17 - Negotiations

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Thousands of people lined the streets in silence, watching as Dianite and a small group of soldiers made their way to Ianite's temple. The group was merely six, and yet they had silenced a crowd thousands strong. Dressed in shining silver armour, the soldiers all carried dark red banners. All of them rode on horses, except for Dianite, who merely floated in between them, a smirk on his face. Ianite watched the group from her temple, a frown on her face. She knew exactly why Dianite was parading around and not teleporting to the temple instead. He wanted to make a scene. Well, she would let him have his fun, and then the real task would begin. Ianite was worried about the meeting that Katherine was going to have most of all. She still couldn't wrap her head around why Dianite wanted to meet with Katherine of all people. The most noteworthy thing about her (sorry Katherine) was her status as the head of Ianite's most esteemed pirate ship, really the best ship in Ianite's navy. Ianite sighed and turned her back to the window. It was best to let Dianite flaunt his soldiers around and parade up and down the streets than to teleport to him and demand that he enters the temple. No, that would only make matters worse.


"Sister dearest!" Dianite swung his arms out, a shit-eating grin on his face. Ianite merely nodded to him, watching as Dianite made a show of seeming to be disappointed. "Aw, why the coldness, sister? And here I was thinking that we were going to have a tearful sibling reunion!" Dianite's voice dripped in mockery, and Ianite raised her head defiantly. "Alright, aright. I'll play nice." The unspoken 'for now' hung in the air, and Ianite gritted her teeth. Why couldn't Mianite be here, so that he could take the brunt of the attention? Those two were always squabbling about something or other.

"Come. We have much to discuss." Ianite said, extending her hand. He grabbed it, and Ianite teleported the two to her office, where Dianite quickly let go of her hand. She turned to face him, crossing her arms over her chest. "This is my office. We'll be spending most of our time here." She watches as Dianite looks around, nodding thoughtfully.

"A little overdone on the purple, but I like it." He straightened, and looked back at Ianite. 'If it will work for you, I'd like to see my champion. To make sure that he's in one piece?" Ianite sighed and nodded, and teleported the two of them to Tom's room. The man himself was asleep, curled up underneath the blankets.

"He's been staying in here for the last couple of days." Ianite said quietly, as Tom slept. Dianite nodded. It was much nicer than her champion would have got had he been captured by Dianite. "He's been... Sleeping poorly at night. I've heard the guards talking about him crying out in his sleep." Ianite confided. It didn't hurt to let Dianite know about his champion's mental health. If he was like anyone else, he would try and help his champion. Tom was becoming dear to her, and she wanted to protect him. Dianite didn't deserve the impressive loyalty that Tom had for him.

"Noted." Dianite murmured, watching Tom sleep peacefully. He glanced back to Ianite, raising an eyebrow at the strange expression on her face. Choosing to view that expression as mourning or wanting, he smirked. Why not have a bit of fun with his sister? He knew that she had been close to the last champion of hers, and he hadn't died that long ago. This would be fun. "Missing your champion?" Dianite asked, gleefully watching as Ianite stiffened but didn't look at him. Not exactly the reaction he wanted. "I heard that you were very close to him. What was his name again?" Ianite gritted her teeth at Dianite's 'playful' teasing, keeping her eyes on Tom. She wasn't going to let Dianite do this too her. At least she had something to one-up him with; her champion was still alive. "Jordan, wasn't it? Poor bloke." Dianite chuckled as Ianite closed her eyes, letting out a heavy sigh.

"Dianite." She replied, her voice carrying a warning that Dianite didn't heed.

"Let's not linger on the past, dear sister. I know it must bring up terrible memories for you." Dianite smirked as Ianite balled up her fists. She was reaching the edge, Dianite could feel it. Then he would show her followers who was the one being controlled by their emotions. Certainly, not him. "What about the beloved Captain Capsize? How is she fairing? Is she-" Dianite was cut off by Ianite teleporting the two of them away, her face masking her frustration greatly.

"Dianite. Enough." Her voice waved just the tinniest bit, and she hoped that Dianite hadn't noticed. "You will stop making jokes of my people, or I might not release your champion for this soon." Dianite frowned. He was expecting a tantrum, for Ianite to shout at him, to shoot spells at him. Anything but this, really. Goodness, when had his sister gotten so boring and stuck up, like Mianite? As Dianite opened his mouth to speak, he was cut off by an explosion that deafened the two of them. The ground rocked and the two gods wavered, Ianite gripping onto her desk to stop herself from falling over. Dianite grabbed onto a chair, waiting for the shaking to end. Glancing at Ianite, Dianite merely shrugged as she looked at him with concern. "Dianite. What have you done?' She asked, a hint of desperation in her voice.

"I'm sorry sister," Dianite sneered. "But I'm afraid that this is war."

(I'm on a roll today! I might actually post Chapter 18 as well as this one, just cause it's almost done and I enjoy seeing your guys' reactions lol)

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