Mommy's Very Angry; Trailer Attack

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"Please be okay." Moka whispered to him, then kissed his forehead.

Braedey nodded, then lets go of the High Hide, as the others watch him fall into the trees, the sound of snapping branches and crunch of wood, until the sound of feet landing on the ground could be heard.

"Personally, he could've used the rope." Eddie commented.

Moka didn't listen nor reply to Eddie's comment. She looked over in the direction of where the roar had come from. She worried about the creature that might be out there, and hoped the others will be safe out there.


Back at the trailer, Sarah, Nick, and Jessie were also finished fixing up the infant T-Rex's leg, almost ready to get the animal out.

"Okay, I'm almost finished." Sarah informed, as Jessie gently patted the Rex's snout, while it was somewhat sleeping. "Damn. I need another adhesive. Something pliable...." She looked to Nick, and saw him chewing some gum. "Spit." She told him, and held out her hand. He spat out some spit, much to Jessie's disgust. "Your gum." Sarah clarified, wiping off the spit, and Nick gave her the gum.

Jessie shook her head in amusement, then looked to outside, inside of what could be out there, and has some concern for her friends, along with Braedey and the girls, knowing there might be some dinosaurs out there.

"Get the amoxicillin and fill a syringe." Sarah informed the two, as they got to work. "A quick injection of antibiotics, and he's out of here."


With the others, they all looked out to the South of the island, unsure of what could be out there. When they heard the roar, they knew there might be trouble coming forth. But then, they saw some trees starting to move about, making some birds fly out of the trees.

"What in the world is that?" Yukari whispered, but nobody directly answered her back.

The High Hide shook about for a bit, only to settle down, as the trees around the hide shook a bit more, but as they watched the trees shook about, they saw whatever was going through the jungle was making its way to the campsite.

With Braedey, he sprinted his way towards the jungle, the rain hitting his form, as he pushed away some leaves and bushes, while hightailing it back to the trailers, running at a speed that would leave Usain Bolt in the dust. He had a bad feeling going on inside of him, and he knew that trouble was coming their way.

Soon, he reached the trailers, sprinted over to the door, yanked it open, and entered the trailer, slamming the door behind him, getting the other's attention. "For once in your life, would it kill you to pick up the stupid phone?!" He yelled to them, and ran up to the infant Rex. "Help me get this thing out of here."

"No, we just set its leg." Sarah told him, only for them to hear a sudden and loud crunch of steel, making her, Nick, Braedey, and Jessie look out the window.

They look out, only to see the Mercedes get thrown by the trailer like it was a toy and weighed absolutely nothing, rolling cab over wheels, then fall off the cliff, falling down to the rocks below with a concussive crash and the sound of an explosion following it.

Braedey turned to the others. "Mommy's very angry." Was all he said to them.

Everyone looked to the window, all of them unsure what to say or do, Jessie feeling her heartbeat racing right now, with Braedey holding her hand. Nick and Sarah looked to the window, all four of them not very sure what could appear nearby the window. Then, a low grunt could be heard on the opposite side of the trailer, making all four people inside look over, only to see the roaring head of a buck Tyrannosaur standing there.

About three seconds later, a female Tyrannosaur appeared at the other window, growling out, making the humans onboard step away from the windows, trying to keep out of the Rex's sight. The male Rex snarled out, only to hear the groan and cry out from the infant Rex. The buck grunted out, just as the female roared out, much to Sarah's horror, only for said Rex knocked into the trailer, nearly knocking the humans off their feet.

The male Rex grunted out and roared, just as the infant cried out to its parents. The female seemed to just stand there and look into the window, looking at the infant, while they seem to be communicating to one another.

"This isn't hunting behaviour, Braedey." Sarah whispered to the brunette. "Not hunting. They're searching. They came for their infant."

"Well, let's not disappoint them." Braedey stated. With that, he picked up the infant Rex, lifting it off of the table, while Jessie and Sarah cupped the animal's head.

"Let us get his head, okay?" Sarah said to Braedey. "Careful. Be careful."

"Muzzle off." Nick pulled the muzzle off the Rex, as it called out in cry, while the two adult Rexs began to make their way along the trailer.

Just as the group got to the door, Jessie opened it, as the female Rex groaned out, the animal standing a metre away from the door. Braedey and Sarah gently placed the animal down on it's legs, and it walked off back to its parents, while the humans walked back into the trailer, closing the door, while the Rex family walked back into the jungle. Sarah and Jessie watched on, while Nick sat down to take a breather, then Braedey heard the phone ringing, and responded to the call.

"Yes, Eddie?" Braedey responded to the ringing phone.

"Hey, Braedey. They're going back to the jungle." Eddie told the brunette.

