Chapter Eight

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Draco's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning and Harry was gone. I frowned but remembered he had practice. I picked up my phone and the time read 9 am. Harry should be done with practice by now. I decided not to worry too much about it and go take a shower.

 In this college, everyone shares a bathroom and showers. If my father knew that, he would request I get my own full bed and bath immediately but I didn't mind sharing. So I made my way to the bathroom and not many guys were in there so I found a shower and started it and hopped in. As I was showering, my thoughts drifted to Harry and how I would ask him out. I was thinking of singing to him or taking him on a date.I liked the singing idea because he wanted to hear me play and he was coming to one of my shows. 

Before I knew it, the water got cold so I finished up and wrapped the towel around my waist. I walked down the hall to my dorm and Harry was lying on his bed. He noticed me come in and his eyes widened.

"Like what you see Potter?" I teased smirking. He blushed and looked away.

"Maybe." He muttered and I laughed. I walked over to my side of the dresser and pulled out clothes for the day. Without Harry looking, I dropped the towel and put on boxers,

"So how was practice?" I asked opening the closet to pick out a shirt.

"It was alright," He replied with a shrug. "Quickened my time by 2 seconds. And learned a new move."

"Wow, good for you. You'll have to show me those moves sometime." I turned to him and winked. He blushed and shook his head.

"Cedric said the same thing to me when I met him." He informed me, sitting up.

"Cedric stealing my game." I mocked hurt but Harry smiled and just shook his head.

"Well if it makes you feel any better, you have twice as much game as Cedric and you're even a better kisser." He informed me and I felt myself blush.

"Thanks Harry, you're not a bad kisser yourself." I finished getting ready and Harry was packing his books to go to English.

"Thank you," He laughed. "I'll see you later. Have fun in song writing."

"Thanks have fun in English." With that he walked out of the room. I had a few hours to kill before class so I walked to the Great Hall and got some food. I looked for an empty table and there was one near Blaise and his new friend. I groaned and made my way over the table. He spotted me and made a face before looking away. I rolled my eyes, sat down and started eating. A few moments later a figure came to my table, I looked up.

"What, Blaise?" I groaned

"Can I talk to you?" He asked.

"There is nothing to talk about." I stated.

"Please, it's important." He pleaded. I rolled my eyes but stood up. I walked out with him and went to ask what he wanted as I turned to face him but he pulled me into a kiss. I pulled away and tried getting out of his grip.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I miss you so much Draco." He frowned holding onto my arms.

"Well I don't miss you," I hissed. "You obviously moved on and so have I."

"Me? He's a rebound relationship," He told me. "Who are you seeing?" He asked with venom.

"I'm not saying."

"Is it Potter?" He asked slamming me against the wall.

"Leave him out of this." I hissed. His eyes narrowed and he growled.

"So you were cheating on me," He yelled. "I can't believe this Draco! You asshole." He punched me in the face. I groaned and pushed him off, as my eyes started to water. Damn him.

"I wasn't cheating on you, you insecure bitch!" I yelled.

"Just wait until Potter cheats on you! See how it feels when the tables are turned."

"Harry, won't cheat on me!"

"Just wait and see Draco. After he leaves you like everyone else, he'll find someone better but being the ball less loser he is, he won't break up with you. He'll find someone new and break your heart." I pounced on Blaise and punched him.

"Don't. You. Dare. Say. That. About. Harry." I yelled. And with that, I walked away.

Harry's P.O.V

After English, I made my way to the dorm room. I remembered Draco had a class so I got a head start on my essay. I got an A on my in class essay from the first day so I was in a good mood.

As the hours passed, I was working on my reading when I heard Draco come back. I looked up from the book I was reading and he smiled. He had a giant purple bruise under his eyes.

"Draco! What happened to your eye?!" I jumped up. He gave me a confused look and put his hand to his eye, he winced at the pain.

"Oh Blaise hit me." He informed me, setting his bag down.

"He hit you?" I inquired.

"Yeah, he wanted me back but I told him I was seeing someone. He got jealous again because it was you and he accused me of cheating on him again. He punched me." I gulped. Draco was hurt because of me. My lips started to quiver and my throat started to constrict.

"I'm so sorry." My voice cracker and his eyes widened before he wrapped me in a hug.

"Hey, relax baby," He hushed me. "Don't cry it's not your fault."

"Bu-but he h-hit you because of me," I cried. "I was taught-"

"Harry, what your relatives did to you was awful and they taught you all wrong. You were punished for things that weren't your fault and this isn't your fault. I'm not mad at you. Please believe that." I just cried into his neck as he rubbed my back. "I won't punish you, only if you want me to." I could hear the tease in his voice. I looked up and he raised an eyebrow smirking. I smiled and shook my head.

