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They were right. The second half of the afternoon was way more fun than I could have imagined. There was music and people were throwing this weird colorful powder in the air. A few people already started drinking and offered us one, we happily accepted, and I guess the alcohol made it that much better.

I was having way too much fun. I honestly couldn't remember the last time I had this much fun. Before Will, the most fun thing I'd ever do would be going out back at Bailey's with Annabeth and Jason and just drinking and eating the leftover food. Will really brightened up my life, so much. 

Also, it was cold. Why was it so cold? Just earlier today it was like 80 degrees and now it's like 50. 

The sun was setting more and more, and me being the shorty I was, I could barely see it over the taller people. Will seemed to notice this and came up with the only logical explanation. "Get on my shoulders,"

"I'm not getting on your shoulders, Solace," I inform him whilst laughing.

"It'll be easy, you're like 90 pounds," he explained. I rolled my eyes in response but before I knew it, Will had managed to pick me up. 

"I'm not 90 pounds, for one, that's extremely underweight for a 22-year-old, secondly, don't drop me." I laughed. I was still cold, if not colder, but the sun setting was so pretty, not to mention how the colors reflected off of Will's hair. I started to not think about it and just braid the strands of hair.

"Whatcha doing Death Boy?" He laughed. I continued to braid his hair.

"What does it look like I'm doing and don't call me Death Boy, it's weird,"

"You're weird," Was apparently the best thing he could come up with.

"You're weirder," I replied and we just began laughing. What was in that drink? Couldn't have just been beer, I can drink a beer and not get like this, and I'm sure Mr. Sunshine can too. Thalia and Reyna have had like three of the drinks and they could barely stand.

"You're shivering," Will told me, I didn't realize that I was.

"No, I'm not, you are," I'm not sure where these great comebacks are coming from. *Sarcasm*

"Take this," He handed me the rainbow flag and I wrapped it around me. The flag was so big it wrapped fully around me, and then managed to go down to Will's shoulders, so it only left my legs out. I made sure to keep the front out of Will's face, which wasn't that hard to do.

"We're almost back, which means the parties about to start, but no ones ever allowed in until 8 o' fucking clock,"

"8 o' fucking clock?" I replied in a British accent, not sure why, but I did. I was just the right amount of drunk to remember and be aware of what I did, but it was always afterward, I have no filter at the moment.

"YEAH! 8 O' FUCKING CLOCK!" He confirmed in an Australian accent. I'm not exactly sure what was wrong with us at the moment.

"YEAH?!" I asked, still British.

"Yeah," He confirmed. He went back to regular Will and I realized his accent was even stronger. Never in a million years would I have thought I would find a country accent attractive. I mean I didn't, what? 

We had stopped walking and was now waiting at the building where everything was going to happen. We had around thirty minutes so the four of us tried to find a quiet spot, which we succeeded in doing so. We all sat down and just laughed. My face had hurt from all the laughing we were doing, I was laughing because Reyna and Thalia were so drunk, I think Will was doing the same, Reyna and Thalia were laughing because when you're that drunk, everything is funny. Will was now holding the flag, but I was sitting between his legs and he wrapped it around the both of us, it couldn't completely go around because it wasn't long enough, but I was warm because of how close Will was. 

"We should all take pictures!" Thalia exclaimed like she just found the cure for cancer. She pulled out her phone and handed it to a random stranger. "Can you take a picture for us?" She slurred. The stranger agreed and began to tell us where the best lighting was. We all stood there laughing our heads off as the stranger took the picture. 

Thalia thanked him, and I wanted to let them get a picture together, just them two, being a couple and all. "Guys let me take one of you two," I laughed taking Thalia's phone. Reyna happily obliged. Thalia picked Reyna up bridal smile whilst laughing. Reyna looked shocked and then just laughed too.

I took the picture and Reyna walked over to me and asked for my phone. I handed it to her and she told both of us (Will and I) to go and 'act like we love each other' in her words. I was about to tell her no, but Will grabbed my hand and it felt warm and I didn't want to pull away.

