Hunters in Play; Tag 'N Bag

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Soon enough, the vehicles onboard the choppers were unloaded, and charging their way through the precious jungle of the island of dinosaurs. Onboard one of the Jeeps is Peter Ludlow, alongside Roland Tembo. He is a male in his late 40's, almost reaching in his 50's. He is a big game hunter from Mombasa, Kenya, and was widely regarded as the best of the best.

"This is as good a place as any for base camp. That's first priority after we're finished." Ludlow reported to the droves of all vehicles on his headset. "I want it up and running in 30 minutes. That's half an hour. Understood? Over."

Roland turned to Peter. "Cancel that order." He ordered.

"What? Why?" Peter questioned in confusion.

"This is a game trail, Mr. Ludlow." Roland reported to Peter. "Carnivores hunt on game trails. You want to set up base camp or a buffet?" He asked next sarcastically.

"Let's find a new spot, shall we? Over and out." Peter reported on his headset, then turned to Roland.

"Peter, if I run me to run your little camping trip, there are two conditions." Roland stated firmly to Peter. "Firstly, I'm in charge. If I'm not around, Dieter is. All you have to do is just pay us, tell us we're doing a good job, and serve us some Scotch after we had a good day. Second condition, my fee. You can keep it. All I want in exchange for my services, is the right to hunt one of the Tyrannosaurs. A male. A buck only. How and why are my business. If you don't like those conditions, then you're on your own. So go ahead, set up base camp right here, or in a swamp, or in the middle of a Rex nest, for all I care. I've already had too many safaris with rich dentists to listen to any more suicidal ideas. Okay?"

Peter stayed quiet for a short moment, then held a thumbs-up. "Okay." He replied.

(With The Group)

With Braedey's team, the Transformatrix bearer having turned into Soundwave, had managed to hack into the headsets and radios in the InGen vehicles, and picked up on the conversation between Peter and Roland.

Soundwave was a 30ft tall Cybertronian: it's metallic body was lean and slender, and its scheme was primarily black with purple highlights. But, what really separated this form from the rest was that instead of a face or a horizontal visor, this one's entire face was just a blank screen. And finally, the Transformatrix dial was in the centre of its chest.

Sarah, Nick, and Eddie were bewildered by the sight of Braedey transforming into a 30ft tall Decepticon, but Moka reassured them it was alright.

"How and why are my business. If you don't like those conditions, then you're on your own. So go ahead, set up base camp right here, or in a swamp, or in the middle of a Rex nest. I've already had too many safaris with rich dentists to listen to any more suicidal ideas." Roland's voice played back, but had a dark metallic undertone to it.

"So, Roland is a hunter from Kenya." Rex noted. "Sounds like he thinks a T-Rex is perfect game, and maybe boost his reputation."

"We cannot allow that to happen." Sarah declared to them all.

"I've got a plan." Soundwave spoke up in Roland's voice.

"Okay, Braedey." Moka nodded to the spymaster of the Decepticons. "What do you have in mind?"

(Back with the Hunters)

"Cycle, break off the stray from the herd, and flush him to the right." Roland reported and ordered to the many drivers and vehicles. "Snaggers, stay ready. He's bringing them out to you. It'll be a..." He looked to a list of dinosaurs, looking at one named the Pachycephalosaurus. "Pachy.... Pachya.... Oh, hell." He gave up trying to name it. "The fat head with the bald spot. Friar Tuck." he reported.

"Stop." Robert Burke told the driver of his car, as they cake to a stop, then the palaeontologist looked at the dinosaur that the hunters have got. "Pachycephalosaurus." He said, as he got out of the car.

"Carnivore?" A man asked Burke.

"No, herbivore, late Cretaceous." Burke shook his head, as the creature began to look around at the men cornering it.

"See that distinctive domed skull? Nine inches of solid bone. Now, careful." Burke explained to the man next to him, gesturing to the round domed head of the Pachycephalosaur. "You see, the pachy's neck attaches at the bottom of its skull, not at the back of its head as with other reptiles. When it lowers its head, its neck lines up perfectly with its backbone, which is perfect for absorbing impact."

