18 - Saved

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Tom was startled awake by possibly the loudest sound he had ever heard. His ear rung, and he shook his head rapidly, trying to clear it of drowsiness. Rubbing his eyes, Tom sat up and swung his legs over the side of his bed. He grabbed his coat, shrugging it over his shoulders in a hurry. The staff here still hadn't returned his shoes. Ah well. He could always get a new pair. Whatever was happening, he needed to be prepared. There was the sound of people rushing down the hallway outside his door, and then someone was tugging at the doorknob. Tom blinked as the door slammed open, two familiar figures rushing inside. The first was wearing a bright yellow mask, with black crosses over the eyes. The second figure wore a penguin costume, and also hid his face with a mask. Tom knew exactly who they were. The Modesteps. His 'pseudo brothers' as they called him.

"Tom!" Josh called out, leaping forwards to wrap his arms around Tom's neck, hugging him tightly. The calmer brother, Tony, also walked over, ruffling Tom's hair.

"Thought we'd find you in the dungeons mate." Tom chuckled slightly at that, squirming out of Josh's grip.

"Nah. Ianite said that she wouldn't do anything unless I started being an asshole." Tom said, a small smile on his face. He hadn't realized how much he had actually missed Josh and Tony, however annoying they could be.

"Aw, that's boring!" Josh replied, before he reached into the large bag Tom hadn't realized that he was carrying, and pulled out a short blade. He tossed it to Tom, who carefully caught it an unsheathed it. "Dianite said that the Dianite sword was at his temple. He also told me to tell you that it was smart of you to not have it with you when you got caught." Tom beamed, knowing how rare it was for Dianite to praise anybody.

"Alright, let's get out of here." Tom followed Tony and Josh out of the room. The two brothers flanked him, warily scanning the hallways they quickly walked through. It was 'security reasons' they said. 'Couldn't lose the champion a second time', they said. The trio made their way through the winding hallways, Josh and Tony somehow knowing the exact path they were supposed to take. When he asked them about it, all he got were some sly smiles and a wink from Tony.

"Trade secrets." Tony replied, smirking as Tom rolled his eyes exaggeratedly. There was the sound of hurried footsteps, and a familiar face popped up from behind the corner, sword drawn. His green eyes widened at the sight of Tom, and his mouth hung open in an 'o' shape. It was the Skipper, or 'Rupert' as Katherine had called him. Huh, Tom thought. Funny seeing him here and not with Katherine. Tony and Josh drew their blades stepping protectively in front of Tom.

"What the hell?" Rupert asked, giving the Modesteps a weird look. Suddenly, Josh lunged forwards, his blade being intercepted by Rupert's. Tony, moving faster that Tom had ever seen him, darted forwards and tried to slice down Rupert's arm, only to be parried. The three men's blades clashed together, some sparks flying off of them. Tom was back a few feet, watching the scuffle play out. If he was far enough away, he could run if Tony and Josh were defeated. He was also able to stay out of harm's way. Tom didn't want Tony or Josh to be punished because one of their swords accidentally nicked him.

Working together, Josh was able to get most of Rupert's attention with a couple of quick swings that forced Rupert to focus on him. Meanwhile Tony quickly kicked the back of Rupert's knee, sending him crashing to the floor. Before Rupert could react, Josh pressed his blade to Rupert's neck, digging in slightly and making Rupert wince.

"Drop your sword." Tony commanded, watching as Rupert let his sword clatter to the floor. Eyes darting between them, Rupert nervously spoke.

"Alright. You've beaten me. Now what?" Rupert warily asked, watching Josh's face.

"Oh, it's not us who want you, Rupert Delaney." Tony said, a mocking tone in his voice. Tom blinked, confused. Someone wanted Rupert? Why? Rupert seemed to have the same feelings as Tom, and noticed his confused face.

"We're not capturing him, right?" Tom asked, fearing what the answer would be. When Tony gave him a pointed look he raised his hands in the air, gesturing as he spoke. "Look, I didn't know that this was supposed to even happen!" He cried out, watching Rupert slowly understand. Josh and Tony had some other agenda besides saving Tom, and he was a part of it.

"Dianite has sent out a bounty for your capture." Tony smirked. Rupert's face drained of colour, and Tom felt his stomach drop. Why did Dianite want Rupert of all people? "He told us that he wants to hurt your precious sister. Ianite's favourite captain." Tom gaped at them, in shock. One, Dianite wanted Rupert to hurt Katherine. That was too painful to even think of. Two, Rupert and Katherine were siblings? Oh gods, Rupert was going to kill him if he found out about him making moves on Jordan.

"Dianite sends his regards." Josh sneered, before he hit Rupert over the head with the hilt of his sword, causing Rupert to pass out. Before he fell to unconsciousness, Tom saw the fear in Rupert's eyes. He felt bad for the guy. Being on Dianite's shit-list was not fun for anyone. Tony was able to catch Rupert before he hit the ground, waiting as Josh tossed a bundle of rope out of his bag. They quickly tied Rupert up, and Tony slung him over his shoulder.

"C'mon, Tom. We've gotta go." Tom blinked as a sudden though flew into his head. This was it. This was probably the last time in his life that he would be able to talk to or see Jordan and Katherine. At least he had already told Jordan how he felt, Katherine, however, was another story. With that, his mind was made up. He needed to find her, consequences be damned. This was much to important.

"I.... I need to do something first. Where are you gonna be?" Tom's eyes were wide, his palms sweaty. He needed to tell Katherine in person, or he would never forgive himself for not taking the chance to kiss her. Josh sighed.

"Alright. Just be quick about it, 'kay? I don't want to lose you again." Josh said, a surprising tone of genuine feeling in his voice. Tom nodded, and Josh quickly explained to him directions to get to the small cart they would be taking. Ugh, more travelling.

"Alright, I've got it. See you guys later?" Tom said as he stepped back a few feet, beginning to make his way back to his cell and to where he hopefully though Katherine would be.

"Man, if you don't make it out with us, Dianite's gonna beat your ass!" Tony called out as they parted. Tom sucked in a breath, knowing that Tony's choice of words was unintentional, and he didn't actually mean them. He continued making his way through the temple. If Katherine was going to be anywhere, she would probably be near the source of the explosion.

(y'all have no idea how many times I accidentally put Jordan instead of Josh lol)

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