Chapter Three- Mystery

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There he was. The man with the dark aura whom seemed so intriguing to me. He was pale, as if he doesn't spend much time in the sun. His now-silver locks fell in his eyes. He was a man of mystery.

I wiped my hands on my apron after setting down a case of flowers outside of my shop. I cleared my throat, walking towards Yoongi as he struggled to open his tattoo parlor.

"Do you want some help?"

He instantly shook his head. "It always gives me a hard time, I just have to get it at the right angle." His voice was slightly strained as he jiggled the lock and inserted the key once more.

On instinct, I reached around him and tried to take the key and lock into my own hands. "Let me try!"

"NO!" He yelled, making me jump and step back a few feet. I could feel a few tears stinging my eyes.

"Oh, um, I'm sorry." I bowed at the waist, unable to meet his eyes. "I didn't mean to be such a bother. I bid you good luck." I gave him a small wave and went back into my quiet shop, surrounded by the various scents of the flowers. I took a chrysanthemum in between my fingers and breathed in the smell, feeling myself relax slowly.

The bells above my door chimed, making me look up. "I'm sorry, I'm not open ye- Yoongi?"

Yoongi, barely able to meet my eyes, shuffled into my flower shop, the keys to his shop still dangling from his wrist.

"What are you in here for?" I set the flower in my hand down, pressing my palms into the glass counter.

He pouted. "I-I'm sorry that I snapped at you. I just like my personal space."

I nodded. "Apology accepted. I get too eager sometimes, so I'm sorry too!" I gave him a world-class smile.

The corner of his lip quirked up for a split second before his pout returned. I almost believe I imagined it.

"So, um, I seriously can't unlock the door and I have an appointment in like ten minutes."

I chuckled and clapped my hands together, making him jump. I whispered another apology as I skipped next door, taking his keys in my hands.

Within seconds, I swung open the door, turning on the lights. "Here ya go!" I dropped the keys in his large hand as I stepped back to explore the small parlor. "Nice little place you got here!"

He nodded. "Thanks. I guess yours is okay too, if you're into that sort of thing."

I hopped onto the tattoo bed, my feet swinging back and forth. "You're not a flower person?"

He sent me a brooding glare as he went behind the counter and started getting ready to open the shop. "Fuck no. Now, sorry man, but I really have to open up here."

My eyes went wide as I jumped off onto the floor. "Right! Sorry! I will see you around, Yoongi!" I waved a cheerful goodbye to him as I left, smile unwavering as I walked back to my shop.

A familiar head of hair stood admiring a case of flowers. I sighed and walked over. "Hey Jiminie!"

"Hoseokie! Where were you?"

I shrugged. "Next door talking to the owner."

His eyes squinted. "About what?"

I had to force a scoff inside. "He is a tattoo artist and I was just going to see how much he charges."

Jimin's eyes lit up. "Yay! What did he say? Is he good? I hope he's good!"

I put my hands in the air to tone him down slightly. "Calm down, babe. He was too busy trying to open so I told him I would come back at a less busy time."

His excited smile dropped to a forced one. "Oh, okay! Well, I guess you can stop by again later today! Hopefully we can get these tattoos soon! I'm so excited!"

I nodded. "Yeah. Me too."


I closed the doors of my flower shop and locked them. I glanced over and saw the lights still on in Yoongi's studio. I walked over and peeked through the glass, seeing Yoongi wiping off the counter with a scowl.

I opened the door, a nervous expression on my face.

"Sorry, we're closed!" He shouted without looking up. I cleared my throat, making him whip his head up to see me. "Oh, it's you. What do you want?"

I had to hold myself back from asking him why he is so rude. Instead, I stuck to what I had come here for. "I was just here to see how much it would be to get this design on myself and my boyfriend." I took a piece of paper out of my wallet and slid it to him. He picked it up, his eyebrows furrowed. He threw it back at me after a few seconds.

"Couples tattoos are stupid, I hope you realize that."

"I know, but my boyfriend really wants one. Can you please just tell me how much?"

Yoongi stopped wiping the counter and sighed, his tense shoulders relaxing slightly. "Since I know you, I'll give you a small discount. Depending on the size, which, dear God I hope it's small, this is what it'll be." He wrote the amount down on a spare piece of paper, handing it to me.

I smiled as I saw the cheap price. "And you're good?"

Yoongi scoffed. He pulled down the neck of his black turtleneck, showing numerous tattoos on his neck. "I did all of these myself while looking in a mirror."

"Okay, so you're good." He chuckled a little at my response. It was a nice sound.

I cleared my throat again. "Can I make an appointment?"

He rolled his eyes, slamming down the rag he was using to clean his shop. "Do you seriously want to get a tattoo because your boyfriend wants you to get one? Do you even want it?"

I shrugged. "I-I don't know."

"You're getting it out of love, but love is stupid. It's fake." He took a deep breath before pointing towards the door. "I have somewhere to be, so if you could please let me finish cleaning my shop so I can get going, that'd be great."

I nodded, not saying anything else as I left. I peeked through the glass to see him hunched over, elbows on the counter as his shoulders were shaking. I wanted to run back in and help, but Yoongi is obviously a private guy, so I shrugged it off and made my way home.

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