Chapter 16: Mascot Melee

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Nobody's POV:
"What's the word? Am I clear?" Raph asked as he looked out from somewhere. A telescope rose up as it viewed around before Leo's voice rang out as he, Mikey, Donnie, and Y/N sat inside the turtle tank.

"Looks bueno from here. You are a go for Operation Let's Hope Raph Comes Back Alive" Leo said as Y/N was sitting on floor, while she was humming to herself. "Would you stop calling it that" Raph said to Leo.

"A first-ever exploratory expedition in daylight! They are gonna name sewers after you, pal" Donnie said to his older brother, who was revealed to be wearing a familiar looking hippo costume, surrounded by a large crowd. "I fit right in with the mascots. This hippo suit works great in Times Square" Raph said as he replied back to his brother.

"Totally, but for the record, I still think my trench coat idea would've worked" Mikey said as Leo zoomed in on Raph until he found the store across the way. "Ho-ho, there's the store" Leo said as Y/N was in her small form.

"Go get Splinter's birthday gift! Our eyes depend on it! Even, we don't want Y/N to experience this!" Mikey said with a nervous look.

Leo, Donnie, Mikey, Raph & Y/N were just watching Jupiter Jim movie, then Master Splinter came into the living room.

"Time, Today's training!" Master Splinter said as Leo turns to Splinter until he become horrible, what he saw.

He became horrified along with Donnie, Mikey & Raph to see Splinter's ragged and disgusting looking robe, while Y/N didn't see yet.

"There's little bit draughty..." Master Splinter said as he was scratching his butt. Leo, Donnie, Mikey & Raph were disgusted, what they're seeing.

Raph: "Oh, no!"

Mikey: "My eyes!!"

Donnie: "That mole is growing, a mole..."

"We gotta get him a new robe" Leo said to his three brothers as Y/N was still watching the Jupiter Jim movie. "Who's up for jumping jacks?" Master Splinter said as he started to do jumping jacks. Leo, Donnie, Mikey & Raph scream in horror as Master Splinter traumatized them.

Y/N was about to turn and look to see, what made the four ninja turtles scream in horror until Donnie & Raph stopped her from looking by forcing her head to look away so she doesn't get traumatised.

"DON'T LOOK Y/N! DON'T LOOK!!" Mikey said to Y/N as he and the other turtles doesn't want her to witness the horrifying sight.
{Flashback Ending}

"Steady as she goes" Leo said to Raph calmly, as he walked looking nervous through his costume. "Old man on your right" Leo said

"Kid on your left! He's got peanut butter ice cream" Leo said to him as Raph grunted and froze, while Leo zoomed in on the small child. Donnie's eyes widened in shock. "Oh no, your allergies! Evasive maneuver! Evasive maneuver!" Donnie said to Raph as he get away from the kid and continue his way to the store.

"Close one. Aw man, this is crazy cool. First turtle ever to skate through a crowd totally unnoticed, and his name is Raph" Raph said as he placing his hands on his hips, then raising a finger to himself. Then a beep sounded in the tank, getting everyone's attention. "Video text from April" Donnie said said as Mikey opened the message with his toe.

When the message opened it showed a small gif of a hippo with a 80's version of Raph's head pooping cookies with rainbows. Y/N tilted her head in confusion as she didn't understand it at all, while Leo, Donnie & Mikey were excited to see this gif.

"April's memes are so lit!" Mikey said with a smile as they watched the video gif. "You know, I bet you would think I wouldn't like cookies coming out of butts, but it turns out I do" Donnie said as Y/N doesn't understand them.

Then Raph accidentally bumped into a strange looking mascot wearing a blue jacket with a red beard. "Sorry!" Raph said to them as the mascot nodded at him, then left. Raph watched him leave as he mumbled. "Uh, my bad?" Raph said as the mascot left until Leo spoke through the com.

