Chapter 13: Minotaur Maze

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Nobody's POV:
They were on a roof, while Y/N was watch the ninja turtles testing out their weapons as Mikey leaped at Raph as he blocked with his Tonfas.

"Oh, yeah! Check this out. Power-fun-jitsu!" Mikey said as he began spinning his Kusari Fundo, a tornado of fire creating. Y/N hummed in amazement as she watched it enveloped around Raph. "Not bad, not bad. But check out these puppies. Tonfa-power-jitsu!" Raph said as he destroyed the tornado with his weapons, making an aura of fists appear. Y/N & other three turtles watched in amazement until Leo pushed him aside.

"If you guys want to see some real skill, look right here. I'm going to make a portal to New Jersey" Leo said as he then proceeded to pose some moves before drawing a circle with the Odachi, a ring of blue light appearing before it vanished immediately. Leo frowns.

"Come on, power-portal-jitsu" Leo said as he tried to make a portal with his katana but, again it vanished as soon as it was made. He groans out and tries it for a third time with a couple of swings. It was third times the charm since the portal was finally created, sadly the size was lacking. Mikey looked amazed as Raph chuckled at the small portal.

"That's not going to get you across the street, let alone to Jersey" Raph said as Y/N stared at the portal with amazement, Leo made. "Okay, but... See, it's practical, which makes it better" Leo said as he stuck his hand in & scratch his back.

"Hey, Donnie? What are you doing, bud?" Mikey asked as Y/N turns to Donnie. "Well, while you guys took flashier items from Draxum, I, on brand, took a more cerebral one" Donnie said as he was messing with his goggles and the purple crystal, he took from Draxum's lab.

"See, this crystal, combined with the elements-" "Get to the point" Leo said to his brother as he interrupted him, while getting bored too. Donnie glared at Leo as he placed the crystal into his goggles.

"At least Y/N listen to me..." Donnie said to himself as he quickly got to the point. "Now, I can see all the mystic energy hidden around New York. You're welcome, and thank you" Donnie said as he adjusted so the goggles were over his eyes.

"Whoa, that's awesome" Raph said as Y/N hummed happily at Donnie from his amazement skills. Donnie blushed a little from Y/N humming happily at him. "Hey, how about that laundromat?" Raph asked as Donnie looks to where his older brother is pointing as the rest, including Y/N, join to look.

"It looks like a laundromat" Donnie said as he lifts the goggles up. Then something or someone catches his eye. "But, what do we have over here?" Donnie said as Y/N saw what Donnie was looking at, it was a sweet old lady pushing a cart full of items.

"Whoa, underneath that old lady's skin is some sort of fire mutant thing" Donnie said to Y/N & his three brothers. They watched her look around a bit then make a strange gesture with her hand at some graffiti. Her hand lit on fire for a second before she disappeared into the wall.

"She just disappeared into that wall!" Mikey said as Donnie messes with the lens as he looks closer. "I believe she went into some sort of cool, mystic pizza place" Donnie said as he was about to slapped Leo's hand away as he tried to grab his stuff but, Y/N placed her head in Leo's hand as she asked for head pats.

Leo blushed of Y/N as he gave her head pats, causing Donnie to be annoyed & jealous of Leo.

"Pizza! Guys, my blood shuggies are getting low. I need to eat, bad" Mikey said as  he rubbed his stomach in hunger. "Hmmm" Y/N hummed to him as she pats Mikey's head.

They all jumped down as Raph help Y/N by letting her ride on his back. They landed in front of the graffiti wall as Raph was gonna copy, what the lady did but Leo stopped him as he slid in front of him.

"Step aside, let's put the prettiest face first" Leo said to Raph as Y/N stands next to Mikey. "I don't think that's a good idea" Raph said to Leo as Y/N was watching.

"Why? If anyone's gonna get us inside, it's me" Leo said as he did what the lady did but the skull only stick its tongue out & blew a raspberry at him. They looked at Leo at his efforts as Raph let out a short chuckle.

"Nice try, pretty boy" Raph said as he pushed Leo aside lightly and, he did the hand gesture this time which worked as the portal opens. Y/N was the first one to go in, causing the four ninja turtles to react. "Y/N! Wait!" Raph said aa he, Donnie & Mikey quickly followed her.

