San Diego 'Godzilla'; Ludlow Messed Up

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Meanwhile, in San Diego, at the docks nearby one of InGen's offices, hundreds of very important business people were arriving to see what Peter Ludlow has brought back from Isla Sorna, and his idea for 'Jurassic Park'.

"Fifteen years ago, John Hammond had a dream. Like John himself, the dream was grand. It was outsized. It was bold. It was impractical. It was not to be." Ludlow began his speech. "Half an hour from now, John Hammond's dream, re-imagined, will come true. For .01 of the cost of building a destination resort thousands of miles away...."

At the gate, Rex's car pulled up, as he, Jessie, Kento, disguised as Braedey, along with Mariah, exited the car, and walked up to the gate officer.

"Looks like trouble is about to hit the fan." Mariah muttered in concern to the others.

"Yo. Is this the Ludlow affair?" Kento asked sarcastically, walking up next to them.

"Sir. This is private property." The officer said to him. "You need to turn around, get back in your car."

Kento grabbed the gate forcefully, nearly ripping it off its railing. "Let us through. NOW." He demanded angrily.

"Tonight, we will christen 'Jurassic Park; San Diego', with a mega-attraction that will drive turnstile numbers to rival any theme park in the world." Ludlow then noticed Braedey, along with his two friends, and an unknown blonde. "I want to thank each one of you for coming in these wee small hours of the morning."

Just then, the dock manager walked up to Ludlow. "The ship is here." He informed the man.

Ludlow's eyes widen a little. "It's early?" He asked, as the dock manager lead him over to the building. "It's so exciting!" He walked over to an officer. "See that couple? Let them see this up close." With that, he headed off into the nearby building with the dock manager.

"Look. That's their transponder signal, Venture 5888." The dock manager gestured to a radar screen of the nearby coastal area. "They're coming in, but I can't raise them."

"Try again." Ludlow stated.

"Skipper, SS Venture, this is InGen Harbour master. Do you copy? Over." The dock manager called on a radio, only to get nothing over the radio. "Skipper, SS Venture, you are approaching the breakwater at flank speed. Reduce at once. Over."

Meanwhile, Rex, Jessie, Kento/Braedey, and Mariah were being escorted along by an officer, heading off towards the docks. As they do so, everyone began to hear something odd in the distance. They began to look over in that direction, much to their confusion.

"What's everybody looking at?" Jessie wondered in confusion.

Kento/Braedey stopped in his tracks, looking out in the distance, almost like he could see something ahead of them. "We should've stayed in the car." He muttered.

A few moments go by, as the sound got closer and closer, and louder and louder. Then, out of the fog, the SS Venture, a large cargo vessel, charged out of the fog. Everyone began to run for cover, as the boat charged through the dock, only coming to a stop.

"Come on. Let's go and see." Kento/Braedey suggested to the group, and they all headed off towards the boat.

As an officer and Ludlow entered the wheelhouse at the bow of the vessel, the officer stopped once he saw something in the wheelhouse. "Oh, my God." He muttered.

"Where's the crew?" Ludlow walked up.

"All over the place." Was all the officer replied, then Ludlow saw a lone hand holding onto the wheelhouse, and what could be a puddle of blood on the floor.

As Jessie, Mariah, Rex, and Kento/Braedey walked up onto the deck, hearing the sound of crunching metal nearby, and saw the cover for the boat deck was not fully sealed. The latter saw the deceased body of a boat worker holding onto the button to shut the doors. The shapeshifter's eyes widen in horror, knowing that man was trying to close the hatch, when something occurred on the island before the boat left. Also, the Rex was down in the hatch, and who knows what could happen if that thing gets out.

"Check the cargo hold!" Ludlow called it from the wheelhouse. "There may be crew down there."

"Everybody off the boat, now!" Kento/Braedey yelled it loudly, only to see a man pick up the button. "No! Hey! Get away from that, you idiot!" He ordered.

Suddenly, the buck Tyrannosaur bursts out of the deck, snarling out in anger, everyone hiding for cover, while the creature roared out loud, and walked off the boat. Ludlow could only watch on in horror, seeing the prize of his beloved park walking away, and thousands upon thousands of dollars walking off, leaving the dock.

"Now, you are John Hammond." Kento/Braedey stated firmly to Ludlow, making the man in glasses look at him.

The Tyrannosaur snarled out, smashing its way through a sign, and continue on past the warehouses. As it reaches a section of rock, it stared at the concrete jungle before it, then lets out a powerful roar, echoing out into the night.


"Why in the hell wasn't that thing tranquillised?" Jessie demanded to one officer, as she, Rex, Kento/Braedey, and Mariah walked alongside her.

"It was. Roland hit it with two darts of concentrated Carfentanil." The officer replied. "It was over 10 milligrams."

"Over 10 milligrams? That'd put it in a coma." Kento/Braedey stated to the man.

"It stopped breathing. We gave it naltrexone to counteract." The officer added in to them. "But, we didn't know how much to give it."

"You gave an antagonist without knowing the proper dosage?" Mariah demanded to the officer. "You put the animal in a narcoleptic state. The thing's a goddam locomotive now."