And then, just to show how strong the herbivore really was, the Pachycephalosaur ran straight at a man hiding behind a car door on the right, then the animal headbutted the door, sending the man flying through the car, and exiting through the left of the car. Burke and the other male soon sprinted away, not wanting to be on the receiving end of the animal's domed skull.

"Snagger, Friar Tuck's on the loose, just about to cross your path." Roland reported on the headset.

(With the Group)

Up on a ridge high above, Braedey and the others watched on in anger, while the hunters charged at the dinosaurs, rounding up many of them. They watched on as the Pachycephalosaur was caught by the Hummer's snare trap, while the Parasaurolophus was tripped over and fell.

"This is barbaric." Jessie grumbled to herself. Her body was shaking in anger, only for Rex to gently place his hands on her shoulders, calming her down, as she relaxed and took deep breaths. "So, Braedey, what's the plan?" She asked her cousin.

"Yeah. I wanna crack some skulls." Rex agreed.

Braedey leaned over the rocks they were hiding behind, eyeing Ludlow and Tembo, as the dinosaurs were being taken away. "We cannot attack at this moment." He replied to the others, much to their confusion. "We have to wait until we see what goes on." He added.

"So, what do we do?" Moka asked.

"We watch and wait, until the time is right." Braedey replied to them. Then, he made some hand gestures to them, and the group begin to make their way to a higher section of the ledge, so they could get a higher view of what's going on.

Along the way, Yukari noticed what looked to be an orangey-gold syrup-like substance on part of a tree they walk by. She took a small sniff of it, and oddly enough, it smelt like honey. She was confused by this, but decided not to think of it, as she followed after the others.

As she does so, she is completely unaware of something hiding up in the tree above, looking down at the group. It eyed the teenagers, then headed off across the trees to watch the teens closer.

Later, Braedey and the group stopped to take a small and short breather. But, as they do so, Moka and Yukari peek over some bushes to see a man sitting down on a rock, and was taking a drink.

The man is known as Dieter Stark, and just from his appearance and demeanour, he looked to be a total sleezebag, and a pain in the rear. At that moment, a small bipedal creature seemed to chirp and snicker at him, while he pulled out some kind of telescopic shock rod.

"Oh, my God." Robert walked up, kneeling down to the small creature, almost documenting it, as he looked at it. "Procompsognathus Triassicus, found by Frass in Bavaria in 1913."

This little Compsognathus was green in color having multiple shades with dark red shades of striping across its back and has a yellow underbelly.

"Is it dangerous?" Dieter asked Robert, looking between the animal and the other male.

"No, I wouldn't think so." Robert shook his head, taking a sketch of the small animal, as it stood between them. "The Compy's been presumed to be a scavengers, like jackals."

"It gives me the creeps. It's like it's not scared." Dieter commented about the animal.

"There haven't been any visitors to this island." Robert shrugged to him. "There's no reason for it to fear man."

Dieter then shocked the animal, making it sprint away like a bullet, much to Robert's annoyance, as he looked to him. "Now it does." The former snickered.

From seeing this, the girls were aghast and very infuriated at how Dieter treated the little creature that didn't do anything to him. It made them sick to the stomach about seeing such a sight.

"He's gonna get what he deserves, eventually." Moka whispered to the little witch, who nodded to her.


Meanwhile, Roland and his partner Ajay were currently on the hunt for what could be the Rex's nest. They had a good plan going, and that is to capture the buck when it returns to the nest. But, as they do so, they look down into a pit a few feet deep, which looked to have herbivore carcasses in it, and there seemed to be an infant Rex eating the dead bodies.

"It's the Rex nest." Ajay whispered to his partner.

Roland eyed the infant, as it ate the body of a Hadrosaur. "It's probably only a couple weeks old. Never left the nest." He and Ajay look out the direction they went, heading the sound of grunts and growls in the distance. "Offspring that young, the parents won't leave him alone for too long."

"Do we make your blind here?" Ajay asked Roland, looking to him, then to the nest. "Wait for the buck to return?"

"No. If the nest is upwind, then so are we." Roland replied to his teammate. "When he comes back, he's gonna know we're here without us having a chance. The trick is to get him... to come where we want him."

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