Chapter ThirtyFour

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Third Person P.O.V

            Draco, Harry and Sirius hopped on a train that day to get to New York for the trials. Sirius wanted to be there to support his godson so he tagged along. They would get to New York and stay in a hotel for the time being. This also gave Harry and Draco time to look around for an apartment. Harry was lying down with his head in Draco's lap. Draco absentmindedly played with Harry's hair.

            "So we'll check into the hotel and maybe get some dinner." Draco said.

            "Yeah that sounds good." Sirius said. "Do you like the sound of that cub?"

            "Yeah sounds nice." Harry said on his phone.

            "Who are you texting?" Draco asked softly.

            "Oliver, he wants to come to the trial."

            "How does he know about it?" Draco asked curiously.

            "It got around school." Harry sighed sadly.

            "What?!" Draco yelled causing Harry to jump. "I'm sorry kitten I didn't mean to scare you." Harry snuggled into Draco's lap.

            "It's okay."

            "How was it leaked Harry?" Sirius asked.

            "I don't know. I guess some people found out. It doesn't matter anymore." Harry said.

            "I'm sorry kitten." Draco said.

            "Yeah it must be tough."Sirius said.

            "No I've been getting a lot of support." Harry smiled shyly.

            "When did you find out that everyone knew?" Draco asked.

            "Not too long ago. Oliver texted me asking if he could come and I asked him how he knew. He feels really bad that I was kicked out for defending myself."

            "You didn't tell any of your friends?" Sirius asked and Harry shook his head. "You know it's not anyting to be ashamed of."

            "Yeah I know that's what Draco said but I just want to forget about it. I'm only going to the trails to see Blaise get taken down."

            "What if they ask you to testify?" Draco said gently and Harry shrugged.

            "I don't know. I guess I will." Harry answered. "I'm gonna go to sleep, wake me up when we get there please." Harry said.

            "We will angel." Draco said leaning down and planting a kiss on Harry's cheek.

Draco's P.O.V

            "I'm starting to think suggesting going to the trails was a bad idea." I spoke to Sirius as Harry slept.

            "Why do you say that?" He asked me.

            "Well I don't want Harry to relapse back into the emotional fit." I frowned. "I just want Harry to be alright."

            "He'll be alright Draco, he has you." He said and I smiled.

            "I really love him, I really do. I just- I just can't deal with his emotional breakdowns on my own. From what I heard, it was really bad." I said.

            "Well if it happens again, we'll get him help or medication."

            "He was put on medication but I don't think he's taking them." I frowned looking at the sleeping raven haired boy.

            "Well we can't force him. His reaction was very violent from what he told me but he said all he saw was red. So just make sure he's relaxed and that he knows he can always talk to you." Sirius suggested and I nodded. We started slowing down so I gently wrapped my arms around Harry.

            "I don't want to wake him, so I'll just carry him." I smiled and he nodded. Harry wrapped his arms around my neck and nuzzled into my chest. I smiled and cradled him towards the car as Sirius got us our bags. We hopped into the taxi, me still holding Harry, and started towards the hotel. Harry stared stirring.

            "Puppy?" He whimpered.

            "I'm here sweetheart." I said. "We're on our way to the hotel." Harry shot up like a bullet startling both Sirius and I.

            "Why didn't you wake me?" He asked scowling.

            "Because you looked so peaceful sleeping." I kissed his lips. "Why does it matter?"

            "I must have looked ridiculous being carried!" He argued and I chuckled.

            "No my little kitten you looked just fine." I said and kissed him gently. He kissed me back softly and then nuzzled his face into my hair.

            "I love you Draco."
             "I love you more Harry." I smiled and kissed his nose. We looked over to Sirius who smiled.

            "You remind me a lot of Remus and me." He said with a slight frown. "You two are made for each other, don't mess it up over some petty fight, alright?" He asked and we nodded.

            "We won't."

            "Good." He nodded his head. Clearing his throat, "I think we're here." He said. I looked out the window as we pulled up to the tall building.

            "Yup." I nodded in agreement. We jumped out of the cab and grabbed our bags. I walked up to the counter.

            "Oh Mr. Malfoy! How much you've grown!" He smiled and so did I.

            "Hello, how are you?" I asked.

            "Doing well and yourself?"

            "Can't complain." I nodded. "We're checking in, it's under Malfoy obviously." I said.

            "Ah I see." He typed something into the computer and smiled. "Two rooms, top floor." He said handing me the keys. "We'll have someone bring your bags upstairs." He said.

            "Thank you." I smiled. I turned to Harry and pecked his nose. Grabbing his hand, he Sirius and I walked to the elevators.  We hopped in and rode in silence to the rooms. We waved to Sirius as he entered his room and I dragged Harry inside ours. Telling by Harry's eyes, he's never seen a hotel room before.

            "Whoa." He said and I laughed.

            "Ever been in a hotel before?" I asked and he shook his head.

