Chapter Four- Rose Tattoos

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"Are you ready, Jiminie?" I tapped my foot inpatiently as I waited for my boyfriend to finish getting ready. I checked my watch every few seconds, growing more inpatient.

Yoongi agreed to open up early to let us come in. I didn't want to miss opening up my shop in time.

"I'm coming! Chill!" Jimin whined as he came around the corner, buttoning up his pants.

He grabbed the keys, insisting on driving since we're in such a hurry. I wasn't in the mood to argue, so I let him hop into the driver's seat of my car.

On the drive, I couldn't sit still. My anxiety grew inside of me, making it almost unbearable to sit still. Jimin put a hand on my thigh and squeezed it before putting it back on the steering wheel.

"Don't be nervous." He gave me a small smile.

I forced a smile back to him, wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans.


Yoongi had dark bags under his eyes. He looked exhausted as he prepped the station we were sitting at.

"Are you sure you want to do this today?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes and forced me to sit down on the bed. "I'm already here. Where is your significant other?"

"Jimin should be in in just a minute!"

Yoongi's hands froze. "Did you say Jimin?"

As I nodded my head, the door swung open, revealing Jimin, who was panting slightly, car keys in hand. "I had to park in fucking Chinatown but I made it!" His eyes landed on the tattoo artist who was frozen rolling up my pant leg. "Yoongi?"

"Oh fuck." Yoongi whispered. He cleared his throat and went back to rolling up my jeans.

"Since when did you live in Seoul?" Jimin walked in further.

My eyes wandered between the two, eyebrows raised in confusion. "You two know each other?"

Yoongi grunted. "I moved here a few months ago, Jimin. I had an opportunity up here so I moved. I didn't know that you were here, I swear."

Jimin huffed before taking a seat in the chair. "Whatever. Let's just get these tattoos over with so I can get out of here."

I decided not to ask any questions about how they know each other. Yoongi preps my ankle, making sure to wipe it off and that it's free of hair before he grabs the stencil. He picks up the tattoo gun and gets ready to start putting the artwork on my ankle.

"Are you ready?"

I nodded, gnawing on my lower lip. I reached a hand out for Jimin, who grabbed it reluctantly. "Why the hell am I going first?"

"Because if I went first you would chicken out." Jimin stated, and I released a breathy chuckle until I felt the tattoo needle puncturing my skin.

"Holy fuck!" I squeezed Jimin's hands as tight as I could, making my boyfriend cry out in pain.

"Stay still! I'm working as quickly as I can!"

"It fucking hurts!" I hated that I sounded so weak, but it hurt like hell.

"You were the one who chose one of the more painful places to put it!" Yoongi tutted, making me roll my eyes.

"Can we talk or something? As a distraction? Please?" I begged.

Jimin didn't seem too inclined to speak, and I heard Yoongi sigh deeply. "So how did you and Jimin meet?"

I smiled, remembering the moment. "Oh! He came into my flower shop and asked me if I had any recommendations for a first date. After I thought about it, I saw the pink roses and held them up to him. They brought out his eyes beautifully, and I told him that his date would be lucky to not want a second one after seeing those roses against his eyes."

Yoongi gagged, taking the gun away from my ankle. "That is disgusting."

Jimin scoffed next to me. "Oh as if you never did something cheesey like that! Get rid of this tough man attitude!"

Yoongi glared at Jimin for a few seconds before shaking his head, going back to working on my ankle, making me wince once again.

"Love is stupid." It was a mumbled sentence, barely audible, but I still picked it up. As much as my curiosity wanted to know more, I knew it wasn't my place and left it alone.

"Okay, you're all done." Yoongi finished up the last bit of the tattoo, a small smile on his lips. "It looks quite good on you actually."

An idea of the tattoo, except on Hoseok's beautiful ankle.

"Stop being such a flirt with my boyfriend and give me my damn tattoo."

It was the first time I had heard Jimin be so forceful and demanding. It made me frown, but I shut my mouth once again.

You would think that Jimin would realize how quiet I'm being, but he didn't acknowledge it. He didn't even grab my hand while he was getting his tattoo, instead clutching onto the hem of his shirt.


I always make Jimin come off as the bad guy but he's such a sweetie in real life

I love our little mochi.

The story is about to get more interesting.

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