Chapter 12: Shell in a Cell

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Nobody's POV:
A bell rang, starting a match within a wrestling arena. Two fighters ganged up against another one, defeating him as he was thrown into the judge's desk who grabbed her microphone.

(The judge known as Jessica Jaclyn!)

"Ooh, nasty team-up! But last one in the ring wins the championship! Who will it be, fans?" She asked as she pointing at the two wrestlers.

"The undefeated Ghostbear?" She begins, pointing to the wrestler with the white bear mask. "Or the invincible Annihilation?" The second one had facepaint and long blonde hair. They began to go at it, Y/N & the turtles watched the match from above on the scoreboard.

Leo and Raph were rolling around as Donnie & Mikey holding the slice of pizza in their hands. Y/N doesn't fully understand, what's going but, she continues to watch. Raph stood up, wearing a shirt that read 199-0.

"Go, Ghostbear!" He then ripped the shirt making it now say 200-0. "He's the greatest ever. He's gonna win number 200 tonight!" Raph said as Leo jumped onto his brother's back and into his shoulders with a sly smirk. "Buddy, come on. You know wrestling is bogus. They always pull their punches. Even I could beat Ghostbear" Leo said, then spat into his hands and rubbed them together.

"I call this one the Three Star Hurricane" Leo said and began smacking Raph's face, he started to be annoying. "You think Ghostbear can match these moves?" He asked, Raph looking annoyed as he tried to throw his brother off him. Y/N, Donnie and Mikey looked back at them.

"Oh, here we go" Donnie said in his muttered annoyed voice as Mikey and Y/N agreed with him. "Every time" Mikey said as Y/N hummed through her bamboo muzzle.

"You take that back, Leo! No one beats Ghostbear!" Raph said to him as Leo spat him a raspberry. As the two tumbled around Donnie went to reach for the last slice of pizza, only for Mikey to grab it first and eat it. Donnie stared at Mikey as he shook his head.

"Oh, you know what? That's fine, you can have it. I can have the next last piece of pizza" Donnie said to him. "Thanks Dee!" Mikey said as he thanked Donnie. Y/N saw the female judge held Ghostbear's hand, him left standing.

"Ghostbear is the last man in the ring. And when I raise his arm, he will officially be 200-0!" She said as she began raising his arm slowly. Raph laughed victoriously as he held Leo high in his arms. "Ha, told you, Leo!" Raph said as Leo rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. Ghostbear's just a chump in a costume" Leo said as he back-flipped while speaking. "I could beat him. I could beat any of them" Leo said until he back-flipped off the scoreboard and hovered in the air a bit before falling. This cause Raph & Y/N look down in horror.

"Leo!" Raph cried as Y/N hummed in worried for Leo, while he fell. "Avenge me!" Leo cried as Y/N watches him, falling on top of Ghostbear and ending up getting his arm raised by the judge. The crowd stopped cheering and gasped as they all looked at him in surprise, Leo's expression between nervous and fearful.

"People are gonna see him!" Mikey cried worriedly as Raph and Y/N stared down in fear while, Donnie looked to the others with a side smile. "Well, I hope Leo gets home okay. You guys ready to go?" Donnie asked as Raph & Mikey looked at him like he was crazy.

"And the mystery wrestler of the hour, erasing Ghostbear's flawless record, your new champion... Uh, this guy!" She said as she then placed the champion's belt on him, Leo glancing up at the crowd nervously as they stared at him. They broke out into cheers, bombarding Leo with camera flashes.

"All right" Leo said as he took a liking to this, as he began posing for the cameras dramatically. As he flexed out his non-existent muscles, the judge began speaking again.

"Wave goodbye to Ghostbear, fans." She said as Ghostbear was hauled away on a stretcher. "We'll be right back with more wrestling!" She said as a moment later the judge walked backstage with Leo.

"I don't know who you are, but in my league, we turn disaster into stone cold cash" She shut the door, then turned him around to shake his hand. "I'm Jessica Jaclyn. What do you go by, kid?" The judge, now known as Jessica, asked to Leo. Leo grinned at her, clearing his throat before speaking.

"Neon Leon" Unfortunately she frowned at him. "That's terrible. We're calling you Primetime now. Let's talk costumes" Jessica Jaclyn said as she slung an arm on Leo's shoulder as he nodded. "How married are you to this whole turtle situation?" Jessica Jaclyn asked as she led him to, where Ghostbear's room was.

Y/N was minding her own business as she was waiting for Raph, Donnie & Mikey to come back with Leo. Y/N saw Raph was super angry as he kicked down the door, revealing Leo wearing a wrestler's robe and sitting on a throne like a king.