They all jumped inside. They all admired the look of the place. Mutants of all kinds were sitting at tables while other mutants wore waiter/waitress outfits and served food.

Y/N hummed in amazement as it was beautiful, Raph then picked up Donnie and Mikey as he whispered to them.

"All right, all right. Everybody be cool. This is our first time in a classy restaurant, uh, establishment" Raph said to them until they heard Leo's voice behind them.

"Hey, guys, this wall is definitely broken" Leo said as his head through the portal, but the rest of his body was still outside. Y/N came to Leo and pulled him inside the restaurant. Raph glanced around as he spotted a table. "Hm, a table. What do we do?" Raph asked as Y/N was looking around the place.

"Okay, be cool. I think we just sit at it, and ask for stuff" Donnie said as Mikey look between nervousness and uncertainty. "Uh, like regular people?" Mikey said as Y/N was about to wonder off but, Raph quickly grabbed her hand & takes her towards the table as Donnie & Mikey quickly followed them.

"I think, here. We are regular" Donnie said as Y/N was minding her own business, she realised, Leo was not with them as she looked around for him. "Sweet salvation" Mikey said as he was about to take a bite of his pizza until Leo slapped out of his hand and landed on another mutant's head, which they ate the pizza.

"My salvation!" Mikey said as he cried in anguish. "No, what are you doing? Don't eat that run of the mill garbage, when you can have the world's greatest pizza" Leo said as Y/N & the other three turtles followed him to the maze's entrance. Y/N saw a Yokai skeleton, who's name is Senior Hueso.

"Oh, please, every place in New York claims to have the world's greatest pizza" Donnie said as he rolled his eyes at his twin brother, while Raph was patting Mikey's head as he sulked about the loss of his food. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, but this pizza's behind a velvet rope. Velvet rope, guys. Velvet rope-" Leo said until Hueso smacked him with his arm because he got too close.

"You know that means quality" Leo said to his three brothers, while Y/N stared at the red hand mark that felt on Leo's face by Hueso. Y/N & the four ninja turtles entered the maze's entrance together as the way out closed behind us. "Hey, Leo, what is this place? I thought you said we were getting pizza" Raph said as he looked around suspiciously. Y/N stands next to Leo as she saw the maze in front of them, that resembled a giant pizza.

"It's nothing, we've just got to solve an easy, straightforward maze first" Leo said as Raph, Donnie & Mikey looked confused. "Wait, what? I didn't sign up for a pre-meal maze" Raph said to Leo as Mikey nodded & rubbed his stomach, which Y/N heard growl slightly.

"Yeah, this looks pretty hard. My tumbus wants easy food" He said, looking down as he was hungry. "Don't worry, just follow me. Onwards, boys" Leo said as he began leading them into the maze.

"Guys, trust me, it's this way" Leo said as Y/N started feel something is wrong here until the five of them heard something strange. "That's not my tum-tum, mm-mm" Mikey said in confusion.

"That, no-no, that's the sound of baking. We must be close" Leo said as he began running, while Y/N & the other three turtles followed him. "Wow, look at this. They make the pizza right in front of you" Leo said as Y/N & the others saw living pizza-making equipment working on a pizza. Cheese graters, pizza cutters, rolling pin, even a living oven.

Y/N's eyes immediately changed as she could feel the danger, while she was glaring at the living equipment.

"Can we get five extra larges? One meat lovers, one definitely not hawaiian. Okay, how does everyone feel about olives?" Leo asked as the living equipment didn't look happy at them.

"Uh, looks like they hate olives" Mikey said until the living equipment starting to attack them with the intent of ending them. "Okay, okay, we don't need olives" Leo said as he blocked an direct attack from the pizza cutter. Y/N quickly send a powerful kick at the pizza cutter as she managed to destroy it.

Mikey tried to get away but, the rolling pins got him as Y/N quickly went to save Mikey. Raph was going up against the cheese grater, punching it a couple of times but, only his direct attacks did nothing, and he narrowly dodged the attack from the grater's arm as it only got the tips of his mask tails.

"Whoa! Nice try, shredhead." Raph said as he then pulled out his Tonfas. "Time for my mystic-punch-jitsu!" Raph said as he began to use his powers. Leo saw this as Raph could activate his weapon, Leo quickly jumped in front of him.

