Night Raid; An Injured Infant

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Across the island, the sun began to set below the horizon. The colour scheme of the sky is a wonderful mixture of reds, orange, and yellows. But, on an island of dinosaurs, one beautiful thing can turn deadly in a split instant.

Down in the large plains, there was a camp set up by the InGen hunters, all of them with the animals locked up in cages their size, and all of them grunting and moaning out in need of space and to move.

Braedey and his group eyed the many men down below, his cobalt eyes narrowed at Ludlow, while the others looked at the men. "This is why Hammond was in a hurry to get you here. He knew these bastards were coming." The Transformatrix bearer commented to Sarah.

"My God, they are well-organised." Eddie spoke up. "Those are some major-league toys."

"Maybe I should ask to use their phone." Braedey asked sarcastically to Eddie. "Their satellite dish is bigger than yours."

"And a lot more high-tech." Rex added, and the two snickered.

"So, they actually want to build another park here?" Jessie asked in confusion, raising an eyebrow at the InGen hunters down below. "After what you said happened on the other island?"

"They're not building anything here on the island." Braedey replied to his cousin. "They're taking all of these animals off Isla Sorna. Back to the mainland. And off to who knows where."

"That's insane." Yukari whispered. "Don't they realise what happened in Jurassic Park?"

"I guess Ludlow decided to do the 'hide-the-incident-under-the-carpet' routine with what happened back on Isla Nublar." Braedey grumbled to himself, only for moms to hold onto his shoulders to calm him down.

"I think I should tell you guys. Hammond told me these people might show up." Nick told the group, pulling out a pair of pliers. "He thought we'd be finished by the time they got started, but if they weren't, he did send a backup plan."

"What backup plan?" Sarah asked.

"Me." Nick replied.

"Let's split up." Braedey whispered to the group. "Eddie, you go back to the High Hide, and get it ready and set up." Eddie nodded, and headed off on his way. "Rex, if you can, help out Eddie."

"Got it, Martin." Rex nodded, then followed after Eddie, the two of them entering the jungle.

"Nick, you, Sarah and I will go and get the dinosaurs out." Braedey continued. "Jessie, you go get Moka and Yukari back to the trailers. We can't afford to be spotted anywhere nearby the site."

"Be careful." Moka whispered to Braedey, giving him a little kiss on his forehead, much to his little blush, then he and the others headed off to deal with the dinosaurs.


"Simply put, InGen is seeking limited partners to defray some of our expenses." Ludlow spoke our, as the hunters watched on, with one holding a camera up, recording him, which was being sent to a live feed to InGen headquarters. "The prospectus you've been given by the board details, our projected hardware and construction expenses. As you can see by my two friends here with me tonight, the software is already fully developed." He gestured to two small Compsognathus locked in cages. "One might say, "it'd be up and running"." He chuckled. "In a moment, I'll take you on a stroll through the camp, and you'll see some larger, more impressive specimens."

Meanwhile, at the far end of the camp, Sarah, Nick, and Braedey entered the site, seeing the many different dinosaurs held up in their cages. Braedey inwardly snarled and growled at how bad these dinosaurs were being mistreated.

The three walked up to a Stegosaur locked up, which groaned out in need of wanting to get out. Braedey gently patted the snout of the animal, as it groaned in frustration. Nick pulled out the pin holding the door of the Stegosaur cage, as pulled the door open a little.

"You don't bring people halfway around the world to visit a zoo. You bring the zoo to them." Ludlow continued his talk to the board of directors, unaware of what is going on in the background. "San Diego is the perfect setting. People already associate our beautiful city with animal attractions: San Diego Zoo, Sea World, San Diego Chargers."

Back with the three people, Nick, Braedey, and Sarah began to break the animals free, one by one, starting with infant Triceratops, a Pachycephalosaur, along with the young infant Stegosaur Sarah found earlier today. Finally, Braedey, Nick, and Sarah walked up to a large cage, where an adult Triceratops stood before them. The animal snorted at them, as Braedey looked at the creature, gently patting its snout and middle horn, while Nick and Sarah were working on the lock on the cage.

"Mr. Hammond knew this." Ludlow continued on with his speech to the directors, pointing to some models and sketch drawings of some kind of theatre. "Before he ever dreamt of an island, he began construction on an amphitheatre, very near to where you're sitting now, the InGen waterfront complex. But, he abandoned it, in favour of something far grander... and ultimately impossible. And so, the facility sits unused, unfinished, when it could be completed and ready to receive visitors in less than a month."

