Chapter Two Trip elsewhere

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*6 years sense last chapter*

Welcome back oh faithful viewing watchers from afair, we are currently upon a monumental moment, but before we view the present, a lesson of the past is in order.

Ruby had started her training with Tiamat six years and nine months ago, and from that point straight they had trained every day without fail or misfortune.

They worked on fight technique, physical strength building, and magic study and refining, but two years later was when everything changed for the young rose.

Upon the age of nine Tiamat gifted her a power that would soon grow to rival the strongest of the world, she gifted Ruby a Dragon Mark.

This mark bound Ruby to her, allowing her to share her divine energy into the girl which allowed her power and body to massively leap in bounds, with her strength, endurance and magic reaching new. Essentially Tiamat had become Ruby's patron. With Ruby being considered a warlock as a result of the pact. But this didn't come easy training was even harder but it also gave more results sense Tiamat could heal the girls excursion and injuries via her close courters contact with her.

It's also here another massive moment happened, she unlocked her semblance alongside her own bodies magic power, just seven months after she got the mark. With Tiamat quickly finding out that this semblance thing was the people's of remnants super special "magic power", a gift from the Goddess of Magic herself, Mystra after the events of the black night.

But enough of the past, because unlocking her magic had caused her newfound dragon essence from the mark to take deeper roots, she gained chromatic scales across her arms and around her eyes, and her magic power skyrocketed, she was now what many mages would call a Sorcerer of a Draconic Bloodline.

This ment her magic strength had say it with me now, gotten even stronger, so much so Tiamat had to change her entire magic training with the girl to incorporate her newfound dragon based magic abilities.

When she became Ten ruby was basically a Warlock, Dragon Bloodline sorcerer as well as a very confident great weapon fighter. And make things even worse at twelve she started to develop a faith for her mother, not in any religious way of course, but a daughter mother's bond of faith in one another, and this faith was sooooo tiamat-damn strong, she was able to conjure a freaking Divine Smite!


Fighter, paladin, Warlock, Sorcerer, whats next a freaking Cleric?

"....." She should not have jinked herself.

Because at the age of thirteen, she began to babble her daughterly faith into being a war cleric..... Yaaaa, a war cleric, the same Clerics that specializes in melee battle and can use a specialized divination passive to (most of the time) ALLWAYS land a strike on there target...

Tiamat has seen "min-maxing" but god damn, her daughter was taking things to a whole other level.

Luckily she seemed to like fighting with magic more sense she's had it longer with her pact and Sorcerer abilities, but she was no slouch in physical combat that's for damn sure.

(And if your wondering how's this possible? Number one, isn't a table top game and two, with enough effort you can learn any class in this world, and need I remind you all who's her teacher/patron/ mother is? May sound like a cop-out to some, but in DND this is VERY possible.)

Now her thirteen year old daughter was facing her outside the tree, craters covered the entire ground.

Before Tiamat was her daughter, a smirk like her mom's on her lips, and a aura similar to her as well, the once shy girl had grown from her shell and was now much much different.

Was a talker then a kid her age should be, while the natural hight for a girl her age was 5'1 to 5'3 nope, not Ruby she was 5'6. She was still tiny when compared to the 8'4 goddess but hey, at least she wasn't short anymore as she puts it.

She was also very brazent with what she was wearing, she was wearing her usual training outfit that consisted of a tight upper gym shirt and some shorts, the shirt however only covered to about half of her stomach, so the other half you could see, and from what you could tell was that she has a six or possibly eight pack, but it doesn't take looking at abs to tell this sense you know, her arms where although skinny pretty build and lean, not overly jacked but well diffined and good outlines of her arm muscles.

However this spar would end every quickly sense Tiamat ended up grabbing Ruby's leg and whipped her around before slamming her back onto the hard floor causing her body to bounce off the ground thanks to the remaining energy getting transferred into her, only to fly into the forest and threw several trees as Tiamat just sighed and flipped her hair back.

Just in time to point her index finger out to stop the golden blade of Ruby's Scythe that discharged a massive flash of radiant light.

Tiamat was of course unfazed sense only magic seventh or higher could harm this body and even then, her own natural magic resistance would allow her to eat the damage with zero regard for its exsitence or its lackluster attempt to harm her.

So in short terms, she's fine, it didn't do shit.

But Ruby knew it wouldn't but the impact and magic force that she could utilize with it was indeed impressive, it was strong enough to make a miniature shockwave that could uproot trees close by and burn away the surrounding plant like with its impact.

Her semblance came to life as thousands of petals danced threw the sky before conversing upon Tiamat, slashes came and any all directions, and Omni-Directional attack she's been trying to finalize that utilize her own rose petals created by Petal burst to attack the one in closed within, but Tiamat just flicked them all away, but if it was any other, she would have ended them with this little trick of hers. There was just no way to defend against it without utilizing magic.

But of course, Tiamat built Different so it wasn't a problem.

The petals vanished as Ruby appeared behind her teacher with a intense look of malice within her eyes, her arms swung her scythe with inhuman speed at Tiamat's neck, only for said Teacher/mother dragon to attempt smacking the scythes blade away with her wrist...

I say attempt because she was just trying to well deflect the attack.

She didn't actually think Ruby put enough physical strength to cause a reaction, that reaction being the fourth scythe this month SHES BROKE!

