Chapter One Fateful beginnings

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*three month sense last chapter*


Welcome back viewers from afar, currently you have tuned into the Goddess of all dragons calling down her sleeping pupil/future daughter figure for a nice healthy helping of cooked specter

Now was it a little burnt? Yes, but what's what happens when someone with no cooking experience tries to BBQ something with magic flames hotter then the sun

Thought despite the slightly failed effort on the adults part, Ruby enjoyed it regardless, she sat down and ate her food alongside some apples she picked from the surrounding trees.

Tiamat looked at this with a effigy of pride, her meals where the best after all

In actuality though, Ruby could just bare the taste of the extremely spicy and well done meat. It was good for her, but any others.... Ya they wouldn't be able to taste anymore.

thought Ruby kept this to herself sense her mother was happy

"Hey teacher."

[What is it girl?]

"When am I going to learn how to fight?"

[When do you want to learn how to fight?]

"Right now!"

She shoot out of her seat and grabbed her wooden sword Tiamat had crafted from the wood of an enchanted oak nearby, Tiamat saw this and smirked, her little pupil was pointing her weapon just like how she taught her.

[Want to spare then?]

"Ya! And Ima get you!"

[Sure you will, little hero]

"Hmph! I will!"

[Then head outside, will spare there]

Ruby jumped from her seat and ran outside, her eyes never once laying off the sight of her small form.

Tiamat cracked her knuckles as she smirked, looks like serious training came sooner then she expected.

Walking out she saw her daughter reading the second gift she bestowed, a book on all forms of weapon and magic based combat.

She was trying to mimic the stand of a scythe user while holding a short sword, Tiamat chuckled at this before holding her hand up, stopping the match as she reached out and summoned a piece of the enchanted Oak and formed it into a Scythe.

Tossing the weapon to her daughter who caught it, (although losing her balance in the process), stood tall once again.

[Listen runt, I'm glad you have the bravery to face me even in a mock battle, but if your going to do so. And going to use a sword, don't use Scythe stances.]

Ruby became embarrassed and puffed her cheeks out in pouting rebellion. "I-i-i won't happen again! And with this extra range Ima get you teacher!"

Tiamat just smirked.

[Sure you will.]

Ruby kept up her pout until Tiamat held her hand up.

[Stop, your doing three things wrong, first widen your stance so you can get knocked over. Second calm your mind, stop pouting, it happened, let bygones be bygones, this isn't anything serious just a mock battle. Third, keep your eyes on me, I'm the superior fighter, I have more experience and power, at any moment I could end this fight. You should always be aware and mindful, just because I won't kill you, doesn't mean I won't hurt you in some way. Remember what I said a week back?]

"Only arrogant and stupid fools speak or do stupid shit when they hold no advantage." She copied the say passed to her word for word.

[Correct, now Do not give me a reason to believe that you are stupid. Stand tall like I taught, and come at me, I'll determine the upcoming training from theses next five minutes of you attempting to strike me]

Ruby did as told, she mimicked the stance, got her mind focused and was ready to battle, Tiamat saw her student switch from playful to serious made her smile, she's a quick learner, a very quick learner.

Ruby ran at her with the scythe in hot pursuit behind her, she swung the scythe with the intent of hitting her teachers head, but Tiamat is weave Nation certified because she matrix dodged that shit alongside shifting her feet to get to Ruby's side, before pushing the girl onto the ground by applying a little pressure to the hand that was once on her back.

Ruby flung herself up and went again, this time trying to hit center mass, more likely, yes, if not for Tiamat being able to just backstep the slash, and with Ruby open again she pushed her back with a VERY light jab to her stomach.

Ruby stumbled back as her aura basically took the most of that impact, seeing how she was now on the defensive Tiamat threw some extremely half assed attacks of her own, a little magic light here and there that required Ruby to duck and roll to avoid it, but again, taking her eyes off Tiamat resulting in the goddess appearing Infront of her and flicking her forehead causing her to turn into a Rolly Polly as she was sent a few feet back.

Though despite what would usually put other girls her age out, she was up, weather from hardheadedness or just a refusal to every give up, she was back, standing tall, and with her chest out with confidence.

Like how her teacher taught her to appear.

