Chapter Twenty-seven.

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I didn’t stop running even though I could hardly see, courtesy of the dark night and my wet eyes. I wasn’t running away, no. I was running towards. Towards the only person who could give me the answers I sought, and the solace I needed. I choked as I thought about him. Would he be able to give me solace? Or were Poppy’s words the truth?

No. They weren’t. They couldn’t be. He wasn’t like that. He could never be like that.

I stumbled as I hobbled over the green hill beside the church. My fingers clutched my skirt as I abandoned my shoes, too eager to reach my destination. All was silent as I ran through the grass, passing by a few stones until I reached the particular one I had been rushing towards.

Erected from the ground in a rectangular shape, with his name, MANZI ERIC JOHNSON carved in the middle, along with the necessary particulars.

My breath hitched and my legs finally gave away as I crumbed to the ground before him in a sobbing mess. I knew in my heart that Poppy’s words were meaningless because he didn’t want to leave me behind. He didn’t want to leave my brother or mother. But nothing could be done about his illness, caused by overworking in the factory and mines all his life. Lighthouse, though short lived, was like a paradise for him.

Yet somehow the words had still cut deep, and were a sharp reminder of how he wasn’t with me, how often I’d felt so lost without his presence and guidance, his words of encouragement and lessons.

Why did it have to be me to bear the loss, sadness and pain?

My trembling fingers traced the lettering of his name as my tears soaked my face, neck and dress.

“I miss you, papa,” I choked out and broke into a fresh bout of tears that had me dry heaving and my chest tightening so hard it was unbearable.

Putting up a brave front in front of others was my forte. I knew I’d had to be strong for mother, and if I had broken down in front of her back then, we wouldn’t have managed the business like we did.

But behind closed doors and when everybody left, when I had to get away from everybody, breaking down was all I could do. On his death anniversary within the security of my bedroom walls and on days when I missed him so much, it hurt –days such as this.

I didn’t know for how long I was there, but my tears had dried and all that was left was fatigue and a light pounding behind my eyes. I stayed seated with my knees up. I hugged them as I rested my aching head on them, looking out lifelessly in the dimness – the only source of light being the few lamps and moonlight.

The sound of footsteps reached my ears followed by a sigh and a familiar deep voice from behind me. “How you doing there, Brownie?”

I didn’t flinch. “How did you find me?”

He chuckled. “I’m an Inspector. I’m pretty good at finding people,” he replied. “I gathered the clues when Serge told me what happened.”

A brief moment of silence followed and he continued, “If your father were here, he’d be thrilled to celebrate each and every birthday of yours. He loved you, and still does. You know that, right?”

I lifted my head, gathering air in my lungs as I looked at the tombstone. “Mm.” I nodded.

Inspector Raphael dropped to a crouch and with a grunt, sat down in the grass beside me. It was a comforting gesture.

“You’re a handful, Brownie,” he said. “But you’d be the apple of any father’s eye who’d have you as his daughter.”

I turned my head to look at him and he was already smiling at me. His words made me feel warm inside and I held back my tears. He reached over and planted his large hand atop my head in acknowledgement.

I bit my lip and swallowed a growing lump. I didn’t want to cry again even though it wouldn’t be from sadness this time. I scooted closer to him, seeking more of the acknowledgement and comfort he offered, and placed my head on his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, his chin resting on my head.


Solace and security. If only I could bask in it for the rest of my years.

“So...about that little wager of ours.”

I groaned. “Inspector Raphael, really?” I lifted my head to give him a disbelieving look. “Is this really the best time to bring it up?”

That smile on his face didn’t leave. “As a matter of fact, I believe so. Would you hear my first wish?”

I was sceptical, but decided to get it over with. I shrugged. “Fine, what is it?”

All of a sudden, his smile faltered and for the first time in my life, I saw The Inspector Raphael nervous. It was such an intriguing sight, my eyes widened.

“Well, Brownie, I-” He cleared his throat as his eyes kept dodging my gaze. “I don’t wish to take anyone’s position but at this moment and for all the years to come, I’d like to think of you as my daughter.”

I blinked. He stared at me in anticipation, and I stared at him like he’d grown horns.

“And since your father’s here as well, then...” He directed his gaze to the tombstone. “I wanted to let him know of my intention to take care of you as my own. I wasn’t joking when I said you’d be the apple of any father’s eye who’d have you as his daughter. So Brownie...” He looked back at me,that darn smile returned. “Would you give me the honour and responsibility to look after you as my-”

I basically jumped at him as my arms flung around his neck, and he swayed back from the force. “Whoa! Is that a yes?”

My eyes squeezed shut as tears rolled down my cheeks. “Mm-hmm!” I nodded, not trusting myself to speak.

