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Magic the life blood of all things in this world.

Fighting a corner stone of evolution and progression within this world.

Exploration, the act of venturing to the darkest reaches of the unknown and discovering the new.

Monsters, beast small and Gargantuan that make up this world, the enemies of humanity, the hunter or the hunted.

And the realms, far and wide beyond infinity and eternity, created by gods more powerful then we could comprehend, eternal forever and ever giving journeys to the chosen.

It's theses points the multiverse thrives, the world survives, and the timelines thrive. The act of theses the tools to forge adventure and story.

And let's start with on, a divine and a mortal, ones heart that once wicked turned loving, and ones empty and broken fixed and loved.


Greed, ambition, drive, destruction, death, murder, domination, evil incarnate.

A Goddess to rule over the mightiest race.

Wings larger then hope.

Claws sharper then any iron, heaven tremble before there razor point.

Teeth jaded and hardened, just a cut and even a god would die.

Gargantuan beyond any of her subjects, powerful beyond comprehension.

Tyrannical beyond the concept of tyranny.

She is many things, mother of chromatic, wrath of the gods made flesh, the blue queen, the five headed goddess of greed, the one who burns, the world ender, the soul taker.

But she is simply known truly by her name gifted from Asgorath, The World Shaper, The Concordant Dragon, The Great Eternal Wheel, Swallower of Shades, The Ninefold Dragon, Creator of Dragonkin, Lord of the Gods.

She is known as;


Sister of Bahumat, god of order.

She, a wicked being, so dark she was classed to hell and never ment to be unleashed, sealed within by the gods, her wrath knew no limits from this humility!

....... Until she looked with her ten eyes.... And saw....


The world theses gods, including herself helped to create was.... Beautiful, and she hated this, such treasures and greatness doesn't deserve to belong to theses lesser creatures...

But she watched more... And she watched... And watched.

So long she watched from her fiery hellpit stars died and here reborn, a thousand... No hundreds of thousands of lifetimes of adventure and triumph made the god interested.

What drove theses mortals?

Was if greed? A thirst for power! To be the strongest!

No... At least not for all of them, most fought for goodness, for peace... Why though? Why fight for such a thing?

Whenever a villain rose she saw them rise and... Fall, despite there overwhelming power, there majesty, there... Everything, they would lose to theses heros.

Why drove theses heros to such highest?

One question led to another, then another, and eventually the goddess of evil, was left perplexed.... Theses humans....

Where so interesting!

She wanted to see more!- No she would she more!

She wanted to see it with her own eyes! A hero born and there journey, maybe, just maybe this could allow her to see why heros seems to always win, why tyranny and greed weren't the strongest drive.

She searched and searched and could find no such hero, no would except, mainly do to her terrifying appearance...

Fine, if mortals would fear then so be it, she would take on there shape and communicate with them.

Now it's fine to locate such a individual.

...... Oh would you look at that.

[•One was just born•]

"Who am I?"

"What's my reason for being here?"

"Where is everyone?"

"Why are there red eyes?"

"Wait... Why are they getting... Closer?"

"It's running...."

"Towards me!!!"

"No! No no no! Get away!"

"Why is it so fast!?"

"Get away! Get away!"

-Speed was her friend... Her salvation-

-so long as she ran she would breath-

-So long as she breathed she would run-

-to run was to breath-

-to breath was to run-

-to breath and run, means she survived-

-Run, run, RUN-

-faster, faster, FASTER!-

"Go away! Just go away!"

"Meanies be gone!....."

"......That didn't work!!!"

-Claws coming closer... Closer.... Closer-

-close your eyes, and just say goodbye...-


-Chromatic Flames burned the night-

-Azure glow was her new light-

-the flames so pretty, so bright, but all so deadly.-

-so burning hot, not even light dare shine-

-The dark was no exception-

-Within there sinister glow, void was all that reminded-

[Child, what is your name?]


-the eyes of youth drunk the sight before, white hair that flowed with glistening beauty-

-eyes, piercing with the same dread of the void, but also holding gem like beauty within there slitted pits-

-her dress, long and elegant, crimson like blood and strong like her aura-

-this woman... Was beauty, simple as that-

[I will not ask again, what. Is. Your. Name, Girl]


[Why are you here in this forest, Girl.]

"I... Do not know... It's fuzzy... But I remember... A large eye."

-The Savior just smiled-

[I see, tell me. What do you wish to be? A hero? Or a villain?]

