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(This is inspired by a trailer I saw years ago. So I decided to do a one-shot of my own. Hope you enjoy!)

Merida was in the forest, hitting a tree over-and-over with her sword. She had a little 'disagreement' with her friends and was letting off steam. "AUGH! They think I have it easy?! They have no idea what my life is like!" She shouts. She, Jack, Hiccup, and Rapunzel had a conversation as to who had the toughest life and things got a little intense, (Merida getting fired up over having the 'most luxurious life).

After a few more swings, Merida slumps down on the tree she has sliced at for probably an hour. "Hiccup tells Jack how he doesn't know of responsibility and being a somewhat leader, Jack tells me it's not all fun and games, I tell Rapunzel being a princess is a lot more stressful than it looks, and she tells Hiccup to go with it." The red-head rants to herself. She then hears something approach her and looks to find it's her trusted steed Angus. "Sorry Angus. Well, we better get back." She says, getting on the stallion and heading out of the forest.

But little did she know, someone has been listening to her. A figure wearing a black cloak covering their body and the hood providing a shadow to hide their face. "So, a few friends who need a little understanding and insight, hmmm? Happy to comply." They said in a hollow voice.

Later, the moon high in the sky, the figure traveled in the shadows. First stop, Dunbroch castle. They enter Merida's room and see that the red-head is fast asleep. The put a little crystal on her nightstand and runs off. They repeat this with Rapunzel, Hiccup, and Jack, not once any of them stir, (although despite being a spirit, Jack can get exhausted and needs some rest every now and then). The figure returns back to the forest and lays on a branch, "And now, let the fun commence." They chuckle and soon fall asleep.

Time Skip: Morning

Something wasn't right. Jack remembers finding a nice tree and drifting off to sleep. But now he feels a blanket on him and something blowing in his face. He opens his eyes to find a large black dragon starring at him with large green eyes. "Toothless?" He becomes more awake at the sound of his voice. This was not his usual husky and charming tone, but more nasally and sarcastic. He gets up and trips, he looks down to find that he was wearing familiar clothes and a metal foot.

"What the-!" He says exclaims. He gets up and  finds a shield. Although a little dirty Jack can see his reflection, but it is not his reflection that stares back at him. Bright green eyes stare back instead of crystal blue. "Oh no." He says, "Oh no oh no oh no oh no. Oh No." he repeats touching his face, not believing in what he is seeing. He then feels a nudge behind him and looks back to find Toothless with a concerned look. "We need to find the others." He states.

When he and Toothless arrived at the forest, (where the little 'disagreement' happened), the others have arrived as well. And well, there was a lot of screaming. "What is happening!?!?!?" 'Merida' shouts. "I have no idea! And how did this happen!?!?" 'Rapunzel' screams. "Everyone, shut it!" 'Jack' yells, although he had a bit of an accent now.

"Okay. I never thought seeing myself would be this weird." Jack said. "Okay, okay. How about we make it clear of who is who. I'm Rapunzel in Merida's body." Rapunzel said, she was struggling a bit due to her new accent. "Okay. I am.....Hiccup. In....Rapunzel's body." Hiccup said, very uncomfortable with his predicament. "And I am Jack in Hiccup's body." Jack said, gesturing to himself. Which only meant, "And I am in Jack's body." Merida said, (she knew he was all about the cold, but this guy is a walking iceberg, she was freezing).

Toothless was getting a headache from all this confusion and lies down, (the poor boy). Hiccup went over to him, "I know, bud. This is all way too confusing." He said, rubbing the dragon's head. Toothless looks up at Hiccup and nuzzled him, "I know, bud. I know. Just get some rest." He says. The dragon complies and curls himself into a ball and falls asleep.

Hiccup got up then went to join the others. "How the Heck did this happen?!" Merida shouts, unknowingly starting a flurry. "Uh, you might want to calm down. My powers respond to my emotions sometimes." Jack tells her, still trying to get use 'his' metal foot. Merida looks around and sees snow falling, she close her eyes and takes a deep breathe. The snow then cease, "Sorry. It's just-" She felt a hand on her shoulder and look to find Rapunzel, (it's weird seeing your body but not being in it, right)?

"We know. But we won't get answers by shouting and getting at each other." She explains. "She's right." Hiccup agrees. "Okay everyone think. What happen yesterday that lead to this?" Jack asks. They got to thinking, but no one had a solid answer. "Well, after our little 'disagreement' I went into the woods to cool off and that's about it. I went home after." Merida says.

"But when I woke up, it was a bit of blur, but I saw something on the drawer next to the bed." Rapunzel says. "I saw something too before I fell off the branch I was on." Merida says, getting some looks, "Don't ask." She groans. "I saw something on the dresser when I woke up." Hiccup remembers. "I think it was some kind of crystal." He recalls. "I think it was a crystal too." Jack says.

"Maybe the crystals are what caused this?" Rapunzel says. "But where did those crystals come from?" Hiccup asks. "Maybe they could switch us back?" Merida guesses. "Maybe." Jack says. "Oh no. I just remembered. Mum has a full day of lessons for me today. And she'll drag by the ear if skip out on them again." Merida says. "And I have to help at the forge!" Hiccup remembers. "What are we gonna do?" Rapunzel asks.

"Maybe we could play each other?" Jack offers. "What?!" "Are you crazy?" "This will never work!" The others argue. "Look, if we can play the part and when we're done, we can grab the crystals and meet up at the end of the day." Jack explains. The others think this over and eventually agree. "Okay. No problem. Besides, I like learning something new." Rapunzel says. "And I could use a break." Hiccup adds. "If it means a day without all that stuck-up royalty stuff, then who am I to say no?" Merida smirks, twirling the staff but fumbles a little. Blushing in embarrassment as the others let out some laughs.

