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I woke up to find myself in Will's arms and had a horrible headache. I slowly stood up, making sure not to disturb Will, and saw four pills on the table, with two glasses of water, and a note. 

~Take these, Jase~

I took two of the pills and swallowed them down with the water. I looked over at the sleeping Will and couldn't help but smile. He looked so happy and peaceful and OH MY GODS I KISSED HIM! I remembered as well. I kissed him, I remembered it, but did he? Why did I kiss him? I started pacing around the room and found myself in the kitchen, getting all the ingredients to make waffles. 

I was super hungover and I also was going to pick my super sweet half-sister, Hazel, up at around 2:30. Oh, gods, this is horrible. Will won't remember, he was probably so much drunker than I was, so he wouldn't remember and we could forget the whole thing. He would wake up in 20 minutes, eat some waffles, go to class, I would get ready to see Hazel, and everything would go back to normal. Right?


Will woke up three seconds after that thought came into my brain. He came up with a loud groan that scared me and made me drop an egg that splattered onto my sock. Will immediately began to run to the bathroom. I followed after him, and he was curled over the toilet, puking up everything from the night before.

"Lightweight," I mumbled before walking over to him and placing my hand on his back. I rubbed up and down until he seemed to be completely done. 

"I. Am. Not. A. Lightweight." He informed me. I just laughed and let out a sigh of relief. He didn't remember. Was that a good or bad thing? I wasn't exactly sure. I liked Will, and I wanted to kiss Will again, maybe less drunkenly next time, but I knew I wanted to, but does Will? 


"Mmhm sure, are you hungry?"

"For once in my life--" Will laughed, "--I'm not,"

I couldn't help but laugh back. "Okay, but when you are, I'm making waffles,"

We walked back out of the bathroom, and I showed Will where Jason left the Advil for him. He took it and I realized I was dozing off whilst making the waffles so they burned. Go me. I walked back over to the couch where there was a Will wrapped in a blanket cocoon. 

"You look like crap," I laugh

"Thanks," He mumbles sarcastically.

"Don't mention it," I say, and we both laugh lightly, but not much because it hurts our heads. I was trying not to make it awkward, but that was hard, I remembered a kiss that I wanted to remember, but he didn't. He didn't remember us saying we wanted to do that for awhile, he probably didn't remember when we danced to a very un-slow-dance-y song. He didn't remember any of it, and I couldn't get it out of my head. 

We turned on the TV but kept the volume down low. I had made myself a cup of coffee and made Will tea because he was weird and didn't want coffee. We sat in silence, it was probably regular silence for him, but for me it was awkward, I don't think I need to explain why.

I had to get to work in an hour, then pick up Hazel two hours after that. This was going to be along day, but as the coffee ran through my body, I felt better. I guess I didn't drink as much as I thought. "What time are you going to be home after Hazel?" Will ask me, I could tell him but he might not remember, so what's the point? I decided to stop thinking like a petty teenager and tell him.

"Around 7 probably, why?" 

"Just wanted to know," He smiles. Why was he smiling?

A few moments later, Will had to leave for classes and I had to get ready for work. I took a shower and realized my headache had subsided. Once I was out I quickly changed into my work uniform and headed for Bailey's in an Uber. No customers were there yet and I saw Jason through the window. He had his arms crossed but was smirking at me.

As soon as I walked in Jason began talking. "You were so drunk last night like you told me you liked Will and then asked me if I knew, I said no, and you said good, I don't want anyone to know I like him," Jason laughed. "You were literally talking out loud, I'm honestly surprised you didn't call in sick for work,"

"I'm dedicated," I mumbled sarcastically. I didn't want to get into my feelings for the certain blonde right now. Annabeth shorty was by Jason's side and a let out a sigh. Great. Honestly, they were like the parents I never had. Some Friday nights, we would drink behind the diner. They would always make sure I got an Uber or didn't drink too much, and you've heard how they get when I show any interest in a guy, they will definitely be great parents.

