Chapter Fifteen

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Draco's P.O.V

Finals were coming up so I was in the library studying. Harry was feeling better so he was studying with Ron and Hermione at the next table over.

"Okay so Beowulf incorporates what kind of themes?" I heard Hermione ask.

"Good and Evil." Harry answered

"Death." Ron muttered. I chuckled and I looked over to them. Harry was rubbing his head so I stood up, walked over to them and sat down next to him.

"Are you alright kitten?" I asked.

"My head hurts." He groaned.

"Alright well don't overwork yourself," I said. "It's only been two weeks."

"But I need to study."

"Baby, you're doing just fine. Just relax." I assured. "Do you wanna go lie down?"  He just shook his head.

"I need to study."

"You can study later," I told him. "Come on." He finally nodded and I grabbed his books. "Thanks guys." I spoke to the two. They smiled and nodded. I grabbed my bag as well and we walked to our dorm.

"My head hurts." He groaned.

"When we get back, I'll give you some Tylenol." I promise and he nodded. We made our way to our dorm and he lied down immediately so I put his books down on the desk. I gave him some medicine and sat at his side.

"I need to study."

"You have a concussion, Harry. You have to take it easy." I directed but made a face.

"I should have dropped out." He groaned. I rolled my eyes and kneeled next to him.

"Don't say that baby, you're doing just fine." I assured and started gently stroking his hair. He didn't flinch this time so I smiled.


"Shh you have two more weeks and then you'll be half way done with freshman year." I assured him. 

"You can do it kitten." I placed a kiss on his forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too." He answered. "Can you come lay with me?" He asked and I nodded. I crawled in next to him and snuggled with him. He flipped so he was facing me. Our faces were inches apart and he intertwined our hands. "What do you want for Christmas?" He asked.

"You don't have to get me anything." I whispered.

"I want to Draco."

"But you should save your money."

"But I love you and sex can't be your only present." He said. My face dropped and he laughed.

"D-do you plan on um-." I spluttered. He laughed more and kissed my nose.

"Maybe one day in the near future," He said. "But as of right now, we can just cuddle."

"Okay." I sighed.

"What do you want for Christmas?" He asked again.


"Well I'm still getting you something." He told me.

"There's no stopping you is there?"


"Fine then I want 172 beanies and you with nothing on but whipped cream." I teased and he blushed but shook his head.

"Why 172?" He asked.

"I don't know. That's the first number that popped into my head." I started stroking his hair gently. "How are you feeling?" I asked.

 "Better actually." He smiled. "Thank you."

 "Anything for you." I kissed his nose. There was a knock at the door and we both looked. Cedric was standing in the doorway. I felt anger and jealousy ripple though me so I pulled Harry into a kiss. He kissed me back and when I tried sticking my tongue through his lips, he moaned. Cedric cleared his throat so Harry pulled away.

"Cedric, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"I texted you but you didn't answer, I wanted to make sure you were okay." Cedric said

"Yeah he's fine. He's in good hands." I sneered. Cedric glared at me.

"Well HARRY, I wanted to know if you needed help studying for your math final." He spat.

"Oh I do," He  answered. "You want to help?"

"Yeah." Cedric nodded. Harry sat up and looked at me. He looked like he was asking for permission.  I sat up and kissed him.

"Go ahead," I told him. "I trust you."

"I love you."

"I love you too." He kissed me once more and got out of bed. He walked out with Cedric and I was left alone.

Harry's P.O.V

"So you need to ask his permission if you can come out with me?" Cedric asked. I shook my head.

"I don't need to. I wanted to." I told him honestly and he furrowed his brow.


"Because I dated you, you hit me, we broke up," I informed him and then sighed. "I want him to know I'm safe."

"You don't feel safe around me?" He asked and I just looked at him. "Well you must feel a little safe seeing as we're here together now." I just shrugged. We walked to the library in silence and found an empty table. We sat at one and he sat relatively close. I pulled out the math text book and some paper.

"How about you pick some math problems out for me and I'll solve them." I suggested. He nodded and looked through the book. I waited patiently as he picked out some of the questions. When he finished he pushed the paper towards me and smiled when he looked up.

"Good luck." He winked and I chuckled. I looked at the questions and bit my lip. I started it off and got the first two with no issue. When I got to the last one, I started at it. I looked at him and shook my head.

"I don't know how to do this one." He smirked.

"I figured you wouldn't," He chuckled. "Let me help." His hand brushed over mine taking the pencil from it. He scooted closer and went step by step on how to do it. I didn't realize how close we were until he looked up and our faces were inches apart. He smiled and his eyes looked at my lips then back to my eyes. His eyes fluttered closed and he leaned in.

"Cedric stop." I whispered and he opened his eyes slowly.

"Harry, why can't we be together?" He asked.

"I'm with Draco."

"So if you weren't with him, you'd be with me?"