"No mystic powers!" Leo said to him as Raph was surprised. "No mystic powers?" Raph said in shocked until he was then knocked down by the grater and tried to get it off him. Before it could hurt Raph. It was sliced by Leo, who came in the nick of time. Raph got up, then they heard Donnie cry out.

The oven was trying to devour him, the flames close to burning him. Y/N quickly save Donnie in time as she pulls him away from The oven, while Raph stopped it by throwing it at the rolling pin that was tried to attack Mikey, defeating the last of the living equipment. Then Raph was now seriously suspicious as he turned to Leo, while Y/N was checking on Donnie & Mikey for injuries.

"What's up with this maze, Leo? I almost got my cheeks grated." Raph asked to Leo as he began to approach him. Leo's eyes widened in joy as he looked ahead. The five of them saw the statue of the minotaur, which was the end of the maze. He pointed towards the statue. "Relax, we just solved it. The pizza is just over-! Oh, no, it's closing!" Leo said as the walls began closing the way to the statue.

"Oh, come on!" Leo said as he cried in anguish as Raph walked up to him, while Y/N was next to him. "Now, why can't I just use my Power Punch and take down this wall?" Raph asked to Leo as he was clearly confused and annoyed, while Y/N remains quiet.

"Funny story but I may have left one thing out. The only rule in the Maze of Death is no mystic powers" Leo said to Raph with a nervous expression. "The maze of what now?" Raph asked in confusion as Y/N tilted her head in confusion as well.

"Okay, I may have left a couple things out..." Leo said until the walls began to close in, making the space around them smaller and smaller. Then one wall had spikes pop out and the other spewed flames. Donnie and Mikey quickly to get out of the way from the danger. "Uh, guys?" Donnie said as he tried to get their attention.

"Not now, Donnie! What's going on here, Leo?" Raph asked to Leo, while Mikey and Donnie were dealing with a small flame on Mikey's head. "Nothing, we're just here to get pizza. And to get my photo on the wall of champions" Leo said as he mumbled the last part quickly.

"A-ha! I knew we weren't here for the pizza. You just wanted to come here so you could get your picture on the wall. To prove you're the best at something" Raph said to Leo as Y/N was watching. "That's what I just said" Leo said to Leo.

"Don't try to deny it, Leo. I got you" Raph said as Y/N huffed from their arguing. "I'm not trying to deny it" Leo said to Raph in a little bit annoyed.

"We're trapped, how are we going to get out of here?" Leo asked in fearfully as the walls almost upon them. "Make a portal!" Raph, Donnie & Mikey said to Leo as he looked at them with slight hesitation.

"I can't, it's against the rules. I'll never get my picture on the wall of champions" Leo said to them as Y/N watching them. "Who cares about a picture when we're gonna be crushed? Not to mention that Aisha is not in the state of mind right now!" Raph said as he avoided the fire even, protecting Y/N too.

"Fine" Leo said as he tried to create a portal but it didn't work, he tried it a bunch more times but it failed. "I can't do it. I got no mystic mojo. I'm useless" Leo said as Y/N's eyes widen, while she had memories of her past memories of her Father.

*Flashback In Her Memory*
"Y/N. You don't need to help me. You should help your Mother"

"But, Dad... you're sick. I can't leave you like this. I need to take care of you"

"Y/N. You don't need to worry about my health. Don't feel guilty or ashamed of this. You should help the others around you"


"No but, Y/N. I think about people, who are thinking about themself, 'they're useless'. Help them & protect them. Do you understand, Y/N"

"Yes, Dad. I understand"
*Flashback Ended*

Y/N's eyes changed into her Demon eyes as she came towards Leo until she grabs a hold of the blade with both of her hands. This cause Y/N to bleed as her blood was all over Leo's katana.

"Y/N!? What are you-!?" Leo was cut off by Y/N, who used her blood demon art. Leo's blade was covered in the pink fire flames.

Leo was shocked of this along with Raph, Donnie & Mikey too. He quickly swing his katana until it finally worked as a large pink flame portal appeared.