Training came to a screeching hult, Tiamat and Ruby both glared at the now broken enchanted wooden Scythe blade.

[Ruby... That is the fourth scythe this month.]

Ruby just puffed her cheeks out in a pout.

"It's not my fault mom! It was just too weak to handle my strength anyway."

Tiamat looked at the rod her daughter was holding that was once a damn Enchanted Oak scythe given a magic name and also enchanted with the ability to not break easily, (basically unbreaking V) it still broke.

Her little Dragon was definitely a powerhouse alright, that wood scythe had the durability of a scythe if it was made entirely out of tungsten.

And yet it broke... Again.

Tiamat knew she would grow past the need for Wooden enchanted toy Scythes, but at thirteen... Really?

With a sigh Tiamat patted her daughters head.

[You did good Ruby, you did good, however it's about time i get you a proper weapon.]

Ruby's eyes beamed at this as sparkles appeared within.

"Really mom!" Her joy was threw the roof, finally a proper weapon of mass destruction!

Or just a weapon that's better then wood that could actually cut something... That would also be good.

[Yes really, now come along, you need to get dressed.]

"Ah... Why?"

[Because where going to a party]

"Really! LETS GO!!"

[Hold it, it's not just a get casually dressed party neither, it's a proper "elegant" party. So go get a shower, wash up, and put on that dres-]

"The Chromatic one?"

[Yes, that dress. And then meet me here afterwards.]

"What about you mom? How are you going to get rea-"

Tiamat snapped her finger as a blood red, refined and elegant silk dress formed over her as her previous clothing disappeared.

"Nevermind, I forget your a goddess sometime..."

[How do you possibly manage to forget that?]

"Hahaha... Well I ahhhh... Imagogetdressedberightbackmom!"

{Translation: I'ma go get dressed be right back mom}

The girl sprinted into the house and vanished.

Tiamat was left alone as she was pondering if this is the wisest course of action...

The place they where going wasn't safe for mortals.... Well normal ones that is, honestly with how strong her daughter was she was sure she could handle herself, honestly she wouldn't be surprised if by next year she killed an Adult Red Dragon. She was just that strong. So it did ease her worry...

It was just the head of them that she was concerned about... That woman was anything but normal.

She insane that's the best way to put it, fucking insane, a war maniac, bloodthirsty devil.

But they have to go there... And she won't do anything sense Tiamat is vastly more powerful then her.

And luckily she would also have her true form to drawl power upon, or take form into it. So she shouldn't try and thing...

But that was before she had a weakness, one she rather fond of. Ruby. If this witch finds out or manages to capture her then she would surely use her as a bargaining chip.

Whatever, if she tries the realm is losing its first leader, and heaven and hell can suffer the consequence.

Now was just time to breath and just wait for her daughter.

.... Tiamat chuckled at that word. It felt nice to say considering the circumstances of her own being.

Looking into the house she found herself smiling. She could already imagine her rambunctious clout of a daughter stumbling around her room with that oddly adorable face of hers...

And then a burning rage at the though of one of those things fucking vermin touching her.

It made her eyes burn with unholy power that murdered the world itself.

[{If they do much as try and lay there filthy claws on her I'll make there screams be loud enough for even the demons and angels to hear. I'll scare away the damn denison's of the abyss with there screams! And make heaven sick with there agonizing breaking!}]

Dark thoughts infected her mind...

How hard would she have to squeeze to splinter there skull?

How long would they breath if she wrapped there intestines around there throat and chocked them out with it?

What if-

"Mom I'm ready!"

[{Huh of ya Ruby's don- by father, why the hell are you so cute!}]

Ruby was wearing the dress she custom made for her out of her old scales, the dress was long and classy, with it not showing her figure because she's a freaking child and doesn't need that, instead the slightly oversized sleeves made her stance like that resemble a penguin. And tiamat was internally laughing at this. God she looked cute in that dress and she was patting herself on the shoulder at the sight of it.

"So mom! Where is the party!"

[Not anywhere nearby but I need to go over some things with you, ok Ruby.]

"Ok mom!"

[Now, when we get there you need to be close to me at all times.]


[Remember how far mt sensing goes?]

"240 feet!"

[Correct, but when we get here it's twenty times that.]

"So 4800 feet then?"

[Yes, now you aren't allowed to go outside that zone better yet don't go over fifty feet away from me.]


[Good, now if you get approached by anyone who doesn't look like a fallen angel feel free to punch them in the face if they grind your gears or are in your personal space. If they do look like a fallen angel you call me over immediately. Understand me young lady?]

"Yup! I understand! Crystal!" She was relatively nodding her head up and down.

[Good now come beside me]

Ruby did just that.

But before they went away she had one more question.

"Hey mom, if where going to get me a weapon why are we going to a party?"

[Because Ruby, where going to Avernus.]


A circle appeared below the two as they where pulled into the depths of its dark power.

Next stop, the first layer of Hell.

*Within Avernus*

Darkness, that was all Ruby could see, pure darkness.

The raging torrent of hellish essence plagued her senses as the smell of blood and fire pelted her nose.

It was so disorienting Tiamat placed on of her wings behind her to keep her up.

