Meeting a New Friend; A New Hybrid

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Meanwhile, back on Isla Sorna, the sun began to rise over the horizon, giving light to the entirety of the jungle island. In the large tree not far away from the worker's village, Braedey, Moka, Mizore, Yukari, and Kurumu were still asleep in the tree, the former slowly waking up from the cold/hot evening in the dense and thick steamy jungle of Isla Nublar.

As he woke up, he smelt something odd. It was like honey. He sat up gently, not wanting to wake the girls, gently wrapped them in the blanket, then noticed what could be a large leaf bound into a large bowl, filled with a rich golden syrup-like substance. He gently dipped on finger into the substance, then brought his finger up to his mouth, tasting the substance. He coughed a little, realising how sweet the substance was.

"Whoa. That's some strong honey." Braedey muttered to himself, then realised something. "Hold on. Honey? On a dinosaur island?" He wondered in confusion.

"Wha... what?" Moka mumbled in her sleep, slowly waking up, while wiping her eyes. "What did you say, Braedey?" She asked.

"Here. Take a small taste of this." Braedey handed the bowl to Moka. She took a small taste of the syrup, and she shivered from the taste. "Yeah. It's really sweet, isn't it?" He asked her.

"Yeah. I've never tasted honey like that before." Moka then stopped when she said that. "Wait! Honey? On Isla Sorna?" She asked in confusion.

"That's what I thought." Braedey agreed. "Whatever made this, It must be really good."

A few minutes later, the other girls woke up, and each of them tried out the honey, and each of them commented it was really tasty and rich in sweetness and flavour. They soon began to make their way down the tree, and began to make their way through the jungle, all the while keeping their eyes out for anything that could jump out at them.

"So, where do you think we should go now?" Kurumu asked the brunette, once they reach a section of jungle, where there was a lagoon of fresh clean water.

"I'm not exactly 100% sure as to where to go at the moment." Braedey replied. "But right now, I think we should go somewhere that should be safe from anything that could kill us."

Just then, a loud buzzing sound could be heard in the trees. The teens all look up to the thick bush of trees, unsure as to what was up there. Some leaves fell from the trees, but then, something flew right by them, and landed on a fallen tree log nearby, and what it was made the teens look on in shock.

It was a female human/animal hybrid, like the Dino Hybrids back on Isla Nublar, but not a dinosaur. She looked to be around the same age as Moka, while having golden-orange hair reaching down to just at her neckline, while she had a fringe on her forehead, while having creamy colour skin. She has a slender shape, while having an average hourglass shape body. She is wearing some kind of leotard swimsuit-like outfit in black and yellow, along with some highlights of orange, showing off her shoulders and the top half of her chest, not revealing her breasts, having some fluffy 'hair' around the chest and the hips, while the outfit revealing her hips and thighs, with fingerless black/yellow/orange gloves reaching to the middle of her upper arms, 'hairs' surrounding the top parts, and knee-length legwarmers in the same colours, while her human feet were revealed. However, she has some unusual features; she has what were two antennae sticking up out of her hair at the front of her head, with bee-like eyes at the top of her head, while she has a pair of two insect-like wings on her back, spanning it half the size of the girl's body, while there was some kind of Queen Bee's abdomen sitting right above her buttocks, armed with a large black stinger.

"Hello, there." The bee-like girl greeted the group of teenagers with a small bow to them all. "I guess you are pretty surprised to see someone like myself."

"Well, not really." Braedey spoke up. "To be truthful, we met Dino Hybrids back on Isla Nublar, and they were pretty friendly."

"Really?" The bee girl was a little curious. "I guess they've never heard of seen me before." She mused.

"What do you mean? Do you know something about them?" Moka asked in curiosity, looking at the human bee.

"To tell you the truth, I was actually the first ever hybrid between a human and an animal." The bee hybrid explained. "My name was known as Honey by some of the scientists back on Nublar, but I chose to go with Melina, Greek for 'Honey'."

"Wow. Guess that does make sense." Braedey commented to the hybrid. "So, Melina, what brought you out there to Isla Sorna?" He asked her.

"Well, when I was brought into the world, I was so new to everything, I didn't know what was what. Soon, John Hammond, along with some of the scientists, began to teach me how to do things children do, along with adults, and soon learnt how I came to be." Melina explained to him and the Youkai teens. "Once I was of age, I soon learnt how to fly with my wings, along with talking with some animals, like bees, wasps, ants, or even some dinosaurs, while I also found out a few unusual things about me."

"Really? Like what?" Yukari wondered.

"Well, I could make honey, but not where you would think I'd make it." Melina replied, blushing a little. "But, on a side note, what brings you all to the island?" She asked them.

Braedey soon began to explain about what had happened two days beforehand, starting from the very beginning, while also including about the InGen hunters and Ludlow, along with the hunters taking the dinosaurs off the island, but the brunette and the others got the animals out of the camp and back to their regular habitat. He then finished when he told her their friends took the helicopter to head off to the mainland, and stop Ludlow from doing something he will regret. So far, they are unsure as to if they did it.

"Wow. That's some story." Melina commented. "Well, what are you gonna do now without a means of leaving?" She asked them.

"We were hoping to get images and footage about the dinosaurs in their natural habitat, then try and find our way back home." Moka replied.

"Well, you all won't last very long in this jungle for the time being." Melina said to them. "If you follow me, I'll take you to a sanction where it's safe." She flapped her wings for a moment, then hovers about five feet in the air. "Best you all follow me."

"I've got something that could help us out in case we run into a Predator." Braedey activates the Transformatrix, much to Melina's curiosity, selects a form, then slaps his hand down on the dial, engulfing him in a blue flash of light.

As the flash of light faded, now standing in his place stood a 45ft tall Dinobot, with a red, gold, and black armoured body, with broad shoulders, a narrow waist, and thick armoured legs. It has red metal 'plates' across his form, a sort-of tail design sprouting out from the back of his shoulders, whilst two sets of three plates were on the lower legs. There was some gold paint on the 'tail', along the lower arms, and on the lower legs. The feet were shaped like the feet of an animal with three-toes, whilst his lower arms were as large as his lower legs, but show great strength and power. Finally, the Transformatrix insignia was present on the centre of the chest.

"Snarl!" The Dinobot bellowed out, up in a 'power-up' stance. "Okay. This might do for us. Now... Snarl: Transform!" He got down on his hands and knees, his body changing shape and form, as the girls all watch on. The end result of his transformation is an armoured red and gold Stegosaurus. "Get on if you want to get going." He told the girls.

Moka sat up on Snarl's neck, while Kurumu, Mizore, and Yukari sat between the 'plates' on the Dinobot's back. Snarl grunted and gave a nod to Melina, then with a gentle nod from her, she began to fly through the trees, as Snarl charges along, following after the honey bee hybrid.

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