Chapter Fourteen

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Third Person P.O.V

Harry was on his way to wrestling practice in the early hours of the morning when someone stopped him.

"Harry!" They smiled and Harry looked at them blankly.

'"Hi Cedric." He stated.

"How was your Thanksgiving?" He asked stepping closer.

"Just fine, what are you doing up so early?" Harry asked.

"Is it a crime to be up this early?" He laughed. "I just couldn't sleep."

"Oh I know times like that."

"So how are you doing?"

"Really well actually. Draco and I are together and he's really good to me." At this Cedric frowned.

"Unlike me?" He asked in a snarky tone.

"I didn't say that but you did hit me."

"I was drunk."

"Doesn't matter Cedric, you still hurt me." Harry said and Cedric stepped closer.

"And I regret that every day." He cupped Harry's face but Harry moved his face.

"Cedric, don't." Harry warned and Cedric's eyes narrowed.

"Why do you always flinch?"

"It doesn't matter; I need to get to practice." He told him and he tried to move past Cedric but the older boy grabbed him. Harry yelped and flinched.

"It does matter. It worries me."Cedric spoke.

"Please let go of me." Harry begged but Cedric pulled him closer.

"I will if you tell me."


"Cedric let go of him." Draco growled coming out of nowhere.

"Shove off Malfoy; this is between Harry and me." Cedric said. Harry was trying to get out of the grip.

"He's MY boyfriend Cedric and I want you to stop touching him."

"Make me." Without warning Draco lunged and threw Cedric against the wall. He punched Cedric once and got close to his face.

"If you every fucking touch him again. I will fuck you up so badly you won't even remember your own name." Draco snarled. He threw Cedric to the ground and walked over to Harry. "Let's go." He hissed still in the angry tone. He grabbed Harry's hand and started walking to the gym.

"Draco he-."

"Shh Harry I'm not mad at you." Draco assured and Harry only nodded. "Are you alright?"

"Mm he grabbed my wrist just like my uncle-"

"Aww baby, he won't hurt you." Draco assured and Harry engulfed Draco into a hug. Draco hugged Harry back as he buried his face into the crook of his neck.

"I love you puppy."

"I love you more kitten," Draco replied. "Come on, I'll take you to practice."

"Thank you." Harry said as they started walking. "How did you know to come?"

"I felt you get out of the bed and I was awake so I wanted to catch you before you left."

"Oh well thank you." Harry said again and kissed Draco. The two walked to the gym where Draco kissed Harry on the lips gently and let him go off.

Harry's P.O.V

I walked into the gym and Coach Hagrid had me stand next to him.

"Alright guys, our first match is scheduled for next Friday. Harry, you're our secret weapon. If we're down, we'll put you in. We obviously want you at every match but you've practiced enough so you can sit out or you can practice with Wood."

"Um I'll continue working with Wood sir." I answered. He nodded and Oliver stood up. We went off to the side as coach prepped the class.

"How was your break Harry? Enjoyed seeing your family?" Oliver asked.

"Actually I went to my boyfriend's house. I don't speak to my family anymore." I informed him.

"Oh well that's too bad. Did you enjoy boyfriend's family?"

"Yes except his father hates me." I stated before facing him and getting into position.

"That's too bad. I don't know why anyone could hate you. You're a sweet guy." He said and I blushed.

"Thanks Oliver."

"Alright do any move to get me on the mat." He instructed and I nodded. We nodded towards each other and he ran towards me. I grabbed him by his waist and spun him so his back was to me. I held him in a half nelson but he got out and flipped me on to the map. I groaned as he went to pin me down but I flipped him so he was on the bottom and pinned him. He called and I got off of him. I rubbed the back of my head. "You alright Harry? You were lighter than I remembered." He said and I groaned but nodded. "You hit the mat pretty hard."

"Yeah I'm fine, don't worry." I assured.


"It's fine. I still won." I smirked and he laughed.

"So Potter, I'd assume Draco Malfoy is your boyfriend?"

"Yeah," I smiled. "Three months."

"That's sweet." He said. "It only took me that long because I just remember Blaise beat the shit out of you."

"Yeah he did," I chuckled. "Draco was furious."

"I bet I'd be furious if someone beat up my boyfriend." He told me and I cocked an eyebrow. "I mean if I were gay, I have a girlfriend."

"Oh what's her name?" I asked.

"Penelope," He answered. "That's nice."

"Alright, go shower and get out of here." Coach ordered. I looked at Oliver and everything went fuzzy. The last think I heard before I passed out was "Are you alright?"

I woke up in the hospital wing and Draco was stroking my hair. He wasn't looking at me but looking into the distance.

"Puppy?" I whispered and he looked down.

"Kitten," He breathed out. "How are you feeling?"

"My head hurts."

"Yeah you have a concussion," He informed me and I groaned. "Oliver felt terrible."