[Easy Ruby. Despite having some of my divine magic and blood because of the pact and magic. But Avernus is a difficult terrain for someone as young as you to move around in, if possible don't try and move to mu-]

Tiamat stopped as a silver light bleed from Ruby's eyes and started merging with her aura, the once thin shield that was on the verge of breaking because of the pressure Avernus puts on her soul was gone. I stead her aura was strengthened by that silver light.

The blood of the Chromatic also came to life, helping that essence get to place to place. Protecting this little girl.

Tiamat was left surprised at this power, she had done research, looked into her special eyes sense she could already feel a faint effigy of divine energy locked inside those eyes of hers. But to think it would come so soon.

Silver eyes, also known in her search for answers as The Sacred Eyes Of Holy Extermination, powerful weapons against evil, there silver light can burn away any and all forms of corruption and fight against any darkness that is of harm to its holder.

She had tried to get Ruby to awaken them some time ago, but it seems as though they only react when in an environment of corruption and evil, a forced activation mechanism of sorts to protect itself and the user.

Interesting, seems like some trips to Avernus in the future where in order to fully unlock it, instead of it being just a subconscious activation.

[Better Ruby?]

"Ya, though it's strange I felt weak and sick. Now I'm seemingly ok and healthy. Do you know what caused this mamma? Was it you?"

[As much as I want to, I didn't. It was a dormant power deep inside your soul. If I had to guess a latent gift from in of your original parents.]

"Ah, I see. Well that's great to know! It's just another power towards my progressing to be the ultimate hero and WORLD DOMINAT- wait no wrong one. I mean The Ultimate Hero Of Tiamat!"

Tiamat chuckled at her brazent shout towards the abyss above.

[Yes, you'll become my finest champion and hero Ruby. But I still ask, so you want to remember your past? That is a gift I can grant you.]

"Yano I'm good. And Quite frankly I don't want to remember. Because whatever it or was, it ended with be being stranded in that dark ass forest with Allllll those big ol monsters. And noone to call, ask for help or anything like that, far as I'm considered the past can stay in the past."

[If that is your wish then so be it, and I must agree, whatever happened could only be the product of negligence, foolishness, idiocy, and just flat out stupid and idiotic decision making that almost got you killed.]

"Yup now let's go to the party!!"

[Very well Ruby, do me a favor and grab my hand. Where about to cause a seen]

"Hehe hell ya! Let's crash this party!"

[Where not doing that.]

"Ohh, man I was hoping for a figh-"

[Where going to scare the living hell out of all of them]

Both figures grinned with Ruby's being a playful and innocent version of the demonic ass nightmare inducing grin that spread from ear to ear across her mother's face.


[Ahahaha, sure thing Ruby]

*Within the Basalt Citadel*

A mighty spire of jet'en black Basalt stood withing the molten lava lake of Avernus.

The fiends of the Underworld under the rule of the Lord of the first congregated together into a massive ball room of blood and fire.

Devils spread as far as the eye could see within this massive 150 by 150 foot radius room.

At the highest point however was a figure who's dark power bleed into the room like a knife threw soft flesh, her eyes blazing with an unholy malice to it as her burning halo shines in her corrupted radiants.

Darken wings spread behind her darken armored body, her once Holy Majesty replaced by an unyielding abomination of corrupted power.

This being who looked upon the devils feasting and cheering, laughing and fighting was none other then;

Zariel Lord of the First:
Archduchess of Avernus

Beside her however was another figure, this one was indeed smaller but much much more dominating.

With a blue dress that exposed most of her chest, this fiend short, fiery-red hair was tucked neatly behind her pointed ears. skin that's a pale blue, with purplish lips and coal-black eyes, iris speckled with fire. She adorns her hair with gold and rubies in an ornament similar to a tiara. Overall she was simple but elegant beyond mortal belief.

"What do you think Mizora"

"Think of what my lady?"

"How boring this banquet is, here we stand with our 666th win against the demons of the Abyss in a row and all they have to show for it is this lackluster display of rally. Where is the excitement? The swinging of blades and the roar of fury?"

"Yes, when you put it like that, this Banquet is quite lackluster, isn't it."

The ruler of this hell just narrowed her eyes in disappointment. "Yes it i-"

A bright crimson portal opened up within the center of the massive room, Devil soldiers and beast alike stopped the celebration as weapons where pointed towards the opening.

Only to shiver and fall to there knees when the image of a massive five headed monster stood before them and with a mighty roar shake Avernus to its core.

Zariel conjured her weapon as Mizora hand conjured her magic, until a beautiful figure with a red silky texture came out from the portal.

"Tiamat!?" Zariel was taken back at the sudden arrival of the goddess. "Why are you here?"

[You'll see, come threw Ruby]

'Whos Ruby?' the lady if hell wondered.

And our from the portal the daughter hopped out.

"Hey mom, is that her? The one you need to talk to?"

[Yes it is, now come along girl. Your about to meet your first ArchDevil]


Ruby walked alongside Tiamat up the stairs and right Infront of the two, Ruby compared her mother to the fallen angel across from her, Zariel was impressively tall, possibly 7'1, but Tiamat towered over her with a entire foot and three inch hight advantage.

Meanwhile the other devil was much shorter then her, honestly Ruby was about up to her neck in terms of hight difference.

And said smaller devil would get her ass handed to her, now that Ruby thinks about it. Maybe not this taller one but definitely this smaller one can catch these hands.