Though Tiamat was proud, she also couldn't help but imagine how that strong little face would quickly turn to one of a pouting mess if she used magic to trip her.

She chuckled at the idea, such thoughts where intoxicating.

But she restrained herself, she needed progress not regression, though such acts will come later in the day. After all enemies don't fight fair, there dirty and will use dirty tactics to achieve there goal.

Ruby was there and she took a deep breathe Tiamat knew what was coming because her intent was basically oozing out of her soul alongside her aura and now awakened semblance.

She flew towards the goddess with speed that surpassed most young red wyrmling's fire blast, but for a god that's lived over eight billion years. Her faster then eye tracking move might as well be in slow-motion for one such as her.

[{I'll remind myself to deactivate my gods eye for the next spare, for now she should learn to think more clearly with her speed, rather then just rush slashes}]

Dodge, Dodged and Dodged again, she used little movements to evade effortlessly, what would normally be three step escape, became two, and eventually one, as her slashes got sloppy with her now lack of energy.

She eventually stopped after four straight minutes of using her aura and semblance and she gave her a round of applause, for someone so young, she was a trooper.

She has worked herself to the point of collapse, she fell, as was expected. But not fully, Tiamat always told her to keep her head raised high, because even in defeat you will still have your pride, for if your head falls to the ground, you are emitting full defeat in every way, and that should be no way a hero lives, there head must always be held high.

Like she presently was, even before a goddess who utterly defeated her, her pride will never let her head touch the ground.

[Well done, there's a lot we have to improve on, your stance, your physical strength, magic reserves, and several other things, but this is a humble begining, stand proud little one, you'll be strong.]

"Hehehe let's go!" Ruby forced her legs up as she stood at full Hight looking up into her teachers eyes. "When do we start?"

[After what I have witnessed, we can start as soon as tomorrow, so the schedule will be this, we shall do six hours of physical training at the start of 5-am, which will last till 11-am. You can then take a break until one, which then I shall tutor you in the art of monster anatomy, survival tactics and guides, and other country history and politics. Because if you are to become a hero then understanding the baseline for where you will be going, and what you will be hunting is paramount for your survival, I will not waist my time and have you be killed by some rookie mistake, is this clear girl?]


[Good, take this time to yourself and then meet me back in a three hours, do whatever but don't go outside the trees barrier, I'm not having you get snatched by some Spector, beholder or purple worm and get killed. Worst I don't need you turning to an undead by a ghoul or death keeper.]


Tiamat looked at the child as she wasn't running off, instead she was just staring at her.

[Out with it, what do you want?]

Ruby felt the words she wanted to speak be hit with silence, she was playing with her fingers as she remembered the time she and her teacher here went out of the woods and into town, and she saw all those children her age hugging there mother's....

She wanted a hug..... But wasn't sure if she should ask.

Tiamat though rolled her eyes as she just scoffed, remembering back to the book titled "Guid To Being A Single Mother" (a very confusing book for the goddess to understand, and she still doesn't fully understand it to this timeframe.) She remembers a part in the book where it expresses that children may have hidden wants there too scared to ask, which didn't sit well with the dragon.

Look she may not be a dragon, but damnit if there's one thing she's going to pass onto this girl it's going to be the damn mentality of a fucking dragon, she wants her strong of mind and not afraid of what's to come or to ask for anything, and also who's ass she will beat, she would plant theses roots and have them grow now.

[Listen gir- no listen and listen closely Ruby, life isn't going to be fair and there's no telling when it's going to refuse to let you speak, I know you want something because your giving me those puppy eyes. Now you have my ears so speak it, roar it out, let your want be know. I will not raise a student- no a future hero who refuses to speak up for what she wants in life. Although you will walk a bright path {hopefully} you must be willing to speak fully now speak. What. Do. You. Want?]

"I... H... G"

[You mumbled, speak louder.]

"I... I wa..t a.. hu.."

[Again, you mumbled, speak and speak louder. Let it come from your soul! State what you desire!]


[AH!-.... Ahhhh... Ok... I had expected another spare but if that all you wanted I don't see w-why I couldn't give a hug.... {God if father or my brother saw me like this I'd die of embarrassment}]

While the goddess had her own inner turmoil she could help but stop when she heard the happy giggling from Ruby, she saw her arms opened and she sighed, page 30 of "Guide To Being A Single Mother" ...."'children are needed, they will want hugs and time with there mother figures, its best to give it to them, so they don't feel neglected and alone."' and well Tiamat knows what neglecting does to a mortal, she's seen plenty of it, so best to make sure her future.... Potential daughter in law.... Gets what she needs.