"No." I shook my head and he frowned. I put my hand on his shoulder and gave him a sad smile. "Cedric, I'm in love with Draco." I said. "He's literally my everything and I'm sorry you're jealous but I'm happy I'm with him." Cedric frowned.

"I'm sorry Harry," He frowned. "But I think I'm in love with you." I just gulped and looked down.

"Cedric we dated for a week and a half."

"That was the best time of my life Harry," He told me. "You were so sweet and attractive. I'm an idiot for letting you go."
"Thank you, Cedric." I thanked. "But I need to go." I stood up but he grabbed my hand and pulled me down. Cupping my face, he kissed me but I pulled away and left without another word. I walked to my dorm room and slammed the door closed.

"Harry, what's wrong?" Draco asked with wide eyes.

"Nothing." I muttered flopping on my bed.

"Something is wrong," He pointed out. "You seem angry." I looked over to him and he looked at me with concern. I sighed, sat up and walked over to him before straddling his hips.

"Draco Malfoy. I love you so much. You are my everything and I wish that one day I could so you how much you mean to me." I confessed.

"I love you too Harry but where is this coming from?" He asked.

"Cedric, he um kissed me." His face turned into a sneer. I closed my eyes waiting for him to strike. "I'm sorry." My voice shook.

"Hey baby, it's okay. Open your eyes." He spoke softly.

"You're not gonna hit me?"

"Harry Potter, I would never. I told you I'd never lay a hand on you and I am keeping my promise." I felt his lips on mine.  I kissed him back and he pulled back, putting his forehead on mine. "Do you trust me?"

"More than anyone else." He smiled and brushed a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"I trust you more than anyone else in this world. I don't know what I did to deserve you because in all honesty, you deserve someone so much better. Someone like Justin."

"Draco, you are my Justin and so much more." He smiled and his eyes glistened with tears.

"God Harry you really know how to make a guy emotional." He laughed. I wiped away a tear that was falling from his eye. I gently put my lips to his neck and started biting the sensitive skin gently. He moaned and stretched his neck so I could get more. I bit and sucked every part of his neck. By the time I was finished, his neck looked like the end of a rainbow. I pecked his lips and giggled.

"You should take a look at your neck."

"Is it bad?" He asked.

"Well purple is your color." I giggled and he smirked. He stood up, still holding me.

"You're light." He laughed and I nuzzled into his shoulder as he walked over to our mirror. I heard him gasp. "Oh my god! Purple is a good color on me."

"God I love you." I mumbled. He laughed and walked us over to the bed. He gently put me down and crawled on top of me.

"I love you Harry." I leaned in and kissed his lip. He kissed me back and the kiss was full of passion. He swiped his tongue across my bottom lip so I allowed him access. We battled for dominance, him winning. His tongue swiped all around my mouth. I moved my hands to his back and under his shirt. I wanted to get his shirt off so I tugged at it. He broke the kiss and pulled it off. He resumed the same position. This time I explored his mouth as his hands roamed my body. I felt his hand move to my pants. His slender fingers made their way in the waistband of my pants, just in time for someone to knock on the door. Draco pulled away slowly.

"Just ignore that, maybe they'll go away." He panted. I nodded and he put his lips back to mine. His hands went further into my pants and I moaned but the knocking came back. He pulled away and groaned. He got off of me and walked over to the door. He swung it open to reveal his band mate, Neville. "Longbottom!" Draco sneered and Neville was red faced.

"I'm sorry to interrupt."

"You seem to do that a lot."

"Anyway um I booked us for another show."

"And that couldn't have waited until tomorrow? Or you could have called me!"

"Well the show is tomorrow," Neville scratched his head. "It's at the school."

"What's going on at the school?"

"It's like a senior dance," He informed him. "Like a winter ball for the seniors since this is their last winter here for most of them."

"So what do we have to play?" Draco asked. Neville handed him a list and Draco looked at it. He nodded and approved.

"You can take a date too. I'm taking Luna." He beamed.

"That's very nice Neville," Draco drawled. "We'll be practicing all day tomorrow."

"Okay. Um Hi Harry."

"Hi Neville." I chuckled.

"Bye guys." He said awkwardly and walked away. He made his way back over to me and decided just to lie down.

"So do you wanna go?" He asked.


"I think it'll be fun if you come. You can watch me practice tomorrow too. I'm sure Luna will be coming since she's not in college yet and Neville would want to see her."

"Okay." I nodded.

"Just don't get high this time." He said and I smirked.

 "But that brownie was sooooo good." I groaned. He chuckled and kissed my cheek.



"Just so you know. I'll never cheat on you." I looked at him.

"I know. I trust you. I won't cheat on you either."

"That's good to hear." He smiled. I snuggled closer to him. "C'mon baby, get some sleep."

"Goodnight Draco. I love you."

"Goodnight Harry, I love you more."

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