Suddenly, all of the dinosaurs charged out and tore apart the whole camp, slamming cars over, along with destroying the tents, while making their escape. Everyone ran for cover, as the dinosaurs began to make their way out of the camp, heading off back into the jungles, with everyone hiding, and fires going off.

With Braedey, he sprinted over to a spot of jungle, and saw an injured baby T-Rex. He saw its leg was broken, and in need of urgent medication. Thinking fast, he yanked out the spike holding down the animal, along with taking off the collar around its neck, the picked up the animal, calming it down and hushing it, while it groaned out in pain from its injury, as Braedey headed off to find the others.


With Sarah and Nick, the two were waiting for Braedey to come back after dealing with the hunters at the camp. So far, they haven't heard from him for a few minutes, much to their concern, only to hear something wading their way through the lake behind them. The two turn around, and they saw Braedey walking up, but with the infant T-Rex in his hands.

"Oh, my God. Are you out of your mind?" Sarah yelled out to the brunette, as Nick helped Braedey out to the Mercedes-Benz.

"She's got a broken leg." Braedey informed the redhead. "Let's get in the car before they hear us."

"Are you out of your mind? Do you have any idea what that is?" Sarah told him, as the brunette and Nick enter the car with the infant dinosaur. "You're nuts. Man, your cousin's not going to like this." She grumbled to herself, climbing into the car.


Meanwhile, at the High Hide, Rex and Eddie had fixed up and got the winches up and ready. Fortunately, Rex was able to hook up the main harness and the winches easily, along with doing most of the hardware work.

Once they were finished, the rain began to fall across the island, unfortunately for them. But then, they heard a car approaching. They looked over to their left, and saw the other Mercedes-Benz car driving by them, but as it does, there was a painful roar coming from inside the car as it drove away.

"What the hell is that?" Eddie wondered in confusion.

"Dunno." Rex shrugged. He then looked down to the ground, and saw some kind of three-toed footprint in the mud between the tyre treads. He had a bad feeling inside of him from seeing the footprint, but he couldn't be certain of what to say about it. He put a mental note on it, but not sure as to what kind of dinosaur could have a footprint like that.


At the trailers, Moka, Yukari, Mizore, Kurumu, and Jessie were all resting in the trailers, some of them having hot drinks and trying to keep warm. When the rain hit, they weren't sure as to what could be going on out by the hunter's campsite, but knew Braedey and the others had done their job.

"When do you think they'll be back?" Kurumu wondered. She was feeling better after the little seasickness incident earlier, but annoyed she did not go along with Braedey to free the dinosaurs. "Its been over half an hour." She added.

"Relax, Kurumu." Jessie told the succubus. "He'll get back soon."

"Fortunately for us, he's in good hands." Moka agreed with the redhead.

Outside the trailer, the Mercedes pulled to a stop, then both Nick and Sarah got out of the car, then the two began to help out Braedey get out of the car with the infant T-Rex.

"I'll get him." Braedey told the two, exiting the car.

"All right. That's it. I got you." Sarah added to the brunette, helping him out. "I got you."

"Hurry up. Let's go. Go. Come on." Nick told the two, as they head off towards the trailers.

"Watch his tail. Get the door." Braedey called out, just as they reach the door.

Sarah soon opened the door to the trailer, and entered the structure. "Guys, stay back. Don't stand up, okay?" She told them, just as Nick walked in, then Braedey came in with the infant T-Rex.

"Watch his head. Watch his head." Braedey warned, as Moka helped him out, picking up the opposite side of the animal. "He'll snip at you. Watch his tail." He added.

"All right?" Moka got into place, holding the animal, and helping out her boyfriend. "Okay, I got him."

"Got him?" Braedey replied, and Moka nodded.

"Yeah. There you go." Sarah got a metal examination table out, and both vampires placed the animal down, as it groaned out in pain.

"Watch out! Don't stand too close." Braedey warned the others.

"He has that not-so-fresh smell." Kurumu commented to the others, stepping away from the infant animal.

"Nick, don't let him get those things around you." Sarah got a scanner out, and prepared to take a look at the Rex's injured leg. "Okay, let's take a look at this."

