Snow Fever

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I wake up feeling chilly and I sit up and suddenly feel something next to me shaking like a leaf and I look down and Nico was shivering like crazy and I turn him and his lips were blue and I gasp

"The hell?" I exclaim and when I get out of the bed my bare back hits the cold and I shiver and feel the breeze and snow flakes come in the room and I book it down the hall I look and the patio doors were wide open

Shit! I forgot to lock them the wind must blown them open. Theirs snow everywhere!

I run over through the snow and grab the doors and push them against the wind and slam them closed locking them and I sigh and look at the snow covering the living room floor and shiver

I need to get a shirt on and shoes to clean this...wait a minute!

"Nico!" I exclaim and run back to the room and Nico was curled into a ball shivering like crazy and his lips were clue and go over and shake him and he groans but opens his eyes

"W-wi-wil-will?" He says teeth chattering

How is he this bad? I'm a little cold but he is like deathly cold

"Hey baby hold on okay I'm gonna warm you up." I say and he nods slowly

I run to closet in the hall and grab all the blankets which were like 3 and then runs to Nico's room (more like a art room right now) and run back to the room and start layering them on Nico one by one and he seemed to relax a little bit but was still shivering

I think back to something I've read before

"Hey Nico? I'm gonna your shirt off and cuddle you okay? Skin to skin contact is the best way." I say and he nods

I didn't think he'd really protest anyways but I always want to make sure.

I get on the bed and sit against the wall and pull Nico to me with the blankets on him still and I remove his shirt and pull him against the chest and keep the blankets on him and he sighs in relief and places his face on my chest and flinch back from the coldness of his lips and nose

"W-will?" I hear and I look down and he was looking up at me

"Yea baby?" He asks and and he snuggles up close to me more

"Your so comfy" He mumbles and I chuckle softly and kiss his head

"That's not my lips." He mumbles and I smile a bit and he looks up and his bluish lips were slowly going back

"I guess that would be the faster way to warm those up." I smirk and lean down and kiss him slowly and his cold lips slowly heat up against mine

Nico sits up and straddles my lap and he keeps the blankets over his shoulders and continues kissing me and I grip my hands on his upper thighs and squeezing them and he squeaks making me smirk and grab the blankets and pin Nico to the bed and hover him the blankets over me but still blocking the cold for him


He was taking heavy breaths his eyes had a look in his eyes and he squirms under me making me smirk a bit and I lean down kissing him and he kisses back wrapping his arms around my neck and I kiss down his chin to the side of his neck and I here his breath hitch and I nibble and he gasps and I move down his chest

I kiss on the waist of his underwear and I hear his breath hitch and I hooky fingers under the band and look up

"Can I keep going?" I ask and he nods a little

"Yes" He vocalize and I pull his boxers down and grab his dick and stroke it lightly causing him to squirm under my touch and I hear him whine a little and I soon put it in my mouth

"Oh gods!" Nico moans and I smirk a bit and speed up what I'm doing and he grips the sheets small moans slipping out his mouth

I move my tongue around figuring out how to do this

(First time?)

Nico covers his mouth as his volume increases and he bucks his hips

I reach down and start stroking myself, his reactions were not helping situation

He's so hot

I pick up speed with my mouth and his breath kept hitching

He isn't gonna last much longer

"W-will!" Nico moans loudly and I speed up even more and hum sending vibrations down him

"W-Will! I'm gonna I'm gonna!" He says and he climaxes in my mouth

I work him through it climaxing myself  and I swallow and pull off wiping my mouth

Smut Over

Nico had the reddest face ever and had his arm covering most of it

I chuckle and lean up and kiss him softly moving his arm

"Let me see your gorgeous face." I whisper and his face heats more

"S-sorry that just...that was...that felt really good." He laughs awkwardly and I smile and kiss his head

"Good." I say and lay next to him and he turns to me

"U-um do you want me that to you?" He asks and I shake my head and pulling to me

"No I got myself off." I say and his eyes widen

"You did?" He asks and I nod and he lays his head on my chest

"I didn't even realize you were doing that." He says muffled and I chuckle a bit

"Maybe next time okay? Are you feeling better?" I ask and he nods

"Feel a lot warmer that's for sure" He says and I smile as he looks up and I cup his chin

"You are so beautiful." I whisper and he looks away shyly

"I have no idea what you see in me. I'm skinny." He starts

"You're a thin fit." I comment

"I have boring dark brown eyes." He continues

"They remind me of the color of dark chocolate." I state

"My hair is just a dull black." He says and I run my hand through his hair

"Its color of the night sky, beautiful just like the person attached to it" I state and he blushes

"But-" and I stop him

"Nico you are the most important person to me. And you are gorgeous, and I am so grateful you are mine." I state and he looks at me wide eyed

"Thanks." He whispers seeming lost for words

"Don't thank me. Just I want you to try to see the positive things in life you know." I say holding him close to me

"I'll try. But promise me one thing." He asks and I hum

"Always be there for me." He asks and I squeeze him in my arms gently

"I promise"


This chapter is a little short but I wanted to update this.

I love you all!


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