"I did it! Oh, I really am the best at-" Leo said as he could finish until everyone pushed inside the portal, escaping the trap. The four ninja turtles fell from the portal and landed on the ground. Leo growled in pain until he realised where they are.

"Are we... We're at the center of the maze" Leo said as he quickly ran up to grab the pizza box in his hands. "We got the pizza!" Leo said as Raph, Donnie & Mikey cheering for their victory.

"I am the champion!" Leo said in joy until the minotaur statue's head turning his way. "Cheaters! Who dares to try and eat my pizza without the strict customer agreement?" A female voice said to them.

"That cannot be good" Donnie said worriedly until giant vines shot out from the statue, reaching out for the four ninja turtles. "You can't escape me!" The female voice said as Mikey try and fight back against the vines, only for the ground underneath him to glow and launch him upward on a pillar.

"I am the assistant manager of this maze, and the maze does what I want, pending corporate approval" The female voice said as the vines grabbed a hold of him, Donnie, Leo & Raph. "Run. You cut up my maze. You cheated. Now, you will all pay!" She shouts at them as her hand points at the sky and a giant hand of fire is created.

"Wait! I'm the one who cheated. I created the portal to save my friend and brothers. Punish me, their champion" Leo said to the "Yes, punish him!" Raph, Donnie & Mikey said as Leo's face frowning at his three brothers.

"You all tried to cheat me out of my world's greatest 'za!" She said in anger as her anger was rising. "How can you call it the world's greatest? How do you know we haven't had better?" Leo said as this caught her attention as the fire dissipated and she crossed her arms.

"What do you mean better? You're not talking about Famous Minotaur Pizza on 19th, are you?" She asked as she narrowed her eyes at them. Leo glanced around, while he was confused until he had an idea as he smiled. "Oh, man. You talking about FMP on 19? Oh, I love that place." Leo said as he was squeezed a bit before the vines lowered him & his three brothers down to the ground.

"That garbage those idiots call pizza? Wait until you try mine!" She said as she took the pizza box from a vine and opened it, revealing the pizza to them. The four ninja turtles admired it before, the vines shoved slices into their mouths. "This pizza is good" Mikey said happily.

"Best you've ever had?" She asked with a smirk as they nodded. Then the four ninja turtles realised something, Y/N was not with them. "Umm... Guys? Where's Y/N? Was she not with us, when we went through the portal??" Donnie asked in confusion as everyone looked around until they panicked in fear.

"Omigosh! Y/N is still in the Maze Death!!" Mikey said in terror as Raph, Donnie & Leo were horrified. "We need to sav-!" Raph was cut off by the walls open to reveal Y/N, who was okay. Even, she doesn't have a single scratch on her too.

"Y/N!!" Raph, Leo, Donnie & Mikey hugged her as they were so happy, she was okay and alive as well. "Your okay! Even, your not injured or hurt too!" Leo said as he was so glad Y/N was alive, while the Minotaur lady stared at Y/N in shocked.

"I can't believe it... You went through my Maze with out cheating. Not only that, you just broken a time record of running through my Maze as well" She said as the four ninja turtles were shocked, what they heard. "Huh?? Y/N just broken a time record of running through the Maze of Death!?" Donnie said as Y/N tilted her head in confusion.

"Wait... does that mean..." Leo asked to them. "Yep. She's a champion, alright" the Minotaur lady said as she chuckled at this. "So..? where do we go to get our picture taken on the wall of champions? Because I want to make sure they capture my good side" Leo asked as the Minotaur lady stared at them.

"Wrong wall" Minotaur lady said until she taken their pictures for the wall of cheaters.

"This is so embarrassing..." Leo said to himself as Raph, Donnie & Mikey rolled their eyes at him. "I still can't believe Y/N became the Champion for broken a time record" Mikey said as he & his brothers were eating the pizza slice because Y/N can't eat pizza.

"Yeah, but I'm actually happy Y/N asked the her to let us to be apart of photo so we could be on the wall of champions" Leo said to them happy of this as Y/N hummed happily at them, while giving Leo a hug.

In the wall of Champions.
There's was Y/N with the four ninja turtles in the photo as they were on the wall of champions. Y/N was a real champion for broken a time record for running through the Maze of Death.


"Hmm! Hmmm!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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