"Sooo, you and Will?" Annabeth teased. I just trudged past her and Jason to put on my apron. Annabeth clearly saw I was struggling with tying it, so she came around and finished it for me. "I think you guys are cute, you should seriously think about acting on that,"

"Easy for you too say, even you Jase, you guys are in committed relationships, I've been single for, like, forever," I mumbled again as Annabeth finished tying up the apron.

"Nico, it's not super hard--"

"Okay, you can't say that you and Piper were literally just friends and did you even ever ask her? Didn't it just happen? Also, I think Will's friends with Piper, does she have really colorful eyes?"

"Yeah she does, and okay true, but you and Will are friends," He tried to reason. "And, yeah there friends,"

"Yeah, Nico, if--" Annabeth started, but I interrupted her.

"No, you can't talk either, okay, because Percy what kissed you, or you kissed him? Either way, you don't even know when you truly dated? You went on dates but you guys were 'just friends' basically what I'm trying to get out, neither of you can give me your two cents about relationships,"

"That makes no sense," Annabeth laughed.

"Yeah," Jason agreed. I just rolled my eyes and the first few customers began to file into the restaurant.

~La Time Skip~

It was my lunch break and I decided to call an Uber and go to Subway. While in the Uber I remember the picture that we took at the Parade. I went to look at it and it was amazing. It was like this movies. 

The picture was taken at the exact moment his lips hit my cheek. The sun was reflecting perfectly off his hair. The flag was lazily wrapped around us. My face was in total shock and it was perfect. I would imagine seeing it taken in a movie. I couldn't get over how perfect it was and I was never going to delete it. I wanted to hang it up in my room, post it on every social media I had and set it as my lock screen. I was in love with this picture.

When I got to Subway I ordered a, well, sandwich, and got a Coke with it. I grabbed a bag of Doritos and sat down in a booth. I scrolled through my phone and just wasted time. I wanted to text Will, or call him, or just hear his voice. I was obsessed like I love sick teenager and I hated it. I couldn't see the color blue without thinking of his eyes. I couldn't see golden blonde hair, and not think about making tiny braids in Will's hair. I couldn't even think of the Sun without thinking of that damned song. Will was literally taking over my life. 

I found myself humming 'you are my sunshine' more than once during lunch and it killed me. It was such a stupid song, but it meant so much to me! Gods, what was this boy doing to me? I never thought I would be so in love, or lovesick, or whatever I was. I never felt the way I did with Will. Ever. 

I finished my lunch and rode back to work. I walked in on Annabeth and Jason talking. "Hey, Nico!" Jason called out towards me.

"Hey Jase, also can I borrow your car? I need to...drive, someone, around--not Will stop smirking--and...yeah, I just need to borrow it, can I?"

"Yeah, if you can drop me off at my house before you and 'someone' go off and frolick," He teased.

"No, it's seriously not Will, it's actually--" I didn't want to tell them about the whole have sister thing. "--just someone named, Hazel Lev--you know what? I'm not going to tell you her last name because I know you would google her, and stalk her,"

"Who is it? How do you know each other? Is she a murderer?" Annabeth asks concerned.

"Hazel, we...just know each other, and no, she's really nice," I confirm.

"HOW do you know each other?" Jason asked. I decided to change the subject because I REALLY don't want to get into the half-sister thing.

"Are these new tomatoes?" I ask, gesturing to the box of produce on the counter.

"Nico, don't change the subject," Annabeth and Jason say in unison. I decide if they want to really go there and make it all awkward, they can.

"Half-sister," I deadpan.

They both looked at me confused, and then I waved it off. I walked over to the next to table quickly and took someone's order. Jason and Annabeth were still confused, but I ignored it as I handed Jason the order for him to go cook. "I need your car before two, is that good?" He nods his head in response, and I continue waiting on customers. Annabeth shook off her confusion and could tell I didn't want to talk about it, so she didn't bother me with it. 

I kept thinking about what Hazel and I could do. I mean I didn't know what she liked to do, I barely knew her. I knew I wanted to know her more, but how do you bond over doing something, when you don't know what to do? Not to mention, I didn't want to go to bars and anywhere remotely like there, because I felt a sense of protectiveness over her. I shouldn't have, because, I didn't know her, we were family, but we also weren't. I met her the other day, and at first, I didn't want to. 

