Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Third Person P.O.V

Harry started stirring and when he woke up, he looked sadly at Draco who was looking sadly at him. They both sat up. Draco contemplated telling him later but he knew sooner would be best.

"Harry, Snape came to visit." He began and Harry hummed in response. "He told me to tell- to tell you that you've been kicked out." Draco spoke softly and Harry frowned even more but he nodded.

"I kind of saw that coming." His voice cracking.

"They're calling your godfather and telling him you're moving in."

"Alright." Harry replied shortly and tried holding in the tears but they rushed out of his eyes. He tried wiping them away but they were too fast. Draco hugged the boy and Harry sobbed into Draco's chest.

"Shh harry it's gonna be okay." Draco assured.

"W-we b-both know t-that's a l-lie," Harry sobbed. "Fuck, D-Draco why c-can't I catch a br-break?" Harry cried harder clutching on to Draco and Draco held the younger boy tighter.

"I don't know, Harry," Draco soothed. "I don't know." Harry grip loosened as he was losing control. Harry clenched his fists so Draco quickly grabbed them and called the nurses to sedate him. Once Harry was sedated, he calmed down and his eyes grew heavy.

"I'm so sorry Draco," Harry whispered. He was in a lying position as Draco was sitting up.

"Don't be Harry, this isn't your fault. None of it is," Draco told him. "You need to rest some more. I'll be outside." Draco kissed Harry's forehead and Harry nodded falling asleep. Draco got out of the bed and walked back into the waiting room where the couple was sleeping.

            "Hermione." Draco whispered walking closer before he shook her gently and she woke up without waking Ron

"Anything else?" She asked.

"They found GHB in his system." Her eyes widened and she nodded to go on. "So they're picking up Cedric," Draco explained. "But um Harry beat Cedric pretty badly in a fit of rage so um he's being kicked out."

"What?!" Hermione yelled waking Ron.

"What's wrong?" Ron jumped awake.

"They're kicking out Harry!" Hermione yelled.

"They can't do that." Ron protested.

"Well Harry beat Cedric up so they can," Draco explained. "Cedric was in the hospital wing so I guess the police are going to talk to him." Draco said taking a deep breath. "So Harry's getting kicked out."

             "Do they know he was raped?"

"Harry doesn't even know you guys know," Draco replied. "So no, the school doesn't know he was and I don't think he would even bring it up."

"When does he need to move out?" Ron questioned.

"When he leaves the hospital. Hopefully tomorrow if he stops with the fits of rage," Draco responded. "They sedated him because he got a little angry when I told him and he wouldn't stop crying."

"Oh dear." Hermione gasped.

"We'll be here for him. We'll let him know that we'll visit him. Where is his godfathers' house?" Ron spoke up.

"No idea. He never told me where he lived as a child," Draco said. "All I know it's a small town that doesn't approve of homosexuality."

             "Oh goodness." Hermione sniffled. "Will he be okay?"

"I hope so."


Harry's P.O.V

The next day, I packed all my things.
I had everything ready to leave and I was allowed to say goodbye to people. The person I first I went to was professor Snape.

"I came to say thank you for everything sir." I spoke and he smiled.

"It's my pleasure Mr. Potter." He told me and I saw the questioning look in his eyes.

"Go ahead Professor, you can ask." I assured.

"Can you tell me what happened between you two?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I don't know if I can professor." I answered.

"Mr. Diggory was arrested last night," He said and I nodded. We kind of stared at each other so I decided to tell him.

"He um he raped me sir." I confessed and Snape's eyes widened.

"Why didn't you report it to us?"

"I was kind of blinded with rage and then taken to the hospital," I explained. "I told the nurses there."

"I am so sorry, Harry." He shook his head and I shrugged. "I hope everything works out for you, you're a good kid."

             "Thank you sir." I said and I went to leave.


"Yes professor?" I turned looking at him.

"If you need anything, feel free to come find me.".

"Thank you professor. I really appreciate it." I said and left the room. Next I went to the wrestling room and said goodbye to everyone. They were sad I was leaving but some seemed afraid of me. Wood was the worst, he was crying.

            "Harry, you're the greatest person I've met. Please stay in touch." He cried so I hugged him but he cried harder. I hadn't even let the other players shake my hand let alone hug me. He buried his face into my neck and I tried soothing him.

"Thanks Oliver. You're pretty great too. I promise we'll keep in touch." I promised. We let go of the embrace so I could say goodbye to coach, who said I was the best player he had. I hugged him too and then left the room.

I walked to Ron's room where Hermione would be. They told me they knew about Cedric which I didn't care because they were the first people I went to. I hugged them both as well and they cried into me.

            "We're so sorry Harry," They cried. "We love you and promise to visit."

"Thanks guys. I'm going to miss you."

"We're gonna miss you too." They hugged me a little tighter. We let go of the embrace and I walked to my room. Draco was frantically trying to get dressed.

            "You're awake." I smiled and he turned to me letting out a shaking breath.

"I thought you left without saying goodbye." He let out a shuddering breath, walking over to me.

