Avatar AU

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"It has been 3 years since I left my village. Toothless and I have been traveling all over the Earth Kingdom and I have taken the time to be more connected to the earth itself. Although it is a little hard with a metal leg, but I have improved my bending. I haven't made any human friends but I will be fine as long as Toothless is beside me." A young man, 18 years old, was currently resting on his dragon companion. He was tall, lean with some muscle, and unruly brown auburn hair with bright green eyes and a metal leg for his left foot.

His dragon was a large black dragon with large bat-like wings on its back, on the base of its tail and a tail fin at the end, with a white skull on a red prosthetic fin. Four stubby legs and green eyes that resemble a cat's. The male stood up and stretched, "Well, I'm gonna practice some bending. You just rest some more bud." He pets his friend and walks off.

He finds himself in a spacious area and got into stance, he then proceeds to lift a small piece of earth and directs it at a tree. It hits it and the man continues performing numerous stances and the earth moves. He was so preoccupied with his practice that he didn't notice the presence sneaking pass him. But they couldn't sneak pass a dragon.

"Augh!!" A voice screamed. It sounded male and this caught the brunette's attention and he ran back to Toothless, who has pinned a white-haired boy. "Okay, okay! I'm sorry I snuck up on you! I'm just hungry!" He yelled. The brunette raced over to the dragon, "Toothless down!" He shouted. The dragon looked up at his rider and slowly got off the white-hair boy, but not without giving him a warning snarl.

The male had a similar body to the brunette, but his skin was more pail and he had sparkling blue eyes and no shoes on. And he had a long stick that was curved at the end. But what was interesting was that he had a pendent that had the symbol of air on it. "Are you just going to keep staring or are we gonna talk?" The white-haired boy asked. "Oh right, I'm Hiccup." The brunette said. "Hiccup?" The earth bender, now Hiccup, rolls his eyes. "I know, I know. Now how about you?" He asks. "Name's Jack." Jack said, with a charming smile.

"So Jack, what brings you to my dragon and I?" Hiccup asks. Jack dusts his pants, "Well, I was just trying to get some food, but then an overgrown lizard pounced on me." He jokingly says. Hiccup decided to show mercy and went to his bag and pulled out an apple. He tossed it to Jack who caught it and took a bite out of it. "Thanks. Oh and you got some dust on you." He said, pointing at Hiccups clothes. "Oh, yeah. I was doing some bending." The brunette started wiping off the dust. "No worries and allow me." Jack then thirsts his hand towards Hiccup and a gust of wind was blown at him. All the dust was removed and Hiccup was surprised while Toothless jumped a bit.

Hiccup fixed his hair and looked at Jack with wide eyes, "You're an air bender?" He asks. Jack just shrugs, "Yeah." He answers. Hiccup has seen air bison with air benders riding them, but he's never meant an air bender before, but they usually had brown hair and this guy looked more liked he belonged someplace cold. "Sorry. It's just that, well, I've never seen anyone with white hair that wasn't an old person. No offense." Hiccup stuttered.

Jack laughs, "It's okay." Toothless looks at Hiccup and over to Jack. Hiccup knew what he was thinking, why was this guy all alone? Was he an orphan or a runaway? But before he could say anything, a fire ball came out of no where. "Look Out!" Toothless pounce on Jack, this time shielding him from the flames.

"Nice job Toothless!" Hiccup cheers, he then sees another blast and lifts a pillar of earth to block it. "Don't think you're getting away this time!" A voice shouted. It was female with a bit of an accent. A young girl, who looked to be around 16, jumped out of the bushes. She had sky blue eyes with freckles on her face and curly red hair that was tied in a ponytail, but looked to be very messy. Along with a bow and arrows with a sword too. "Merida wait!" Another girl came out of the bushes. She had long golden, blonde hair tied up in a braid that reaches her waist, and bright green eyes.

"Can't you see that these are not the thieves." The blonde said. The red-head, now Merida, looked at her than back at the boys. "Oh. Sorry. I thought some thugs ran by her. They stole some food. Augh! I can't believe they got away!" Merida says angrily. The boys looked at the girls with confused looks, "Uh, okay. But next time be sure to look before you leap." Jack commented, petting Toothless. The dragon appreciates the gesture and Hiccup walks over to the girls.

"So, Hi I'm Hiccup. And the guy with the stick is Jack and the dragon is Toothless." He says, extending his hand to the girls. The blonde shakes his hand, "Nice to meet you. I'm Rapunzel and this is Merida." She says. Jack walked over but winced a bit. Hiccup noticed, "Are you okay, Jack?" He asks. Jack shrugs his shoulder, "Yeah I'm fine. But the flames kinda skimmed my foot." He lifts up his right foot to show a slight burn on it.