"Easy, easy. Just calm down now." Nick pulled off his belt, then gently tied it around the animal's snout, making sure it wasn't too tight around its snout.

"Okay, here are the metatarsals. Tibia, fibula. There it is." Sarah then found the fracture on the infant's leg, and pointed to the screen next to him. "Hey. There's the fracture. Right above the epiphysis."

"How bad is it?" Nick asked.

"If we don't set it, this baby's gonna die. It won't heal." Sarah informed Nick. "He won't be able to pivot on his ankle or even stand. He won't be able to run or walk. A predator will pick him off when he's a few weeks old."

"Other animals are going to hear this." Yukari commented to the others, as the infant groaned in annoyance.

"Girls, I think it be best for you all to head outside to somewhere safe." Braedey spoke up to the girls.

"Are you sure about that?" Kurumu asked. "I mean, we can handle being next to an injured animal."

"That's not what I meant." Braedey stated. "I'll take you girls to the High Hide." He then pulled out some raincoats, gumboots, and hats to the girls (Moka's in pink, Kurumu in bright blue, Yukari in yellow, and Mizore in blue), and they put them on. "Come on, let's go."


"What? What is it? What's going on?" Eddie was confused to see Braedey with the girls walking up to them. "Information, please. What?" He demanded from them.

"I think it be better if you didn't know." Braedey replied to him and Rex. "Rex, get us up into the trees."

"You go it. Here we go." Rex pulled onto a lever, and the huge cage began to rise up off the ground, and started to rise up towards the highest point in the trees.

"There we go." Braedey reassured the girls.

"Well, at least we won't have to worry about anything getting us from the trees." Yukari commented. But, she kept the thought of the odd buzzing and the honey on the trees she saw earlier in the afternoon, not sure if whatever did that could be up in the trees. She keeps an eye out.


Back in the trailers, Jessie, Sarah, and Nick were all working on the infant, trying to fix up the injured leg, along with putting on some kind of brace for the creature.

"Can you set it?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, I just need something temporary to break apart and fall off as he grows." Sarah replied to the photographer.

"Whenever you're ready. He's fighting, Dr Quinn." Jessie spoke up.


Soon enough, Braedey, Rex, Eddie, and the girls were high in the trees, and were looking out to the distant trees and bushes all around them, while also trying to keep warm.

"Right. Hey, Rex." Braedey turned to his friend. "What was the frequency for the boat?"

"It's 15888." Rex replied to him. "Third from the top."

Braedey looked at the matter absorber like he was crazy or something, then he shrugged, and looked back to the Girls. "Okay, we're high. This is the safest spot we can be. The plants make it so the animals won't know we're here."

"At least we're together, that's all I can say." Moka muttered to herself quietly. "I feel like I'm inside the old Tour Car when the Rex wrecked it."

"Hey, it's okay, Moka." Mizore hugged the vampire, making her slightly shiver a little, but settle into the hug, while Mizore and Kurumu hug the pinkette's side's.

"Don't worry, Moka." Braedey spoke up, hugging the four girls, and they snuggled into his arms. "We'll be back home at Youkai Academy in no time. I can promise you of that."

"At least things can't get worse as it is now." Kurumu commented quietly to herself.

But then, a thunderous nightmarish sound shattered the peace all around them, making them all look toward the South of the island. The roar seemed to echo all around them in the darkness, and vanished into the night.

Braedey walked over to the light, and shuts it off, not wanting to get any attention. "Eddie. Rex. Is there a way to communicate with the trailer?" He asked the other two males. They pulled out a phone for him to contact the trailer. He waited for two minutes, only to get no answer. "No answer. What a surprise." He groaned.

"What now?" Kurumu muttered.

"I'm gonna go and get over to the others, before anything gets them." Braedey spoke up, climbing over the railing, hanging off the ledge of the High Hide. "I'll be right back, girls. I promise." Braedey told the girls.

"Please be okay." Moka whispered to him, then kissed his forehead.

Braedey nodded, then lets go of the High Hide, as the others watch him fall into the trees, the sound of snapping branches and crunch of wood, until the sound of feet landing on the ground could be heard.

"Personally, he could've used the rope." Eddie commented.

Moka didn't listen nor reply to Eddie's comment. She looked over in the direction of where the roar had come from. She worried about the creature that might be out there, and hoped the others will be safe out there.

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