~La Time Skip because work is boring to write about :)~

"Jase! Hurry up! I don't want to be late," I call over to the, very slow, Jason.

"Sorry! I don't want to forget anything!" He replies.

"How much things to you bring to work? I literally bring my phone, what else can there be to forget,"

Jason looks at me puzzled. "Lots of things, Jackets, Pepperspray, water, some change to give to homeless people--"

"Jason? Are you serious? Those or not things to freak out about forgetting,"

"Well, next time you're thirsty and forgot YOUR water bottle, don't come to me crying,"

"I assure you, I won't, no, where do you live?"

Jason gives me his address and I drive there. I managed to not freak out a bunch, or think about Bianca. Once Jason was dropped off, he told me to not wreck his car, and if I could drop it off and Uber home, which I knew I would have no problem with, because, after driving that long, I'd be dying to stop. 

I went over to Hazel's house and she was sitting outside on her porch. She was letting her hair loose and had on light blue skinny jeans. She wore a loose, white, tank top with small yellow flowers placed randomly on it. She was wearing white slip-on vans (You know what I'm talking about right?) She looked really nice, but I don't think she could honestly be anything but pretty. 

"Hey," I smiled as she hoped in Jason's car on the passenger side.

"Hi," She replied cheerfully. "Where do you want to go?"

I laughed in response. "I have no clue, what are you in the mood for? I'm up for almost anything," and I really was. I wanted anything to get my mind off the fact that Will didn't remember something I really wanted him too.

"I don't know," She laughed back. She had a cute laugh. She had the kind of laugh that made you just smiling hearing.

"What do most people do at four?" I asked. It was currently very awkward.

"That's a good question," She laughed and I decided to pull out of the driveway. Maybe we could just drive and find a place to eat dinner, but sitting in her driveway was very awkward.

"Okay, well are you hungry? We can drive around until we find someplace?" I offered. She shook her head in agreement.

I could tell I wasn't the only one finding it awkward. "What'd you do this week?" She asked, making it slightly less awkward. 

"I--" I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell her I was gay. It wasn't something I told everyone. Hazel was different than Jason. When I first met Jason, if he didn't like that I was gay, I couldn't care less, but Hazel, I don't think she would care, but was it something I wanted to tell her before she really knew me better? "--I went to this event with my friend, Will and his friends, Reyna and Thalia,"

"Oh, I know them, Well, Reyna, she went to summer camp with Frank and me for awhile," (Guy,s I know, I'm original, no need to tell me *sarcasm in case you didn't pick up on it*)

"Wow, it's a small world after all," I tell her, "What'd you do?"

"Oh, um," She paused for a moment thinking of an answer, "Frank and I went to the beach, then just stayed at home, nothing exciting really,"

"That's how most my days go, school, work, and like three hours of free time, then sleep,"

"I couldn't agree more," She laughed. The thing without conversations was that while we were talking, they weren't awkward, but starting them, that was awkward.

"How's the whole jeweler thing going?" I ask, remembering that's why she is in college.

"Oh! Really good, I sold my first bracelet and can almost afford a storefront for three months! I'm so close to being able to open my own business! I was going to wait until after Uni, but I found I really good place in my price range and I think I might rent it,"

"Gods, Hazel, congratulations!"

"Yeah, I'm super excited about it,"

"I'd be too, that's awesome," I smile at her. I could tell she was extremely happy about it.

It went back to a silence, but it wasn't really awkward. There was some music playing and the roads were calm, which was nice, I hated traffic, for obvious reasons.

After a moment of discussion, we decided to go to 'Giulio's Pizzeria'. I heard there Pizza was okay, but their pasta was amazing. Hazel said she ate there before and loved the pasta as well, so we'd decided to eat there. 