As she wrapped her arm around the girl she felt Ruby's small arms wrap around her neck and squeeze onto her, and Tiamat felt her heart skip a small beat, it was a weird warm feeling, she's never held a hatchling before she's known other divine dragons who's had children and seen the looks of enjoyment on there face as they held the smaller beast, but now she thinks she could connect a little better.

It's only been three months, but compared to the almost infinite lifetimes she's spent locked in hell, with nothing but her cultic worshipers and other dragons who's pledged there loyalty to her, she's never had a potential personal connection, this was her first and she's already going to be spending her next eight to possibly eighth years raising this girl, might as well expect her now sense she's going to be in her life from now on.

It's a weird feeling... letting something so small and fragile hold onto her with such a jovial expression. Normally shed have mortals before her on there knees groveling for mercy, but the idea became mondain and boring.

Honestly everything she used to do seems boring now.

What's the point in inflicting terror on a lesser creature when they'll just erode to dust after 100 years? Even things like a lich dragon or mortal, would only last for a small, instrumental time, a tiny grain of sand in the vast desert of her time.

Her greed has also died out long ago, she's a god after all, she has everything, all the treasure of the hells are hers. Every soul taker, soul trapper, dimension breaker, god slayer whatever the hell else they can offer, is hers. Dragons kneel to her and she sleeps on a bed of platinum, diamonds, Ruby, amethyst, emerald and gold, she rules a blazing hell that makes the other arch devils tremble, even the mightiest like, Zariel, Mammon, Dispater, Asmodeus, Mephistopheles, Baalzebul, Glasya, Levistus and Belial. With only Asmodeus, the "Supreme Ruler of the Underworld" being able to remotely stand before her true form and hope to speak.

With such power that even a "Greater Deity" refuses to speak towards her, how could she not get bored of the same old thing?

Looking at the child maybe this could be her first "Change", what the hell is she talking about this isn't the first "change" there's been many, but maybe this could be the first time Tiamat looks towards the concept of parenthood, after all her bloodline was.... Just hear and her brother... And we'll, she always did want a kid sooooo..... Maybe this could be the chance she needed?

Aghhh who cares honestly, your all here to see a goddess get reforms and a girl become a badass, so let's get back on track.

Ruby broke away from the hug with a big ol smile, Tiamat watched her giggle with closed eyes as she ran off into the house to study her monster manual, leaving her there in her own to just chuckle.

Oh how times are changing, huh.

*Meanwhile elsewhere in the world*


A howling roar broke the land below, the might of the roar caused the lesser winged beast to lower its head more as a massive Crimson dragon Looked down towards him, it's chest adorned with a lava themed gem that poured magic from his very soul.

"You have failed, and worst of all, you have lost to these insects, such a disgrace cannot go unpunished, the Chroma Conclave shall not suffer such defeats! Now rise your head and face your punishment!"

The lesser roses, his head grasped by the claws of this tyrannical winged demon, as his mouth began to turn red hot, he would obliterated him, and completely atomize him in the process...

If not for the arrival of another.

"Enough, Thordak, seal those flames this instant."

The world with chilling silent, the air became hard to breath for these dragons who stood in droves.

Elder and Ancient where stiffen with only Thordak, the one who had almost killed one of the lesser to bare witness to the arrival of another.

Massive, larger then even the Mighty Thordak. This monster looked down from his ivory eyes, the pale blue essence that blazed from his eyes was enough to freeze all in place before his aura.

He was the master of this congregation, this legion of mighty beast.

"Explain, why do you take the the course of action to murder a youngling?"

"Because! This worm has kneeled his head towards the incest of this world, he had lost and is no longer worthy of the Chroma Conclave."

".... I see, is this true youngling?"

".... Unfortunately sir."

The mighty beast greater then any Ancient locked eyes with the young adult.

"Tell me, where you bested by mortal or dragon?"

"Dragon, I battled the chromatic white Dragon who betrayed us, his name was Albion."

