Underway; A Long Journey

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"Our communication equipment's been destroyed. And if your radio and satellite phone were in those trailers..."

"Yeah. Unfortunately, they were."

Right now, everyone was gathered at the remains of the base camp, now looking around the now shattered pieces of the satellite dish. Braedey was currently being checked over by Moka and Kurumu, the former in a pink raincoat and boots, and Rex and Jessie were currently thinking of a solution of what to do now.

"Then we're stuck here, ladies and gentlemen. And we're stuck together, thanks to you people." Roland said to nick and his group.

"We came here to watch. You came to strip-mine the place." Nick protested, then glared at Dieter, who was walking around him. "Back off." He warned.

"At least we came prepared." Ludlow spoke up.

Braedey snapped his head over to the man so fast, he thought he heard the tendrils in his neck nearly snap. "Five years of work and a hundred miles of electrified fence couldn't prepare the other island. What do you think, a couple dozen Marlboro men will help?" He asked sarcastically.

"They're all nothing but looters, Braedey." Jessie walked up, then glared at Ludlow. "You came to take what doesn't belong to you. You have no rights."

"An extinct animal brought back to life has no rights." Ludlow interjected. "It exists because we made it. We patented it. We own it."

"Yeah, right." Kurumu scoffed.

"You looking for a problem?" Nick glared at Dieter.

"And I found you, didn't l?" Dieter interjected, only for Nick to punch him square in the face, and before the two could fight, Rex forced them away, while Braedey snarled out in anger at the mercenaries, making them step back in concern.

Roland walked up to Nick. "I know you. You're that Earth First bastard." He spoke to him in reminisce.

Ludlow overhead this. "What's Earth First?" He asked.

"Professional saboteurs." Roland replied.

"We're environmentalists!" Nick snapped.


"Knock it off! Listen to me." Sarah yelled out, as Braedey picked up her bag, and handed it to her. "By moving the baby Rex into our camp, we may have changed the adults' perceived territory." She told the group.

"Their what?" Ludlow asked.

"That's why they persisted in destroying the trailers." Robert Burke explained to him. "They'll now be defending this entire area now."

"We have to move right now." Sarah informed.

"How? And to where?" Rex asked her. "Our boat and their airlift are waiting for orders we can't even send."

"Alright. Alright." Ludlow pulled out a map, showing the whole island. "There's a communications centre here near the old operations building." He told everyone. "Everything ran on geothermal power. It was never meant to need replenishing. If we can get here, we can send a radio call to the airlift."

"You know the frequency to call them?" Braedey asked him.

"Right here in this book." Ludlow pulled out the book, and Roland took it out of his hand.

"We'll mind those." Roland informed them.

"How far is the village?" Nick asked.

"A day's walk, maybe more." Ludlow then saw his alcohol flask on the ground, just as Braedey picked it up, and handed it to him. "That's not the problem."

"What is? What is the problem?" Roland asked the male in glasses.

"Velociraptors." Braedey replied to him.

Everyone fell almost silent throughout the group. Moka held Yukari's hand tightly, the two of them remembering what had happened on the first island not too long ago, and that they just got out by the skin of their teeth. Kurumu felt chills racing down her back, while she cuddled herself the best she could.

"Our infrared showed their nesting sites are concentrated in the island's interior, which is why we were keeping to the outer rim." Ludlow explained further on, and Braedey nodded in agreement.

"If only one of us were to go into the interior of the island, it be suicide." Braedey added. "You won't be coming back."

"Wait a minute." Dieter spoke up. "What's a Veloc..." He stumbled over his words, as if he never learnt how to read.

"It's called a Velociraptor, genius." Moka huffed at him. "Jeez. Didn't you learn about dinosaurs at all back in school?" She asked him sarcastically.

"She's right." Burke spoke up next. "It's known as a Velociraptor. A Carnivore. Pack hunter. About two metres tall, long snout, binocular vision, strong dexterous forearms, and killing claws on both feet.

"The Rexes may track us, too, if they feel we're a threat to their infant." Sarah added.

"No. You're wrong, Dr. Harding." Burke interjected. "We'll lose them once we leave their territory.

"Don't bet on it, Mr. Burke." Braedey spoke up next. "The Tyrannosaurus Rex has the largest proportional olfactory cavity of any creature in fossil record, with the exception of one." This got the girl's attention. 'The exception of one'? What does that mean?

"Right. The Turkey Vulture could scent up to 10 miles." Burke then added for the raptor.

"Right. This is all very thrilling, but I say we should head for the village." Ludlow spoke up.

"I think our best option would be to split up." Braedey declared, getting everyone's attention. "One team will press on to the village, while the other team goes forth to search the South and West of the island. We might even head back to the lagoon."