Everyone soon departed and went to try and make it through the day. All the while the figure watches in the shadows. Merida was excited to fly but had some trouble with getting the wind to cooperate. She ended up crashing into more trees than she intended. She stopped for a rest and some kids that were bored and decided to give them a snow day. But she ended up summoning a lot of snow and the kids were cold. Merida cringe at her failed attempt and blows away the snow but blew a little to strong.

Merida was getting frustrated but looked to find some snow falling and remembers Jack's words. She calms down and takes a moment to think. Jack is a Winter spirit and his powers are strong. She realizes that Jack is not just about fun but also ensuring that no one could get really hurt. She looks at the kids again and takes a deep breath. Closing her eyes and concentrating to create enough snow to play in. She hears laughter and opens her eyes to see a pile of snow that was enough for the kids to enjoy. She smiles and feels like her job is done. She feels the wind and has a much easier time flying, but she didn't notice one the kids see her. "Thank you, Jack Frost." The whisper.

Rapunzel was a little nervous but remained brave as she had lessons with Merida's mother, Queen Eleanor. She pretended to not be interested in the lesson to not be suspicious, but she was fascinated by all the knowledge she was learning. However, when it came to 'acting' like royalty, it was a bit more than she was asking for. Eleanor was strict. Always nitpicking at every little thing that was not 'lady-like.'

She was able to get a break and go to the stables. Angus was a good companion to have. Rapunzel realizes that Merida had it rough. She's staring to feel pretty bad at how Merida had to be all the things she's not. Angus senses her unease and comforts her. Rapunzel thanks him but then hears a loud crash and looks to find Merida's brothers running off, laughing as they have their arms full of their favorite dessert. She giggles a little than decides to embrace Merida's rebellious self. She rushes off and helps the boys avoid getting caught.

Hiccup felt a little lost. He looks to Pascal, but the little green reptile shrugs. Hiccup looks around the tower and decides to read a book. He finds one that catches his attention, it's about predators. He spends an hour reading it until her gets a little bored again. He tries to think of something to do until he hears some squeaking. He looks down and finds Pascal. The chameleon gestures for him to follow and walks off. Hiccup follows him and is lead to a small chest. Pascal uses his tail to poke at it and Hiccup gets on his knees and opens it to find Rapunzel's paint supplies. "Are you sure she won't mind?" He asks, a little unsure.

Pascal nods and Hiccup hesitates a bit before deciding to go with it. He tries to find some paper but he fees Pascal crawl onto his shoulder and sees him point to a place an the wall that wasn't painted on. Hiccup thinks for a moment then smiles determinedly. He grabs the paint supplies and starts painting. He couldn't reach a spot but then gets an idea and uses the long golden locks on his head to lift himself and continue painting. After a while, he wipes the sweat from his eyebrows and looks at the end result. "So, what do you think?" He asks Pascal. The small reptile gives an approving nod at Hiccup's painting. Him and all his friends with Toothless and Pascal even Angus.

Jack was nervous. He had know idea about blacksmithing. He almost died numerous times and gotten a few cuts, but still alive. Thankfully, Gobber gave him mercy and was given the rest of the day off. He felt a sensation in his stomach and realized he was hungry. He managed to swipe some bread and on the first bite, he felt like he missed out a lot on eating. But then when he arrived at Hiccup's house, Stoick decided to give him a lecture of when he becomes Chief. It was long and boring.

Finally, he was able to escape and went to the cove with Toothless. Sensing his stress, Toothless nuzzles him and Jack thanks him. He understands now that Hiccup has a lot of responsibility and that it requires a lot of work. He feels himself getting nudged and looks to see Toothless giving him a 'puppy-dog eyes' and looks up to the sky. Jack soon gets what he's trying to say and then smiles. Getting adjusting onto the saddle and clicking the prosthetic into place, the two take off to the sky. Jack lets out a shout in joy. He makes sure to keep Toothless balanced and enjoys the flight. Jack knew what it was like to fly but flying on a dragon was different. He closes his eyes and feels the wind through his hair. Letting all his worries fade away.

The sun was starting to set and everyone grabbed the crystals and met back at the meeting spot. "Okay. So, we should get back to normal right?" Rapunzel says. "That's pretty much it." Jack says. Everyone gathered together and held the crystals out and waited in silence, but started to feel a little awkward. "Hey." Hiccup speaks, getting everyone's attention. "I'm sorry for what I said." He apologizes to Rapunzel, "It must not be easy having to come up with something to do every single day." He says.

Rapunzel smiles thankfully. "Yeah. And I'm sorry too." She directs to Merida. "I didn't know how stressful it was be all the things you're expected to be." She apologizes. Merida nods, "Yeah. But it's not all that bad." She then looks to Jack, "I'm sorry, as well. Bringing fun is not at all as easy I thought." She apologizes sheepishly, remembering the snow hazard. Jack chuckles, "Yeah, how can you have fun if no one can have fun." He then directs to Hiccup. "Hey, uh, sorry for being harsh. It can be a lot to live up to something but you know how to have a break." He apologizes, and Toothless nudges him affectionately.

"Everyone has it rough. Just in their own ways." Merida says. The crystals then shine brightly and Toothless backs up as the light engulfs the four. Once it dies down, they had dropped the crystals and rubbed their eyes. They open and look at each other and then themselves. "I'm back!" Jack shouts. "I'm me!" Rapunzel exclaims happily. "Finally!" Merida states. "What a relief." Hiccup sighs. Toothless rumbles as he runs up to Hiccup and gives him a lick on the face. "Ew! Toothless!" The others laugh.

All the while unaware of the figure looking down at them. Smiling in approval, "My work here is done." And with that, they walk away.

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