-The child was silent, her heart swung with both dark and light inside her heart. The events that have taken place... Have shaken her to her core.-

-But the soul knew what the mind does not, memories can be erased, but the soul cannot be swept so easily clean-

-her heart pumped with an aroma of remembrance, fantasies or maybe memories came to her mind, filling her with a sense of self once more, rather then a blank slate-


[I, what girl?]

"I want to be a hero!"

-the air ran colder then the artic chill of Atlas, the grin upon the woman face was bone chilling-

[Are you sure? This goal could very will be your lead to death]

"I- I'm not scared! I'll be a hero!"

-a sinister Grin spread further across her lips. A child declaring to hold ko fear towards her flames... How amusing-

-{she was indeed the one}-

[Girl, tell me. Can you walk?]

-Not wanting to appear weak, the girl attempted to stand, but her legs gave out-

-the watcher, watched as she repeatedly stood and falled, four minutes on end she did this making more and more progress until her legs obayed and she was standing properly-

-clapping her hands, the child wasn't expecting an applause, infact the act caused her to shyly look away, much to the savior's annoyance-

[You could say, Thank you, Girl. But sense you can walk. Come beside me, I'll take you to a safe place]

"W-what about home?... Actually do I... Have a home?"

-the adult stopped-

[Girl, Do you not smell that?]

-confusion struck the girl-


[Then let me fill you in, it's the smell of death, smoke and other necrotic and Dark things. Things that would happy kill you, and it's coming from where you entered. Most likely that area, and "home" is gone.]

-the sudden news caused the girl to stop, but as she was going to attempt to find "home", she was stopped.-

-looking down she saw pale blue scales across the flesh of this newfound holster for her. Looking at the woman who's eye where seen over her shoulder she saw her shake her head.-

[Calm child. Your home may be gone but you are alive. And strong enough to stand and fight, many cannot do that especially with your kind of presence, just being here has caused the forest to sprung to life.]

-The girls eyes held commiseration towards her now trapped fate, this forest was something different all together, the Eldritch fragrance persecuted the very ground itself, twisting the aforementioned once bright vibrant world, to a debilitating and hollowed shell of its once tempting fantasy.-

-The Savior realized the girls conflicted soul and rolled her eyes, though she had to remember that, even Hatchlings have these stages in there lives.-

[Tell me, how old are you?]

"S-seven... I think..."

[So young, and yet, stronger at the same time.]

"Me?... Strong?"

[Yes child, your heart and soul contain potential beyond that of most mortal beast of this world. Your soul is a flare, a massive light for the creatures of shadows. With the right guidance you could become strong. Very strong. As of now though. You'll need training and tutelage if your to reach this hight.]

"But... How would I do this? How can I... Become strong?"

[Motivation of course, come look at this child.]

-A ranging torrent of fire rushed around the duo, the child clung to the thigh of the older woman, her hatchlings instincts guiding her to the nearest source of protection. That being the mysterious savior.-

[Look child, at what lies in this world of yours]

-At first, nothing except flames.... Until..."

"Insects, your time for extinction has long been overdue"

-The child looked, and saw what was to be her motivation-

-this massive beast of scarlet scales and fire pulled there way from the confines of their flaming inferno-

-the best gave a deathly roar as he stood up on the tower, overlooking the kingdom below-

"Your monuments shall fall! Your civilization Erased!"

-the dragons raging flames burst from the body of the titanus beast, jetting out in bright streaks of flames that burned the surrounding air-

-Before the mighty torrent of flames projected from his mouth, and ruin was all that was promised-

-Thought the worst was let to come, for he dialed it up, and his raging blue flames, turned bright blue!-

-The beast flames ripped threw iron and rock! The mountains where melted at his intensity and all that was before crumbled to nothing more then ash and dust!-

-And he watched, the entire time, he stood and watched-

-The kingdom Castle began to collapse, breaking and blistering as the best melted and exploded the support until...-

-humanities monument was all but gone, melted, extinct-

{-And the beast roared into the sky, as The King Of Ruin.-}

-The girl... Ruby, looked at the creature, it's mighty form, powerful scales, those flames and a new feeling arose-


-Was she able to get... Like this?-

-looking at the woman she saw her smile-

[Tell me child, what did you see?]

"A scary meanie..."

[Yes, he was quite mean, wasn't he. But despite his power and intimidation. He was defeated at one point in his life.]

-Amazement was all she could feel at that statement, to think something could be strong enough to defeat such a monster-


[Because, a constant I have witnessed is that always, heros will gain power to defeat evil, time after time. Hope is always on there side, and I wish to see this with my own eyes.]