However said smaller Devil was now looking at her with confused eyes, which was understandable throughout the stories of legends and myths, though heavens messengers and hells poets she hasn't expect Tiamat to take a daughter.

But Zariel, in her corrupted divine might knew why, her eyes could reveal many truths sense she once used to be angelic in nature. And parts of that returned upon looking at the girl.

She was otherworldly, that was damn sure. Her magic aura was crazy for a child, hell she could probably kill a higher up in this room, honestly she could 110% kill Mizora no question asked.

And she did it so well, like a predator waiting for an ambush, normally such aura was impossible to hide, but not for her, she's been taught well...

And it made her curious, curious enough to where she walked up to the girl and kneeled down on one knee to look her in the eyes as best as she could.

"So ahhh, your Zariel?" The girl had no fear which made Zariel slightly taken back, it's not like her presence ment anything to this child. Then again, looking at her apparent "parent" she could understand why now.

"I am child, and you are Tiamat's daughter?"

"Yup! I'm Ruby, Ruby lArian!"

"Ruby lArian, what an unusual name. Tell me child, why are you so powerful?"

"From dusk till dawn I train and train every second of every day! We take breaks here and there but for a few minutes. Overall I train 22 hours every day! I don't need much sleep anyways sense I'm mostly dragon, so working my butt off to get more powerful is always what I'm doing."

"And how long have you been doing this for?"

"Over six years and nine months."

Zariel eyes where quite widened at that before she began to laugh at the child disregard for normality.

"I see, an impressive conviction I must say. But sense your mother and you are here even if I didn't invite you both, enjoy."

".... Your way nicer then mom made you out to be."

"It's not that. It's just that I know who to keep as friend or foe child, that's all."

"Ok... Mom what now?"

[You may wonder sense you have Zariel's approval..... just don't go out of sight. I would rather not send one of these fools to Asmodeus today.]


She hurried away hungry to discover more about this place.

Now that the child was gone Tiamat glared at Zariel from over her shoulder.

[I'm cashing in my favor, Zariel. You are to have your war smiths build the most powerful Scythe they possibly could. And no holding back, and no curses, I wish for you to Construct it out of the strongest metal in the entire infernal realm you rule over. And to bond it together you will have one of my fang be the magical catalyst for its creation, are we in agreeance?]

Zariel looked upon the goddess she owed the favor towards, and sighed.

"Mizora, contact the Smiths have them prepare preparations of this weapon for our dear dragon right here." The devil nod as she walked away to do so. But Zariel looked back to Tiamat for an answer." However Tiamat, may I ask of you something?"

[It will cost you another favor, but go ahead.]

She paused, was this worth it? Honestly she felt her infernal nature calling for the girls soul but kept that in check, which only left her blistering curiosity, which she wanted an answer to.

So yes, she nod, then spoke.

"Why did you adopt that girl? She is powerful yes, but what is the true reason for it?"

[.... It started off as an experiment. Wanting to see why heros where always the ones who won, although I haven't gotten to that part of this. I have grown to understand more about, not only the physical world but also the life and lives of humanity. The joy and accomplishment of there lives. With that little shit she's made some of my years hell rasing her, but it's also an amazing accomplishment that I am actually truly proud of. I've raised that girl to follow her dream of being a hero. And now I get to see where she goes in her life.]

"I see." Zariel glanced at the girl who was across the room. "She must be quite special then."

"Though shouldn't you be with her? A young child like her could get into come very bad trouble especially with all theses fiend-" Mizora pipped up now returning to the two. Only to be cut off.

[Ya not happening]

"I must agree, it's not happening"

The confidence tiamat had, and what her lady said had caused Mizora to cease her speaking.

[If anyone is dumb enough to antagonize my daughter, you'll learn real quick why I wasn't afraid of your common devil Mizora. Only one I would be concerned about her butting heads with is Zariel. Besides her, there's no one in this realm of hell who could pose a problem to her.]

Mizora looked towards her lady. The ArchDevil eyes had left Tiamat and where now locked. Her frightening gaze was upon the young las, as she walked threw the party with various devils looking upon her confused, or just straight up talking shit.

One of these was a mighty male figure, with massive red wings and armor that looked as though it was made from the skin of demons, this figure stood before the girl as she just gave a bored expression towards his exsitence.

"What is a mortal child doing in this place of our lady Zariel, I figure you are a sacrifice towards our lo-"

"Banishment" ruby conjured the fourth level spell, the devil taken by surprise wasn't prepared for such magic and was thrown into another realm of existence. Specifically the astral plane.

The party ran cold as a deep chilling feeling cursored threw the minds of Zariel's soldiers. Only of there captains where just delt with as simply as squashing an ant.

What in the nine hells was this child?

"Impressive" the lady of the banquet was amused. "I quite like this child."

Mizora looked towards her lady who had begun to walk down the stairs, Tiamat raises a brow at this until she saw her stop in front of Ruby who was now holding the captains Infernal iron battle axe.

"Nice and hefty. However it's not in my taste, but mom said any valuables on a person I defeat are now mine so I think I'ma take this."

"Really now child."

"Huh?" Ruby turned around only to see the master of this realm before her. "Oh hello, Zariel?"