"How did he defeat you?"

"He had help your Majesty, during our battle a metallic gold dragon interfered. It was only with his help I was injured and forced to flee."

"I see, during this did you expect death? Did you fear it?"

"No... If I where to have died, I would have die with no fear, I would not die a cowered. But at the same time what lord Thordak said is true, I have failed. I hold to excuses for my acts, my power was not great enough. This is all."

"I see, then I shall give thou sentence, and thus it shall be this. Your name shall be known from this day forward as Ddraig, the Welsh Dragon. Raise your head youngling, your life will not end here defeat is natural to us as life. Grow and fly again."

The dragon now named Ddraig was too stunned for words, all where silenced but the burning rage of Thordak was felt until his form, froze from the masters gaze.

"I feel it you know, your anger towards my words and act, if you wish to speak, do it now Thordak. But remember your place, you are but the SECOND in command, you are no longer the leader of the Chroma Conclave. I rose you from the dead to act as my general, but if you wish for your spoke again, come, I will send you back to your cindered grave."

The air in the room rain cold, the mighty fire power the cinder King possessed was snuffed out before the Greatwyrm, even the gem within his chest that connected his fire to the elemental realm of fire was meaningless before this demi-god.

Thordak knew he overstepped, and now his wings where frozen solid, if he tried to fight back his soul would face complete disintegration.

Thordak admitted his fault, the Greatwyrm allowed the Ancient to rise as he walked off with him signaling the youngling to follow, Ddraig went with him. As Thordak and the other Ancients watched.

"What now my lord?" a dark green Ancient asked, large with a frill similar to a dilophosaurus she looked towards him.

"We continue of the extermination of theses soulless drones sent by that immortal annoyance the Grimm Queen." The former leader said rising to full hight.

"Have we found a way into her realm?" The mighty white dragon Vorugal asked, his form the same hight as Raishan the green Ancient across.

"No, we haven't." The voice of a darker more creepy entirety spoke, still dragon in nature, but the being as a whole was more terrifying.

This Was the black dragon Umbrasyl. The final member of the original Chroma Conclave. "She has hidden  herself within the shadow Cursed-Lands, that place is nearly impossible for use to enter without the Shadows taking our soul. Many younger members wishing to prove themselves have failed to the shadows, becoming twisted undead versions of themselves, if this wasn't bad enough the pools of Grimm down there are beginning to spread to the surface."

"Tch, and without the moon lantern there's no protection against the stronger shadows, only Salem can lend protection against them being she's a immortal being of darkness, the shadows are practically an extension of her now." Raishan spoke, her voice was already annoyed at this topic and this wasn't helping.

"Enough, we will finish her once we crush the western kingdoms, for now she is confined and we should take advantage of that, if we take over the magical kingdoms we can find a means to reverse the curse of the god of darkness, or contain it at least." Thordak spoke once more. "We leave now, take flight, the nearest city is that of the elven kingdom, Thilnelon. When we arrive take everything they have to offer, no treasure will be spared and no live left to breath."

The others raised there wings and took to the sky, the cinder King lead his force towards the rising sun.

Meanwhile mean at the massive diamond like Spire, the young Ddraig looked at the majesty and tilted his head.

"My king, why would you not go and clam victory yourself? Shirley one as mighty as you would seek the glory."

"Such preconceptions are as meaningful to me as dirt is on a boot. I have had hundreds upon thousands of years worth of glory, I see no reason to rob them of there achievements. My presence would lessen the reward."

"You speak as though your taste for power and riches are gone."

"That's because they are."

Ddraig looked as the mighty Dragon looked into the sky, his eyes shining like the stars above.

"Once one reaches the heavens, it's hard to feel any sort of mortal attachment anymore. Such petty things like status and wealth is meaningless when you consider times vast desert, the only thing I desire is more power, thats the only truth of this world. Gold and gems are just materials that blind you younglings from the truth."

"And what truth is that?" Ddraig was on the metaphorical edge of his seat, what could he know that they did not?

"That no matter the consequences, higher powers are at play. And to get anywhere in this world, you must challenge the divine to stay your claim in this reality conserved by them."

"Challenge... The divine.... I... To think you would do such a thing."

"Terrifying I know. But it is what must be done."