We waited to be seated, because that's the kind of place this was, and we requested a booth. We sat on the opposite sides and the waiter handed us a menu. The waiter was a small, frail, young girl. She looked around my age, which was concerning, because, well, I was a horrible waiter. 

"Hey! My name is Ashley I'll be your server today, can I start you two off with some drinks?"

Hazel and I looked at each other for half a second before we both nodded. We both ordered Dr. Peppers (I have a thing for Dr. P deal w/ it) and searched through the window. 

I decided I would want the Stuffed Calzone. It sounded good and I'd only had it once before. Ashley came around with our drinks.

"So, are you two a couple?" She asked pulling out her notepad/ticket pad.

I could tell Hazel was unsure of what to say. She started to stutter out 'No's' and 'Uhh's' I could tell she didn't want to say, brother, because she didn't want to make me uncomfortable. She had a heart of gold. She would make a fool of herself, just for others. 

"We're siblings," I answer. She let out a sigh of relief and a smile. I couldn't help but smile back. Maybe the whole different race thing, might b be confusing, but it's not her place to ask. 

"Oh, sorry," Ashley let out an awkward laugh. "Anyway, what would you two like to eat?"

"Can I have--" Hazel scan her menu once more, "--The Penne Chicken and Brocolli," She said with a smile. How was she always so happy?

"Okay, and for you sir?" She asked. (No need to call me sir, professor(anyone else gets that reference?))

I ordered the Stuffed Calzone and she walked away without orders. Hazel let out a sigh of relief again. "Thank you, I'm sorry, I didn't know if, because I know that--" She started rambling.

"Hazel, I couldn't be prouder to have you as a sister," and I was telling her the truth. There was no one else I'd rather find out is my paternal half-sister was. I only wished I had found her sooner, while at the same time I didn't, because my life was even more of a mess back then.

"Really?" She asked smiling.

"Really," I confirmed.

"I'm glad to have you as my brother," She said and we both smiled, until we eventually laughed. I guess it was just because we both sensed the awkwardness.

~Le time skip because this is getting long and idk what else to talk about...it's just dinner~

After dinner, we drove back home. Hazel had work in the morning, and I had classes, so we decided not to stay out any later. This time around, we got a lot closer, last time it was all about Hades, this time it was about us, and since we both wanted to know each other better, it was more fun, there were a few awkward moments, but a lot less.

"Goodnight Hazel!"

"Night Nico, thanks by the way," I wasn't sure what she was talking about. I don't remember doing anything particular.

"For what?"

"Being a brother, not a total jerk, you know," She smiled.

"No problem. I try not to be a jerk, and I don't think you could be one if you tried," I laughed. She rolled her eyes playfully at the comment, but let it slide.

"See you soon, Nico,"

"You too Hazel," I smile. I waited until she was in her house because, once again, I felt a weird sense of protectiveness of her. Once her door shut, I drove out of her driveway, and back to Jason's. Once I got there, I called an Uber, while I waited I told Jason more about Hazel. 

I didn't tell him about Hades leaving, but I told him he left and also left Hazel. I told him how she found me, and how much better this time was than the last. Then we started talking about Will and how I didn't want to go home, because he didn't remember.

Piper came out and we talked. She seemed to be smiling every time I said 'Will' even if it was 'Will you bump the AC down before I arrive because it's always cold in the mornings' 

Little did she know he didn't remember a thing.  Not. A. Single. Thing.  Did he even mean it when he said he wanted to do that for a long time? Is that even what he meant? I was the one who finished what he was saying, what if he meant, you have no idea...how badly I want to kill you for doing that...?

Soon my Uber arrived and I rode home. I didn't want to go home where Will would be. I might cry, I don't want to cry, especially not because of Will.

After 20 minutes I was bracing myself to walk in. 

I knew what I would see. I would see William freaking Solace. I would see him smiling, or laughing, or just watching TV. Even still, I would only see him as perfect. I would see him as the guy I couldn't have. He could literally be trying to balance 78 spoons on his face, and all I'd see would be perfect. 

When I walked in that's what I was expecting.

I definitely wasn't expecting what I saw. 



Word Count: 3519


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