Chapter Thirty-Three- Breaking Point

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I posted the link to my mom's and I's Etsy on my message board, for anyone who wants to check it out! Author-nim would greatly appreciate the visitors and business!💜

"I'm so sorry, Yoongi. He-He's in a coma. He managed to catch another infection and his body is just too weak from the treatment." The doctor spoke softly, giving my shoulder a squeeze.

I could hear Taehyung release a sob from the corner of the room, followed by Jungkook comforting him.

My eyes remained on Hoseok's. He lay still on the bed, skin pale, and tubes down his throat to help him breathe. I could hear the machines next to me.

Jungkook cleared his throat. "Will-I mean, c-can he wake up?"

The doctor took a deep breath before speaking. "I don't think he will be able to wake up without the transplant. As we said, bone marrow is very difficult to find a match for. He is at the top of the list, though. We are working very hard."

"You're not working hard enough." I squeaked, almost wincing at the pathetic sound of my voice. "If you were doing your fucking job, he wouldn't be in a fucking coma."

"Yoongi, I promise you that we are doing everything within our power." She tried to squeeze my shoulder again, but I stood up, the chair scraping against the ground as I threw her hand off of my body.

"No! You do not promise me anything! Hoseok promised to show me what love is and he did and now he is fucking dying. I might not ever get to hear his voice again. Don't you fucking promise me anything, you son of a bitch. You're wasting time trying to make promises you can't fucking keep, when you could be trying to find a match for my boyfriend. You're pathetic. I want you out of my fucking sight, and I don't want you back in my sight until you have something that will save my fucking Hoseokie."

The doctor nodded and left the room without saying another word. I turned back around and sat down, staring once more at my beloved Hoseok.

Jungkook POV

I held Taehyung as he cried, watching from a distance as my best friend completely broke. I had never seen Yoongi like this, even when Jimin left him. He wouldn't stop staring at Hoseok, waiting for him to wake up.

I had a feeling deep down that he wouldn't wake up. I think Taehyung felt it too.

Taehyung clutched onto me tighter, despite his tears no longer falling. I wiped his tears with the sleeves of my shirt and gave him a small smile.

"Do you want to go for a walk, give yourself some time and give Yoongi some time alone?" I moved his fringe out of his eyes.

He nodded, gnawing on his bottom lip. I nodded in return, walking over to Yoongi. I put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a squeeze, not saying anything. I saw some tension release from his shoulders though, making me smile.

I walked alongside a silent Taehyung. I wasn't sure where we were walking, but we eventually found ourselves outside and sitting on the same bench we were on just a few hours prior.

Taehyung took in a deep breath, releasing it loudly before speaking in a soft voice. "I remember when Hoseok and I first met."

"You wanna share the story? I haven't heard it."

Taehyung chuckled, his voice cracking a little in the mean time. He wiped his snot and tears with his hand. "It's a pretty lame story. I got into trouble at school, and instead of detention, the principal decided to make me join a club. Of course, he wouldn't let me join the fun ones like music or sports. Instead, he gave me two options: the unicorn club or the flower club."

I giggled, seeing his lip turn upwards at the memory.

"I chose the flower club, not wanting to come off too gay. It's funny because now I'm like super gay, but anyways, Hobi was the only long-standing member. Everyone else was only in the club for like a semester or something, in order to satisfy some credits. On my first day, Hoseok dressed up as a flower, while dancing around me, singing a song, and tossing flowers around me. It was the gayest shit I had ever seen, but I loved every second of it. He was the first person in that wretched school to make me actually laugh."

"That's adorable." I chuckled, my hand brushing against his.

Taehyung giggled and nodded, leaning his head onto my shoulder. "Jungkook?"

I hummed in acknowledgement, feeling his head leave my shoulder, despite only being there for a few seconds.

"C-Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, Tae, what's up?" The look on his face was unreadable, making my anxiety race to the top of the surface. I could feel my hands twitching, aching to have something to hold onto. He must've noticed as he reached out a hand and squeezed mine.

"How do you feel about me?"

His question caught me off guard, almost making me choke on the saliva in my throat. "W-What?!"

Taehyung repeated the question, a frown on his face.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and shrugged. I couldn't meet his eyes. "Well, um, I think you're really nice?" I said it like a question, unsure of what he was wanting.

"So, you think I'm nice? You don't think I'm, oh, I don't know, attractive?"

"Oh, I mean, of-of course I find you attractive. Fuck, Tae. You're beautiful."

"I think you're beautiful too, Kookie." A blush covered my cheeks, spreading up to my ears. "But I also think you're absolutely breathtaking. Your personality is incredible, your smile is perfect, and I just want to hold your hand and cuddle you all the time."

"I never said you couldn't." I said, surprising myself at how blunt I was. "But Tae, ar-are you saying what I think you're saying?"

He shrugged, scooting closer to me on the bench. "I guess I am."

I smiled and tried to hide the blush on my face by ducking my head. He raised my head up by the chin, making me blush even more once I saw his intense gaze.

"Can I kiss you, Kookie?"

I wasted no time in nodding, feeling his lips on mine instantly. It was like we were hungry for each other, but with the grace of a swan. It was passionate and deep, but also gentle and caring. It was everything I imagined and more.

"Are you Jungkook?" We pulled away from each other and saw a nurse standing next to us. I cleared my throat and gave a slight nod.

"That's me."

"Um, your friend, Min Yoongi, is throwing things at our staff, who are only trying to get Hoseok's vitals. Could you maybe help calm him down?"

I sighed and stood up, taking Taehyung's large hand in mine.

We walked back to the room, hearing loud sounds as we neared.

"I said GET THE FUCK OUT." I recognized the voice as Yoongi's.

I walked into the doorway, watching as he picked up a glass jar full of cotton balls and aim it in my direction. I put my arms up in a defensive position and spoke calmly. "Hey Yoon, it's only me, Jungkookie. I came to see if you wanted to go grab a quick coffee with me, while Tae sits with him? You need to be able to stay awake if you want to be here all night."

He set down the jar on the counter as he looked at me. He was breathing heavily. The ground was covered in shredded papers, broken jars, and chairs knocked over. Tears filled his eyes and stained his cheeks. He took a few small steps towards me before collapsing into my arms.

I caught him and my hand made it's way to his hair, brushing my fingers through it just the way he likes.

"I-I-I can't h-have him dy-dying on m-me."

"I know, Yoon. He won't. He's strong, he'll make it through." He sobbed into my shoulder, and I could feel his tears seeping through the fabric of my shirt to my skin.

"I-I won't live if he dies."

"And I won't live if you die, Yoongi. You are the only person keeping me from dying from a drug overdose."

He lifted his head and wiped his tears, a new look in his eyes. He took a shaky breath before nodding. "I have an idea."



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