The leader had enough, his words ended as so did his stare towards the smaller dragon, he took to the sky as he went to the center of this Diamond Spire and layed his head on the ground, as a massive platinum magic circle appeared below him.

"Time to try again."

*Meanwhile within the shadows*

-ፕⶴቹ ረልነፕ ፕቹልጮ ⶴልነ ዪቹፕ፱ዪክቹጋ... ፕⶴቹ ዓ፱ቹቹክ ነⶴልረረ ፪ቹ የረቹልነቹጋ ልፕ ዐ፱ዪ ቹቻቻዐዪፕነ.-

(The last team has returned... The queen shall be pleased at our efforts.)

-ቹህቹዪሃ ጮዐዪፕልረ ርዪቹልፕ፱ዪቹ ⶴልነ ፪ቹቹክ ጋቹህዐ፱ዪቹጋ-

(Every mortal creature has been devoured)

-ፕⶴቹ ዓ፱ቹቹክ ⶴልነ ፏጎህቹክ ፱ነ ዐዪጋቹዪነ... ሠቹ ልዪቹ ፕዐ ጎክህልጋቹ ፕⶴቹ ነ፱ዪቻልርቹ ልክጋ ጋዪልፏ ፕⶴቹጮ ፕዐ ፕⶴቹ ነⶴልጋዐሠነ ፕዐ ፪ቹ ርዐክህቹዪፕቹጋ -

(The queen has given us orders... We are to invade the surface and drag them to the shadows to be converted )

-ጎ ፏዪዐሠ ⶴ፱ክፏዪሃ ቻዐዪ ቻረቹነⶴ...-

(I grow hungry for flesh...)

-ሠቹ ልረረ ጋዐዪዐፕⶴቹዪ, ልክጋ ክዐሠ ዐ፱ዪ ቻቹልነፕ ሠጎረረ ፪ቹ ⶴልጋ-

(We all do brother, and now our feast will be had)

-[𐌉𐌔𐌕𐌄𐌍 𐌌𐌙 𐌀𐌐𐌌𐌙... 𐋅𐌄𐌀𐌃 𐌕Ꝋ 𐌕𐋅𐌄 𐌔𐌵𐌐𐌅𐌀𐌂𐌄 𐌀𐌍𐌃 𐋅𐌵𐌍𐌕 𐌅Ꝋ𐌐 𐌕𐋅𐌄 𐌃𐌀𐌐𐌊 𐌅Ꝋ𐌐𐌄𐌔𐌕, 𐌉 𐋅𐌀ᕓ𐌄 𐌃𐌄𐌕𐌄𐌂𐌕𐌄𐌃 𐌀 𐌌𐌀𐌔𐌔𐌉ᕓ𐌄 𐌀𐌌Ꝋ𐌵𐌍𐌕 Ꝋ𐌅 𐌃𐌀𐌐𐌊 𐌓ꝊᏔ𐌄𐌐 Ꮤ𐌉𐌕𐋅𐌉𐌍 𐌕𐋅𐌄 𐌂Ꝋ𐌍𐌅𐌉𐌍𐌄𐌔 Ꝋ𐌅 𐌉𐌕. 𐌃𐌄𐌔𐌕𐌐Ꝋ𐌙 𐌕𐋅𐌉𐌔 𐌔Ꝋ𐌵𐌐𐌂𐌄 Ꝋ𐌐 𐌐𐌄𐌓Ꝋ𐌐𐌕 𐌀𐌁Ꝋ𐌵𐌕 𐌉𐌕 𐌉𐌅 𐌉𐌕'𐌔 𐌕ꝊꝊ 𐌃𐌀𐌍Ᏽ𐌄𐌐Ꝋ𐌵𐌔]-

-ሠቹክጋቹዪነፕልክጋ. ጎፕ ነⶴልረረ ፪ቹ ጋዐክቹ.-

(We understand. It shall be done.)

The creatures of darkness floated the shadows of this cursed land with an army of claws and teeth, with eyes that hunger they poured into the mortal realm from the shadows of death.

All while a pale white figure watched from her shadowy kingdom, her new power a very useful tool for infiltration and corruption.

Though one thing worries here...

[+-A divine Presence-+]

Have the gods returned? Taken physical shape?