"Sorry babe, I don't think the kink life isn't for me."

"Damn then I guess I'll just have to pepper you in kisses." He leaned and peppered my face with kisses. I laughed and then he pecked my lips. "There's that wonderful smile." He said and I blushed.

"Thank you Draco."

"Anything for you Harry." He smiled. He swallowed and looked me dead in the eyes. "You're coming to my show Friday right, because I'm playing a song for you." I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah I'm coming."


Third Person P.O.V

Friday came quicker than anticipated and Draco was on stage getting ready to play the next song. He just finished singing a cover of Fool's Gold by One Direction. The lights were hitting him so roughly, sweat dripped from his face. His hair was unruly and he kept pushing it back from getting in the way. He ran a hand through it and started speaking into the microphone.

"How y'all doing?" He asked in a husky voice and everyone in the small club wooed. "Next we're doing a cover of a little Australian band called Five Seconds of Summer." He smiled. The crowd went wild. As Draco was speaking, his eyes were wandering to meet familiar green ones. Once they did, he noticed that Harry was with Hermione and Ron. "This is, Don't Stop." Draco smiled. His drummer started then he started playing the guitar. He gripped the microphone and began singing.

You're like perfection, some kind of holiday

You got me thinking, that we can runaway

You want I'll take you there

You tell me when and where

Ooohhh oh oh

But then I asked, for your number

Said you don't have a phone

It's getting late now

I've gotta let you know that

Everybody wants to take you home tonight

But I'm gonna find a way to make you mine

As Draco sang, his eyes never let Harry once. As Harry watched Draco someone pulled his attention to them. He looked at the person; it was a short girl with brown hair and brown eyes. Hermione and Ron were too busy making out to notice. As Draco watched from the stage, he noticed the girl whispered something in Harry's ear and then handed him something. Harry smiled and took the thing; Draco suppressed a smirk knowing exactly what it was.

Don't stop (don't stop, stop what you're doing) doin' what you're doin'
('Cause you know that, you know that I like it)
Every time you move to the beat
It gets harder for me
And you know it, know it, know it
And don't stop, 'cause you know that I like it (you know that I like it)
Every time you walk in the room
You got all eyes on you
And you know it, know it, know it

Draco and the band finished the lyrics and the crowd went wild.

"We're gonna take a short break." He announced. He jumped off the stage and pushed through the crowd. He finally made it to Harry whose eyes looked a little glassy. Hermione and Ron had left Harry alone with the girl.

"Draco!" Harry said in an airy voice. "Miranda just gave me this really good brownie." He told me. Draco laughed and turned to the girl.

"How did you manage to get them in here?" He asked and she shrugged.

"My dad owns the club," She laughed. "Just don't tell him."

"Your secret is safe with me." Draco laughed.

Draco's P.O.V

"So what made you give my boyfriend the brownie?" I asked.

"Your boyfriend?" She asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah! We've been dating since I broke up with Cedric." Harry said in his airy voice. He's pretty funny when he's high.

"He looked like he needed to relax." She blushed.

"Well he seems to be getting a contact high as well." I laughed.

"Yeah I was wondering why it took effect so quickly," She said. "Anyway, enjoy." She winked and walked away. I turned to Harry who quickly attached his lips to mine. I kissed him back but pulled away.

"So you'll be my boyfriend?" I asked smiling.

"Yes!" He smiled. He kissed me again and quickly deepened it. He stuck his tongue in my mouth and I moaned. I gripped the back of his hair and we continued making out until we were out of breath. "Is there somewhere we can go?" He asked. I gave him a blank stare being nodding and pulling him back stage. I pulled him into the little room we were using as a dressing room and led him to the couch. He put his lips to mine again and this time I stuck my tongue in his mouth and pushed him down so I was on top of him. He moved his hands to my hair and then quickly pulled away.

"What's wrong?" I asked staring into his eyes.

"You're all sweaty." He grimaced. I smirked and took off my shirt, using it to wipe off the sweat.

"Better?" I asked and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Much." He said before attaching his lips to mine again. Our tongues dance around each other until I pulled away and started kissing his jawline and then his neck. I sucked gently on his neck until I hit a spot just under his ear that made him moan loudly.

"I found your sweet spot." I chuckled and started to suck. I used my teeth gently and then licked the pain. He was moaning under me and I smirked moving my lips to his.

"Draco we need- oh I'm so sorry." Someone said barging into the room. I groaned and pulled away.

"Longbottom, I'm a little busy." I hissed.

"Yeah but we need to go back on stage. Harry will be here when we're done." He said. I sighed and kissed Harry once more before getting off of him.

"Stay here okay?" I said and he nodded. "I'll be back." He nodded again and I walked back out with Neville to give the rest of our performance.

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