"Yeah I was wrestling him and he flipped me on to the mat. I had hit my head but I felt fine."

"Well you obviously aren't." He laughed and kissed my nose. "But you've only been out for a few minutes."

"I don't feel well." I said. His eyes widened and he quickly got me a bucket in which I threw up in. He rubbed my back as I finished. I lied back down. "I'm gonna have to drop out."

"Don't say that."

"I'm gonna lose my scholarship and then I won't be able to pay and then-"

"Harry, relax don't over work yourself," Draco shushed. "You won't lose it I promise you that but you need to skip the next couple practices. You can resume going to school next week but the poppy recommended rest."

"I have to go to school!" I said sitting up quickly. He gently grabbed my shoulders and I flinched and groaned. He lied me back down and stroked my hair.

"You have skips left yeah?" He said and I nodded. "So you'll just use those, Harry just relax."

"But-" He pressed his lips to mine.

"Shh relax." He told me before Poppy came back and smiled.

"Ah Mr. Potter you're awake," She said. "How are you feeling?"

"Not well."

"That's not uncommon," She answered. "I want you to relax though."

"When can I go back to my dorm?"

"Once you feel better. Maybe later today." She said. "Mr. Malfoy, are you skipping classes?"

"No ma'am I have a class in about an hour." Draco answered.

"I'm not responsible for you so better go to the class." 

"I will." Draco nodded. She smiled and then left the room. "I need to shower angel so I'll be back later." He kissed my forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too." He kissed my lips and then left the room. I lied in the bed and stared at the ceiling. Ron and Hermione were in English so I didn't have anyone to talk to. That is, until HE came back.

"Hey you." I looked over and Cedric was walking over to me. His jaw was bruised but he was smiling.

"Cedric, please go away." I groaned.

"I just wanted to see how you were," He told me. "You ran off this morning."

"No, I needed assistance because you were gonna harm me again." I stated a matter a fact.

"Harry, don't be like that."

"Why now Cedric, why did you come back?"

"I wanted to give you some time. I miss you."

"Cedric, I'll be one hundred percent honest with you, I really liked but I don't condone physical violence. You know nothing about my past but that's not your fault but I was abuse for 13 years and when you hit me, it brought back bad memories. Who's to say that once you get drunk again, you won't hurt me? I have a perfectly wonderful boyfriend who I love and he loves me. He makes me feel safe and that's all I want in life so if you don't mind leaving me be." I sneered. Cedric's face was pale but blank. He was staring at me and I started regretting telling him everything.

"Harry, I-I had no idea." He finally spoke up. "I feel even worse about hitting you. I mean I noticed the flinching but I didn't think it was that. I-I just thought maybe it was an ex gone wrong."

"I don't want to talk about my ex either Cedric so don't bring him up."

"He abused you?"

"No he was the best." 

"What happened?"

"I'm not talking about him." I spat and he frowned.

"Harry I'm so sorry," He said. "I w-want a second chance." He pleaded and I looked at him blankly.

"I have a boyfriend."

"Not as that." He gave a small smile. "As a friend." I let out a sigh and rubbed at my pounding head.

"Fine, we can be friends and that's it." 

"Thank you!" He smiled.

"I got a phone so we can text if you want." I said. He nodded and gave me his phone. I put my number in it.

"Thank you Harry," He said. "I'll leave you be now."

"Thank you." He walked out leaving me alone to my thoughts.

Cedric's P.O.V

After I walked out of the hospital wing, I pulled out my phone. I dialed the number of someone I kept in contact with since they left school.

"Hello?" The male voice answered.

"Phase one is complete my friend." I smirked.


Draco's P.O.V

After class, I walked to the hospital room and Harry was sitting up. Ron and Hermione were by his side and he was smiling widely. I just wanted my little kitten to be happy. I walked over to them and his smile widened even more.

"Hey baby, how are you feeling?" I asked kissing his head gently.

"Better." He said as I acknowledged the two others. "Ron and Hermione came to visit and so did Snape." He told me.

"Sounds like you had a lot of visitors." I chuckled. "Anyone else?" His face dropped and he looked at the other two. Hermione nodded gently and Harry looked at me. "Hey what's wrong? Who came?"

"Cedric." He said hesitantly and my eyes widened.

"Did he hurt you? I'll kill him." I growled and Harry's eyes widened.

"No no." He assured. "He asked to be my friend."


"He wanted a second chance." He told me shyly.

"What did you say?"

"I said yes." I felt jealousy ripple through me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.


"I just wanted him to leave me alone." He said grabbing my hand. "And everyone deserves a second chance." I opened my eyes and he was looking at me hopefully.

"I want you to listen to me carefully." I said and he nodded. He noticed the serious tone of my voice. "If that little bastard harms you in any way. You will tell me immediately."


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