Chapter Twenty-Six

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Ron's P.O.V

Harry looked awful. He was only in his boxers and his eyes were glassed over. He didn't look like he was fully there.

"Harry, are you alright?" Hermione asked but he just shook his head and then fell to the ground. He started screaming and crying. "Harry, relax what's wrong?" Hermione gasped and kneeled next to him. He was mumbling something about Cedric. It was clear he was having some sort of a breakdown. "Harry, Harry. It's okay." Hermione tried before looking at me for help. I got out of bed and walked over to them.

"Harry buddy, what happened?" I asked but nothing. His body was shaking and he was shaking his head. He started rocking and no matter how hard Hermione tried, he wasn't getting any better.

"I'm gonna call an ambulance, you go find Draco." Hermione informed me.

"No!" Harry yelled grabbing on to her and our eyes widened as he cried. "No Draco." He sobbed. "Cedric- he. Draco mad." Harry stuttered out.

"Call the ambulance. I'll meet you at the hospital." I told her so she nodded and I ran out. I ran to my room to get changed and grab some money. I burst through the door and Draco was sitting on Neville's bed, crying to him but I ignored him.

"What's the rush?" Neville asked so I stopped what I was doing and looked over at them. I decided telling him because I'd be gone for a few hours.

"Harry is having a breakdown so Hermione and I are taking him to the hospital." I explained.
"He's inconsolable." I shook my head in disbelief.

             "What?!" Draco jumped up. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know exactly. But he said not to get you because you'll be mad and something about Cedric." I told him.

"Let me come, please." He begged. "I don't know what's wrong." I stared at his wide teary eyes.

"Okay yeah whatever." I said rolling my eyes so I rushed getting dressed and got money. Draco and I ran out and hopped in one of the taxis that standby at school. They drove us to the hospital and we ran out with Draco paying the man. We ran in to the hospital and Hermione was in the waiting room.

"What happened?" Draco rushed out. Hermione looked over to me looking annoyed I brought him along.

"He wanted to come. He doesn't know what's going on." I caught her up and she rolled her eyes but sighed.

"Okay well Harry had an emotional breakdown. He was sedated in the ambulance because he wasn't calming down. They rushed him to the psych ward and now he's under suicide watch."

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Because they said it was standard procedure for someone having a breakdown like that." She said. "He still didn't say what happened." She looked at Draco. "Do you know?"

"He was with Cedric last night. Cheating on me." He stated.

"That doesn't sound like something he would do." I shook my head.

"Well I saw it!" He defended. "I wanna see him." He crossed his arms so Hermione sighed but nodded.

"He's in room 217. Go ahead. But you need to be calm." She spoke  and Draco nodded.

"I will be." He walked away.

Draco's P.O.V

I walked into Harry's room which was blank with hardly anything in it. He was lying with an I.V in his arm. He was just staring off into space and It broke my heart to see him like this.

"Harry?" I choked out so he looked over to me and frowned. His eyes were droopy and incredibly bloodshot like he had been crying.

"I told them not to tell you." He spoke stubbornly so I walked over to him and kneeled by the bed. There wasn't any furniture in the room. I put my arms on his bed and he flinched but I kept them there.

"Why not?" I asked.

"You saw." He told me simply.

"Can you tell me what I saw?" I asked and his eyes filled with tears.

"No." He cried.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't remember."

"What?" I asked confused. His eyes locked with mine and tears were streaming down his face.

"C-Cedric." He cried. "H-he he dr-drugged me." He cried more and my heart sank. I couldn't find anything to say so Harry went on. "He-he r-raped me D-Draco." Harry sobbed. My heart was in my stomach and anger boiled inside me.

"What?" I spat and he started crying more so I was trying soothing him.

"I-I'm s-sorry." He cried.

"Shh relax." I soothed and stroked his hair but he flinched again. "Harry, it's not your fault." I said. "I could have prevented it Harry." I started crying. "I-I was there. I-I thought you were cheating on me." I said and he shook his head.

"I would never." He cried. I stood up and hugged him as he lied down.

"I-I'm so s-sorry." I cried. "I love you so much Harry." 

"I-I lo-love y-you too." We just stayed in the position for a little bit before I spoke up.

"Did you report the rape?" I asked.

"You're the first person I told. Please don't tell the nurses." He begged.

"Harry, you need to tell someone."

"No!" He protested. His breathing shortened and I tried calming him down.

"Harry, shh relax," I soothed. "You need to tell someone other than me. What he did was wrong and I am here to protect you." I said. "Please." I begged and he chewed on his lip.

"No one is going to care." He shook his head as tear streamed down his face.

"They will. You have to trust me." I directed and he stared at me. After a few short minutes of him staring at me, he finally nodded.