"I know. We saw it happen right before us. How's Moka and the girls?" Braedey asked.

"She's fine. They're right here." Eddie replied.

"Hello?" Moka's voice called on the phone.

"Moka, are you okay?" Braedey asked the pinkette, knowing she might be a bit shaken.

"Yeah, I'm good." Moka replied. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm good." Braedey replied. "Everything is okay on our end, and I'll be right back in a few minutes. If you don't hear me for the next three minutes, please don't worry. I'll be fine." After getting a reply from Moka, he sighed, then puts the radio away. "There. Guess what happened should make an interesting chapter in your book." He said to Sarah, and Jessie snickered.

"I think, that the debate over the parental instincts of the T-Rex is now, academic." Sarah replied to him.

Braedey was about to call it in, only to realise something, as he got to his feet, horror appearing on his face. "Hang on. This is gonna be bad." He muttered, Jessie looking at him in confusion.

Suddenly, the entire trailer got shaken, much to the four's shock and confusion, just as it was suddenly rolled over 180˚, making them all land on the roof of the trailer, bits and pieces falling all around them. The groan and crunch of metal could be heard all around the four, as they got to their feet, shaking off the feeling of being tossed.

Braedey shook his head, then looked out the window, just as the trailer was starting to be pushed towards the cliff edge! "They're trying to push us off the cliff." He told the others, just as a roar from the Rexes could be heard.

"Oh, my God." Sarah muttered.

The Rexes snarled out, smashing the whole front of the RV apart, knocking the vehicle closer to the cliff. Inside the trailer, Nick and Braedey began to bash against the door, trying to get out.

"Once we're out of here... Into the woods." Nick said to Braedey, trying to pry the lock open.

"Straight into the woods. Come on!" Braedey grunted, kicking the door as hard as he could.

"This is where they hit us." Nick groaned, as Braedey continued to kick the door as hard as he could.

The animals continued to tear apart the front of the vehicle, once again pushing the trailer closer to the cliff.

"Hang on to something!" Nick yelled out.

"Hang on to something!" Braedey yelled out also.

All at once, the two Rexes pushed the trailers with one mighty push, knocking it even closer to the cliff, just as the rear trailer fell off the cliff, slamming against the rock wall, hanging by the connection point between the front of the RV. When the trailer slammed into the wall, a section of the rear of the trailer bike off, revealing nothing but a glass pane to the sea below.

Braedey held onto the side of the wall, while Jessie was right on top of the fridge, with Sarah holding onto the door handle, and Nick standing on the side of the cabinets. But then, the fridge door swung open, making the redhead lose her grip on the handle, sending her falling, as she screamed out, and smacked against the glass, cracking it.

"Sarah!" Braedey yelled out, looking down to the redhead.

Sarah shook her head, then noticed the ground far below. She began to slowly lift herself up with her hands, but heard the soft sound of the glass cracking. "Oh, my God. Oh, God, please!" She quietly pleaded to the glass.

"Don't move!" Nick yelled.

"I'm coming down for you, Sarah." Braedey called out to Sarah. "Stay still." He then looked to Jessie. "Jessie, hook me up with a harness, and try and get us up in case the glass breaks."

"Got it." Jessie nodded. She held her hands up, as a blue glow engulfed them, just as a blue see-through harness manifested around Braedey. Jessie then began to slowly lower Braedey down to Sarah.

"Nick. The satellite phone, go get it!" Braedey called to Nick, seeing the phone only hanging by it's strap from a light. Nick then began to climb down the trailer, trying to reach out to the phone.

Braedey and Jessie, meanwhile, managed to lower down to Sarah, the latter redhead reaching over to her bag. "Sarah. Give me your hand." Braedey told her, then noticed her reaching to her bag. He grabbed it, then handed it to her, while grabbing onto her belt, just as Nick yelled out.

"Heads up!" Braedey looked, seeing the phone falling to them, as he and Sarah gripped the bag.

The glass then shattered upon impact with the satellite phone, falling down into the sea below, as Braedey and Sarah held onto the bag, the former holding onto her belt as well, a bit to her discomfort.

"Your lucky pack." Braedey commented. Sarah whimpered a small 'thank you'. "Jessie, reel us up." He called, and the redhead helped the two up onto something solid.

"I got her." Nick helped Braedey up, getting Sarah onto the safety of a flat platform. Jessie breathed a small sigh, letting go of her Energon abilities, as the harness around Braedey vanished, and Braedey got onto the platform safety.

At that moment, a horn could be heard from above. They got their attention, as they heard a car approaching and coming to a stop.

"Braedey! Sarah!" Eddie's voice called out. "Jessie! Nick!"

"We're in here." Nick called back.

