Chapter Nine

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Harry's P.O.V

It had been a week since Draco and I became official and I was very happy. He was very good to me but the downside of it was I was constantly harassed by Blaise because he seemed to be jealous.

 I walked into the gym and I was just making my way to Oliver when someone intercepted and pushed me to the ground. I groaned and shut my eyes because I was prepared for a beating.

"Get up, Potter." Blaise growled. 

"No thank you." I shook my head and kept my eyes closed but I felt him pick me up. I had started using contacts because it was easier to see what I was doing. Draco seemed to like it because I kept catching him just staring at my eyes. "Open your eyes." He demanded and I slowly opened my eyes. He smirked. "Enjoying my sloppy seconds?" He asked.

"Um I-" I said. He bit his lip and punched me in the face. I groaned and grabbed my face as my eyes started to water. He pushed me to the ground and started punching me, hard. I heard a couple people egging him on and some trying to get him off of me.

"What the fuck Potter?! Fight back!" He hissed. I just lied there as he punched and kicked me. The pain was a lot but nothing I wasn't used to.

"Zabini! Get off now!" Coach Hagrid demanded. I felt him being pulled off of me. One of my eyes was throbbing and all I saw was red from blood. "Potter, are you alright?" He asked. I groaned in response and started coughing. I felt arms around me and I started flinching.

"Hey Harry, shh it's okay." I heard Oliver say. "It's only me." He soothed. I groaned as he got me to my feet. Out of one eye, I saw all eyes on me and I gave a little smile. "Vince, help me get him to the infirmary." Another pair of arms wrap around me and I flinched. "Where does it hurt Harry?"

"All over." I groaned.

"Does it hurt to walk?" Vince asked. I stepped and a spiking pain shot in my torso. I yelped in pain. "I'm taking that as a yes." He said before picking me up bridal style. He and Oliver walked out as I was groaning and brought me to another room that was brightly colored. Vince placed me on one of the empty beds and Oliver left to get the nurse. I started coughing again but this time blood came out. "Whoa, Oliver hurry!" Vince yelled. Oliver and an older looking woman ran out.

"What happened?" She asked.

"He was beaten up." Oliver informed. I groaned as she flipped me on my back seeing I was in the fetal position.

"Harry, dear, my name is Poppy." She said sweetly. "How much pain are you in 1-10?"

"8." I answered.  He kicked me pretty hard and my ribs were on fire. My face was burning just as bad.

"Okay, we're gonna need to get you in a gown." She told me . She sat me up and I yelped in pain. "Alright you need to get that uniform off." Sh

After a few minutes of pain and aching, I was out of my singlet and in a gown. I was holding an ice pack to my eye as she was checking my torso.

"Your torso is all bruised so that would be from your ribs. We might need to send you to a hospital." Poppy told me.

"I've never been to hospital, I don't plan on going." I shook my head. "I can't pay." She gave a sad look.

"Harry!" I heard. I didn't bother turning to prove the voice was Draco. He was at my side with another presence.

"Harry, what happened?" Professor Snape.

"Blaise started getting rough with him, and being the sweet guy he is, he didn't throw one punch." I heard Oliver say. "Harry, now that Draco and Snape are here, Vince and I are going back. We'll see you later." I nodded. Draco touched me and I flinched.

"Shh it's okay baby. It's only me." He hushed.

"I suggested he go to a real hospital but he refused." Poppy said.

"Harry, if you need to go to, you should go." Draco urged.

"Draco, I can't pay." I shook my head. I started coughing and I coughed up more blood.

"Harry, I will excuse you and Mr. Malfoy from class today. I will be back later unless other arrangements are made. Poppy, I would like to be informed." Snape said.

"Alright." Snape left.

Draco's P.O.V

When I got to the infirmary, thanks to a tip from Vince, Harry was already in one of the gowns. He looked awful. He had ice to his eye and the color was drained from his face. I had bumped into Professor Snape on my way there so he followed me. After people started leaving, Poppy was trying to get Harry to allow her to call an ambulance for him.

"I don't need to go to the hospital." He urged. He coughed and more blood came out.

"Poppy, can I talk to Harry alone. Maybe I can convince him." I suggested. She nodded and walked away. "Harry you need the hospital sweetheart, you can be internally bleeding."