Reyna kept telling us where to move our arms and other crap when eventually Thalia yelled and began to chant 'Kiss, kiss, kiss," Gods, she was so drunk. I began to blush but before I knew it, Will had kissed me on the cheek. I felt like a school girl. Why was I blushing so much from a simple kiss on the cheek? At that point, Reyna decided to take the picture and everyone was laughing, including myself, mostly at how flustered I was getting over one kiss on the cheek. 

Reyna handed me my phone and we all noticed everyone piling inside. We soon followed and I was sure I still had a blush on my cheeks. The party had music blaring, there were rainbow lights reflecting everywhere, everyone had a drink in there hand, and I had a feeling I would be as drunk as Reyna and Thalia in a moment. There also happened to be quite a bit of people making out, which was fine except sometimes they would come over to one of us four, and we would get super weirded out, but then began to laugh. Reyna almost kicked this one girl's ass for trying to kiss Thalia, Will and I had to hold her back.

When I was about three more drinks in, things were very dizzy. I had lost sight of Will, Thalia, and Reyna, but was now just dancing, I probably looked crazy, but so did everyone else. I wanted to find Will, this would have been so much more fun with Will here. I'd have someone to dance along and be goofy with, instead, I just danced like an idiot with anyone who wanted to join in. 

There was some very upbeat song but then I heard someone singing from a few feet away, and it was Will. "Solace!?" I asked very loudly.

"Nico!?" Was all I heard back, I ran toward the voice and found my roommate singing 'you are my sunshine' in the middle of the party.  It was very soft and soothing and I actually joined in next to him. He placed his hands on my waist, and I was able to wrap my around his neck, we continued singing the song.

After singing it once, we just stopped singing and began to ballroom dance, yes ballroom dance, hand in hand, spinning me around, dancing. The music was so not slow dancing music but we didn't care. He would spin me around and dip me, and I really wanted to know where he learned his dancing from. The colorful lights were shining in his hair, and his flower crown was still in place. He was so perfect. I wanted to kiss him, but I couldn't that would be weird, we were friends, that's why when we took the picture, he kissed my cheek, not my lips, not to mention we were just roommates, who turned into friends. We were just friends, nothing but--my lips had other ideas, I got on my tiptoes and put my lips gently against his. 

He wasn't going to kiss back, why would he kiss back? I was being stupid, and I was drunk, and I'm going to pull away. I was about to too, but then, he kissed back, his hands were on the small of my back, and my hands were now playing with his hair. It was a drunken sloppy kiss, but I couldn't be happier. He had whiskey on his breath, and hat tasted like vodka. We finally broke apart and both blushed immediately. 

"You have no clue--" Will started but I interrupted.

"How long you've wanted to do that? Because I think I do,"

"Yeah," He confirmed. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. What if I didn't remember, or worse, what if I did, and he didn't. What if in the morning, we woke up, and remembered nothing. Would that be for the better or for the worse? At the moment I didn't care.  

"I'm going to get more drinks, wanna come?" Will asked, still blushing, I agreed and I smiled all the way there. The music was still blaring and mixed with the alcohol, I was getting a headache.

All night until like 12, I danced with Will. We met back up with Thalia and Reyna and made the unanimous decision to leave. We were all way too drunk to drive, so Thalia called Jason to come pick us up. I found myself still humming 'you are my sunshine' and I wanted to kill Will for getting it in my head, but at the same time, I loved it. 

"Oh. My. Gods. You guys look so drunk," We heard a voice say, it belonged to Jason. 

"Don't be such a party pooper, Jase, we were responsible and called you instead of driving, also can you help me get my car in the morning?" Thalia asked her brother, hiccuping in between words.

"Fine, get in, but no one better puke in my car or I'll kill you!" Jason threatened, but no one believed him, he couldn't harm a fly unless that fly was going to hurt someone he cared about. 