"Hello again child, I must say impressive showing of strength, however that was a captain of mine, a-"

"Hey, he started it, not my problem he could pay what his mouth had him buy."

Zariel eyes became cold at the sudden cut off from this child, the surrounding devils backed away as far watchers just kept there breath within their lungs.

"I was just getting to that, so do not cut me off again girl. As I was saying, that was a captain of mine. But because of his actions and his provocation towards you, I will permit you to have his axe."

"Let's go!"

Zariel chuckled at that.

"Yes, a trophy for a well deserved defeat. Now I would like to ask if you a favor."

"Sorry can't, mom told me better then to make deals or do favors with you all. Sorry if this upsets you but I will kindly decline."

".... Your extremely bold for a child your age, you know that."

"Ya well, I wasn't raised to be a pussy."

"By the hells your exactly like your mother."

Ruby just tilted her head off to the side confused as to why she would bring that up.

"Albeit, much cuter in my opinion. But sense granting a favor is beyond your doing, I shall leave, however news has come in. Your scythe shall be constructed by the end of tomorrow. And luckily this party shall continue until the end of the day after, so enjoy the festivities. After all not like I could stop you anyway."

"Ok, well take care- wait is it miss or Mrs?" Ruby had paused because she didn't want to come off as rude Her mother has taught her proper etiquette after all.

"Just Zariel will suffice child, I'll allow it because of your connection to my oh so wonderful friend over there."

[Sense when where we friends?]

"The moment you not only adopted a child, but turned her into a monstrous powerhouse. And then brought her here."

[I didn't turn her into a "monstrous Powerhouse" I simply taught her the way of being a dragon and how to be strong. Besides that, she did everything else on her own.]

"Ya! And I'm going to hunt an Adult Red Dragon here soon!"

Zariel just slowly looked at the girl. "Is that so, well make sure to aim for its throat, cause enough damage and it will drown in agony and not be able to safely use its own flame blast."

"How about it's eye? So it can't see?"

"Yes it's smart in theory to go for it's eye, but an adult stands over thirty feet in hight. Unless you have the ability to fly your not going to realistically hit it in said eyes."

"Hmm I see, well my Dragon blood hasn't taken full root yet, but mom did say I should sprout my wings by next year or maybe when I'm sixteen, but it's within that timeframe."

"It's that far along now?"

"Yup, I've unlocked this power when I was nine, so it's had the ability to grow for four years straight. Not to mention repeated stimulation of it causes it to accelerate. So four straight years of repetitive stimulation and you have where I am now."

"Sounds reasonable enough. I shall take my leave, enjoy."

Ruby ran the other way to go see what they had to eat.

While Zariel returned to her spot above everyone.

"You and your daughter are both ridiculous."

[I know, that was the whole point of her training.]

"....I see."

Soon idle chatter broke among the two, with Tiamat asking about the blood war, and Zariel boosting about the victories they have achieved.

While Ruby mingled among the devil's who had started to take a small liking go her sense she was brutal, with not only when showing others there place but also in the stories she told.

But in the corner of the room, a Tiefling was being surrounded by other tieflings, the one they where crowded around was definitely a loner and just wanted to be left alone.

So with that being said, Ruby went to bug him.

"Hey, why are you here being a loner?"

"Huh?" The Tiefling looked up at her with confused eyes. "Oh, hello, your the girl that came with that woman right?"

Ruby pouted at her mother bing referred to as "that woman".

"Her name isn't that woman, it's Tiamat, Queen of the dragons and Goddess of the chromatic dragons good sir."

The Tiefling kept his breath leave his body as his heart pounded at the know exposed truth.

"A-and I'm guessing your here daughter?"

Ruby nod her head.

"Oh... Ok then, well I guess I should introduce myself... My name is Mortarion."

"I see, Well it's an unusual name, But I guess I'll introduce myself as well!"

She went Infront of his instead of off to his side, and placed her hand onto her chest. Puffing it out and with an oddly adorable smirk that she believed made her look superior and powerful. But it actuality just made her seem like a child trying to copy her parent which made her an oddly adorable sight to the Tiefling.

"I'm Ruby, Ruby lArian! Proud daughter of Tiamat!"

"I can tell." The bound soldier looked around at all the glares aimed towards her. "Though others may not be as accepting or understanding."

"... Why's that?"

"Because others are greedy, and sense they don't have it will think your showing off with your connection to a Goddess."

".... Whaaat?" The very concept was confusing to the poor girl, besides her mother's Mark that only gave her access to a tiny bit more power, everything else she's done has been threw her own accomplishment. She's fought and killed beholders, Grimm, ghouls and vamps, ya she happily tells others she Tiamat's daughter but that's because she proud of being adopted by her, and she always wants others to know how great of a mom she is. She doesn't mean anything brazen or Superior about it. She just a kid telling others who there parents are and being proud to be there child, that's it.

So why the hell would others take offense or be bothered by it?

Mortarion who saw Ruby now pondering her thoughts away sighed to himself, he might have said something he shouldn't have.

So to make it up to her he handed her a drink.

"Huh? What's this?"

"Don't worry it's not alcohol, it's a type of beverage you can make in this hell, I don't know if you're going to enjoy it but this is my apology for dropping that on ya."

"Well ok, I'll except then." She took the glass. "And your fine loner, I'm not bothered by it."