After these past fifty thousand years, have they finally returned?

Was it the brothers? Lathander? Bhaal? Gruumsh? Moradin? Bahamut maybe?

Or has a child or chosen of the divine been created?

Whatever this beacon of divine making, she will have to snuff it out, even with her own two hands if she must.

This game is far to close to completion to task the risk of leaving it be, she couldn't allow the dragons, or the vampires to get there claws upon this, it needed to be destroyed.

For her Ascension and subsequent destruction of this world, this must be her who does it.


A helpless man ran alongside the streets of a vibrant city, dark hungry eyes watched from the stitched mouths of hungry fanged humans.

His breath was hasty and his lungs where failing, his breathing was being hitched, as his heart palpitated in his ear.

Bum bum, it kept beating louder and louder.

Bum bum, striking against his ribs with a flurry of worry, his eyes darted to the next turn...

Only to be meet with hungry fangs.

Latching onto his neck the man's life was sucked from him, all his strength gone, his will failing, his eyes rolled back as the last of his life essence was devoured.

And the hungry thrall just kept hunting, killing and feeding.

This went for hours, with those bitten being converted by this viral infection that spread more and more, soon ten, then a hundred to tens of hundreds where born, each driven by this intense bloodlust.

While a suited figure stood on top a building.

He held a red cup within his hands, and drank from it, looking down towards the lands below.

Under this beautiful red moon he couldn't help but chuckle at the seen below.

All these helpless little cattle, nothing more then blood thralls as this point.

With a smile he jumped, falling towards the ground the man flipped, and in the middle of his transition his right hand shot out and pierced the side of the tower as he slide down the impressive human made structure until his feet touched the ground, to which he pushed against the new floor and leaped.

Under the light of the scarlet moon his form dazzled with a Eldritch glow of shaded crimson, his eyes shines like the ruby moon above as the remaining guards looked up and saw this figure land Infront of them.

"Good afternoon gentlemen, it is..." The man took a brazenly flamboyant pause of a breath. "A wonder to meet you all, unfortunately I'm running low on time. And it's time for you all to disappear now, after all the thralls are hungry. So do me a favor and feed them nicely."

They had no room to speak as they where dragged away, sighing the man turns and froze, before smiling.

"Hello there..."

"Sister. What can I do for you this fine, afternoon night?"

The girls eyes locked with the feeding thralls as she looked disgusted with the barbarian nature of there feeding.

"I told you, I wanted a fresh meal, and your thralls have eaten the one I was stocking."

"My deepest apologies dear sister, I shall not happen again."

The mans blood ran cold as he felt the small hand of his "sister" touch his shoulder.

"You better, control them better next time. And remember we don't need such a display, only a disappearance, not a blood bath."

"Yes, I know. I'll have them clean up before sun rise."

"Good, now I'm off to hunt. After all the adventures should be arriving here soon."

The girl vanished in a breaking of reality, the man finally regained his breath as he scoffed.

"Very well, dear bloody princes."

*With the girl*

The stalker of the night had located her targets and from the looks of things they where D maybe C rank at best.

Time for a fine midnight stroll

Walking forward, she disappeared in a swarm of bats, as this swarm took her to the top of another building, one she could look much better down upon the Adventures. Though seeing there ground she looked for means of confronting then without her presence being known, looking at the bodies that layed dead around them she raised her hand as a red light flashes from her eyes.

The corps began to move on there own, rising from there slumbered grave before snapping and roaring! They rushed the party who readied themselves for combat, as the now newly turned ghouls hungered for there flesh.

During there fight, she watched, taking notes of what she was against. There was a fighter, a cleric, and rouge.

Fighters where easy to deal with especially with her special power, and rouges where also easy, they relied on stealth, and she could hear there heartbeat so she could always tell where they where.

The cleric though would be annoying, they can heal, use offensive magic, and worse cast holy spells.

If she's to kill them she needed to take out there healer.

With a smirk she vanished as the last of the Ghouls fell.

"Alright Elin, let's get out of here."


Silence, complete silence.

"Eli- ELIN!"

The male fighter looked at the sight that shook him to his core.

Elins bloody nearly fully decapitated body layed upon the now crimson soil, and there a gothic black Victorian dresses girl stood with a devious bloody smile.

"Hello to you all."