"We're prepared here." The officer stated.

"Are there any more dinosaurs on the boat?" Rex asked next.

"No, we brought the infant back in on the plane." The officer pulled out the tranq gun they used. "We had this to tranquillise it."

"Do you have the infant?" Mariah asked Ludlow, the businessman looking out into the distance. 

"It's safe." Ludlow replied monotonously.

"Okay. The animal's dehydrated. First, it'll go to a water source, then it'll look for the next thing its body needs." Kento/Braedey told the others. "All the containment equipment is here. We must get it back to the dock. The boat might still be seaworthy."

"When we brought the baby to the trailer, it came." Jessie added. "There's no reason why it won't do the same thing here." They all look to Ludlow.

"Where's the infant?" Mariah asked her.

"It's in a secured facility. Why?" Ludlow asked.

Kento/Braedey glared at Ludlow, looking him in the eye. "Where.... is... the facility?" He asked.


At an InGen checkout gate, a bunch of men noticed something heading towards them. Before they could even do anything, a blue/black muscle car charged forward, smashing into the gates, and passing the guards as they dove out of the way, charging towards the amphitheatre named 'Jurassic Park: San Diego'.

The car soon pulled to a stop at what could be an animal holding cell. Kento/Braedey jumped out of the car, with Mariah, Jessie, and Rex.

"There it is." Jessie ran up to a cage, where the infant Rex was in, while Mariah checked on the animal, checking it's vitals. "How bad is he?" She asked.

"He's been sedated. Really heavily." Mariah said to the group, gently cupping the infant's head. "Give me a hand." She asked them.

Kento/Braedey picked up the animal, then they walked back over to Rex's car. "When the adult sees me as Braedey again with his baby, isn't he going to be like: "You!" There may be some angry recognition." He asked.

"Who knows? He may be just happy to see us." Jessie shrugged to him, as they climbed into the car, the shapeshifter taking the back seats.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?" The guards demanded.

"We're taking the kid. If you really want to stop us, shoot us." Rex stated, shifting his car into reverse, and they drive out of the amphitheatre.

"How will we find the adult?" Mariah asked in curiosity.

"Easy. Follow the screams." Kento/Braedey replied back.


While this was happening, the Buck Tyrannosaur was rampaging through the city, causing total panic amongst the citizens. Stomping down a busy street, the T-Rex causes several drivers to smash into each other, whilst reversing away from him, as screaming people ran for their lives. The dinosaur growled at the chaos he was causing, before sinking his teeth into some traffic lights, testing to see if they are edible. At that moment, a city bus attempts to escape the angry carnivore, only to be smacked in the side when the Rex smashed its head against it, ejecting the passengers out of the windows, while the bus ended up crashing into a Blockbuster Video store. The T-Rex then turns down another street near the business district, chasing a horde of screaming people, several of whom even clamber over parked cars in their hurry to get away. As the buck snaps at the heels of some terrified Japanese businessmen, one unlucky man foolishly breaks off from the main group, and ran up for the door of a nearby shop, only to be snatched up by the Tyrannosaurus just as he gets the door open. Crushing the unfortunate man in his jaws, the Rex then drops him behind a car and eats him alive.

With Kento/Braedey and the others, they soon saw many cars spinning around and driving away in a mad panic, as the Buck Rex snarled and roared at them. The matter absorber drove the car up to a nearby gas station, stopping not too close to some gas pumps.

"It's too drugged." Mariah muttered, looking at the animal in Kento/Braedey's lap.

"He won't know we have it unless it makes some kind of sound!" Rex told them.

"Wake up. Come on. Come on now, buddy." Kento/Braedey shook the groaning animal in his arms, trying to wake him up. "Wake up, little guy. Come on!"

The Buck Rex turned towards the blue/black muscle car, then began to sniff the air, picking up a familiar scent. It was his infant, along with He redhead and brunette who tended to it. It grunted, then gave a roar.

"He knows." Jessie muttered.

Rex immediately shifted into reverse, then began to drive backwards, away from the charging Tyrannosaur, as it began to chase after the car, knocking down a minivan over in the process.

"Rex, slow down a little." Jessie said to her boyfriend.

"I don't think so." Rex replied, keeping his eyes on the road.

Soon, they reach the dockyards, the animal just behind them. As they do so, the San Diego police department, along with the animal control care up, only to come to a stop when they saw the humungous tyrant lizard. The beast roared at the cops, making them drive away in fear, along with animal control.

Kento/Braedey grunted, as the infant struggled in his arms. "This guy's almost fully awake. You even know where you're going?" He asked, holding her animal back.

"The waterfront's on the other side of these warehouses." Rex replied.

"Is there a way through?" Mariah asked, keeping her arms away from the infant's mouth.

A second later, the muscle car slammed into the building, then came to a sliding halt. Rex and Jessie help Kento/Braedey out, as Mariah climbed out of the car, then they all head off towards the SS Venture.

"Where's the Rex? Is it still behind us?" Mariah asked.