"That's good."

Ruby sat beside him as she and him watched the party unfold, with some chatter going back and forth between them.

Ruby found out that mortarion was a survivor of the start of the Blood War, his village was attacked by demons and He was lucky to make it out alive, until Mizora saw to it that he would be trapped in an infernal contract where he gained power, but was a thrall in Zariel's army.

Ruby felt kinda bad, This war has been going on for 20 years now. And he was currently 27, that means he was seven when dragged into this life.

Honestly I kind of reminded her of her past, she's a survivor of memory lost and of The Darkest Forest. Without Tiamat coming to her aid she would be dead, However unlike her kind mother he was made into a slave basically.

It made her upset at this, that someone would just have there whole life stripped from them because of the acts of others, so she stood up and walked up towards Zariel.

The Archdevil looked upon the girl who arrived and a smile, a sinister smile, but one nonetheless.

"Welcome back Ruby, What do you need?"

"Do you see the Tiefling down there, the one named Mortarion"

"Yes, I'm aware of him He's one of the first that we have converted into soldiers to fight in the Blood War."

"Ya well can I ask that Mortarion be free?"

Zariel and Mizora looked at the girl with raised eyebrow.

"I am afraid that it's not how this works child, he signed the contract himself, And by the infernal code he is not bound to it until he dies. There is no freeing him unless he dies."

"That is correct, So no, Mizora will not releasing him."

Ruby had pouted which resulted in her eyes slightly narrowing at the two. Which has upset the Archdevil who in return stepped forward, her mind ran with savage thoughts.

For as much enjoyment this child brings she will not be questioned in her own realm. She would be taught her lesson.

But that stopped immediately because Zariel had crossed her boundaries, Ruby was acting like a child after all. She's a sheltered 13 year old, and despite that Zariel had taken that as a sign of disobedience, and in her twisted brazenness was going to "discipline her".

Which quickly attracted the attention of Mama Tiamat, who had walked up behind the Archdevil and-


Broke her shoulder by laying her hand upon it, and then squeezing.

Zariel's body flares in pain as she glares at the dragon who looked down upon her.

[You either forget yourself, or forgot I was here, So allow me to enlighten you. My daughter meant nothing by it, She had simply asked a question case and point. Although she may come off as a rude if you had paid close attention, which I know is hard for you After all look at where you are, compared to where you where. So if you would have been able to use that skull of yours to do anything other than torture and bark order, You could have told she didn't mean it. It was a child pouting, as children tend to do. And You had the nerve to flare your malicious malice at MY daughter. For simply asking a question? You are either stupid or arrogant which are both perfect for you. After all You where a no good angel who fell to a petty sense of justice, Now look at you. Cowering like an insect after attempting to be powerful before someone's smaller than you. It's pathetic.]

Tiamat had shoved Zariel prone, as the Archdevils regeneration began to repair her shoulder, but not fast enough for her to safely be able to move out of the way as Tiamat's foot slammed next to her skull, as the frightened Devil looked towards a now pissed off god.

[And if you had remembered, You owe me a new favor because of that little question you wanted to ask earlier. So instead of asking me you turned to malice and violence over this little squabble with Ruby? Honestly I should squash your head right here right now and not give a damn, Asmodeus would understand. After all me and him go way back convincing him would be easy. So what do you say now, Zariel?]

"I- I..."

[Say. It. Or I'll give you a fate worth then death.]

The cold violent aura raging from the pissed dragon had caused everyone in this entire tower to lose there ability to breath, the air was instead replaced with fire that burned there infernal lungs. Zariel looked around at everything that would be lost and scoffed at the unfortunateness of her own being right now.

Looking at the girl who is just sitting in a chair now drinking the drink Mortarion got, made her soul blaze with anger. Why was this goddamn child so important!!

[I'll give you to the count of three]



The room has turn to void, chromatic flames danced around Tiamat's fist as the poet began to warp the very fabric of space and time itself.

Reality distorted beyond comprehension as the only thing that made sense was the burning red eyes of violence that Zariel knew she had to submit to, or face death infinity, and with it getting worst each time.


"I apologize...."

[Who do you apologize to, say it.]

"Ruby... I apologize for my actions."

"Cool" Ruby looked at her mom before getting the nod of approval so she walked over to Mizora. "Hey So can you break the contract now? And let Mortarion go?"

The contract holder just looked baffled at this girl, but when the pressure increases and she could only faintly see her lady lip speak "do it". She nod.

"Alright mom, looks like we got permission."

[Yes looks like it, and also Ruby.]

"Yes mom."

[Remind me how to teach you to properly pout or express yourself in public without causing.....this.]

"Mm ok! I'll try and remember."

Tiamat rolled her eyes.

[Course you will you little shit.]

Ruby giggled at her mom's words.

With this said Tiamat let Zariel go, and with that the whole tower could easily breath again, with devils and Tiefling's rapidly inhaling the toxic air to try and fill their lungs.

[Now break this contract, I didn't just put your lady on her ass for nothing after all. And Ruby, remind me to teach you how to face stronger opponents.]

".... Really mom." Ruby just glanced at her tall mother who tilted her head down to look at her.


"I was going to fight her on my own regardless if you stepped in or not. Not like I was afraid of her anyways. After all compared to you, she's nothing."