"You got this, bud. Now go get that robe. Our night terrors end today" Leo said to him as Raph continued his quest, the store just up ahead. "Yes. What? No, no no!" Raph said as he began to panic, when both pockets revealed to be empty.

"My wallet? My wallet!" Raph said to himself as he then began to panic slightly, looking around the crowd. "Uh, excuse me? Have you seen my wallet? There's a skull on it and a Teddy Bear Town Frequent Buyer Card inside" Raph asked the people around, this soon got everyone in the turtle tank's attention.

"Did he just say he lost his wallet?" Donnie asked with a raised brow as Raph was quick to deny his Donnie's question, but he asked the question again but, in a more quiet voice. "Have you seen my lost money?" Raph asked to a random person, this causes the three brothers to be upset.

"You did lose it" Donnie said as Mikey looked worried. Leo leaned into the com with a stern look. "Well, you better find it" Leo said as Y/N hummed worriedly for Raph

"Stop talking. Stop talking!" Raph yelled out as he ran and ran into a larger man hunched over. In slow motion he fell to the ground as his costume mask fell off, revealing himself to the crowd. The entire crowd gasped as they turned to him.

"Start the tank! Start the tank!" Mikey said, extremely worried for his older brother. Raph began to panic, stuttering and stammering. Then the woman, who was holding a baby to smile down at him after a second passed. "Your costume, it's great. You're the turtle-potamus meme, right?" Raph looked confused at the woman.

"What meme? I mean yes, meme. Yes, meme! Uh, yes, that meme" Raph said as he began to play along, while he stood up. "Which meme now?" Raph asked as the entire crowd pointed up at the jumbotron that showed the very video April had sent to the group in the tank playing. The snapping turtle's face morphed into a smile.

"Yes! Uh, I'm that" Raph said as he was not wanting to blow his cover as he placed his hands on his hips. "There's nothing else in the world I could possibly be" He said as Leo, Donnie & Mikey in the tank sighed out, while they were so glad the cover was not blown. Y/N on the other hand, she was getting tired and wanted to go home soon.

Y/N was waiting inside the turtle tank as she can't come outside because the Sun is still out in the sky. Y/N was getting bored until she started to hear people's screaming.

"Hmmm?" Y/N hummed in confusion through her bamboo muscle. She opens the door of the turtle tank as she saw people running away in fear until she saw disgusting mutant bugs as they were wearing mascot clothes.

Y/N didn't know what's going on but she knew, they were bad guys. She wanted to help them but, she couldn't because the Sun was getting in the way. Plus, she couldn't use her blood demon art on those bad guys as they were far from her.

Y/N saw one of those mutant bugs was stealing their money until Raph managed to stop him from getting away as he punched them. With the mutants defeated, Raph held up the hippo head with their money triumphantly.

"Boom! Thank you, Times Square" Raph said proudly as Y/N cheered happily for them. They bought the new robe. When they returned to the lair as Raph passed the presented their father let out a small aw at the gesture.

"Aw, what is this?" Master Splinter asked as he opened the box to see a brand new brown robe inside. Master Splinter smiled as he looked up at his four sons. "My sons and Y/N, you honor me" Master Splinter said as he rubbed the fabric against his cheek.

"The silky smoothness against my fur, unparalleled. It is really exquisite" Master Splinter said as all four brothers smiled, happy that Splinter loved his new robe. Y/N also hummed happily as well too.

"I will save it only for the most special occasions" Splinter said as they all gaped at him in shocked & confusion. "What?" They all said as Splinter put it aside as he turned to them.

"Now, who's up for training?" Splinter asked as he turned on the projector to show a Lou Jitsu movie. "As luck would have it, I'm already wearing my jumping jacks robe" Master Splinter said as he spun around, shaking his rear. However no one wanted to see that as the turtles grew horrified faces.

"My eyes!" Mikey cried out in pure horror, hugging his brother. This was something that would scar them for eternity.

Lucky for Y/N, Leo saved her from seeing this horrified scene by covering her eyes up, while she was confused on, what's going on.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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