"And do what?" Roland asked the brunette. "Sit out in the open, next to a heavily used water source, and hope that your captain comes back for you?"

"He won't. He knows better." Nick informed him.

"Then, we head for the village, where he can find some shelter, and we can call for help." Roland next picked up his gun, and began to walk forth. "Rex just fed, so he won't stalk us for food."

"Just fed? You mean Eddie?" Braedey's sprinted over to him. "Show some respect, Tembo. That man saved our lives by sacrificing himself to those monsters. "

"Then his troubles are over." Roland replied. "My point is predators don't hunt when they're not hungry."

"No, only humans do." Nick spoke back.

"You're breaking our hearts. Saddle up! Let's get this moveable feast underway." Roland announced.

Braedey turned to his group. "Right. Sarah and Nick will go with Roland, along with Rex and Jessie. I'll go with the girls." He told them.

"Braedey, we just said that we were meant to stick together." Jessie reminded to her cousin. "We can't just split up."

"Jessie is right." Moka agreed. "We can't split up right now, especially with two T-Rexes on the loose, along with the raptors, and who knows what's out there."

Braedey sighed in reluctance. "Very well. We'll all travel with the soldiers, and I'll think of something as we go along."


Soon, the InGen mercenaries and Youkai team began to make their way through the jungles of Isla Sorna, heading off towards the worker village. As they walk along, the rain fell again, fast and heavy. But, that didn't stop them, as they carry on their way through the night.

"Excuse me, cowboy." Nick walked over to Roland. "You want some gum?" He offered, but Roland shook his head. "You seem like you have common sense. Why the hell are you here?" He asked.

"Somewhere on this island is the greatest predator that ever lived. The second greatest predator must take him down." Roland declared.

"You going to use that?" Nick asked, pointing to Roland's Searcy Double Barrel Rifle against his left shoulder.

"If he doesn't surrender, yes." Roland replied.

"Let me see it." Nick was about to look at the gun, only for Roland to holster it on his right shoulder. Nick chuckled. "The animal exists for the first time in tens of millions of years, and the only way you can express yourself is to kill it."

"Remember that chap about 20 years ago? I forget his name. Climbed Everest without any oxygen. Came down nearly dead." Roland said to Nick. "They asked him, "Why did you go up there to die?" He said, "I didn't. I went up there to live"."

Just behind them, Rex and Jessie heard this little conversation. From what they heard about Roland and the way he speaks, he didn't sound at all like Ludlow, or any of his goons. He seems to be just a man that was roped into this calamity.

With Braedey, he was carrying a sleeping Moka on his back, her arms around his neck, while her legs were wrapped around his waist. Yukari was with alongside him, with Kurumu on the right. Sarah wasn't far behind them, either.

Braedey looked to his left, and saw Peter Ludlow next to him. "I didn't wish you luck on your new business venture." He began sarcastically. "You're off to a promising start."

"My team is intact, Mr. Martin." Ludlow apologised. "I'm sorry for the loss of your man. It's easy to criticise someone who generates an idea, one who assumes the risk."

"Could you stop, please?" Kurumu spoke next. "When you try to sound like Hammond, it comes off as a hustle."

"It's not your fault. They say talent skips a generation. I'm sure your kids are gonna be sharp as tacks." Braedey added in next.

"Assuming you even have kids." Yukari piped in.

"Hammond's reach exceeded his grasp. Mine does not." Ludlow stated to the brunette with dignity.

"Taking dinosaurs off this island... it is the worst idea in the long, sad history of bad ideas." Braedey announced, then glared at Ludlow, the two of them stopping. "And I will be there when you learn that."

With that, he continued on his way, the girls right alongside him, while Ludlow just trailed behind.


Soon, the sun began to rise across the island. The soldiers and group continued on their way, all of them feeling a bit tired, but still having the energy to continue on. As they walk along, Sarah brushes herself against a fern bush, and Roland noticed some blood on the bush, to his concern.

"Take a break. Five minutes." Roland announced to the group, as they all settle down to take a risk and snack break, all of them feeling a bit hot because of the tropical climate.

Roland walked over to Sarah, who was sitting on a tree log. He placed his gun against the tree next to the redhead, and knelt down to her. "Are you injured?" He asked, gesturing to her jacket.

Sarah looked to her outfit, then back to Roland. "No, it's from the baby. We set its broken leg. It just won't dry in the humidity." She explained, and Roland nodded to her.

"Roland, a word?" Ludlow got the hunter's attention, as he stood up, and walked over to him. "I'd love to know where we are." The two walk away for a moment, just as nick came up next to Sarah.

Nick sat down next to the redhead with a smirk. "Making friends with Ahab?" He asked, then he noticed Roland's gun next to her.