"Okay." Relief washed over me.

"I'll go get a nurse." He nodded and I left to go get a nurse. I asked the nurse to go speak to him and she said she would. I walked back into the waiting room where the couple was sitting. They looked at me sorrowfully.

"How is he?" Hermione asked and I looked at her. Tears were still in my eyes and I was trying to find the words to tell her.

"Cedric-" I took a deep breath. "Cedric raped him." I spoke and their eyes widened.

"What?!" Ron yelled.

"Last night, he drugged Harry somehow and t-took advantage of him." I tried not to cry. "I don't know what possessed him to do that but he did." My voice cracking at the end so Hermione hugged me tightly.

"Is he going to tell someone?"

             "He just told the nurse.".

"Draco?" I heard a female voice call. I looked back and a nurse in purple scrubs was standing there. I walked over to her.

"That's me." I answered and he gave a small sympathetic smile.

"You can stay with your boyfriend but we need to do a rape kit." She spoke.

"What is that?"

"It's an examination documenting things from the rape. DNA like seamen, skin or we even look for bruises."

"What if you find nothing? He was drugged. He doesn't remember anything."

"Yes I understand that but we're looking for the DNA, this way it'll be easier to charge the boy." She said and I nodded so I walked with her to Harry's room. They brought a chair so I could hold his hand and I didn't leave his side once.

 The exam was pretty internal and everything. Harry was a trooper through the whole thing and when they were finished, they looked at me.

"Um when is the last time you two were intimate?" She asked.

"Why is that important?" I questioned.

"So we could rule out any DNA you may have left behind." She answered.

"Last week," Harry replied. "That includes oral intimacy as well." He answered and I blushed from embarrassment. The nurse nodded and walked out of the room to get the results.

"What if they don't find anything?" He asked.

"I'm sure they'll find something kitten." I spoke gently as I stroked his hair.

"I tried to be nice to him. T-this is how he tr-treats me." Harry cried.

"Shh relax okay?" I soothed him. "Do you remember anything?"

"I remember sitting in the library finishing work. He came over to me and gave me some weird tasting coffee. That's it."

"Okay." I said kissing his head. A few moments later one of the nurses came back.

"Mr. Potter, you tested positive for GHB." She said. "It's a common date rape drug." She stated and Harry's hand tensed in mine.

"Did you find anything else?" I asked.

"Well Harry you got some of his skin under your finger nails. So that proves you were with someone and that you had sex last night but the person wore a condom."

"Great." Harry sobbed.

"Shh." I hushed. "So what now?"

"The cops are picking up Mr. Diggory and they'll question him, take his DNA to see if it'll match. They'll also look for witnesses from last night's events like someone seeing him giving you something. You should probably get some rest. It's a long process."

"Thank you." Harry said so she gave a small smile before leaving the room. "Draco?"

"Yes Harry?"

"Can you lay with me?"

             "Are you sure?"

"Yes." He replied so I nodded and I kicked off my shoes before crawling into the bed. He snuggled up having his face in my chest. I felt him start crying into my chest so I soothed him gently.

"It's okay Harry. I'm here." I soothed. "I love you. I'll be here." After a few minutes of heavy crying, he finally calmed down and his breathing evened. I was gently stroking his hair when Snape walked in.

"I heard," He started "That he was on suicide watch. What happened?" He asked very concerned. 

"I don't know if I can tell you." I whispered.

"Does it have anything to with Mr. Diggory?" He asked.

"How did you know?"

"Harry gave him quite the beating." He answered and my eyes widened. I looked at the sleeping boy then back to Snape.


             "Nearly broke his jaw, gave him a black eye, bruised nose and bruised ribs. He also has a slight concussion. His roommate found him and he brought him to the hospital wing. Diggory refused to tell who; he was very upset over it. He finally told us after much integration but he isn't pressing charges."

"Good, he doesn't have a right to," I insisted. "It was nice you came to visit."

"Well that's the thing," He began. "Our school has a zero tolerance for fighting and I've come to tell him that he can't continue coming back." He said with a  frown. "Dumbledore thought it was best I tell him since he's comfortable with me."

"You can't kick him out!" I yelled.

"I'm afraid we have to."

"But he has nowhere to go."

"He has family. An aunt and an uncle."

"No!" I yelled. "He can't go back there." I shook my head frantically.

"He also has a godfather. We can phone him and tell him Harry would be moving in. Just tell the boy when he wakes up. He'll need to move out when he gets out of the hospital." Snape spoke and walked out. 

My heart broke because not only was Harry just violated in the worst way; but he wouldn't be able to finish school. Not to mention I was losing my roommate and my best friend.

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