[You miss the point but thank you for the compliment daughter, however You are where she would have won?]

"Ya, but Heros fight even if they have a high chance of losing. They don't fear battle."

[Hm, looks like you are finally becoming a little hero.]

"Yup, I got a good teacher after all."

[Yes you do, however I'm still training you how to face stronger opponents, that way I won't have to get involved next time. And speaking of next time how long is going to take for you to get that me-damn contract out?]

"I assure you I am not trying to stall for anything, They were just a lot of contracts I have made over the years and the collection is rather full, but luckily for you I've found it. Now we can put this whole thing behind us and move on with our lives."

[Yes, luckily for you all. Because I would have sent you all to your grave and left heaven to deal with the consequences.]

".... I see... Well regardless here it is."

She conjured a fiery piece of paper before Ruby who has went and grabbed a stunned Mortarion up to see this.

"Mortarion, I can't help but think that you've already been planning this from the start. But whatever, looks like you've got your freedom at long last little pup." Mizora rolled her eyes as a green flame burned away the contract. "There, happy little annoyance."

"Very." Ruby turned to look at Mortarion who's eyes where watering. "What's with the long face loner? You ok, did something happen to your eyes after the contract was broken or-"

"No no, it's just... After 20 long years of this damn contract holding my life I'm finally free..."

Mortarion was smiling more then he's ever had, the joy of being alive and not under anyone was intoxicating to his being, his heart beat fully and his soul was singing in joy.

"Yes, well sense your now free we have no use for you. So run along little slave."

"What? Why would he go anywhere? Since I-" Tiamat glared at her daughter. "We, got him free, wouldn't that technically put him with us? So loner is coming with us."

Mizora and the now on her feet Zariel didn't have the energy to try and rebuttal.

Seeing this Tiamat just smiled and looked towards Mortarion.

[Be happy my daughter had just gotten your freedom, So quit it with the water works. Smile boy. We didn't go threw all that for you to be crying.]

The man stiffened when he was spoken to directly by the god, and with a nod he stood up with a smile.

"Hehehe now what mom?"

[I figure It wouldn't be wise to stay around here especially with salty devils, so we will go to my realm within the underworld. Come long now. We're leaving.]

"Ahh should I really go with you tw-"

[Get your infernal ass over here before I let them get you back in that contract.]


He went next to Ruby as they where transported elsewhere.

To the lair of Tiamat, a vast cavern of riches and treasures.

Upon arriving Ruby saw the towers of gold coins and platinum that pulled higher then the sky itself, seeing all this her eyes sparkles as an idea came to mind.

She ran As fast as she could before diving into the ocean of gold, and push herself through it, laughing and smiling, giggling and having an enjoyable time as she swam threw the riches.

Mortarion however just put his arm up on his shoulder and looked down. His mind trying to process the events that happened today.

[I can practically smell your mind burning away with your thoughts boy, Tell me you probably believe that you don't deserve this or, are wondering why my daughter did this.]

"... That is definitely what I'm wondering"

[I see.]

The goddess sighed.

[If you need a rationality for good fortune then allow me to just get it out of the way. That way you don't stink up my lair with your overcomplicated thoughts. Ruby is a kid, simple as that. She's also a future hero. And she wanted to save someone. That was it. The moment you told her about being a survivor she related to you and felt a need to help you. That's it. She wasn't standing against tyranny. She wasn't standing against hells very code itself. She just found out you were kind of in a similar situation to her felt bad and then wanted to help. That's it stop over complicating it except it move on and enjoy your new freedom.]

"I see, It's just that simple huh. A random child comes into The first layer of hell, basically one shot one of  Zariel's captains, then proceeds to talk to a lone tiefling, then walks up to the very ruler of the hell itself and ask for said tiefling to be released. To which the tiefling has to watch God herself nearly obliterate the entire tower, suffocate everyone, brutally destroy the one woman who was tormented his entire life. And then gets whooshed away by the duo who saved him and is now standing in a layer of gold and gems. Simple huh?"

[Ok smart ass when you put it like that not so simple. But the simplicity is there, You're now going to have your own path in life. Might as well make the most of it. There's thousands of others who would kill for your situation, So stop dwelling on the negatives and look towards the positives that's what life is about, You take negatives and you get positives by learning from the negatives. Is that clear?]



"Buuuuut mooooooooooommmmmm! It's so magical and shiny!!"

[Magical and shiny it may be but that thing can freaking kill you! SO PUT IT BACK!]

"hmmmmm Fine! I'll it Put back." The girl just waddled back to the small crevice she found the staff and put it away.

Mortarion watched as Tiamat walked over and pulled on Ruby's ear as she scolded her, He couldn't help with smile at the loving aura around the two. It was a picture perfect mother daughter bound he You could only wish he had with his own mother.

.... Oh haz his own mother...

'Their I go again, ok Mortarion, stop doing that. Look towards the future after all it's looking pretty bright and sunny after all.'

With his mind returned to his base, he watched the chaos of the duo.

He found himself a nice comfortable place to lay on up against some gems and gold and layed his head down.

Today was quite the day.

*Time skip, tomorrow*

Ruby, Tiamat and Mortarion had arrived back at the tower that Zariel was within. When they arrived the archdevil opened a portal for them to go threw and when they did where greeted with the sight of a massive demonic forging room.

