Fluffy Day

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I wake up feeling the sunlight from the window hit me and I sit up shirtless with my boxers on though. I look around and realize I'm in Wills room

I then look next to me and see a Will Solace with his arms wrapped around my waist and I smile before last night's events rushed to my mind and I groan

I fell asleep...on Will...in the bath tub!

I bury my face in my hands groaning before I hear movement next to me and a kiss on my neck

"You okay darling?" I hear Will with his southern accent slipping and I turn to him and he looks at me with those blue eyes

"I'm okay...sorry for erm,...falling asleep on you in the bath last night.." I apologize and he chuckles shaking his head

"Don't worry about that it was cute, I definitely didn't help with that when I was washing your hair. You seem to like it when someone massages your head like that. Plus you were tired from earlier events." He smirks pressing kisses to my neck

I blushed at that and shake my head at him making him chuckle and I look down at myself

"So is there a reason I'm only in my boxer?" I smirk and he blushed this time

"Um, uh...well no I just was tired and only grabbed those from your room?" He said like it was a question and I laughed

"Suuure" I say and snuggle my face in his chest and he chuckles at me

"Let's go eat." He says getting up and I groan and he rolls his eyes and picks me up surprising me and I wrap my arms around his neck and before he exits the room he grabs his hoodie and walks to the kitchen

He sits me on the counter and gives me his hoodie which I automatically put on and he kisses softly before turning to dig in the cabinets

I can't believe this is my life. I thought I'd be alone forever

I look over Will wondering how on earth did I get lucky

He must have felt the staring because he turns to look at me and I immediately look anywhere but at him

I hear a chuckle and he goes back to what he was doing and I shake my head

Why am I already head over hills for him? We haven't even been together that long

Wait how long have we been together already?

I guess only 2 weeks...are moving fast? Does he think we're moving fast? Am I rushing it?

"What's with the existential crisis look?" I hear and I snap our of my deep thoughts and look at him

"Oh...uh nothing," I say and he raises an eyebrow and puts the pan on the stove before turning to me

"What's up?" He asks and I sigh

"Are we moving to fast? Am I rushing into things? I know we've been only together for 2 weeks and we've already done certain things together but I don't know..." I ramble off and he gives me a soft smile and he walks up standing between my legs and wraps his arms around my waist

"Are we moving at a pace your uncomfortable with?" He asks and I shake my head

"No...I just don't know what would be considered fast I never been in a relationship before." I say and he kisses my head

"Moving fast means the relationship is going at a pace that you or I are uncomfortable with. Are you okay at the speed we are at?" He asks and I nod my head

"So am I. So are we moving fast for us? No." He says and I relax

"Don't worry about it okay baby?" He say and I nod and he kisses me and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I love you." I say and he smiles kissing me again

"I love you too. How does blueberry pancakes sound? I'm starving." He says going back to breakfast and I laugh

"Sounds great." I said and he grins and goes back to cooking

Time Skip

Him and I were curled on the couch eating our pancakes and watching some dumb comedy

Suddenly and power turns off and I jump and set my plate on the coffee table

"What was that?" Will asks and I get up and look out the window and my eyes widen

"Woah, Will come look at this." I said and he comes up to me and looks at the window

"I didn't realize it was snowing." He said staring wide eyed

"That's not just snow that's a blizzard" I state seeing the snow blow crazy outside. I couldn't see the other buildings

There was knock on the door and Will goes to answer it and I stand behind him and see a older man

"Sorry to disturb you Mr.Solace, but as you can see the power is out. The staff that is already here is trying to take a look but most the city is out. So we think it's powerlines and might be awhile." He says and Will rubs the back of his neck

"I understand, thank you. Oh Chiron this is Nico my roommate." He says and I wave a little and Chiron looks at me and squint a little.

"Nico di Angelo?" He asks and my eyes widen

"Uh yes, have we met?" I ask and he chuckles

"You might not remember me but you went to a summer camp I owned for 3 years since you were 5. Then it closed down because we weren't getting as many kids anymore. You were such a aweet kid, you grown up." He says and I blush awkwardly

"Uh thank you. Now that you mention it I do remember you a bit. You use to ride a horse around camp and in the evenings would let some kids ride with you around the pavilion." I say and he chuckles

"I didn't know you were living in my building. I knew William here was looking for a roommate but he never sent in the papers when you joined." He said and Will face palmed

"My bad, wait right here." He said running to his room

"You two seem quite close." He muses and I blush

"Uh yeah." I mumble and he smiles a bit and Will comes back with the paperwork

"Here you go Chiron sorry about that." He says and Chiron takes it and smiles

"No problem. We'll stay warm and if anything changed I'll keep you updated. Gotta let the other tenets know. Have a good day." He says leaving and Will closes the door

"Well that was interesting" He laughs and I smile a bit

"Yeah it was honestly, didn't think I'd see my ex camp owner here" he says and Will snorts

"Yeah, well I guess we are gonna be without power." He says and I groan

"But it's gonna get so cold soon." I whine and he chuckles at my attitude

"Guess we gotta stay close for body heat" He suggest with a cheeky grin pulling me too him

"Don't get any ideas Solace." I say with a smirk and he rolls his eyes and picks me up

"Me? Never." He says and he takes us to his room

"So is my room gonna end up being storage?" I ask with a laugh and he thinks about it as he sits on the bed me in his lap

"You could turn it to an art room? Or writing room. Just both honestly." He said and I think for a second

"Not a bad idea." I state and he kisses my head

"Look at you. 2 weeks ago you would have turned the idea down immediately." He says moving some of my hair behind my ear

"You act like that's a huge thing." I say snorting

"It is though, you were standoff-ish. And quiet in the beginning. You've grown." He says and I roll my eyes a bit

"Its been 2 weeks not 2 years." I say and he sighs exasperated

"Its. Still. Progress" He exclaims then chuckles as he falls backwards on the bed and leaves me on top of him

"Fine I give in." I say and he looks up at me and pulls me too him

"Good. Now come here." He says as he does it and we go under the covers

"Its still morning your gonna fall asleep." I say and he shakes his head

"No I won't." He yawns and I roll my eyes

"Sure. And I'm straight." I state with a laugh and he rolls his eyes this time and just pulls me closer

Within a few minutes he was out like a light and I smile a bit and shiver a little and get closer to him

I hope the power gets back on soon. I get cold very easy and get hard to warm up

I get close to Will and sigh at how warm he is

William Solace you never understand how lucky I am to have you


WooHoo! Updated! Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. The next one will be pretty interesting

Love ya!

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