"Draco, I've never been to a hospital. I'm scared and I have no way of paying remember? I'm on my own." He said.

"I will take care of it." I assured.

"No no no." He shook his head. "I couldn't ask you to do that."

"You're not asking because I told you that I'm doing it." I said. "I'll be making a phone call while you tell Poppy."

"I'm not going."

"Harry Potter! You will!'' I argued. "I am very worried about you." His eyes softened before nodding.

"Fine." He muttered. I smiled and pecked his lips as I stood up. I whipped out my phone and called my mother.

"Draco dear! I haven't heard from you since you left. How is Hogwarts?" She answered the phone.

"Hi Mom, um Hogwarts is great. I have a new boyfriend, Harry." I said.

"Oh what happened to Blaise?"

"Oh things didn't work out."

"That's too bad but I am happy for you." She told me. "But I don't think you called just to tell me you've found a new boyfriend."

"No mom, but I did call for a favor."

"Yes what is it?"

"Blaise kind of beat Harry up and Harry is going through a tough time financially, he's on his own with no insurance."

"And you want me to help him out."

"Yes please."

"Yes we'll help him out." She sighed. "Are you inviting him over for thanksgiving?"

"I already have, I was gonna ask you about it."

"Well I'd love to meet him." She said. That's why I loved my mom; she didn't ask too many questions.

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too. Tell Harry to get well."

"I will." I said and we hung up. Poppy was trying to get Harry to sit up. He was wincing in pain and yelping. I rushed to his side and helped him stand.

"The ambulance should arriving soon."


Thankfully, Harry had no internal bleeding but his ribs were broken. The doctor had told me that his ribs were weakened most likely due to a fracture prior to the incident.

"Harry, my mother is very excited to meet you." I spoke softly. I was stroking his hair gently because it seemed to calm him down. They gave him some pain medication so he was very drowsy.

"She is?" He smiled.

"Yeah," I whispered. "She always says to get well."

"Your mother seems like a nice person," He said groggily. "How am I gonna repay you?"

"Shh you don't have to." I assured. "My mother is taking care of it."

"I'll have to get her something."

"No Harry, save your money baby." I told him. "You don't have to get her anything; you can thank her at thanksgiving."

"Okay." He hummed. There was a knocked at the door and Professor Snape was walking.

"How is he?" He asked.

"A little broken," I chuckled. "And drowsy from the pain medication."

"Ah that'll do it." He said. "I came to inform you that Mr. Zabini was kicked off the team and removed from the school. He is no longer welcome."

"Thank you Sir." I smiled. I looked to Harry who was sleeping now so I turned my full attention to Snape.

"He has his mother's eyes you know." He said. "Very beautiful woman."

"Were you two friends?"

"Best friends. But his father and I were not. He and I didn't get along and he took her away from me." I frowned.

"That's too bad."

"As I was coming in here, the doctor told me about his ribs and the fracture that didn't heal properly."


"Do you know why this may be?"

"Yes." I nodded.

"Care to share?" He asked and I shook my head.

"It's Harry tale to tell you." I said. He nodded in understanding.

"He's very lucky to have a boyfriend like you," He said. "How long?"

"About a week." His eyes widened.

"You two seem a lot closer than being together a week." He said and I shrugged. "Well good for you, you'll last pretty long."

"Thank you sir."

"Well I need to get back but I have told Dean Dumbledore that Harry was injured and he will inform all his professors to provide work for him."

"Thank you sir." 

"Do you have any classes tomorrow?"

"Not until later."

"Then I take it you'll want to stay?" He asked and I nodded. "I'll inform the doctors that you'll be needing to stay the night." I nodded. "Good night Mr. Malfoy."

"Goodnight Professor." I said. He left the room and I turned back to Harry who slightly stirred.

"Drake?" He croaked.

"I'm right here Harry." I whispered. "Go back to sleep."

"Can you lay with me?" He asked.

"But Harry your ribs."

"Pease?" He begged tiredly. Tired was very cute on him.

"Okay." I whispered. He shifted and I got on to the bed with him. He curled right into my chest and I brought a hand to his hair. I gently stroked his as his breathing evened. "Goodnight Harry." I kissed his head.

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