"Whoops. My bad." Merida apologize. Jack waved her off, "It's cool. But you might want to cool down a bit." He smirks, blowing some wind in her her face. Merida scoffs, "Don't get cocky now, I can give you something worse if you keep pushing." She warns. Rapunzel bends down and grabs his foot. Jack gets startled by the sudden contact, "A little warning next time." He says. The blonde looks up, "Sorry. But if you let me I can heal it for you." She offers. Jack nods his head, "Here. Let me help." Hiccup says and lifts some earth behind Jack, so he can sit.

The white-haired boy thanks him and sits down. Rapunzel then brought out a container and opens it. She bends some water out of it and placed it on Jack's foot. It then glow and the soon enough, the burn was gone. "Wow. Thanks." Jack said, looking at his foot. "No problem. It's what I do." She said. Merida pats her on the back, "Don't be so humble. She is the best healer you will ever find anywhere." Merida says, smiling proudly.

"Oh well thanks for your help. And if you want, me and Toothless here can go hunting and have a little meal together." Hiccup offers. The three look at him, "We do need some food." Rapunzel says. "Sure. I'm still hungry." Jack adds. "And I can help. I have impeccable aim." Merida offers.

A little while after food was gathered, everyone sat around a fire and ate together. There was an awkward silence, so Jack decided to break it, "So, look at us. A very diverse group of people, and we know little to nothing." He starts. The others look at him and Hiccup thought about what he said, "He's right. I mean we just meant but it's good to socialize." He says. "So how about we share our stories and why we're out here?" He asks. The girls looked at each other and looked back at him, "Sure. I mean I have nothing else to do." Merida shrugs. Rapunzel looked a bit hesitant, "I guess so." Jack just grips his staff and says nothing.

"Well, I'll go first." Hiccup lays back on Toothless, who merely cooes. "Anyway, I was born and raised in a small village called Berk. We are a proud tribe and strong earth benders. Many of our benders were big, muscular, and mostly traditional as in we only ever bend earth. But as you can see, I'm more on the skinny side but that didn't stop me and what I lack in muscle, I have brains. I worked at the forge where I was the apprentice of the blacksmith so that I could beef up, which my dad wanted. I become pretty proficient at metal bending thanks to Gobber, my mentor. He even commented that I could be the best. But my dad wanted me to be more traditional to make our 'ancestors proud'. One day I went out into the forest and in a bit of a 'frustration', I flung a boulder. That ended up hitting Toothless and took half of his tail fin." Hiccup paused, a guilty look on his face.

Toothless was listening and nuzzled his nose against his hand. Hiccup smiled and pet the dragon. He continues, "I felt really guilty and after I freed him I vowed that I would get him to fly again. So everyday I would sneak away to him and see what I needed to do, but during that time we gained an understanding between each other. He became my first friend, and as to why I call him 'Toothless' is because he can retract his teeth." To believe him, Toothless open his mouth and retracted his teeth, "Oh wow. I've never heard of a creature that can do it." Rapunzel says interested.

Hiccup thanks her, "Yeah, but I realized that in order for him to fly, I had to ride with him. When we had our first successful flight, it was unlike anything I have ever experienced before. But it was cut short. I saw my village being attacked, most of our benders were down and my dad was the only one standing. Toothless and I were able to end it. We were one, he used his fire and I used earth and metal, and we were able to save everyone, but I was knocked off Toothless and he saved me but it costed my foot. After that everyone started to respect me. My dad and I apologized and we gained an understanding, but I decided to go on a journey to improve my bending. And here I am now." He finished.

"Wow. That is a story of never giving up is it?" Merida comments. Hiccup smirks, "Yeah you could say that." He says sarcastically. "Alright, my turn." The red-head says. "I am what some people would call a 'princess'. I never understood why people called me that. My family is very rich and me mom is very oppressive. She would try to make me more 'lady-like' but I hated it! Anyway, my father is a standard man. He is big and stubborn but sweet and protective, along with being a great fire bender. Before I learned I could bend fire, my dad wanted me to know how to defend myself. Mom thought it wasn't proper but I enjoy it. It makes me feel like I can do anything and when I started fire bending, it made me more confident."

"But then I found out that my mom was planning to get me married. Marriage! Bah! I don't need a man protecting me, I can protect myself!" She stopped talking to calm herself. Rapunzel placed her hand on Merida's shoulder. The red-head calmed down then continued, Rapunzel retrieving her hand back, "I mean my brothers can get away with anything, but I have to go through with the hard stuff. I tried to talk with her but she doesn't listen. So I did what I could, I packed my stuff and ran away. I left letters for my dad and brothers, and my mom too, but I didn't care what she thought. I meet Rapunzel some months later and here I am now." Merida finishes. The boys felt sympathy for her, "I feel like there's some issues you and your mom have yet to work through." Jack comments.