Y/N was getting even more weird out of Leo as she remains quiet.

"Oh, dudes, this wrestling thing is out of control. You got to get on my team and get the trickle downs" Leo said to them as Y/N stared at him. "Dibs on-" "Dibs on hype man!" Mikey cut Donnie off, making the him eye twitch.

Y/N then decided to leave the room as she went explore the place, she was in. Y/N looked around until we heard the fight was going to began soon. Y/N went towards the sound of people cheering until she saw Raph, Leo, Donnie & Mikey were fighting against Ghostbear in the ring.

"Hey, your brother took my belt. Let me show you how I stole it in the first place" Ghostbear said as he held out a closed fist. "Peek-a-boo!" Ghostbear said as he opened it he blew a purplish powder into Raph's eyes, making them sting. He staggered back, clutching his eyes.

"Ah, hey, that's cheating!" Raph said as he cries in pain. "I said anything goes" Jessica said to them. Y/N started to get worried, what she's seeing.

"Hey, nobody does that to my brother! Except, my brother!" Leo said as he jumping off the cage wall and preparing to strike Ghostbear. Sadly the wrestler stepped out of the way as Leo hit the floor. Then Ghostbear grabbed the underwear Leo decided to wear and pulled it, hurting Leo as he fell to the floor holding his area. But before Ghostbear could reach the Leo, Raph slid into the way and looked up at his hero.

"You're supposed to be the greatest of all time. Not a dirty cheater!" Raph said but he was pushed out of the way again as the wrestler stared at him, while grinning. "Don't believe everything you see on TV, tortuga" Ghostbear said to Raph as he was was about to get Leo until Raph grabbed Ghostbear.

"Hey, I am so washing my face when I get home!" Raph said as Ghostbear leans back, causing Raph to hit the arena floor and get kicked by the wrestler near Leo. He glares as the rest look at him. "It's true, what they say. Never wrestle your heroes" Raph said as Y/N saw, how sad & angry he is.

"Eh, I still think I'd whoop Galileo's butt" Donnie said until Ghostbear grabs Leo, who grabs Raph. "Do something!" Leo said as cries out to the rest of the group. The wrestler holds them up as he laughs.

"Time to take you tortugas for a spin!" As he says that he begins spinning them, making him fly into the air. Ghostbear was about to slam Raph & Leo to the ground until Y/N came onto the ring and send a bloody kick into his stomach. Ghostbear let out a cry of pain as he hits against the floor.

Raph, Leo, Donnie & Mikey gasp in shock to see Y/N, who was glaring dangerously at Ghostbear.

"We just have a new wrestler in our ring, people! A new fighter!!" Jessica said as people cheered loudly, while Y/N growled in anger. "Umm... I don't think, Y/N is okay... she looks really angry" Mikey said as started at get worried for Y/N.

"I don't know, who you are. But, your going to pay for this" Ghostbear said to Y/N as he glared her in anger. "Y/N! Wait-!" Raph was cut off as Y/N started to fight Ghostbear. Y/N started to lose control as she was getting more dangerously.

Ghostbear tried to attack Y/N but, she dodged his attacks early, he slowly started to have fear as he couldn't block her attack until she sends a kick at his left arm and a sickening cracking sounds was heard. Ghostbear screamed in pain & terror as Y/N just broke his bloody arm, while he couldn't move his arm.

Raph, Leo, Donnie & Mikey were horrified, what they just saw. The people around the ring, I think it was apart the show along with Jessica too.

Y/N was about to hurt Ghostbear until Donnie quickly use his tranquiliser gun to knock out her. When tranquiliser hits her, she was knocked out as she was fast to sleep. Raph, Leo & Mikey quickly tackle Ghostbear to the ground as the three of them pinned him down.

"Give me a three count, Dee!" Mikey said to Donnie as he began to count down. "One, two-" But they were stopped as a third hand placed itself on the wrestler's head, revealing to be Jessica.

"Three! And in another surprising twist, the winner is... me!" She exclaimed loudly as she placed the belt on herself, the crowd loving it. As the others tried to get Leo and Raph out, the red masked leader was upset.

"What? That's not fair!" Raph said as Leo however laughed. "But these out-of-left-field twists make wrestling the best!" Leo said as they got them out, they quickly got Y/N and left the stadium.

The four ninja turtles were back at secret lair, while they couldn't stop thinking of... Y/N was slowly losing control. They started to worried for Y/N's wellbeing.

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Hey, guys! 👋🏽✨
reeyzuu just draw a fanart of Y/N (As Nezuko's Twin Sister) & Donnie!

Please, go support and follow reeyzuu! of their amazing art drawing!!

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