"Wait. Hold on! I'm coming!" Eddie called back. "I'm coming. What did this?"

"The Rexes." Braedey responded. "They tore apart He trailers, and nearly forced us off the cliff."

"The girls. Where are they and Rex?" Jessie asked next to Eddie.

"They're okay. They're in the High Hide." Eddie replied. "Who's hurt? What do you need?" He asked.

"We need rope." Braedey replied.

"Rope. Anything else?" Eddie asked.

"Yeah. Four double cheeseburgers with everything." Braedey replied sarcastically.

"No onions on mine." Nick added.

"And an apple turnover." Jessie and Sarah included.

Braedey then looked down the large hole in the vehicle, thinking of a plan. "Okay. We have to try and secure the trailer before it goes over." He told the others.

"How so?" Sarah asked.

"I'll use either Energon or Dreadwing to try and lift us up." Braedey replied to her, now activating the Transformatrix.

"Just be careful." Jessie told him.

Braedey jumped off the ledge he was on, and just as he exited the hole, he slapped down the dial, and in a flash of blue, now in his place was NOT Energon nor Dreadwing. It was actually...

"Grimlock?!" The Dinobot slammed both his fists into the wall, halting his fall, while coming to a stop, some rocks falling to the sea below. "Are you serious, you piece of junk?" He muttered to the watch.

"Hold on. I'm coming!" Eddie called out, while he was approaching the back of the RV.

"Bring the rope. Let's go." Nick called to Eddie. "Eddie, you all right?"

"Yeah. I'm coming." Eddie approached the edge, holding the rope, which he tied up to a large trunk nearby.

"We need the rope. Throw it down here. Hurry!" Jessie called, just as Eddie threw the rope down to the trio, while Grimlock began to climb up to the RV. "Good throw. Did you tie this to anything?" The redhead Energon user asked, just as there was a large snap of metal emitting from the RV. "We're sliding!" She called.

"We're sliding down!" Sarah yelled out also.

Eddie, after climbing out of the RV, saw the vehicle was starting to slide down towards the cliff edge. Once he saw this, he grabbed onto the winch on the front of the Mercedes, and hooked it up to the front of the RV, stopping it from falling any further.

On the cliff wall, and inside the RV, Grimlock was starting to push the vehicle up as best as he can, while Jessie, Nick, and Sarah began to climb up the rope to get out. The Dinobot started to feel some of the rock give way under his right foot, only for him to stab his leg into the rock, while he began to push the RV up with his left hand, his right hand latching onto a ledge of the rock wall.

Up top with Eddie, he was now in the Mercedes he drove up in, and was starting to reverse, pulling the RV back up onto the ledge. He swung the vehicle left and right, pulling the RV closer and closer to the edge. But, before he could even get the vehicle back on the ledge, the sound of loud thumping footsteps made him stop, and look in the rear-view mirrors.

Just then, stepping out of the darkness, were the two T-Rexes, the two of them walking over to the Mercedes. Eddie stayed perfectly still, only gently throttling the accelerator, but this aggravated the animals. All at once, the Rexes began to tear apart the Mercedes, while Eddie dodges left and right. But, before Eddie could get the tranquilliser gun with the South Sea Cone Shell dart out to fire, the female Rex grabbed him by his leg, pull him out of the car, swung him about, throws him into the air, now biting down on his lower half, just as the male Rex grabs his upper half in its mouth, then as the two pull for a brief moment, both carnivores rip Eddie literally in half!!

Down below, Grimlock looked up to the RV, only to see the vehicle was falling towards him and the others. "INCOMING!" He yelled, climbing up and grabbing Sarah, Jessie, and Nick, and holding them against his armoured chest, while he lowered his helm to brace for the impact.

The RV slammed against Grimlock's form, nearly making him lose his grip, only for the vehicle to fall down towards the sea, hitting the bottom of the cliff with a kind explosion, as the Mercedes falls next, and explodes a moment after the RV did. Grimlock looked down, only to see a plume of smoke from the two vehicles hitting the ground, then he and the other look up to the cliff edge.

Sarah and Jessie both reach the top of the cliff edge, just as Roland Tembo held out a hand to them. The two redheads take his hand, and climb up off the ledge, and back onto solid ground, now meeting the group of InGen mercenaries. Nick gets pulled up next, and lastly, a human Braedey Martin appears on the cliff, and Roland helps him back up on the cliff.

Jessie then saw Rex, and hugged him tightly, knowing the two of them are alright. Moka, Yukari, Mizore, and Kurumu ran up to Braedey, and hugged him tightly, holding the brunette close to them, despite the heavy rain against their forms. Braedey then gestured to everyone to head back to the destroyed camp, which everyone agreed, and they all head off away from the cliff.

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