakes his head

"Nah I just started thawing it out and would use it for something nothing planned to go ahead," He says and I nod

I grab the chicken and put it in the empty sink and then go to the cupboards and see fettuccine box noodles

That'll do

I look for alfredo ingredients and luckily Will had everything I need

Alright Nico time to blow Will's mind with your cooking

(Time skip cause I wanna)

I smile at the meal and make Will a plate and set it in front of him realizing he fell asleep

Even asleep he is hot as hell

No bad Nico

I shake him gently and he wakes up and rubs his sleep from his eyes

I smile "foods done," I say and he looks at

Homemade chicken alfredo with mushroom risotto

He smiles "Italian?" He asks

I smirk "sì stupendo. Sono Italiano" I speak

(yes, gorgeous. I am Italian)

He blushes and I look at him "what" I ask

"Nothing" He mumbles

I tilt my head and he sighs "I took Italian in high school" He says giving me a smirk

I blush darkly "o-oh um just eat the food"I mumble flustered

He chuckles giving me an amused look and takes a bite of the food and his eyes widen "holy hell" he mumbles taking another bite and I laugh

"This is so good!" He says

"Mama recipe," I say smiling fondly

"She should cook dinner for us sometime," Will says

I sadden "maybe" I mumble he gives me a look and I ignore it and clean up everything

Will walks in while I'm doing dishes and jumps on the counter sitting on it

"What you wanna do?" He asks and I give him a look and look down

"I kinda sleep for a bit honestly," I say kinda coldly

He nods "Understandably. Hey, you work from midnight to 11àm correct? If you want I can drop you off early for work and pick you up?" He asks

I blush embarrassed and shake my head. Honestly, I don't want Will to see me working a Mcdonald's He is doing so much and helping people and I work a crumby yet delicious fast food restaurant that barely pays.....I don't want him to think less of me

"No it's okay I like walking" I smile fakely and he seems unsure but nods

 "Okay. Here Ill I finish up you get rest" he offered and grabs the sponge touching my hand

I felt electricity spark in that touch and I turn red and let go

"T-the-thanks," I say and walk to my room closing the door leaning against it

"Holy fucking hell why am I gay," I say to myself running a hand through my hair and look around the room and something catches my eye

I go to the closet and see a canvas and paints and brushes

Hm must have been here before will even move in

I look at the paints and they were still good and I grin

"Its been so long since I painted" I mumble and take the canvas out and the paints and set them up in the middle of the room I run to the bathroom across the hall and fill a cup up with water and come back closing the door and sit in front of the canvas

"What to paint...." I mumble

Thoughts run through my head as one thing kept repeating

"Will" I murmur blushing pick up a brush


I wonder where Nico works, is it that bad he won't want me to know

What if he is a stripper?

I shake that thought off my head a blush tinting my cheeks

An hour later

I finished cleaning and go to my room but as I walk by Nico's room I hear a crash and I run into his room and cover my mouth so I didn't laugh

Nico is on the ground covered in paint and I see a canvas on the ground I wasn't able to see what it was from where I was standing

I go over and help him up "You okay?" I ask and he looks embarrassed but nods

"Yea I slipped," He says and I smile I grab the canvas to put it back on the stand

"Wait for n-" I hear Nico say but too late

I see a sketch out of my face very detailed and what looked like the beginning of my skin tone painted on

I blush lightly and look at Nico who looked away

I put it back on the canvas and look at

"You're a good artist," I say and walk out of the room with a smirk on my face

An hour and a half later

I was watching a movie when I hear Nico exit his room he has something wrapped up and he gives it to me

"A thank you" Nico mumbles and looks away shyly

I open it and a grin plasters on my face

It was the painting of me but oh my gods it almost looks as if it was a picture taken on a phone it looked so real

"Aw thank you so much this is amazing," I say in awe looking at him

His face went red "it's alright but I'm glad you enjoy it" He says and I stare at him

"Alright? Nico, you're an artist. Is that what your undercover job is?" I ask and he snorts

"No, I want to be a professional artist but I don't have the money to go to art school," He says simply

"Do you want to go to art school? Your art is already incredible that you probably don't need it" I say and he sighs

"No I don't, but in my family, if you don't to college your worst than the people who live in the streets and do drugs," He says

I look at him sadly and gently take his hand, and he tenses as his eyes meet mine

"You know some of the most successful never went to college, you can be one of them," I tell him and he smiles softly at me

"Thank you, Will," he says and I smile at him

"Hey neeks I have a question," I ask and he looks at me

"Don't call me neeks, and what?" He says taking a drink

"Are you a stripper?" I ask and he spits takes on my face coughing


End of Chapter 2 hope you enjoyed

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