"No one better puke in my car," Thalia mimicked her brother. "You'd think that he'd be the older one, but no! I'm older, you're totally going to have grey hairs one day Jase," She laughed. I was lucky I wasn't nauseous because I have work with Jason tomorrow and a horrible topic subject is 'hey your puke is staining the seats in my car,'

Jason rolled his eyes and buckled up. "Will, Nico, where do you live?" He asked. 

"Oh in an apartment building," Will answered. I nodded my head in agreement.

"That's not specific enough guys," Jason laughed.

"Why not? It's a tan color. They have vending machines outside of it," I told him.

"Like the address," He said, still laughing, why was he laughing? Was he drunk? Maybe we needed a new designated driver, he was a little loopy. 

"Our apartment doesn't wear a dress, it's made of bricks, silly goose," Will teased Jason. I laughed in agreement.

"What kind of apartment do you live in? Does it have a friend in a suit?" I laughed.

"That'd be funny," Will agreed with me. 

"Does anyone know Will and Nico's address?" Jason announced.

"WE ALL READY TOLD YOU!" Will and I exclaimed in unison.

"Okay, we'll just drop Reyna and Thalia off first then," Jason mumbled in defeat. We all laughed. Thalia sat in the front with Jason. Reyna, Will, and I sat in the back. I was in the middle, Reyna was on my left, and Will was on my right.

"Your flower crown is messed up!" Will tells me and begins to fix it. I just blush as he does so.

"Your breath smells like drunk," I state.

"There's a scent called 'drunk'?" he asks me.

"Yes, and you currently smell of it," I informed him. "It's not a certain alcohol, just drunk," I laugh.

"You smell like drunk to then," He laughed.

"You smell drunker,"

"Well you're dumb," He laughs.

"You're dumber!" Was the best comeback I could think of. 

"Nuh-uh!" Will laughed.

"Yeah-huh," I giggled. Shit I giggled...again.

"Just snog already!" Reyna yelled, scaring me and Will both. 

"REYNA!" We exclaimed in unison.

~La Time Skip~

"Thalia, take Advil, you have work in the morning, goodnight Reyna," Jason said as he helped the two girls out of his car. 

"Now, please, where do you two live?" He looked at me and Will. We exchanged glances, then shrugged. I slowly began to doze off and lean my head on Will's shoulder. I felt him put an arm around me and I fell asleep.

~La time skip...again~

"Nico, Will, wake up, please, is this your apartment?" I hear Jason ask. I slowly open my eyes. Will had his arms wrapped very protectively around me. I looked around and just smiled at Jason. 

"Do you see this?" I whisper to Jason. "I think I like him," 

"Really?" Jason laughed quietly. "I couldn't tell,"

"Good, I don't want anyone to know, you don't know right?" I ask making sure no one would ever find out about my feelings towards Will. 

"No, I don't know," Jason laughed. "Get your boyfriend to wake up," he told me. 

"He's not my boyfriend, we're just roommates, silly," I laugh. "Wiiiiilllllllll," I say as I turn towards the blonde. "Wakkeeeeee Uppppppp," Will slowly opened his eyes.

"Aweeeeee morning, Deeeaathhhh Boyyyyyy,"

"Don't call me that!" I laughed. "And we're here! Soooooo get uppppp!" I laughed and Will tighten his grip on me. 

"I don't wanna!" He laughed. I rolled my eyes and then Jason began to bud in.

"Guys, Piper is waiting on me, please get out of my car," 

"Fine, Party Pooper," Will complained as he scooted out of the car, me going along with him. Jason walked us up to our apartment number and unlocks the door for us, after getting our keys from us, and made sure we were safely on our couch. He got out four Advil for us, two for each, and threw our blankets. That was all I remembered, before I fell asleep, once more, in Will's arms.


Word Count: 2421

i thinkk i liked this chapter but the ending could have been better.

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