Hiccup glares at him, "Yeah, but can't help it now." Merida says blandly, but she looked sad. Rapunzel decided to break the tension, "So, as you saw earlier I'm a water bender. But I don't know who my parents are, my real parents. I was taken by a woman who had a disease in which if it wasn't treated often, she would die. I was given research on how to become an excellent healer and mother would 'ask' me to heal her many times. I was kept in a little cottage and I only got to go out when mother wasn't home. I was already a great healer, but I wanted to be a real water bender." She had a sad expression on her face but kept strong.

"So I trained myself. It wasn't easy but when I was able to freeze a little bit of water, I felt so proud of myself. One day I stumbled upon a lose floorboard and what I saw, would shatter my world. I found a water tribe necklace and something clicked. In that moment, I saw a memory. It was blurry, but I remembered the cold, the ice and two people, my parents. When 'mother' found me, she tried to cover it up but it was too late. I ran outside and she followed saying I wouldn't survive. She told me that if I left she would die. I was tempted, but then I remembered the stream. So with what I knew, I shot water at her and froze her right there. I went in got what I need and never looked back." She finished, reaching up and caressing the necklace.

Merida rubs her back and Hiccup felt terrible for her. "I'm so sorry that happened to you." He apologize. Rapunzel looks up at gives him a small smile, "Thanks. But I'm doing a lot better now. And I meant Merida a few months later, she has helped me a ton." She thanks her friend. Merida smiles and lightly punches her shoulder, "It's nothing and you have definitely improved with your bending." Rapunzel blushed at the comment. Everyone then looked over at Jack, who seemed a little uncomfortable with all the attention now on him.

He runs a hand through his hair, "Uh, well. I don't really have anything because, I don't remember my past." He says solemnly. Hiccup, Toothless, and the girls look at him with concern. "What do you mean you don't remember?" Merida asks him slowly. Jack fiddles with his staff and continues, "I mean I can't remember. The only thing I can recall is waking up by a pond and the moon. My staff was right next to me and you could say I had a 'crash course' when I realized I could air bend. But then after a while, it felt natural. Since I had no recollection of my home and I didn't know anyone, I decided to travel. It's been 3 years now and I still can't remember." He finishes.

"Wow. That is, so sad." Rapunzel says. Even though she couldn't remember her parents, she can't imagine having to restart life without knowing who you are. "But why Jack?" Merida asks. Said boy shrugs, "It's one of the first things I remembered. Other than that, drawing a blank." He answers blandly. He picks up a leaf and bends air to make it hover.

Hiccup gets up and lays a hand on his shoulder, "How about....you join me and Toothless? So that you won't be so lonely?" He offers. Jack looks up at him, a hopeful spark in his eyes. "Seriously? You're letting someone who tried to rob you join with you on your little endeavor?" He says sarcastically. Hiccup rolls his eyes, "Yes. And I'm going once. So you in or not?" He says. Jack blows the leaf away and stands up, "Okay." He accepts.

"You think you can handle two more joining your party?" Merida asks. The boys look over at her, "I mean we all have something in common, somewhat. And there is strength in numbers." She reasons, "Also, there's a dragon. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get close to one?" She adds, while Toothless is enjoying a good scratch from Rapunzel. The blonde looks up smiling, "Yep. Merida is a formidable fighter and I can help with treating injuries." She includes.

Hiccup thinks for a moment, "Okay. But we can't ride on Toothless all the time. He gets tired, but I accept your proposals." He agrees. Jack then stretches his hand outward, "How about 'hands-in-the-middle?' Y'know, to seal the deal." He says. Hiccup smirks, "I think I have a better idea." He then picks up a piece of earth and then crushed it with his bending, revealing it in the shape of a small dragon.

"A sign of our trust through our abilities in which we shall help each other anyway we can." He states. Merida gets up then produces a small flame, "I'm in. My sword and bow are made for defense. Unless you push me." Merida states confidently. Rapunzel bends some water out of her pouch, forming a sphere, "Me too. All I want is to help people. And Jack, if you let me, I might be able to help in regaining your memories." Rapunzel says, a gleam in her eyes. Jack flips his hand over and makes a small tornado, "I'm in." He says.

Toothless nudges between Hiccup and Jack, giving a gummy smile. The others laugh and pet him, "Thanks bud. But don't think your going to be getting special treatment or anything. You've just been napping and receiving pets." He says. Toothless looks at him with a mischievous look, and then pounced on Hiccup licking his face. "Ew! Toothless! You know that doesn't wash out!" The brunette complains. The other three just laugh at the scene. "This is going to be fun." Jack says, a happy smile on his face.

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