"I would never." I promised and he hugged me tightly so I buried my face into his chest. I had my arms around him tightly and we stayed like that for awhile.

"I love you Harry." He confessed speaking up. "So much and I'm going to miss you like crazy but we're gonna talk every day, you understand me?"

"Yes." My voice cracked.

"Don't cry because then I will and I just put on my make up." He teased and I chuckled.

"God I'm going to miss you puppy." I started crying. "I love you so much." I cried.

"Shh I know I love you too." He said before kissing the top of my head and then pulled away to kiss my lips. The kiss lingered for a bit and when we pulled away he hugged me again. "Do you have everything?" He asked.


"Your pills?" He asked. The doctor put me on some kind of antidepressant. Saying I could relapse back into the emotional fit.

"Yes." I replied.

"Okay," He nodded. "I'll walk you to the car." Draco insisted that he'd get someone to drive me to the train station. He also bought me a train ticket and made sure I had a ride back. He grabbed my bags and my hand. We walked outside and in the front. Draco put my bags in the car and turned to hug me tightly. "I love you so much Harry. I'll come and visit anytime you want."

"I love you too Draco." I hugged him tightly.

 Once we pulled away I noticed he was crying so I wiped away a tear. I put my lips to his and he kissed me back.  Once he swiped his tongue on my bottom lip, I opened up and our tongues danced around each other. Neither one of us taking over dominance, just savoring the moment. When we pulled away, I hugged him one last time before getting in the car.

Draco's P.O.V

I watched as Harry drove away. He and I hadn't been apart from the moment I met him. He was there with me all the time or he'd always be there when I got back. To say I was heartbroken was an understatement because I was really going to miss him. 

I decided to go to the hospital to visit someone not caring about my classes. I heard Cedric was moved to the prison unit of the hospital until he was better to move to the real prison. So I hopped in the taxi and it took me there. I paid the guy and went to make the visit. Once at the prison unit, I was searched and then they allowed me in the room. He was awake and handcuffed to the side of the bed. He was staring at the TV so I walked over to his bed and sat next to it.

"Hi Cedric." I greeted calmly.

"Malfoy?" His eyes widened in fear.

"I'm not here to hurt your or yell at you." I promised.

"I am so sorry," He cried. "Harry- harry was so upset. I-I didn't think he'd react that way." He cried. "I- I expected h-him to be m-mad but not like that."

             "He's pretty broken," I nodded. "He had to leave this morning."

"They kicked him out?!"

"Yes, violence is not tolerated." I said and took a deep breath to stop myself from crying.

"I was just trying to break you two up and It went all wrong because I got carried away," He admitted. "I am so sorry. Harry hates me and I don't want that. I don't want the nicest kid in the world to hate me," He sobbed. "I'm so sorry Draco."

"Why were you trying to break us up?"

"Because I wanted Harry back and Blaise wants you back." He confessed and I felt my blood boil. "So Blaise suggested seducing Harry. He said that once you see him cheating on you, you'd go back to him." Tears swarmed in my eyes and I wiped them away.

"B-Blaise put you up to this?" I asked.

"It was more of a group effort." He said and I just lost it and started sobbing.

"C-Cedric y-you need to plead guilty. Pl-please," I sobbed. "Harry is so-so unbelievably b-broken." I cried. "I c-cant even be there an-anymore for him. I-I want t-to be t-there for h-him." I sobbed and I tried calming down but thinking Harry wasn't going to be there made me cry more. "I-I've n-never s-seen him t-this b-broken or m-mad," I gulped. "F-fuck C-Cedric, why did you do t-this to him?" I cried. Cedric was certainly shocked at my outburst but I continued crying.

"I... I don't know why." Cedric said simply. I tried calming myself down but then another person came into the room.


"Dad?" Cedric spoke.

"Do you need a lawyer son?" His father asked and Cedric shook his head.

"I did it," Cedric confessed. "I drugged him and I engaged in sexual intercourse with him when he couldn't consent." I looked at Cedric's dad who looked like his son just murdered someone. He was paler than me and his eyes were blank.

"Why?" He asked simply.

"I was put up to it by an outside source who wanted to break the boy up with his boyfriend." He said pointing to me and Cedric's dad looked at me.

"He did this to your boyfriend?"

"Yes sir." I responded.

"I am sorry for my son's foolishness," He apologized. "But I want the name of the boy who put you up to it."

"It's-" Cedric started.

"Blaise Zabini sir. My ex boyfriend," I told  him. "Haul is ass in because he deserves to rot in jail just like your son," I spat. "Goodbye." I walked out of the hospital room and out of the hospital before making a phone call.

            "Hello?" The familiar voice answered.

"Did you get on the train alright kitten?" I asked.

"Yes." He said, voice sounding more broken than ever. "I miss you already."

"I miss you more but I'm gonna come visit soon because it hasn't even been an hour. I don't think I can last very long."

"I know." 

"I'm so sorry Harry." I started crying.

"Don't cry Draco, it'll be okay. You're strong puppy, I love you."

"I love you more," I cried. "Please be safe and call me when you get home."

"I will. I'll talk to you later puppy." He told before letting out a sob and hung up the phone. 

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