Chapter Thirty-Eight- Fists

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This chapter is significantly shorter than my usual chapters, but the ending, I thought, was a good place to end, and I didn't have much else to add. Plus, I'm very tired. <3

"Wait! I change my mind! Let me donate." Jimin's voice said breathlessly as he stood in the doorway of the room Hoseok was currently dying in. My blood began to boil as I saw him, anger seeping through my veins.

I stood up from the seat I was in, the metal feel grinding against the tile, making everybody else in the room cringe. I stepped close to Jimin, poking him in the chest with my finger, forcing him out of the room. I could hear Jungkook comforting a crying Taehyung behind me, but I tuned them out after a few seconds of glaring at the coward in front of me. 

"You mean to tell me, that you chose to come back here and fucking donate, as they are pulling the fucking plugs?" I intended to sound mad as hell. I was pissed. 

Jimin nodded with a nervous smile. "Yes. I'm so sorry, I just needed time to think and process it all and-"

My fist collided with his jaw, making him stumble back in shock. His eyes grew wide as he clutched onto his jaw. "They were pulling the fucking plug," I more-or-less growled at him. I wanted to punch him again, make him feel a sliver of the pain I felt watching Hoseok dying, laying lifelessly in front of me, while he took his sweet precious time deciding whether he wanted Hoseok to live or die. 

I saw security rounding the corner with stern looks on their faces. I took a big breath, releasing my hands from their fist-position and wiping my sweaty palms on my pants.

The nurses took Jimin down the hall, probably to get the donation started, but also to get him away from me.

The security guards walked up to me. "I heard there was some fighting?"

I nodded, looking straight into his eyes. "Yes, I'm sorry. I punched another guy, but it's okay now."

One of their eyebrows quirked up. "And why did you punch him?"

"Because-" I took a breath and explained why I punched Jimin, feeling the anger starting to dissipate as the reality sunk in. "My boyfriend is on life support, and I had asked his ex-boyfriend to get tested to see if he was a match to donate bone marrow, and he was, but he refused to donate. He just stormed into the room as the doctors were removing my boyfriend from life support claiming he wants to donate now because he changed his mind, so I slugged him."

One of the guards chuckled and clapped me on the back. "I would've probably done more damage than you, son. Now, no more fighting in the hospital." They walked off, and I couldn't help but notice them holding hands, as I re-entered the room, feeling the energy drain from my body.

Taehyung was staring at Hoseok's body, not blinking. Jungkook squeezed his hand tightly. 

I faced the doctor in the room. "Can he- Is it too late?" Taehyung's attention moved to the doctor's face to watch her facial expression. Jungkook's followed suit. 

"Well, we were in the process of unhooking him. If you wanted to sign a waver stating that you change your mind, and give the reason, then we can go from there."

I nodded, reaching for the clipboard, filling out the paperwork rapidly. "Will it save him?"

The doctor frowned. "We will go ahead and go through with the donation process. It may be too late, but we will try, and hope and pray it works and your boyfriend wakes up." She gave my shoulder a squeeze before leaving the room, shutting the door quietly behind her. 

I found myself sitting down in my chair next to the bed, and for the first time in my whole life, I clasped my hands together and bowed my head, saying a silent prayer to whichever higher being or deity would listen to my cries. 


This chapter is seriously not even 700 words, when my updates are normally at least 1600, whoops. 

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