The screams of rage bleed the bloody night air, emotions rampant as they charged, the rogue took to the shadows as the fighter with his long sword already drawn thrusted it towards her, but the girl made no attempts to move. Instead her eyes would Make the next move.

With a scarlet piercing glance her eyes where fully revealed in there crimson slitted beauty.

Upon seeing the bloody gems his from froze, and with a satisfied smile she quickly drew the sword from her black umbrella and vanished.

The rogue who was about to attack felt a searing pain in his body. Looking down his mouth fill to the brim with blood as it dripped onto his hands, looking at them he could feel his body shaking.

"T-this is a nightmare."

His voice trembled, the truth about what was happening now was something he couldn't understand. 

"Yes this is a nightmare, but now, enter the dream and sleep to your torment. Never wake again."

She pushed her umbrella forward before activating it as the top came forward pushing his upper half forward more and more, causing the flesh and muscle to pull until separating and then, he was split in half and thrown before the fighter.

He looked down at the severed form of both his teammates and wanted to scream!! But couldn't, though as she approached he knew it was over, with a sinister smile she arrived before the man as she ripped off his chest plate, letting her see his bare neck and chest.

Though she didn't care for the shirtless top, nope, that neck and shoulder was what she wanted, with her fangs now revealed she lunged forward bitting down onto the crook of his neck.

And teared, while draining his blood away.

After three agonizing minutes he was dead, and she dropped him as she pulled back to reveal her bloody mouth and face.

"Tasty." Was all she said as she went away from the brutal sight.

Vanishing into bats once more and appeared on the top of a radio tower, looking down she smiled as the moon shines brightly behind her.


/Vrrr... vrrrr.... Vrrrr\

'Oh, it's Roman.'

Pulling out her scroll she answered.

"Neo you there?"

"Yes, I'm here."

"Phew, I thought you where gone for a second, looks Cinder is getting on my ass and I'ma really need your help, can you help?"

"Yes, I can help Roman."

"Oh fucking thank GOD! Your a lifesaver Neo."

"Yes, I sure am aren't I." She gave a small giggle as she heard the mans excitement.

"Well just make it here by next Thursday, and be careful Mrs bitch-flames is on one of her tantrums."

"Don't worry about me partner, I'll do fine."

"I know you will, see you soon."

The call ended and the girl named Neo walked off into the night.

Tomorrow would definitely bring a whole new set of adventurers for our night dweller. Wouldn't it.

*Meanwhile back with Ruby.*

Ruby had looked threw her bestiary that her mother had given her, looking at all the manner of beast and demons she would face in the future she grew a happy smile, because she could prove herself worthy of being what she calls.

"The Ultimate hero of Tiamat"

And to do so, she looked at three monsters that in the future she will have to take out to truly earn this title.

-Any Ancient Dragon
-Any Greatwyrm

Realizing how powerful and dangerous this little objective of hers is She would have to devote herself to her studies, and training to eventually take them out solo.

This was her mission, to become the strongest!

Because she would be know as Tiamat's hero!

And even her daughter!

Her smirk was that of her adoptive parent figure, she would do this even if she had to fight Bahumat himself!

Jumping to her feet on her bed she pointed at the stars and boldly declared a challenge towards them.

All the while not even realizing that her new mother had heard the entire thing and was pleased at her resolve.

Seems like this was quite the fortunate beginning after all.

And Cut.

There you have it ladies and gentlemen this newest book with two chapters are out, I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Yup, Vampire Neo, potentially future Dragon Ruby, and SOOOOOOO much more fuckaru to find out! I hope you guys are seriously ready for this.

Also if you're wondering if I'm going to go buy D&D rules to a certain extent yes but don't expect my characters to be confined to the scaling of the game because trust me this is basically homebrew the world everything is a lot more powerful including the characters in it, and the villains of course.

So if I had to say in the future she's basically a warlock/sorcerer/paladin hybrid. So yeah it brazingly extraordinarily powerful little girl, and of course our little Bloody princess Neo Will be having her own little surprises for you guys to see.

Now I shall take care I will be seeing you guys in the shadows of the future Take care my people.

👆you see that, That's basically my D&D group's going to do in the future I swear to God.

Word count: 5679

DIO OUT!!!!!!!!

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