Her answer came in the form of the Buck Rex, smashing through the corrugated steel wall behind them, grunting out loudly then roared at the humans, and unexpectedly crushed the back end of Rex's muscle car in the process.

"There's the water!" Jessie called out, as a silhouette of the Buck Rex appeared on the warehouse doors, looking in their direction.

Ludlow, meanwhile, was inside of his limousine, calling some marksmen to take out the Buck. "Shoot it. Tell them to shoot it." He then noticed the teens running by with the wailing infant Rex in their possession. "No, you idiot, the adult. Shoot the adult. I want the baby back alive."

Ludlow then got out of the car, and began to chase after the teens and the infant Rex. As he chased them, to his shock, he saw Jessie manifest some crystal blue steps up to the ship, then she and the others climbed up them, while he scrambled over the wreckage of the pier, reaching the deck of the boat.

"Mr. Martin!!" Ludlow called out, only to see the teens leaving the cargo hold, heading to the starboard side of the ship. "What have you done with it? I want that infant!" He demanded from them. Before he could get an answer, Jessie, Rex, and Mariah jumped off the side of the ship, falling into the water, while Kento/Braedey jumped off the ship, performed a double frontflip, and dove into the water.

Ludlow stood there the deck, as a helicopter began to fly up to the dockyards in the distance, until the sound of a Rex call could be heard from inside the cargo hold. Ludlow, curiosity getting the better of him, began to walk into the hold, looking for the infant.

"Are you there?" He called, only to find the broken remains of the muzzle the infant had on its head. He looked over, then saw the infant glaring directly at him. "There you are." He smirked, only for the animal to growl and snarl at him.

Before he could even get the muzzle on the animal, the infant called out, then jumped over some boxes, just as a loud Tyrannosaur grunted out, and Ludlow saw the Buck Rex glaring at him. Fear running through his body, and realising he might die, Ludlow tries to sprint away up the stairs onto the deck, only for him to trip on the steps. Then, the Buck Rex bit down on his left leg, making him yell out in pain, only to be swung down back into the hold, and be pushed down onto his hands and knees. Ludlow tried to crawl away, only for him to look back at the Rex, as the infant pounced on him, and began to eat him alive, ending his life for good, as the Buck Rex watches on, giving a small huff from its throat of seeing its infant score its first kill.

Up on the deck, Rex and Jessie managed to grab the tranq rifle used to tranquillise the animal, and got up onto the bridge of the ship. At the same time, the helicopter was approaching, a gunman armed to snipe the beast. At the cargo hold controls, Kento/Braedey dammed his hand down on a red button, making the door covers begin to close, as the Buck Rex cries out.

A moment goes by, before the helicopter was just over the bow of the vessel. Before the gunman could even pull the trigger, the craft was suddenly struck by an unexpected force, thanks to Mariah's magic, making it spin 180˚ around, while Rex took the shot, firing a tranq dart at the Tyrannosaur, making it groan out, then begin to fall asleep.

Kento/Braedey sighed to himself, knowing they've just finished one part of this job. Now, all they have to do is get the animal back to Isla Sorna, along with its infant, and to make sure that nobody ever goes to the island chain ever again. He pulled out his phone, turned to He others, who nodded to him, and began to talk to Hammond about what had happened, and what they must do.


The next morning, Kento, Mariah, Rex, and Jessie were in Coolsville, California, all of them exhausted after their long evening in San Diego, and they ended some shut-eye after their night with the Buck Rex. At the same time, the TV was on wit the morning news, and was talking about what had happened last night.

"There's a first-rate shot of the deck of the ship, and the cargo hold that, for the moment, contains the animal itself, presumably with the infant alongside." A reporter on the TV said, as images of the SS Venture appeared on the screen. "By our calculations, they are nearing the halfway point of this trip. Jim, can you hear me there?"

"Yes, I can, Bernard." The reporter, by the Jim, replied. "We are halfway to the island. It is 206 nautical miles from our present location. The ship is moving at 20 knots, which will put it in at about 11:30AM, Eastern time. One of the Navy's primary concerns has been safety. If we look at the ever-growing escort around the ship, they're taking no chances of a repeat of the San Diego incident."

"Let's take a moment to run the tape of our interview earlier today with John Hammond." Bernard, the first reporter, spoke up next. "He's the former head of InGen BioEngineering, the man who is now spearheading this movement, not only to return the animals to their island, but to keep the island itself intact."

This got Kento's attention, as he looked to the TV, and saw the man with the white beard, and in a business suit, sitting by his desk, and talking with some reporters.

"It is absolutely imperative that we work with the Costa Rican Department of Biological Preserves, to establish a set of rules for the preservation and isolation of that island." Hammond told the reporters. "These creatures require our absence to survive, not our help. And if we could only step aside, and trust in nature... life will find a way."

Kento thought about this, and knew Hammond was right. The dinosaurs require their absence to survive on their own, not anyone's help. Isla Sorna was a home of the dinosaurs, not for humans. Then, he remembered Braedey and the girls were still on the island.

'I hope they're okay out there on their own.' He thought to himself, looking over in the direction of the sea.

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