".... Is that why you want to help me? To... Become a hero?"

-the woman's smirk returned-

[But of course, little Hero]

[So, I ask, you have nothing, and will sooner die if you step outside again. I ask do you wish to become a hero under my wings? To rise and be something more?]

"Wings? Pretty lady you don't have wings.... Do you?"

[Hm, I guess it's only right to show you.]

-from her back massive crimson wings sprouted, the red pulsing veins of energy oozed into the surrounding air turning the night crimson-

-Light and dark disappeared-

-all turned to void-

-the child looked upon this with her silver eyes, captivated by her aura, one of welcome and warmth, but authority and power-

[In truth child, I am no mortal creature, I am the terror of Hell itself, Queen of the Underworld and Goddess of Chromatic Dragons. I am greed manifested, wrath made flesh]

[I am Tiamat, God Of The Chromatic Wrath.]

[Now choice child, will you become my hero, or venture off by yoursel- what are you doing?]

-childish wonder had taken over the girls mind as she was not hugging the tail of the goddess and squeezing it as much as she could. Tiamat became annoyed and picked it and the girl up as she held her up to her face.-

[Did you not hear me girl.]

-Ruby had open her eyes to look through goddess in the face, with a cheesing grin she nod, Tiamat saw... No fear. Interesting-

[You don't fear me?]

"Of course not! Your to pretty and cool to fear!"

-Tiamat felt a sense of pride wash over her soul at the mortal girls praise, her eyes where certainly in the right place, but she coughed, she needed to get back on track-

[Then I take it you wish to become my hero, guided to success and glory under my wings?]

"Hehehe! Sure!"

[...... Your taking this surprisingly well..... But tell me, do you have a last name?]


[I see, then I shall gift you a last name, a sign of your join of my pack. Now let's see... Ruby... What would fit with you?]

-Tiamat had set her down on the ground as the girl looked up at her with eyes of innocence and awe, like a child being adopted the girl was practically beaming with a radiant enjoyment and happiness-

-Tiamat didn't know how to react, for this was the first time seeing a child like this. But regardless she gifted her new name-

[Arian, your last name shall be Arian.]

"Ruby arian?"

[Arian means "Woman of Silver", like your eyes Girl. Eventually once you earn your draconic future, this name will mean "Dragon of Silver", a name in the mythical world that holds immense power.]

-Ruby didn't necessarily understood everything her newfound Adoptive mother told her, but she smiled and nod happily sense she seemed to be happy-

[Good, now let's leave this place child. The dirt of this particular part of the forest isn't to my liking.]

-Ruby nod as she was ready to try and leave with her new parent but fell. Tiamat looked at her and felt her eyebrows twitch at the act-

[Have your legs given out again?]

"N-no! I can still walk."

-Tiamat just rolled her eyes as she used her tail to pick her up and put her on her feet, but the girl just wrapped her arms around her tail again causing her to freeze-

[Girl, I'm trying to get you on your feet, I did not give permission for you to grab my tail like it's a stuffed animal]

"But it's sooo warm!!!"

[Get off]

"Fine... Meanie."

[{..... Your lucky I need you little girl}]

-The trip back was long and arduous, Ruby felt her already weak legs about to give out but she pushed forward, eventually though they arrived upon a massive tree... One that had an ivory door-

[Head inside]

-The girl sprinted inside, and Tiamat watched, she threw herself into the comfy seats she had created for this little get away home. Though as she was about to step food inside she froze as a shivering feeling went down her spin....-

[{..... I'm going to be raising and caring for this girl until she becomes a hero but.... How in the nine hells do you even raise a child!?}]

And cut.

There you have it ladies and gentlemen another new and easy book is out and as you can see I'm not threw torturing RWBY.

But so you all know, this is RWBY X D&D X Vox machina X Baldur's gate 3. so expect some wild shit when it comes to the future journey ahead.

Also to clarify a few things, magic is a thing, because there's a god of magic that would permit it, and second a adventure and a huntsmen are too different things.

Huntsman only deal with Grimm, Adventures deal with everything else.

So let's get ready

Also yes fight me on Tiamat being Ruby's mom, because Tiamat is noted as being either Chaotic evil or lawful evil, she's more along the lines of Lawful neutral after all the events that have taken place but still, she's more chill and going to experience the nightmare of single motherhood.

Not take care everyone here's a meme for ya.

See you all later.

Word count: 2683

DIO OUT!!!!!!!!

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