Chapter Thirty-Four- Donor?

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Sorry for the delay on updating. Ya girl started college again and it's been stressful.

Love y'all💜

I knocked on the door nonstop, not even caring that it was three in the morning. I knocked louder and louder until the door swung open. I took a sharp breath and straightened out my appearance.

"Yoongi? You look like absolute shit. What are you doing here?"

I swallowed harshly and nodded, encouraging myself to be strong and do this for Hoseok. "I have a serious proposition for you."

I watched as he leaned against the doorway and quirked up an eyebrow. "And what might that be?"

"I-Hoseok has cancer and is dying. He, uh, is in a coma, and h-he needs a b-b-bone m-marrow t-transplant a-an-and-"

"Yoongi, breathe." I felt a pair of arms wrap around my shaking body as I cried uncontrollably. I had been holding myself together for the past few weeks, but the sheer stress of everything was proving to be too much. I couldn't handle it.

I took a few deep breaths and pulled back to look him in the eyes. "I-I got tested but I'm n-not a m-m-match. Please, he is d-dying and I wanted to a-ask you to get tested."

He eyed me as he leaned back against the doorframe. "So, you're telling me that you banged on my door at three in the fucking morning, to ask me to get tested to see if I'm a match to donate bone marrow to Hoseok?"

I nodded, chewing my bottom lip. "It was stupid for me to come here. I'm sorry. Um," I scratched the back of my neck as I started to walk off. "Have a good night, Jimin."

I was all the way down the hallway when I heard footsteps running after me. I stopped and turned around, seeing Jimin running towards me with a jacket on and his keys.

"Um, let's get this overwith before I change my mind, yeah?"


I watched Jimin walk into the room where Hoseok lay with tubes down his throat. He had told me on the drive over that he didn't even know Hoseok was sick. He had almost broken down when he realized that he had shattered everything he had with his ex.

"He's been in a coma since yesterday. There isn't much they can do besides the transplant." I said, watching as Jimin sat down next to the bed.

"I never thought it would be like this. He is too damn pure for this world. I don't know who thought Hoseok would ever deserve to be like this, going through this pain." (Author-nim here! Yeah, Jiminie, that was me who put Hobi through the pain, sorry. You'll just have to get used to it.)

"I wish I could trade places with him, but I don't know how he would survive being on this side of the bed." I moved some hair out of my eyes as I spoke.

Jimin chuckled lightly while wiping some stray tears. He stood up and gave me a slight nod.

We walked out of the room and to the nearby nurses' station. I smiled at the one I recognized.

"Hey Sohyun, do you have a minute?"

She smiled and nodded. "Of course, Yoongi! What can I do for you?"

I pointed at Jimin with my head. "This is Jimin, and he was looking to get tested to see if he's a match for Hoseok."

Her eyes grew wide and she nodded excitedly. "Oh great! Let's get you set up right away!"


Jimin rode back into Hoseok's room in a wheelchair, wincing everytime he readjusted himself.

"I didn't realize this shit would hurt so bad." He complained, making me sigh and nod.

"I-I'm sorry... I thought that if I told you about the pain, you would back out." I couldn't meet his eyes as the guilt started to consume me.

Back a year ago, or even a few months ago, I wouldn't have cared. I would've told Jimin to suck it up and stop complaining. But as I got closer to Hoseok, he changed me. He softened up my edges and taught me what it's like to be a caring human being. He showed me what love is, and how it feels to actually care for other people.

"You really love him, don't you?" Jimin's posture softened as he asked that question. His voice was gentle.

I took a shaky breath and nodded, feeling the rush of tears starting to flood down my face. It was like an avalanche, once they started, they couldn't be stopped. I had cried many times, of course, but Jimin's question made me realize just how deeply I love Hoseok. I couldn't lose him. I would fight to save his life. I would make everyone around us fight to save his life. I would never give up.

Jimin engulfed me in a hug, letting me cry into his shoulder. He whispered gentle words of comfort and encouragement that eventually lead to the tears slowing down and eventually stopping.

I pulled out of his embrace, red, puffy eyes and swollen cheeks.

Jimin tilted his head slightly. "You never cried over me."

I snorted, unsure of where his question came from. "W-What?"

"When I-" he took a breath and started again. "When I did what I did to you, which I am sorry, by the way, did you ever cry?"

I thought about it and shook my head. "I was just angry at you. I felt a little hollow and broken but I never cried."

He gave a small smile and squeezed my shoulder. "And here you are crying over Hoseok. He really did show you what love was."

"What love is," I corrected. "I still love him. I will always love him." And Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii will always love youuuuuuuuuuuuu😉

Jimin opened his mouth to respond, but the door swung open.

Sohyun ran into the room with a large smile. "We rushed Jimin's results! It turns out that he is a match for Hoseok. We found a donor!"


*shyly waves*


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