With Braedey, he was currently leaning against a tree with Moka in his lap, Kurumu and Mizore on his sides. He felt tired from all the constant running, along with using Grimlock to traverse the cliff wall earlier that evening, and plus, being around Ludlow was really annoying and boring.

Yukari walked up to him. "Braedey, I'm gonna go to the girl's room. That okay?"

"Here. Put this on." Braedey handed the little witch a small bracelet. "This is linked up with my Transformatrix, and it'll lead you back to my position."

Yukari nodded, and headed off to a secluded and private location to do her business. Kurumu saw the little witch walk off into the bushes, and worry for her. Sure, the two had some issues between one another, but the succubus really cares for Yukari.

"Braedey?" The brunette looked down to the blue-hair succubus, as she looked up to him. "You think Yukari will be okay?" She asked.

"I'm sure she'll be fine, Kurumu." Braedey replied to her, patting her head gently, which she blushes. "I mean, she's a witch, and she knows what to do."

With Yukari, after being in the buses for about ten minutes, she had finally finished her business, and she began to make her way back to the group. But, as she does so, she thought she could hear something buzzing up above her head. She looked up at the trees, unsure as to what could be up in the trees.

She looked at the bracelet, seeing which way she's going, and began to make her way back to camp. She looked back up at the trees, only to have a drop of what could be golden honey land on her nose, much to her annoyance and her confusion, until she pulled out a small piece of cloth, wiped the substance off her nose, and headed off back to the group.

Once she got back, braedey, Moka, Mizore, and Kurumu were were up and ready, along with Sarah, while Rex and Jessie were with Nick, and all of them ready to get going.

Robert then walked up, picking up his gun. "Okay. Break over. Moving on!" He announced to the group, and everyone picked up their gear, ready to continue on their way.

But, unbeknown to them, someone was missing.


The person that went missing was Dieter Stark.

Earlier, when the group had stopped to take their break, Dieter informed his partner Carter that he was heading off briefly to relieve himself, and he walked away from the group — failing to notice that Carter was wearing headphones and was not listening. Just as Dieter was unbuckling his belt, he overheard a noise in the jungle, and approached the source of the sound. To his shock and surprise, a Compsognathus emerged from the bushes nearby. Irritated, Dieter attacked it with his cattle prod, although it managed to escape. Dieter subsequently returned back the way he came, but after taking several twists and turns, he soon realised he was lost. He called for Carter, although Carter failed to hear him over his headphones. As he continued calling out, he neglected to watch his footing and fell down a slope, losing his rifle and shock prod in the process.

Dieter eventually landed in a creak below. As he lay on the ground winded by the fall, he was attacked by a pack of Compsognathus, who swarmed Stark and began biting him all over his body. He soon managed to fight them off, although they continued trying to attack him, causing him to angrily charge at them and cause them to retreat. He then proceeded to walk up the stream and called out to both Carter and Roland. However, unbeknownst to Dieter, the team eventually moved on without him, not realizing he was missing. The Compsognathus pack soon continued following Dieter, who threw stones at them and splash water at them in self-defense. With the creatures closing in, Dieter picked up the pace and frantically called out for the team.

As Dieter tried to run, he tripped and landed in the stream, where attempted to relieve the pain from the bite to the lip he received by drinking the water. As he did so, another Compsognathus jumped on his shoulder. As he looked up toward the creature, the rest of the pack attacked him. He again managed to fight the creatures off and quickly got up. Panicking, he ran forward and found a log blocking his path. Terrified, he weakly climbed over the obstruction and threw himself over the other side. The pack then climbed over the log after him and mauled him again. Screaming in agony, he was soon torn apart and killed by the creatures as his blood tinged the nearby stream red.


Back with the group, they soon found out that Dieter was missing. Braedey guessed in his mind that the idiot walked off without anyone alongside him, while Jessie and Rex suspected the worse.

Roland narrowed his eyes at Carter. "When did you last see him?" He demanded.

"10, 15 minutes." Carter replied. Everyone sighed in annoyance and frustration.

"Come with me. And you." Roland said to a mercenary and to Carter. "If he's alive, we'll find him. The rest of you go on. You'll reach the ridge in 10 minutes. Wait for us there." He told the others. "Miss Harding." She called to the redhead, as she walked up to him. "No one tells the little girl or the pinkette."

Sarah nodded, then walked over to Nick, Rex, and Jessie, as Roland walked away.

"Right. Let's carry on." Ludlow stood up, only to see nobody moving. "Everybody up. Come on. Up, up."

Braedey stood up. "All right, guys. Get your gear. Let's get the hell out of here." He told them, while Moka, Mizore, Kurumu, and Jessie snicker to themselves, knowing the group will listen to someone else, not Ludlow.

Then, just like that, everyone picked up their gear, got to their feet, ready to go, and began to make their way down to the ridge, all of them unaware of something watching them in the trees nearby.

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