Chapter Thirty-Five- High

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Sorry, not sorry.


JK I'm actually very sorry for this one you guys.

I promise happiness will come soon!💜

I tried to wipe the sleepiness from my eyes as my hands fumbled with the keys in my hands. I stuck the key into the lock and jiggled the door open, sighing in relief at the thought of being able to sleep for a few hours until the hospital's visiting hours are open.

I dropped my keys and wandered down the hall, slipping my jacket off of my sore shoulders as I entered the living room.

"Yoongiiiiiiiiii!" Jungkook called my name out in a sing-song way. My heart stopped beating as I saw my best friend.

He was sweating, and in his hand he held a rolled up dollar bill, my coffee table covered in a white substance, one which I recognized right away as cocaine.

"J-Jungkook, what-you were doing do well? What happened?"

He burst out laughing and pulled me down so he could hug me. He was high. After being sober for months, he had relapsed.

"A little coke never hurt anyoneeee! Come on, Yoongibear! Do some with me! It'll be like the good old days before our lives turned to complete shit!"

My mind flashed back to the few times where I made my best friend happy by snorting cocaine with him until we were both too high to function. I had almost ruined my life by doing that. I needed to help Jungkook break the habit again.

"Kook, what happened?"

He frowned, staring at the powder on the table before trying to bend down to snort some more. I pulled him back and yanked the money out of his hand.

"I need you to tell me."

He took a breath. "I-Tae, he-"

My front door was thrown open, making me jump in surprise. Taehyung ran into the room, panting heavily. He saw us on the couch and held up a finger as he bent over to catch his breath. He froze just like I had when he saw Jungkook's state.

"I-Is he-?"

I growled and nodded, standing up. "He is high out of his fucking mind. Now, what the fuck happened? He mentioned your name."

Taehyung leaned against the wall and let his body slide down. His eyes softened, a tear glistening his cheek. "W-We kissed the other day, at the hospital. We never got to talking about what it meant because a nurse interrupted us. Jungkook mentioned it to me earlier and I freaked. He caught me off guard. I said the kiss was a mistake, and that I didn't mean it. I said I was looking for a good time, nothing more. H-He stormed out in tears and must've bought drugs on his way home. Oh my God, I am so sorry. I am so so so sorry."

I had to resist the urge to punch Taehyung senseless for breaking my best friend, but I ended up holding myself back.

"Is that Taehyungieeeee!?" Jungkook climbed off the couch and stumbled towards Taehyung. "My handsome Taehyungie is here!!!"

"Jungkook, we should get you to bed." I spoke in a stern voice.

He pouted, clutching even tighter to Taehyung. "No!"

Taehyung's eyes went wide as Jungkook buried his face into Taehyung's chest. He made eye contact with me in shock.

I sighed and nodded. "Jungkookie, what if Taehyung stayed here with you while you sleep?"

Jungkook lifted his head up and smiled. "Really? Oh please, can he? Can he, can he, can he?"

I chuckled, shaking my head while doing so. "Just this one time, if it will make you feel better." I watched as Jungkook jumped into Taehyung's arms, wrapping his legs around the older's waist. "But I don't want you to do anymore drugs, you hear me?"

Jungkook pouted but nodded after a moment.

I motioned for them to head to the bedroom while I would take the couch. I rubbed my face with my hands while I sat down on the couch. I could hear them giggling in the other room, making me sigh heavily.

"Jungkookie, please don't leave me too."



"We found a donor!"

Jimin's eyes went wide as I engulfed him in a hug. He instantly pushed me back, almost forcing me out of the chair I was sitting in.

"Jimin, what the fuck?"

He shook his head. "I-I never agreed to donating. I just said I would get tested to please you."

Sohyun's smile dropped, along with my own.

"J-Jimin, p-p-please. He needs you to live."

Jimin sighed and shrugged. "I'm sorry, but I just have too many other things to worry about than donating something as painful as bone marrow to my ex."

Sohyun opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by Jimin's chair legs scraping against the ground.

"I'm sorry, but if you want Hoseok to live, you'll have to find a donor elsewhere."

I stood up, furious. "You fucking coward. You just don't want to donate to the man you cheated on! Admit it! You wouldn't have cheated if you still had interest for him, if you still cared for him!" My voice was raised in volume, my lungs practically screaming. "Just be honest with Hoseok, me, yourself and say that you don't give a flying shit whether Hoseok lives or dies."

Jimin gasped at the last bit, and avoided eye contact. He tried to step closer to me but I shoved him back. My breathinf was heavy from anger, from frustration.

"Listen, Y-Yoongi, I-"

"Just get the fuck out of here, Jimin, and don't bother ever coming close to us again. If there even is an us anymore, once he fucking dies because of you."

A single tear slipped down Jimin's cheek as he nodded and exited the room. Sohyun tried to comfort me as I sobbed, but eventually decided it would be better to leave me alone with my dying boyfriend.


How bad do y'all hate me on a scale of 1 to 10?😉


(My stories always end positively)😉

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