Chapter Thirty-Nine- Time

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My phone deleted this fucking chapter five fucking times y'all a bitch is annoyed.


One more small (somewhat?) note for my lovely readers:

For those of you hounding me with messages about when I'm going to update, here is my answer: I will update when I update. I try to get updates done every few days between both of the stories I'm currently working on, but it's difficult and stressful. I am in my second to last year of college and am swamped with work for that. I hold my education very highly. As much as I wish I could spend every second updating and writing, I can't.

If you keep hounding me, I WILL be petty and take even longer to update on purpose because I'm a bitch and I embrace it!

Anyways, please don't hound me for updates. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

Here's an update for y'all.


The next day.

"So, when will he wake up?"

The doctor sighed and shrugged. "Yoongi, we've been over this. It might be too late for Hoseok. He may or may not wake up."

I shook my head. "He'll wake up. I know he will."

She only shrugged again. "We're doing what we can."

She gave my shoulder a squeeze before leaving the room. I sat down next to Hoseok's body and gripped his hand, my tears dripping down onto his skin.


One week later.

Here I was sitting in the same position as a week prior. My hands were entangled in his, tears in my eyes.

A/N: be ready to shed some tears here y'all

"H-Hobi-" I cleared my throat. "I-Please don't hang on just for me. I-I know that's what you're doing, and I can see h-how t-tired you are. You're growing w-weaker. As much as I want you to wake up and come b-back to me, I want you to be h-h-happy."

I kissed his knuckles before laying his hand back down.

"Y-Y-You can go, Hoseokie. I won't be mad. I know you would shine down on me, and Tae, and even Jungkook, from above, providing us with warmth. W-We can't survive without your warmth, and if you need to leave us to get that warmth, then so be it. D-Do what you need to do, baby. I-I-I will be okay without you, I promise. I will take care of T-Taehyung for you, and Jungkook will help. We-" I choked on a sob and shook my head. "We'll be okay."


Three days later.

"Yoongi, waking up from a coma can take hours, days, months, even years. I can't tell you when he'll wake up."

"I-I told him he could give up if he wanted. He-He has put up enough of a fight. But he is still here, so he still has some strength in him."

The doctor nodded, no emotion on her face. "Just give him some time. Continue to talk to him and we will see whether he wakes up."

I wanted to scream at her to do something besides sit on her ass, but I knew there was nothing else for her to do. It was all in Hoseok's, and whatever deity's, hands now.

I watched her exit the room, leaving me once again in silence. I faced Hoseok and leaned down to kiss his forehead. I moved his hair out of his closed eyes and felt a soft smile tugging on my lips.

"Oh Hoseokie, you are too perfect and precious for this world. How did I ever get so lucky to not only be born in the same generation, but to meet you, to date you, to hopefully get to marry you. I already have a ring picked out, Taehyung helped me. He cried when he saw it, unable to help himself but imagine it on your finger. It's perfect, baby. No matter what happens, I can't wait to see it on you."

I closed my eyes and rested my head on the back of his hand, feeling the sheer exhaustion of the situation overwhelming me. I could feel the tears threatening to spill, whether from the emotions or from the tiredness, I wasn't sure. I stood up to wipe them with a tissue nearby before going to sit down next to him again.

My hand found his again, giving it a squeeze.

I looked right at him as I spoke. "I love you so much, Jung Hoseok."

And then he opened his eyes.


This update was going to be longer but if Wattpad deleted it one more time I was going to smash my phone so this is what y'all get for this update🙃

Love y'all💜💜😘


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