Kicked Out

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Was the last word my father said to me as he threw me out on the streets

I just had to come out on my 18 birthday what a brilliant idea its not like I'm considered adult or anything

Great I have a half dead phone clothes on my back and a minimum wage job hardly enough to afford a place to live

I sigh as these thoughts run through my head as I walk to my job, McDonalds

Not the best but I like the food and its easy enough and at least my boss is laid back too

I get there and as I walk in my boss spots me

"Nico? I didn't know you where working tonight" he asks confused

I shake my head "I wasn't but I want to now is there a spare uniform in the back" I ask him

He looks at me concerned but nods "yea there is come" he says I follow him

"Any reason your here at 12 O'clock at night" He asks digging through the uniforms

"Nope" I say .

"Liar" he says handing me the uniforms

"Whats the longest you can work me in a day I turned 18 so it should be longer am I right" I ask

He frowns " yes up to 12 hours"

I nod "I would like to work those hours for now on from 12am to 11am everyday of the week" I say

He stares at me for a bit "Okay..I will arrange that you will be offered 1 break after 6 hours and a free meal" he says

I nod "thanks" and run to the bathroom to change

I come back and check in and get to work

*6 hours later*

I get on my first break and look at apartments for rent I couldn't cover any one these with my salary 

As scroll I see something about flatmates and click on it

I read through and find one that says they need a roommate who is clean and all I would need to pay is 600 dollars a month for rent and electric combined there is a spare room  I would have to provide for my own necessities tho there is a bed in the room

Ok so i get paid twice a month roughly multiplying my hourly pay times the hours and days minus 100 dollars from taxes I would have enough to provide for my own needs I just need clothes and water and sometimes food since i get free meals

I hit him up and we schedual a meeting at the apartment for tomorrow at 12am

I sigh and get back to work

(5 hours later)

Its an hour before I get off work and I toss my clothes in the work washer wanting to look presentable for the meeting

I start cleaning up preparing to leave and hear the ding and throw my clothes in the dryer

I go to clean the dining room and when I finish I hear the dryer ding and I look at the clock seeing its time also for me to clock out

I clock out and run to the bathroom and lock the door

I take off my work shirt and work pants and sigh staring at me self

I look like a fucking mess

My hair is oily i realize my eyes are puffy from last night i look exhausted

Alright what can i do

I look at the hand soap and the sink

Desperate times desperate measures

I wet my hair and get the hand soap and run it through my hair before leaning over the sink rinsing it out I also wash my arms and rinse those off

I see the hand dryers and put my hair under it and dry it which takes a good 10 minutes

Finally im done and get my clothes on and the chain connected to my side and look at myself

Still look tired but decent my hair aint that oily anymore

I fold my clothes and put them in a work locker and wish my boss a good day before walking outside

I look at my almost dead phone and see i have 20 minutes to get there

Plenty of time its only a 15 minute walk not so bad

Half way through the walk i feel a rain drop hit my head and I look up and all of a sudden it starts pouring

Why does life hate me

I start running and finally see the apartment in my view and run inside 

Im soaked so much for looking presentable

I shiver a bit and go the first floor and look for door 28

25, 26, 27...aha 28!

I hold myself shivering and knocked on the door and a few minutes someone opens the door and my eyes widen seeing the hottest man i have ever seen


I open the door and my eyes widen

Standing in front of me was the most gorgeous person i laid eyes on

I shake my head for the gay thoughts to go away and notice he was soaking wet and shivering, did he walk here?

Doctor mode activated

"Hey come in its much warmer in here I can make us some tea if you want" I say and he walks inside

"N-no t-th-thank y-you" he stutters and I roll my eyes and leave the room and comeback wrapping him in a towel and then a blanket and gesture him to follow me in the kitchen

"So you need somewhere to stay?" I ask boiling water to make tea

"Y-yea um I am not able to afford a place on my own and your the only one who afford a place in my price rang also Im okay with being roommates I keep to myself mainly so I wont be a bother" He says I smile lightly

"You seem young how old are you?" I ask putting a cup in front of him

His pale hands grab the cup as he responds with "I turned 18 yesterday" He says and I raise an eyebrow

"Trouble at home? Your very young" I ask

he freezes and shrugs "you seem young too like 19 or 20" he says i laugh

"Im 21 move out last year" I say and he nods so i decide to get down to rules

"Okay so Im not a picky person I only have a few rules" I say and he takes a sip if the tea and nods at me to continue

"Pick up after yourself and knock before entering my room. If you bring friends over thats ok just let me know" I state and he nods

"That wont be a problem I'm a neat freak. I respect privacy and I have few friends, and 2 sisters and their busy so that wont be a problem" he says

I kinda frown a bit hearing dont have many friends

"So did you graduate school?" I ask and he nods

"I dont have money for college" He says and I frown

"Your a smart cookie j bet if you applied you could get a scholarship" I say and he smiles but shakes his head

"I have other plans anyways" he says. He doesnt say what so I drop it

I see he finally is warmed up which is good "so when do you want to move in?" I ask and his eyes light up

"Really?" He asks and I laugh a bit and nod

"Right now" he says and I toss him the key

"Need help moving your stuff in? I ask and he shakes his head

"I uh dont have much stuff" he mumbles which makes me look at him curiously

"Well I have nothing to do so Ill help with what you got" I grin and he looks down awkwardly

"What Im wearing is all I have " he mumbles and I stare at him the remember when he froze early when I asked about troubles at home

I ask him to hold on and I go to my room and look through my old clothes looking for the darkest colors i owned as I noticed the style he had on luckily when I was 16 I went through a phase so I folded up my black and grey clothes some white and put them in a basket and walk out to the room

He stares at them and looks at me confused

"Look these are old clothes i dont wear and they should fit well enough" I smile at he and blushes a bit

"I cant accept these" he whispers and I shake my head

"Welcoming gift and im not taking no for an answer" I say and he says and takes them and smiles at me greatfully

" Thank you" he says and I flash him a grin

"Follow me Ill show you your room" I say and walk down the hall and open it

"Not big but cozy" i say hoping it was om

Nico looks around "its just fine I dont need a big room anyways" he says and I sigh in relief

"So I am nurse at the hospital here been one for a few months I work only for 6 hours from 6am 11am then I take college night classes 11pm to 5am im working to become a doctor but got my nursing degree first" I say thinking I should tell a bit bout myself and my schedual

He thinks for a bit "I work night shifts at my job from 12am too 11am so Ill be here most the day and from the sound of it I might see you a bit if you dont pass out when you get home" he says joking on the last part

I shrug " I take naps through out the day and since I know most medical terminology I kinda sleep in class but Im still the top of my class" I say

He stares at me "and you called me the smart cookie" He mumbles and I laugh 

"So where do you work" I ask he looks embarrassed

"Rather not say" He states firmly and I nod not pushing it

"Well are you hungry I not much of cook but if your welcome to help yourself to whats in the fridge" I offer

He smiles a little thinking thoughtfully "can I cook us both something?" He asks and I nod and he looks excited and jumps up but then realized his clothes are still wet

"Ill be out there in a sec ima change" He says and I get up and leave closing this door

I think im gonna enjoy having him as a roommate

Weeeeeelcome tooo my new book I hope you enjoy this chapter. Since its the first one its kinda boring but the rest chapter will get better love yall

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