            "It's huge!" He said and I chuckled.

            "Some are rather small." I said. "Come on and get ready for dinner." I said and he nodded.

            "Let's take a shower together." He suggested and I looked at him with a glint of humor in my eyes. He rolled his and smiled. "It doesn't waste time and I like the feeling when you wash my hair." He blushed and I smiled.

            "Alright let's go." I said leading him towards the bathroom.


Harry's P.O.V

            We walked into the courthouse lobby and I was greeted by familiar faces.

            "Harry!" They yelled. Before I could react to their closeness, I was engulfed in a hug.

            "Hey Ron. Hey Hermione." I chuckled hugging them back.

            "How are you doing?" Hermione asked pulling away from the hug.

            "I'm hanging in there." I gave a small smile. "Draco has been helping me a lot." I said and Hermione raised an eyebrow at him.

            "Also I would have liked to be informed that you actually took me up on my idea." She scowled and I chuckled.

            "Hey I needed to be there for my angel, which I'm putting my arms around." He said and his arms wrapped around me. I smiled and I felt my nerves fade away.

            "How is everything with you guys?" I asked and they smiled.

            "Great, really great actually." They said and I smiled.

            "Hey guess what!" I said and their eyes widened.

            "What?" They asked.

            "Draco and I are finding an apartment together and moving in. I just came into some money." I smiled

            "Harry that's great." They said. Sirius came out of the courtroom.

            "They're getting ready, we should go in." Sirius said.

            "Guys, this is my godfather Sirius."

            "Nice to meet you." Sirius smiled.

            "You too sir." They smiled.

            "Come on Kitten, let's go in." I nodded and we all walked into the courtroom. Hermione and Ron went into the pew first, followed by Sirius, Draco and then me at the end. I gripped Draco's hand tightly as he tried using his thumb to soothe me. Blaise came in and spotted us immediately. He sneered in our direction and I gulped. He sat in front of us on the other side of the little barrier. As everyone was setting up and they made their opening argument. Blaise walked up the stand and his lawyer started with the questions.

            "Mr. Zabini you came up with an idea that ended with an anonymous victim being raped." The gruff man asked.

            "Yes sir that is correct."

            "What were your intentions?"

            "I was merely trying to break the victim and his boyfriend up. I had no intentions of him getting raped."

            "Do you feel remorse?" He asked and Blaise nodded.

            "I feel bad that the victim had to go through such a horrible experience, I never meant for that to happen." He said and his lawyer stood down so the other could cross examine.

            "You feel remorse?" The other woman lawyer asked.

            "I believe that's what I just said."

            "But you came up with the plan, didn't you?"

            "I came up with a plan to break them up yes"

            "Why did you want them to break up?"

            "I was dating his boyfriend prior to their getting together and I felt he cheated on me with him. So I wanted my ex to feel the pain of being cheated on and if he saw that his boyfriend wasn't perfect, he'd come back to me." He said and Draco's hand tensed in mine.

            "So what was your plan exactly?"

            "I said to seduce him and then make sure his boyfriend sees. I never told him to pursue him in any sexual activity."

            "Alright step down." The woman said. He stepped down, shooting daggers towards me, and sat down. "We call Cedric Diggory to the stand." She said and I froze. I hadn't seen him since the next morning. I grabbed Draco's hand pretty tightly making him yelp quietly. He tried to soothe me but when Cedric walked in all I wanted to do was panic.

            "Relax baby, it's alright." He whispered and all I did was nod.

            "Mr. Diggory, you engaged in sexual activity with the victim is that correct?" The woman asked.

            "Yes ma'am." He nodded and he saw me. I saw a twinge of regret in his eyes.

            "Can you tell us what you were put up to do?" She asked.

            "I was to seduce him. When the seducing wasn't working, I was told to drug him."

            "And after you drug him?"

            "Make sure his boyfriend sees what we were doing."
             "And he did, and ran off."

            "Yes ma'am."

            "And you got carried away."


            "Can you explain to me what you did to him while he was drugged?" She asked and I felt the blood drain. Cedric made eye contact with me.

            "Objection, relevance?" The other lawyer asked.

            "Obviously he was under some kind of impression of what the needed to do. Please share with us what you did."

            "I don't want to. He is in the court room and he doesn't know what happened." Cedric said and I let out a breath. The lawyer looked around in the court room. Her eyes dropped on my for a bit then back to Cedric.

            "He deserves to know. What did you do?" She asked.

            "Answer the question son." The judge said. Cedric took a deep breath. He started to explain, in detail, what he did to me. I handled the majority of it but when he got to describing how he had sex with me, I lost it. I ran out of the courtroom and towards the bathroom tears streaming down my face and dry heaves coming up. I could hear the faint voice of Draco calling after me.

A/N Sorry if it ended sadly but dont worry, it'll be okay soon enough. Thank you for reading xox

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