"All that's left is to bind it all together, Tiamat if you will."


The goddess conjured a massive fang, on that floated towards the smith who took it into hand but who's hands Also began to bleed badly upon just touching the damn thing.

He quickly place it into the infernal molten metal as hundreds of different sorcerers, and magic users came to the center of a massive pentagram like circle in the middle, as the smith began to pour in the molten searing metal into the cracks of the pentagram.

The devils did their things, humming there infernal enchantments and magic together as the middle began to take shape upon reaching the center.

A massive discharge of demonic energy lit up the room, the magic of the metal the enchantments and the fang that bounded it all together was mighty, a weapon that would be the doom for thousands of not millions if in a different set of hands.

After 10 long minutes of magic being poured into it in the Smiths working away there stood the scythe that Ruby would have from now until the end.

It's body wash freaking massive gargantuan even, With jet black being the main color With a massive belated at the end that could easily take off a person's head, golden trinkets replaced upon it for decoration as red crystals spired off of it upon the top of the curved handle, within the center of massive red dragon eye like crystal took shape.

Overall this thing was demonic and yet Draconic as well, A perfect weapon for the daughter of the Wrath Of Hell.

"Now What to name it? Tiamat? What shall you name this scythe?"

[Ruby, What would you have me name it?]

".... Hmm, let's see... Name it... Oh I got the perfect name. TIAMAT'S WRATH!"

[Really? Two basic, come up with something better.]

"Crap, ok then ahhh... Well it looks like a moon so how about crescent?... But crescent what? Can't just be named Crescent.... Well it does look like kind of a dragon so maybe something like... Crescent Dova? Or Crescent Nocturne? No Moon black dragon sounds weird..."

[How about; Crescent Adalon?]

"Ooohh, I don't know what that means but it sounds cool!"

[Sense You're trying to go dragon themed, Adalon mean silver dragon, put it together with Crescent and you have "The Dragon Of The Silver Moon".]


[Very well, with my divine authority I name this scythe, the weapon of the future hero of my name to be gifted the magical power that comes with its weight. ᓵ∷ᒷᓭᓵᒷリℸ ̣   ᔑ↸ᔑꖎ𝙹リ.]

Her tongue changed to that of an enchantment at the end, the magic of her words spun together like threat being knitted with the masterful motion of a needle. The scythe bathed in its newfound magical name as it floated Infront of the child who was its master.

Ruby plus flabbergasted by the beauty of this weapon, its power, everything. Looking at her mother who was smiling proudly at her She nod her head and grasped it.

[Now Ruby, Bind it to you, make this your packed weapon]

She did, conjuring her power a light green energy flowed over it, and then she swung it.

The Scythe cut through the very air itself, it was so light, so nimble and yet so deadly and durable. And she loved it!

Tiamat look towards Zariel who was leaving, signaling that their business was done and she took that hint and transported the two of them back to the mortal plane, on a cliff right outside the Darkest forest, where the sun set over the horizon and the star shined overhead.

[Come Ruby, Let us return home. Our mission down there is completed and with that you should be able to train better without a risk of having it break.]

"Ok, but What about loner?"

[He will find his own path in life, after all I don't think he want to be cooped up with us. And with that being said I will send you to be on your way, Do not worrying I will gift to you 10 platinum, 20 gold, 150 silver and 300 copper. This will get you situated, Now be gone Go find your own path in life.]

"Mom that was kind of rude."

[Sure it was, But enough of that we need to return home and he, should get a start on his new life.]

The two jumped down and left Mortarion to his thought as he look towards the sky.

Dazzling the light of the mortal heavens shined upon his darkened eyes He felt his freedom come to his chest as he smiled.

"Thank you Ruby. You might be a child now but in the future you'll grow up to be a great hero I just know it."

Walking away He was wondering where he would go first but it doesn't matter. Because what does matter is that he's free, And he can make his own choices now.

It's time to see where life will take him, And how life will change that now that there's a new hero running around. One he believes will change This world for the better permanently.

And cut.

There you have it ladies and gentlemen This newest chapter is done I hope you all enjoyed it.

Yep so we went to hell Mama Tiamat showed everyone why she's the baddest b**** around, and Ruby got herself a scythe like in Canon around the same age as well. Except this one is made from the fang of a god and hell metal along with several other powerful demonic sorcerers who poured their magic into it So if I had to say this crescent Rose spin off Scythe is definitely better then the one she got in Canon.

Besides that if you all have a problem with how powerful she is cope and seeds because I don't give a shit. If you don't like it move on, If you do stick around because now we're going to be getting into the canon events where unfortunately yes she's going to go to Beacon because well this is RWBY after all, But don't worry it's not going to be like how it was in Canon trust me I'm not that basic. Let you say Ruby wants to know what it's like being a normal human and also because she kind of needs to get a license to be an avenger. So there's that.

Anyways enough about what's going to happen in the future I will See you all off now Take care and thank you all for Reading this chapter which is now much longer because I decided to give you guys a much better juicier chapter.

Here's the meme of the chapter;

They did my boi dirty in 5e, so you should worry, because I'ma be fixing that in the future, in thr very very far future, but future nonetheless.

Take care everyone.

Word count: 9128

DIO OUT!!!!!!!

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