With a chuckle, he hugged me back as I struggled not to cry anymore than I already was. I hadn’t realised how much I had needed this until now. Inspector Raphael had always been there for me since he arrived in Richard Town. Granted his volatile no-nonsense character was a contrast to my father’s gentle, appeasing one, but there was no other man I trusted more to take care of me the way a father would.

I released a breath as I composed myself. With a sniffle, I pulled back and wiped my cheeks with Ed’s handkerchief. “So what’s your second wish?”

“That one can wait a little longer,” he replied and stood up, offering me his hand.

I wondered what it was, but didn’t pressure him. I took his hand and stood up.

After paying our respects to my father, I walked back alongside Inspector Raphael, felling free and at ease. Dare I say, I was happier.

“Oh my goodness, Rosie!”

I was surprised when mother came rushing up to me, and enveloped me in a hug.

“Mother, what are you--” I paused when I saw Ed and Callum had followed behind her.

“Your mother insisted on coming with me,” Inspector Raphael explained as the frayed woman ran her hands all over my face and arms like she was checking for injuries.

“And I can’t cut my cake without my dearest friend by my side!” Ed chimed in, bumping the Inspector aside with her hip so she could take up the position next to me. “Are you feeling better or did the messenger fail at his task?”

I chuckled at that as my mother kissed my temple. “I’m much better now, Ed. I’m actually fine. Although I ruined my dress.”

“You still look beautiful,” Ed and Callum said at the same time.

I pursed my lips to hold in a grin.

Ed glared at Callum. “Hello, hello? Stealing my lines now, pretty boy?”

Callum looked horrified. “No! That wasn’t my intention!”

“Oh, sure sure. Heck if I believe you!”

“But I--” Callum turned his puppy eyes to me for help, and I giggled.

Ed broke into a full-blown grin. “Hey, she laughed! You really are fine, Nkwanzi!”

I sighed. “Like I already said so. Now can we go and cut the birthday cake? I’m sure your guests are just about tired of waiting.”

Ed pumped her fist up in the air. “Let’s go!”

As we all made our way out of the cemetery, Callum’s hand circled my wrist, pulling me away from the others. I stumbled but was steadied against his chest. Before I knew it, his lips were covering mine. I kissed him back as my heart pounded in excitement. My pain had already dissipated, but with his kiss, I forgot it even existed.

“I was worried about you,” he whispered when we pulled back, his forehead resting against mine. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.”

“The boyfriend can’t always be the knight in shining armour,” I replied and pecked his lips.

“I guess so,” he murmured, reaching for my hand and intertwining our fingers. “But I can’t help wanting to be either.”

I gasped. “Careful and Cautious Callum? A brave knight? I must be dreaming!”

He blushed but kept his gaze steady on mine. “One of these days, I just might be one for you. You’ll turn me into one, Rose.”

I grinned. “Can’t wait for the day.”

I pulled him along by our entwined hands, with my other hand holding the skirt of my dress. I ran with him as we attempted to catch up to everybody else.


The rest of the evening was magnificent. I was surprised that none of the guests had left by the time we returned. Dr. And Mrs. Chester had kept them occupied and entertained them with stories and games.

We all sang for Ed once the birthday cake was brought out and lit, and she cut it with me; both our hands on the knife.

Ed was more excited about gift-receiving than anything else. I got my slow dance with Callum and I hadn’t imagined that the evening would end on such a good note when it had been a train wreck over an hour back.

I was with the boy I liked; the boy who was willing to support and fight alongside me for my passions. I had the most amazing friend; a friend who could breathe fire upon my foes. And I had gained a father figure; one whose greatest strength was to protect and inspire.

What more could I ask for myself?


What more could I ask for myself?

I couldn’t ask for myself, but it seemed I needed to reconsider any selfish whims I had and focus on others instead. This was the thought that came to me when three weeks later, Inspector Raphael shared his second wish from our wager – it was to court my mother and become hers.

Well, not only would he be hers, but mine and Jerry’s as well.

I had to admit, I wasn’t all that shocked when the two of them broke it to me that they were in love. Perhaps my mind had already registered that there was something going on between them but simply refused to acknowledge it.

Perhaps this prior intuition was what made it all the more easier to say ‘Yes’ to Inspector Raphael’s wish, or perhaps it was my longing for him to be a part of our little family.

Either way, I’d never seen my mother that happy in a long time. She was suddenly struck with vibrancy, and the spirit of jumpiness attacked her. She basically started acting like a little kid ever since I permitted her relationship.

As for Jerry, well, all he had to say was, “I was rooting for Mr. Vincent, but Inspector Raphael’s very much cooler.”

I didn’t disagree, and neither did I correct his English.


Just the epilogue left!

Thank you for reading😊 and don’t forget to vote⭐!

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